
Opinions: Are "Sugar Babies" Just a Bunch of Hookers?

Was watching Lisa Ling's episode about Seeking Arrangements on CNN the other day. It was actually hard to make it through to the end just because of the amount of denials on both sides.

Sugar Daddies insisting that the "arrangements" were more about them generously mentoring young women and providing he with financial support to help them with her goals than wanting sex. Ok, first of all I think most of them are completely in denial about that one. Some must know they are full of shit others are off in fantasy land/hyperspace. For the few who really aren't interested in sex, okays that's even weirder than just paying a hooker for sex, where's it's clear what your goal is.

On the Sugar Baby side the denial is equally amusing. There was a clip of Dr Phil asking a group of them "Are y'all just a bunch of hookers?" They were absolutely shocked by this question. Like how could anybody think that? Lots of rationalizations about why they are not. All in all, though let's just ignore the little fact that they are having sex for money. I guess if you just pretend there isn't that fact the question is not as clear...

All softball question from Lisa Ling. It would have been nice if she asked one of these "non hookers" what would happen in their "relationships" if they stopped providing sex. Would they except the money flow to them to continue?

Here on TUSCL these days, it looks like it's about 50/50 split between those who are in denial about what is going on when they pay strippers for sex, which is they are hookers and you are a John - and those who rationalize it as something else.

If that Lisa Ling show is a representative sample the denial level there looks close to 100%. (Not that I have any reason to trust her and CNN not to have an agenda on that one. If she can portray thing sympathetically I guess there is more money to be made then just a show about guys who pay hookers for sex.)

So what do folks here think? Was the answer to Dr Phil's question an affirmative? Are "sugar babies" just a bunch of hookers using a euphemism?


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    If it walks and talks like a duck......
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Of course they are hookers. But they are probably high end, lower mileage hookers. The fact that they fuck fewer men than a street hooker, for far more money, allows them to rationalize the claim that they aren't prostitutes. It's a modified form of StripperSpeak. They figure they'd be fucking their boyfriend anyway, and it's really not that much different just because they have several boyfriends. As long as they don't have sex with every guy who asks, they can convince themselves that it's not prostitution.

    As for the claim that their is no sex involved, either 1) it's a complete lie for TV, or 2) the guys are complete morons. I suspect some of both.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Notwithstanding the foregoing, my relationship with my DS is primarily motivated by my desire to mentor her and support her education. The fact that she's a perfect 10 who is the most sexually exciting woman I've ever met is at most a side issue. It's definitely the mentoring aspect of the relationship that gets me off.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I've never had a sugar baby, but I've provided some strippers with a good income.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Since the rates for them are about what I spend in SCs each month, I was curious about a year ago and bought the CEOs book. But if was pure rationalization/denial. I couldn't tell if he was knowingly spewing BS for legal cover or if people in that game believe their own lies.

    If it's just BS for legal cover, and you're not really expected to believe the Seeking Arrangement company line I guess it could be cool, but there does seem to be evidence there is a very weird class of "men" (see how I put that in quotes) out there that find going out to dinner and being seen with her and the pretend like just as important as the sex.

    Are there girls on that site who just acknowledge they are hookers and you don't have do all the stupid pretend relationship with? Because if they are that could be cool.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Of course they are ho's.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I enjoy going out to dinner and having "dates" with strippers. But that's because the whole time I'm anticipating the sex were going to have at the end of the evening. It's all pointless without the sex.
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    I have used Sugarbaby sites and yes there are some out and out hookers on there who will quote you an hourly price without even seeing what you look like.

    Technically, I guess all that provide sex for "sugar" are hookers although generally not high mileage ones. My experience is the sugar is about what one would pay for an escort but generally there isn't a clock on the time. I've done overnights for $200 several times. It's a good alternative to strippers but one does need to be careful with his identity as there are some psycho bitches out there.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Just ask, that's what I do.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    Is that online? If so could you PM a link to the video?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Not sure I recorded it on my FIOS DVR.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Ok, not sure I'm following those who say a girl can provide sex for money but not be high mileage. Huh?
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    for those who didn't see this episode. Gonna watch it after school.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Unanimous so far. Just a bunch of hookers. No dissenters?
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    i disagree Dougster. Sugar Babies will try as hard as they can to avoid putting out that pussy and still collect the dough out of your pockets. Hookers actually put in work fucking you (it is an exercise after all) or giving the BJs to collect their pay. SB just walk by your side looking pretty. No real work there. Hell, their stylist does their work for them, maybe SB should give stylists a cut of the dough.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Really? So some dopes are paying them even for no sex? How frequent is that? Mind boggling that such men exist.

    Ok, I'm with you there. If SB exist who are getting paid for no-sex, they aren't hookers. Got to think that's pretty rare though. Am I wrong???
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Hookers on the outside, girlfriend in the inside.

  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Any woman who's purpose in providing sex is to gain money, support, security or any other material gain is the moral equivalent of a street hooker.

