
Comments by Stiletto25 (page 10)

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    12 years ago
    How fast do you go?
    I go the speed limit, maybe five over if the person behind me is lucky. I'm never in a rush to get anywhere.
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    12 years ago
    how to handle the commited guy
    You mean she's there in the club with him?
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    12 years ago
    Picking the Least Attractive Girl
    @mikeya- awwww that was a sweet comment. I think I'm am 18....in the face at least. I'm real picky about bodies and ill always find a part of mine that could use improvement but I wouldn't wish for a different face. Mines pretty good
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    12 years ago
    Boner etiquette in the club?
    @shadowcat- that's so funny
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    12 years ago
    Boner etiquette in the club?
    This is a rough one to answer so ill give you my own personal point of view and then a general point of view of most club workers. The general opinion would be that its so dark in the club, it would be difficult for most to notice. Alot of customers spend so much time seated that you wouldnt notice a boner in their pants. If someone did, no big deal.Btw, I find the word 'boner' hilarious. I'm a bit immature with some words and that one makes me giggle. My own personal opinion is that it depends on the kind of boner you're talking about lol. If its just half way, I wouldn't think anything of it. If its just out there and you're literally pitching a tent and strutting around the floor, I'd be thinking " what?". Anyhow I tend to find that guys that are that fired up going into a dance don't have alot of control. They finish with very little stimulation and may not even make it through one song. A guy that walks out of the VIP pitching a tent is money lost. They are inevitably going to grab someone else right away and spend money on her because you left him with a huge boner and you were a dead end. I need to clarify that the "boner" customer I'm talking about isnt the normal customer. Most guys don't pitch tents unless in VIP and they have control over themselves enough, even in the VIP, to gauge their wants and needs. If they're looking to finish that's fine but if they aren't, they can get it up and then finish the set of dances and bring it under control again.
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    12 years ago
    Dancer Names
    Gary and Crouton. They were both females
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    12 years ago
    Memorial Day
    Good thread
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    12 years ago
    POV: How To Treat A Woman
    I would appreciate #1. I won't deal with someone that isn't respectful.
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    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    You tip a dancer, tell her you're interested in a dance and she still does NOT s
    @clubber- I do sit and laugh sometimes but its not because I'm like all the other dancers. Lol I'm just kidding ....I don't tell someone I'm going to come see them if I'm not going to. If I can't make it right away, I'll give them a time frame or tell them I'm stuck with someone and that we'll have to catch up next time they come in. The possibilities are endless as to why a dancer doesn't come to see you after you've tipped and specifically asked. It's not a good idea to keep pursuing them if they don't come over. Its so easy to tell someone why you can't dance with them that it should tell you a little something about how they do business if they blow you off. I'd quit pursuing her and if she wants to dance with you, she'll come over. She should apologize before you dance with her though.
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    12 years ago
    Do strippers ever refused to dance with a guy?
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    12 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Rant on DJs
    A DJ makes most of his money off the dancers. The more they make, the more he makes. He almost puts more pressure on the customers than the dancers do. Music choice and volume has little to do with the DJ. That is a management issue and he does what they tell him to do.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do strippers ever refused to dance with a guy?
    Yes I have declined to dance with someone. It doesn't happen alot but it does happen.
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    12 years ago
    Dress Codes
    @jerikson- sorry to harp on you but I just went back and read your thread. Motorhead is right. In yourthe thread,you referred to women not dressing hot for you in public, the grocery store. Then you defended your rant in your many comments. Shorts don't mean slob but neither do yoga pants, which women wear for comfort. So motorheads comment is correct. You are dressing for comfort but women can't. If you stand by what you said in your thread, then yes, you are a hypocrite. No one feels better calling you that either. It sucks.
