
Appreciate the ATF

Saturday, March 31, 2012 8:33 AM
So, I posted under another discussion thread I was hitting my favorite club last night. I had been away on buisness since middle of February, prompting many texts from several of the dancers I know, and of course my ATF whom I also have a OTC arrangement. It was nice to hear from them when I was away so long. So, all of them knew I was back as of Thursday and coming in to the club last night.....that is except the ATF. You see I had thought she was busy, so I made plans with several of the other dancers for last night and tonight. So, I walk into the club about 9:30pm last night, and it's packed, but the manager sees me and greets me like his long lost brother and I find a place at the bar. The bar keep, Katie, who is smoking hot, leans over the bar and practically jumps on top of me, and the first round is on the club....nice. So, here come the dancers whom I had talked to earlier and the three of them are all over me...nice....and to be real honest, it felt great to be treated like the long lost son and getting lots of attention on a night when the place was packed. Then all of the sudden hear comes to my ssurprise, the ATF, whose plans had obviously changed. I quickly envisioned all sorts of trouble, strip club dancer claws coming out, maybe a chick fight and such (hey, a guy can dream) but it was all good. The seas sort of parted for the ATF. I ask the other ladies to give us a minute, and I am hoping the ATF is not upset. I mean afterall, she was not supposed to be there anyway. She understands, and just tells me to have fun until the 2am closing, get worked up, and tells me I'll meet you back at our usual hotel spot after closing. This is why she is the ATF. I feared the worst, but it all worked out.I did get warmed up and the ATF delivered as usual. I cannot emphasize strongly enough guys that if you are lucky enough to cultivate a dancer to be the ATF, appreciate it while it lasts. Find that gem in the club and it can certainly be worthyour while. My ATF just left the room, and we have plans again tonight, after I get back from the club to see two dancers tonight. For the skeptics, I have no illusions...I'm over 50, but treat dancers right when derserved, and yes, that means money and I know that's part of why it was like Moses parting the sea last night, but hey, who doesn't like feeling like a king once in a while. Isn't that part of why we go? So fellow clubbers, have fun tonite if you are clubbing and get out there and see those dancers, and find that ATF!


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "and the first round is on the club....nice" I've NEVER been treated this way in a Club. LOL See PM please.
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Ive been given free drinks by managers or bartenders before. Of course i spend enough for it to make sense. :)
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I spend a lot too! LOL I guess NOT enough, or I just don't party LOUDLY enough! I'm just too quiet I suppose & I mind my own business. LMAO I just sit there with my ATF and enjoy her company, buy her drinks & shots and buy shots for the Shot girl & spend a LOT of $$$ on my ATF in the VIP. But hey, that doesn't qualify me for a FREE Pop or 2. Oh well...
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    My ATF is my world...yes I have lots of girls in juices "harem" but this rake is a huge sucker for my ATF.....I love her and she love me money lol !
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    "appreciate it while it lasts" exactly!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I've appreciated what all my ATFs have given me.
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    Bob, You are lucky. A few years ago I was sitting in a SC waiting for my new favorite to get off work so I could give her a ride home when a sweet, buxom blond sat down next to me. We talked for several minutes while my fav was onstage. As soon as fav stepped down from the stage she planted herself in my lap (still topless), swung one of my arms over her shoulder firmly placing my hand on her tit and proceeded to rub my package. I originally thought, "Hmmmm, fav and blond - possibilities!" Wrong! Fav then informed the blond that I was off limits in less than sterling language. After the blond left, fav turned to me, squeezing my package, and said, "Don't even think about checking out these other girls." Possessive, insecure and a little nuts (surprise, a wacky stripper) she did not remain my fav for long.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I don't mind a little possessiveness. It helps to keep the "Flys" away. LOL I tend to be exclusive with my ATF so I don't have a problem if she informs the other girls that I'm off limits, sterling language or NOT. LMAO I WOULD mind the Ball squeezing as a way for her to get her point across to me. So far neither of my 2 Ex-ATFs have acted that way with me & my current ATF seems to be a calm woman who doesn't appear to be insecure & CERTAINLY not Psycho! LMFAO
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    and I appreciate what my ATFs haven't given me
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