    Bear in mind that I do *not* consider any of those women to be *im*moral, just morally equivalent. It's her body, and with whom she chooses to have sex and why is between her and that person, or people, and nobody else. Nor is it subject to anyone else's judgement.

    Yes, I'm aware that the law and the majority of the American population disagree with me. They're wrong.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    @Dougster well according to that Dr. Phil show that's definetely the case 7 times out of 10 that no sex is happening. But like I said, they try real hard to not have to fuck, key word, "try". The real question is, who would you respect more, the lazy hoe that refuses to fuck but wants a car or the hooker who absolutely gives you the pussy as long as you got the cash? In my opnion it's the hooker, at least she's doing actual work and not JUST strutting her stuff.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Just watched the full episode. The emphasis on mentoring is hilarious.

    My main take away is that strip clubs are the way to go for any paid sex relationship. Some of these idiots are paying thousands and just getting teased. Insane. Strippers are so much easier than all this bullshit.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I have had a few SM/SB relationships and it was clear that sex was to be exchanged for physical possessions and/or cash. They are whores, under the guise of "professional girlfriends".
  • HungryGiraffe
    10 years ago
    Love the wide spectrum of sex workers. SB's are just one flavor. None are more moral than others. The SB not having sex is no better than the street hooker fucking 20 guys a day.
  • Eagle1191
    10 years ago
    I have to say "sugar babies" are lower then hookers, or strippers big time, since they can pull all kinds of BS denials before/if they ever have sex with the "sugar daddy" just walking next to him or doing this "pretend girlfriend" crap while they continue to gouge a guy's wallet. "Sugar babies" are also a hell of a lot more expensive with less honesty as they could be with just one "sugar daddy" or stringing a bunch of them on for little to no pay off.

    Strippers can give fake affection but you actually get what you pay for and know a good stripper can make that experience very fun for a fixed price with lots of options and a variety of people. Hookers also have more honor as you know you are going to get sex out of it once you pay, no "buy my this and maybe....." crap cause the hooker would be out of business fast trying to pull that garbage.

    I also laugh at the "mentoring" BS that some "sugar daddies" claim cause that shit is so false and full of lies it's not funny, heck they are so delusional they are making up such a laughable farce.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    To me, sugar babies who offer sex are hookers on retainer, while sugar babies who resist the sexual component are probably the equivalent of trophy wives, long after the honeymoon's over and without any of the legal paperwork but still with a ton of the bills.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Looks like the "mentoring" role was a big part of it for our very own stevie-girl. Learn to get a "sensitive" $40k/y bureaucratic lifer job like his one day!

  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    A whore by any other name is still a whore.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    estie: "real question is, who would you respect more, the lazy hoe that refuses to fuck but wants a car or the hooker who absolutely gives you the pussy as long as you got the cash? In my opnion it's the hooker, at least she's doing actual work and not JUST strutting her stuff."

    Not sure about that one. I'm inclined to agree, but the motivation of men who will dish out money just to be *seen* with a young hooker and not actually fuck her is a complete mystery to me. Sure people are looking at them. But I don't think it's positive attention like "wow! I wish I could have a girl like that when I'm an old fuck." I think people are wise to the fact that hookers, escorts, prostitutes whatever you want to call them exist in this world. And if you see an old fuck with a young girl clinging to him, that's probably why. I guess some old fucks are able to kind themselves though.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I'm surprised steve229 doesn't have any thoughts on this matter!
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    In my experience, sex occurs about 50% of the time on the first "date". If it doesn't by the second, I'm out of there. I don't feel the need to mentor or be seen in public with an attractive younger woman.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • bman77
    10 years ago
    I've had some success with the seekingarrangement site. These girls don't think they are hookers but definitely are, so just play along with them. I just tell them I'm a busy professional looking for a friend and intimacy without strings with benefits for them. The pluses are they are often very low mileage and don't clock watch. As magicrat said you can spend an evening with them and pay what you would pay a stripper to do for an hour. On the SA site the girls speak about a monthly allowance. This is very easy to work around. You just indicate you'd like to do things by the meeting at first to make sure there's a connection. That works a lot of the time. None of the thousands of dollars a month allowance garbage is needed. If the girl won't agree to that, just move on, too many of them will. The girls I've met off SA have had normal jobs, going to school etc, not as jaded, hard edged and druggy as strippers and escorts in general.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    bman77: "These girls don't think they are hookers but definitely are,"

    But stevie-girl says they are "civies".
  • RandomMember
    9 years ago
    Terrific old thread deserves a bump.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes it does, but I am concerned about where Dougster is, and also Steve229, and now also Rick Dugan.

    Consider instead of Sugar Babies, the more European type of the Mistresses. Europe, Latin America, and Asia all use this other system.

    I don't think they are hookers.

    I mean really, as Comrade Engels has explored in depth, since we destroyed the old matrilineal system, what we have instead is this Marriage-Prostitution system. It is a continuum, where the main variable is social status.

    While I certainly do not want to go back to the matrilineal system, I don't go along with this present system either.



  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^randommember could be dougster for all we know.
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