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    12 years ago
    Entertaining thread at the pink site
    I won't discuss myself but my friends don't report all of their income. They report enough to show that they do have earnings so that they are able to finance if they need to. Usually this reported income would be around $50,000. With all the write offs, they would still end up paying out each year but it doesn't end up being alot. They buy everything they can with cash. Housing is usually not paid for in cash but everything else can be worked out.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Ugly Americans
    I'd agree with Pablo on the fat topic. I also have a nice looking, in shape hairdresser. I don't think there is an unattractive one in the whole salon. They are selling an image and their own product. It seems like they would want to present themselves well while on the job. As for women who are obese, my heart goes out to them. Being a woman with a weight problem would be devastating. If you have genetics working against you, it's worse.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Ugly Americans
    According to the CDC, in a 2012 article, as of 2010 men have caught up with women on the obese scale.
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    12 years ago
    Would you hire an ex-stripper?
    It seems like alot of posters are citing examples of crappy strippers they know and their bad run of luck in getting and keeping a job after stripping. The women I know who have moved on from dancing have had no problem getting and keeping a job outside a strip club. Half of them won't have to work for anyone else ever. They have either started a business or married very well, neither of which is stupid depending on what they want out of life. The girls that have problems with employment would have had problems whether they were a stripper or not. Being a stripper doesn't break you. The way you handle a job, whether its a dancer or a lawyer, depends on the type of work ethic and motivation you have, which starts to develop at a preschool level. Dancing is a great way to make lots of money and if you're smart, it can pay off. I've met alot of smart dancers and even more that can play dumb if it gets them farther.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    I agree with Alucard and georg. They both make excellent points. Thesamarai makes a good point too. I would still be considered attractive even though I'm not dressed to turn heads. As for jeriksons comment that I suck and have a crappy, lazy, and selfish attitude regarding the fact that I don't feel the need to dress hot when grocery shopping, I was kind of surprised that he would take it that far. Lazy isn't a word I would use to describe myself. I'm always showered with my hair done and makeup presentable. My clothes are always clean no matter what I wear. Crappy attitude? For dressing comfortably while grocery shopping? That seems a bit harsh. Selfish? Yes I would say I am selfish. I do make a point to look out for other people and be kind. I do make monthly donations to my favorite charity etc.., but my selfless acts do not include dressing to impress men while grocery shopping.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    Who the fuck dresses to impress men when they are grocery shopping? Who gives a shit if anyone thinks they are hot when shopping at Costco? Please let me put on something hot so I can walk around for hours, pick shit up, and load my groceries in the car...sounds really useful. If I'm going out to lunch or dinner, a club, a day on alki, etc, I'm happy to give it my all for the special person who is with me. Groceries? Ummm I don't care
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    12 years ago
    Lucky with the lesbians lately
    I'm not a lesbian but it just doesn't seem right that a true lesbian would just one day say they were in the mood for some dick. I agree with lopaw. The dancer is bi.
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    12 years ago
    Opinions? Is plastic surgery a mental health condition?
    I don't judge people who get plastic surgery. If it makes them feel good, that's great. Botox and other non permanent injections don't really fit in my definition of plastic surgery. These injections wear off in three to six months so who cares. Getting plastic surgery doesn't mean someone has no or low self esteem. Every case is different.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Big natural boobs?
    I have naturally large boobs. They don't sag....now. Ask me again in fifteen years. I have a few friends with naturally large boobs and they ended up getting implants still.
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    12 years ago
    One-night stand
    Elron, this could be a test. If I considered myself happily married and my husband told me I could have a free pass for a one nighter, a red flag would go up. Nothing is completely free, especially with women. If you do choose to go through with it, there will be consequences. I don't know what they are but you should be prepared.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hey, fellow dancers! I need help choosing traveling clubs.
    Most clubs will allow traveling dancers. The larger clubs have websites where you can inquire about employment. The biggest issue you run into is that clubs like to see what they are hiring. What do you do? Spend the money to get there, walk in and have them say no. That's not worth the effort. You need to pick out a few clubs in one area that you want to go, call them and find out if they'll accept traveling dancers, then go there and visit each one. Someone is going to say yes and then you have a job. Don't travel to a new place the first time because you need the money. Its always a risk and you may spend more than you make. Research first and then it'll be lucrative