Just got back from hitting 5 clubs in 2 days. Besides more hearing loss from excessive volume, I feel the need to rant on some DJ related BS from this adventure.
Incident #1:
Most of time I can't understand a single word the DJ says. I stop in this one club, and there's no dancers on stage. I sit around for 40 minutes chated with one dancer, and still no dancer on stage. I ask the girl, what's the deal with the stage show? She syas she doesn't know and will ask the manager for me. Next thing you know, music stop, dead slince, then:
DJ (perfectly clear voice): "So you want us to do our job and put some dancers on stage do you?"
Me: "uh, isn't that part of what you guys do here?"
DJ (perfectly clear voice): "Fine, I gues we'll do our job and put some dancers on stage, but if you turn out to be a cheep bastard we're going to have a problem."
Incient #2: (differnt club)
DJ anounces: "Uh, dude, no using you cell phone at the stage."
Now, I can't be 100% sure that was directed at me, but given the number of guys ITC and the location of the DJ booth... I'm think he's refering to me.
No Mr. DJ, that big square-ish thing in my hand is a big stack of one's. You bitch between each song to tip the dancers right? How you think I'm going to do that with out a stack of bills?
Incidnt #3: (yet another club)
Not some much an incident, but an observaton... Walk into this club, and not only is the music loud, but the situation is so bad the speakers are actually making a high pitch squaling sound at certain parts of the song. Yo Mr. DJ, I believe that's called clipping. Your speakers can't go any louder. Not only is that bad for you equipment, it's not remotely plesant to listen to.
Thank you for a great post. I've nearly learned to accept the excessively loud music. I don't know why they can't turn it down just a notch, but I guess that's the way it is.
I hope there are some DJs on here that can explain why you have to speak in that over the top fake DJ voice. Let me make this clear. WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND A WORD.
I guess as long as the owners of strip clubs are convinced that playing the music too loud & employing obnoxious DJs will create a party atmosphere and therefore convince us to spend more money, we will just have to bear it in order to get what we are really after. Hot women getting nasty.
I had been given a t-shirt at a strip club during a promo deal. I wore it to a different club once and the DJ made an announcement that I was rude. I felt like saying FUCK YOU. Where is my free t-shirt from this club?
I have come to the conclusion that the music is played so loudly in order to discourage conversations. Since you can't talk over the music, you spend more time drinking...
I agree with sasquatch. The clubs don't want customers sitting around talking, except to buy dances. If customers could yak with dancers and get acquainted, they might not spend money on trips to the VIP where, usually, the volume is lower and conversations are possible. The high volume literally blasts you to the VIP if you want to talk to a dancer.
A DJ makes most of his money off the dancers. The more they make, the more he makes. He almost puts more pressure on the customers than the dancers do.
Music choice and volume has little to do with the DJ. That is a management issue and he does what they tell him to do.
If they are there to promote the dancers and help The dancers make money which in turn helps them make money - then talk in a voice so we can understand the dancer's name!
I have never seen a DJ perform any service that was beneficial to MY strip club experience. Most of the time I cannot understand a word he says. It would be nice if they would simply announce the name of the next dancer in a voice that could be understood. Any other gibberish that they spew out is worthless in my opinion. I am usually a daytime customer who like most who visit during the day are not looking for a party atmosphere. Maybe the loud music and DJ rantings are appropriate for a nightime party crowd, but it would be nice if they did away with that during the day. I would be satisfied if they eliminated the DJ all together. Mons Venus in Tampa may be THE most successful strip club in America and to my knowledge they have never had a DJ in over 30 years of operation. And their nightime atmosphere is as wild as anywhere I have been. the crowd responds to the dancers, not the DJ.
I don't know what to say about DJ's. Most of them seem annoying, but most of the places I go to which have them have the nonintrusive kind, where all they say is who the dancer is, who the next dancer is, and whatever promotions they run. OTOH, the one place I go to with an intrusive DJ, whoever it is always seems to think he is the center of attention and always disrupts the song. It doesn't matter which one it is, because they all do it. I think all they really care about is making as much money as humanly possible there. As for volume, it would be helpful if they didn't have so many goddamn speakers all over the place at most places I go to.
My experiences are similar to Dandy's, with a few exceptions. I barely even register that there IS a DJ, with the exception of a couple of places where the DJ tries to take over the show.
On the volume front, I actually think that many clubs have gotten a lot better about this. Nowadays, I can usually have a conversation with the girls in most of the clubs that I frequent. Back in the day, the loud volume approach seemed almost universally applied.
Easy solution, go to another club. Not all are the same volume and obnoxiousness (new word). Of course, some locals do not have that option, but in S. Florida, I do.
Speaking as a club operator, I can tell you that any DJ I employ has to speak in a way that the crowd can understand him. Its my number one priority, without a doubt. After that, it's can he keep the energy level up. While that may not be essential in many clubs, in mine it is. We don't get a lot of men coming in just looking to get their rocks off. Here, it's more of an entertainment destination. We get big groups of 5-15 young people coming in after work for a show. Having a good DJ is HUGE. He must be entertaining. Finding a DJ like that is exceptionally difficult. It's ten times easier to find hot dancers than it is to find a great DJ, at least in my market. As for the volume of the music, it's typically kept loud for many reasons. Energy level is one, for sure. The other is that it gives a sense of intimacy because you and your dancer have to talk into each others ears to hear each other. In other words, it makes you guys sit very close to each other!
