
Eastern European Dancers

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Friday, November 14, 2014 1:25 PM
I see so many comments, and hear so much stuff in clubs, about Eastern European dancers that I thought that I'd share my observations relating to them. What's funny is the divergence of opinions about them. On this board, you'll often them referred to as ROBs. On the pink site and in some clubs, you'll read/hear American girls refer to them as dirty girls. In my experiences, neither is the case. As a guy who has spent a lot of time in clubs with Eastern European girls and had an ITC/OTC favorite who was Russian, I got a bit of an education. First off, many of them originally get here on tourist visas and then just don't return when the visas expire. That means that, at least for a period of time, many of these girls are dancing without papers. That is why they seem to be concentrated at certain clubs, since not all clubs will take girls who cannot work legally in the States. In the ones that do, there is often an agency arrangement in between the girls and the club, with the "agency" responsible for dealing with the paperwork. Contrary to the purported nonsense about Russian mafia, these agencies, at least in NY metro, are usually run by former dancers who know the club owners and are in the U.S. legally. The Eastern European girls learn about who to contact to work in which clubs through friends and family already here. So another myth put to rest is the notion that these girls are trafficked in any way. They come to the U.S. of their own accord and voluntarily decide to work in a strip club of their choosing. They also move around from club to club at their discretion. Some of the girls that I've met start out by doing things like cleaning houses, but quickly got sick of it and decided to strip instead. In the NY metro area (including certain CT and N. NJ clubs), the vast majority of the Eastern European girls live in Brooklyn and travel together to the clubs in shared vans. This is mostly a matter of convenience, since many of these girls do not have cars. The cost of the ride is also included in the nightly fee that they pay to the agency, so it is a no brainer. These girls take their jobs seriously. Not only do they have to cover the house fees and tip-outs, but also the agency fees, so they tend to have a big nut to cover each night. Many of them also need to send money home to help family members. Net-net, they are in those clubs to earn and many of them know how to part men from their money. The fact that most of them are also often the hottest girls in their clubs doesn't hurt either. Many of them are also bright and university educated, often speaking multiple languages. However, they are also down to earth, coming from hard places. The combination of beauty, intelligence, and savvy street smarts all add up to girls who have a lot of talents, including the ability to beguile men. They know their value and, contrary to what the American girls think, don't give up their goods cheaply or easily. They tend to be confident and playful, all the while gauging what it will take to separate the focus of their attention from his cash. They often give high contact LDs in the clubs in which they work, all the more to soften the big heads of the guys who they dance for, but you generally won't have much luck in getting anything beyond that ITC. Indeed, the girls who travel together self-police each other as none of them want that kind of reputation ITC. With the girls that I dealt with, OTC was possible, but not cheap or easy to obtain. The group of girls that I got to know had what they called "boyfriends", which really amounted to American SD who took them on dates and gave them help with bills, etc. They usually saw these guys during the day or on nights that they were not working ITC. I started to get sucked in that direction with one Russian favorite, and had some wonderful nights out with her, but at the end of the day she simply wanted more than I was willing to commit to. But it was a fun ride while it lasted. ;) On one final note, along with their beauty, charm and earthy attitudes, one other nice thing that I enjoy about Eastern European girls is the fact that I don't think I ever saw one stoned on anything besides alcohol. And when they did drink ITC, it was always on some customer's tab, since they were not going to waste their own money on something like that, as much as those girls like to drink - lol. Anyway, just a few observations fwiw.


