Is possible to dance in US without work permit?

avatar for FrenchyJeanne

I am French, I am dancing in Canada with a visa and a work permit.
However, I would like to go to dance to US, UNFORTUNATLY I don't have any work permit.
Do you know, if it's possible to dance without?
If it's possible... where should I go?

I leave in Vancouver now, I would like to go to Seattle, Vegas or LA, but a bit lost about the choice.
I am waiting for your advices.

By the way, if an other stripper from Van want to join, we can make a plan!

Thank you.


last comment
avatar for EarlTee
13 years ago
You should post your question at
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
You should PM Stiletto25. She's tremendously helpful & very knowledgeable.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Is it possible to dance in US without a work permit? Yes. Many dancers from Europe and Latin America work in clubs without any documents. But to be legal, you would need a work visa.

Where should you go? I would suggest Detroit because I live there and I like girls with French accents. But since you're in Vancouver, Seattle or LA or Vegas would be closer. You should check out reviews of some clubs in those cities to see if you would want to work in them.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
C'est tres difficile de travailler aux Etats-Unis sans 'la carte verte' meme aux cabarets de strip tease.

Pourquoi quitter Vancouver? C'est une tres belle ville. Quel club a Vancouver? No 5 Orange?

(Pardon, ordinateur anglais - pas d'accents).
avatar for Bogeyman1
13 years ago
Houston seems to be a sanctuary city and very dancer friendly. Freeways and runways double as welcome mats. The most multcultural city I know. Hottest dancer I've met came from Montreal and worked there. You can be comfortable as long as you hug the AC which is everywhere even sporting venues.
avatar for trickystick
13 years ago
Jeanne, this is a bit awkward.

Yes, I will marry you.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Yes! In the US, a woman that sucks dick well can do most anything she wishes.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Not only will be able to dance, but you will be able to register and vote Democrat and receive welfare.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
I have a slightly different take on this. In my opinion, because most dancers are independent contractors, not employees, you will not need a work permit. Most clubs probably won't even ask, because they won't be paying you directly; you will be earning money from customers.

Now, I suspect you probably need some type of visa to run a business in the US, which is essentially what you'll be doing. Maybe go about doing your research with this in mind.
avatar for EarlTee
13 years ago
Following Art's lead, I will break out my very fine French, courtesy of Labelle : Jeanne, voulez-vous coucher avec moi ?
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Many cities will make you get an entertainers and business license. You have to go to a city hall and register for a business license and a separate entertainers license. They will require a social security number and they will fingerprint you and run a background check. There will be a fee associated with this.

I would check with the club you want to work in.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I will also add that if you are not an American citizen and you will be working and living here, its really best to do it legally and get a visa.
avatar for canny
13 years ago
Many clubs will hire almost anyone to strip, you just need to show them your ID to prove you're 18. A couple don't even ask for that, I know two strippers who were stripping when they were 17 who never got caught. One of them has her photo on the web site of the club she's working at now that she's legal.
avatar for lovemetiddys
13 years ago
No you will not need a work permit but some clubs will require a us social security card. This is for tax purposes . If you don't have it they will not hire you. I would stick to low key clubs and no big names where they usually ask.
avatar for lovemetiddys
13 years ago
Vegas you need a license to dance. If you are interested you could dance in ny. There are clubs that will ask but most will not.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
the best thing you can do is get a work visa
avatar for gsv
13 years ago
For some reason it seems very easy to start dancing in New York. Take a look at Flashdancers in Manhattan, you'll fit right in given the demographic of girls there. You're cute and will probably do well here.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Work permit to be a stripper? I dont think so
avatar for lovemetiddys
13 years ago
I agree with gsv
avatar for FrenchyJeanne
13 years ago
Thank You to all the people who gave me advices.
It's very kind. I will stay a bit in Canada and make a plan for coming later on in US.
I really want to visit.

CLUBBER and 91EXIL: Vous êtes des véritables enfants de putes, enfoirés!
avatar for ArchiePitcar
13 years ago
Touche! (avec un accent sur "e")
avatar for carl95
13 years ago

You would need a visa to work legally, I'm not sure which type, p maybe. But while you wait for it to clear you can visit the US, as a citizen of France, under the Visa Waiver Program. This will allow you to travel for 90 days for tourism and "business". I imagine this would allow you to find the club at which you wish to work. To qualify for the VWP you will need to sign up for ESTA.

Below are some related links:……
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
@clubber and 91exile,

If you didn't realize it, FrenchyJeanne really slammed you guys.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

50% of the students in my small town's school district have parents that are working here illegally. Did those people ask if it was ok? Who says dancers don't have high moral and ethical standards?
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