"Speaking as a club operator, I can tell you that any DJ I employ has to speak in a way that the crowd can understand him"
Thank you. I applaud you for that. I don't mind the obnoxious or intrusive antics. I understand what they are trying to do. My complaint is talking in an unnatural voice we can't understand.
"As for the volume of the music, it's typically kept loud for many reasons. Energy level is one, for sure. The other is that it gives a sense of intimacy because you and your dancer have to talk into each others ears to hear each other. In other words, it makes you guys sit very close to each other!"
On the other hand, if the music wasn't so fucking loud that a banshee would complain, then I'd sit very close to her just so others couldn't overhear.
I appreciate your candor on this subject, but "so you'll sit closer" is an idiotic reason. I don't need ear bleed inducing volume to prompt me to sit close to a pretty, mostly naked, girl. And anybody who does is in the wrong place...
I hear what you guys are saying, and appreciate the counter points. That's why I visit this site. But here's some more candor for you George, lol...most of the people on this site are strip club vets that know all of our tricks that are designed to get customers to spend. You folks here see through all that. But the truth is, most people coming in are not people with that kind of experience.
The loud volume chased me out of clubs - my ears would literally ring for two hours or more after getting out of the place I frequented. I'm not kidding that it was painful.
@tigerfan3: "most of the people on this site are strip club vets that know all of our tricks that are designed to get customers to spend. You folks here see through all that. But the truth is, most people coming in are not people with that kind of experience."
I am...skeptical of the claim that people don't see through this. At one local club, the DJ plays music so loud that you literally cannot hear someone shouting from more than a foot away. The ostensible target demographic for this club (as stated by the management on more than one occasion) is young, black, "thug" wannabe types. I have heard, while sitting outside the front door in the "smoking" area, on more than one occasion that very demographic complaining about the excessive volume as they leave.
If it works for you, then it works for you. I'm thinking customers are a little brighter than you give them credit for, but maybe in your locale that's not true.
Because of the dress code at my club, the "thug" types leave before coming in. If they do try to come in, they don't feel comfortable and leave or get tossed. Honestly, early in the day it works best for us if the music is kept lower. Late at night, in a club full of younger folks it really needs to be loud.
Tigerfan3 -- Your club must be an exception to the rule so far as the DJ speaking in a clear voice. I can think of only one club in my experience where the DJ spoke the dancers' names clearly (and repeated them during and after her set, clearly) -- this was enhanced by the fact that at the end of each set he identified the dancer stepping down and the dancer coming up with NO Music playing -- which makes a huge difference. I hope that you pass the word to other managers to tell their DJsto get their acts together.
last commentI hope there are some DJs on here that can explain why you have to speak in that over the top fake DJ voice. Let me make this clear. WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND A WORD.
I had been given a t-shirt at a strip club during a promo deal. I wore it to a different club once and the DJ made an announcement that I was rude. I felt like saying FUCK YOU. Where is my free t-shirt from this club?
Music choice and volume has little to do with the DJ. That is a management issue and he does what they tell him to do.
Al Bundy: "Peg, it's a place where horny men congregate to watch surgically altered hooters sway to bad music."
'nuff said.
The dancers make money which in turn helps them make money - then talk in a voice so we can understand the dancer's name!
I am usually a daytime customer who like most who visit during the day are not looking for a party atmosphere. Maybe the loud music and DJ rantings are appropriate for a nightime party crowd, but it would be nice if they did away with that during the day. I would be satisfied if they eliminated the DJ all together. Mons Venus in Tampa may be THE most successful strip club in America and to my knowledge they have never had a DJ in over 30 years of operation. And their nightime atmosphere is as wild as anywhere I have been. the crowd responds to the dancers, not the DJ.
On the volume front, I actually think that many clubs have gotten a lot better about this. Nowadays, I can usually have a conversation with the girls in most of the clubs that I frequent. Back in the day, the loud volume approach seemed almost universally applied.
Thank you. I applaud you for that. I don't mind the obnoxious or intrusive antics. I understand what they are trying to do. My complaint is talking in an unnatural voice we can't understand.
On the other hand, if the music wasn't so fucking loud that a banshee would complain, then I'd sit very close to her just so others couldn't overhear.
I appreciate your candor on this subject, but "so you'll sit closer" is an idiotic reason. I don't need ear bleed inducing volume to prompt me to sit close to a pretty, mostly naked, girl. And anybody who does is in the wrong place...
I am...skeptical of the claim that people don't see through this. At one local club, the DJ plays music so loud that you literally cannot hear someone shouting from more than a foot away. The ostensible target demographic for this club (as stated by the management on more than one occasion) is young, black, "thug" wannabe types. I have heard, while sitting outside the front door in the "smoking" area, on more than one occasion that very demographic complaining about the excessive volume as they leave.
If it works for you, then it works for you. I'm thinking customers are a little brighter than you give them credit for, but maybe in your locale that's not true.