  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Interesting read. I have rarely had a bad experience with a Russian girl, in fact only two days ago I knobbed a gorgeous girl from Moscow at her flat in London. I find most EE girls to be nice, especially Poles, Czechs and Russians. I stay clear of Hungarians though.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Truthfully I have run into that many but was not impressed by the ones that I did meet. I hear that their is an abundance of them in Myrtle Beach. My only bad experience was with a Czech girl at an Atlanta Club. She was wearing a ton of glitter and when I told her that was a "no no" she said that she didn't care. That it was the customers problem. She moved to Myrtle Beach to be with friends.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    @London: I haven't met many Poles or Czechs. Most of the EE girl that I dealt with were Russian, we a smattering of Ukraine girls. I met one girl once from Kazakhstan and she was a Eurasian beauty. @Shadow: Funny you should mention that. Myrtle Beach seems to be a popular point of entry for these girls. I met more than a few who started dancing down there first and then moved up to NY.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Myrtle and some other seaside tourist towns attract a ton of seasonal help from the Eastern European student population. Presumably that makes it a comfortable destination for the ladies.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I used to have a condo just north of Myrtle Beach and there were two clubs in particular that had a lot of Russian and Eastern European dancers. Many were very beautiful but most impressed me as being quite aloof. Other than a sloppy HJ once and lipstick stains on my trouser front once I never was too successful with them. However they were usually very successful in emptying my wallet.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    All human trafficking victims. DOOMED!
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I've encountered lots of Russian and EE girls over the years. Mostly in New York, myrtle beach, and Charlotte (men's club) and also other places. The majority range from mediocre to outright ROBs. They are pretty to look at, but the vast majority have been very low mileage, very expensive, and with a strong sense of entitlement. Several ROBs, a few of which took me for a ride when I was less experienced. I also find their accents very difficult to understand. Yes there have been a couple of fun ones over the years, as there are exceptions to every rule, but overall they are one of my least favorite groups of dancers.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I've met some Czech girls or girls from Hungary and I enjoyed their dances and company quite well. I was wondering if I was an exception since they came back to me a lot. Of course I've met several dancers from several foreign countries and most were friendly. I usually meet ROB'S who are American dancers when I meet them. I suspect it might be part of the entitlement generation of American dancers feeling they deserved to be paid or get more than everyone else regardless of club rules regarding fixed dance prices, etc. etc.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    . Good lowdown Rick. Thank you. I've gotten dances from East Euro girls in NY, NJ, LA, Atlantic City (& of course in European cities) - but don't see 'em in Texas. I'll stick with latinas down in texas for now. They don't seem to have onerous financial burdens - and hence free spirited and happy. I'd like to hear if some parts in america have concentration of Brazilian dancers. Them round asses - yum yum.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    The only times I ever seen Eastern European dancers are when I went back to the Chicago area and went to some of the western suburban clubs, or the Admiral Theater. And that was so long ago I don't really remember anything good or bad, other than a lot of them were hot. I think part of the reason some people think they are ROB's is because their culture is so far different from ours. It's always an adjustment going to another country and they probably think all they have to be is hot. But stripping isn't only about being hot. Not only that, I believe Eastern Europe, which I will take to mean all the old Warsaw Pact countries, are the poorest part of Europe, so they probably value money more than American strippers.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    There were several Russian girls working at Deja Vu in Cincinnati before the club closed. They were all very beautiful and very sexy but I found them to be more playful before you took them to VIP. They would be grabbing your dick and stroking you out front but when you got to VIP they gave a very low contact air dance for most of the time. I found I could get more from them during the "sales pitch" than in the "delivery room". They would use their misunderstanding of the language as an excuse not to give up the goods or give you what was agreed to. I like good old American Sluts where there is no confusion or question on what is said or promised and agreed to.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    @ Rick. I've never had a bad session with a Polish or Czech girl. They are so damned good in the sack, there's something about them which sets them apart from other EE girls.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Any special adjustments to The System when running it on EE girls?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Running "the System" on EE girls? Simple: 1. Watch the "Portrait of a Russian Oligarch" [view link] as many times as you can. 2. Act like a Russian Oligarch that will take said EE stripper back to one of your many luxury estates, where you will pay her handsomely and she will let you fuck her asshole whenever you want. Works every time. Just exude the "I'm an oligarch" vibe. Do not bring KFC to the club. Undercuts the oligarch vibe.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    What if you have a well-dressed valet bring the KFC in on a silver platter? Could it work then?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^ I think stuffed cabbage and coffee cake would work better on those girls
  • RickyBoyDugan
    10 years ago
    That's right. Eastern European girls are the Gordon Gekko's of the stripper world. Why I worship them. Want to be them!
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I've experienced many a Russian beauty, and despite their business like approach and general curtness, I have always left very, very happy after a VIP with them.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    They are all over the map in every way, only exception being, yes they do seem to place a higher value on education than american girls.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    "... I like good old American Sluts where there is no confusion or question on what is said or promised and agreed to ..." USA! USA! USA!
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Very interesting topic, rick. My much lesser strip club experience than yours has not brought me into the clutches of dancers like these. I would have liked the chance to have had some of your experiences. Closest for me was Toronto sweetie. She is from Hungary and one of her 5 languages was Russian. I have always considered Hungary to be central Europe but that is probably splitting hairs for the purposes of this discussion topic. Toronto sweetie was certainly a different breed of cat compared to all the Canadian-born or American-born dancers that I have known. However, Toronto sweetie was a mature woman of 40 or so when I met her and she had been completely Canadianized by then. I haven't heard even a peep from Toronto sweetie since she dumped me almost a year ago to start a retail business. I admit to being a bit surprised that I haven't received a pleading money call from her.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Funny Russian Mafia story-Couple of so-called Russian Mafia dudes are in West Valley detention Center, talking shit to the guards and fellow inmates. They get processed and now are in gen pop. They start talking lots of shit to some Brothas from Little Africa(hood in San Bernardino). I guess they must've watched Training Day one time too many. Those Brothas made Borsch outta those Ruskies.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    I gotta debate with you on this one Ricky ol' boy While yes I hear that the majority if not all of them migrate from Brooklyn in a packed out van to areas like manhattan and queens (doubt you'll ever see them in the Bronx), only half of them are educated and all of them are here to stay. The other illiterate (actually more than half, more like 6/8ths) get SOME education from their educated sisters and try to portray themselves as educated when half of what they say is a lie. Every time I go to the club I ALWAYS run into a EE and half the things they talk about doesn't make sense. And I have tested them on their knowledge. Their main source of income is from White American men and probably no other race. You had a good experience with like two I'm sure, but the majority are, while very persistant are terrible at seduction. I could throw them a $40 on stage, they will wink and thank me and hit up three people while getting denied three times before rolling right back around to me. And as for the actual lap dances themselves, BORING at best, NONEXISTANT at worst. No touching, hands to the side, extremely careful about how their bodies gyrate to the point that if you positioned your hands just right, your middle finger wouldn't even graze their bodies. And we are all hands on type of folks so there's a double wammy in a bad way right there. To give an example, not even LDK could get an LDK off of them. I'm sure if you buy them at least 3 drinks, will the dances get better....after you pay for that private time ($200 tip not included because I have had a girl ask for that...seriously). Street smart, what's your definetion of street smart? How the corporate streets of manhattan run? Or maybe how the Jewish ABC streets runs? That's the only street smart I can assume your referring to because they act like they never been anywhere where actual street smarts apply. I had a lady tell me how great it is to walk the nice cobblestone streets of Brooklyn at 2am. Probably talking about Williamsburg and that isn't saying much about that. If they were really street smart, they'd take the train. I bet you it's cheaper. Lastly, their just too damn skinny for their own good. It's a wonder their panties don't fall off if they stand up straight. But as a man who likes SOME meat on a woman's bones, that's preference.\ I always figured they weren't part of a mafia but those those russian bouncers, I don't know man.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    I ran into one in Lust (Greenville). She was a good looking, bust brunette and a very active dancer. When I went up to tip her she asked, "You like Russian vimen?" I said, "Actually I prefer my women to take their time ...."
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Estafador, your experiences differ in some respects from mine, but fair enough. I do wonder, though, how many of them have actually been motivated enough to try very hard with you. I hate to say it this way Esta, but from what you've posted before, you've given us the impression that you are not exactly giving off that high roller vibe. And of course their primary source of income is white men - they are working as strippers after all. I also question how you would have any clue as to the literacy of a girl that you sit with. Just a few thoughts.
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