
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    washington dc
    Bathrooms at sc's and expectations
    @ Che: That's two days in a row for your great jokes! Keep 'em comin.
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    11 years ago
    Springtime is here!
    GSB: I'm with you. I like going to Hooters before a strip club. It's a good "warm-up." Unfortunately, I can't do that as often as I used to. There's only one Hooters left in the Puget Sound region, and it's about 60 miles from home, near the two most distant strip clubs within driving range of where I live. I prefer to club closer to home. And, there are none of the Hooters knock-offs in the region, that I've read about elsewhere.
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    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Bucket list
    To accomplish one's Fuckit list, as Gator mentioned, there is a pill you can take called, "Fukitol." If you'd like to see it, you're welcome to e-mail me at: [email protected]
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT. City fathers?
    I just looked up "tosser" It's not in my American English dictionary. So, I consulted www.dictionary.com It appears to be British slang: tosser (ˈtɒsə) — n slang ( Brit ) a stupid or despicable person [C20: probably from toss off (to masturbate)]
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    washington dc
    Bathrooms at sc's and expectations
    Like any business, the attention given to the bathrooms is something that customers notice. In restaurants, it's more critical. In strip clubs it apparently matters to some TUSCL members. That's why they comment on it. As Tiredtraveler mentioned, at Centerfolds in Seattle, that club's bathroom conditions are bad! It certainly influences my decision to go there. I can't stand its bathroom situation. He's correct. You're likely to have to wait for a dancer to leave a stall to take a piss. There are no urinals. I plan my trip there so that I use a bathroom at a nearby business before I arrive. When it's time to go, I go (meaning I leave the club for the night).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bad Club Repeats
    Good thread! I too used to have that problem. It's interesting that someone finally brought it up for discussion. I'm relieved to see that I'm not the only with who's experienced that. The word "convenience," is the most common word in the above comments. The lure of the *convenient* strip club brings us all in hoping the next time will be better. When I lived in L.A. and had tons of clubs to choose from, I suffered from the "convenience syndrome." Now that I live in Seattle where there are far fewer and less interesting clubs, I don't have that problem. I've developed a few favorite dancers among various clubs and usually do my club-going specifically to see my faves.
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT. City fathers?
    I knew I could count on Art to comment on this thread!
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT. City fathers?
    @ Londonguy: I'll PM you tomorrow with some details. @ Che: Hilarious story !!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT. City fathers?
    After I made my post, I went to view it. Then I saw Shadow had commented while I was writing mine. I would certainly include his comments as accurate.
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT. City fathers?
    "City fathers" may be a North American coloquial term. It loosely refers to local elected and appointed government officials, in prominent positions is municipal and local government. It could include other people outside of government who are influential in how government operates. Your question made me think of a reverse situation I had where I've wondered about some British slang. I'm a big fan of the 1996 British-made film, "Brassed Off." See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brassed_Off When I was watching the DVD of it, I made a list of 12 terms of British slang that I noticed, with the intention of looking them up later. Most I could tell what they meant with the context of the film, but I don't recall that I found any of them in my very American English dictionary! I find it fascinating how much the English language changes from one side of the pond to the other!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Cabaret License in Detroit?
    @ SuperDude: Thanks for the legal research. That language sounds like just about any city's code requirements for dancers. There's nothing unusual there that I read. I know one dancer here in Seattle, that got too many dance violations (extras) and couldn't get a license in another city next to Seattle because of her prior record. (The club she inquired at also wouldn't hire her, because they found her phone number in the then adult section of Craigslist.)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Cabaret License in Detroit?
    I can't speak about Detroit, but a lot of states require dancers to have a business license. It sounds as if this is the same thing. If so, the fee is even lower than I've heard of in some states. Here in Washington state, fees are over $200. for a business license. I don't know if business licenses show up on background checks.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What to do
    The excuse to leave my seat that I use most is, "Pleas pardon me. I'd like to go sit at the stage to watch the next dancer. I came specifically to see her." In only very rare instances will the cock-blocking dancer say, "May I join you at the stage?"
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    11 years ago
    Stripper With A PhD?
    The most common degree sought by strippers I've known was an MRS degree.
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    11 years ago
    Bras are bad for breasts, go braless instead
    As a skilled and seasoned boobologist, I don't believe the article. Bras still have my support. Especially when I get to play the role of "human bra," which all of my faves know I love to do. If they took the article seriously, I'd be out of a job at the clubs I go to!
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    11 years ago
    I don't go to shitty clubs.
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    11 years ago
    Dancer Names
    Founder's "Review Submission Guide" prefers that dancers' names not be mentioned. See the fourth paragraph, last sentence of https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=602 It seems that most of us who have written reviews, read that and remember it when composing a review. However, I wholeheartedly agree that the name of a ROB should be stated in a review.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    City of Industry Clubs - Changes Coming
    @ Inno: Thanks for your input. I knew I could count on you for local, accurate information. According to the club's website, it's definitely adhering to a 2:00 a.m. closing time: http://www.monarchsgc.com/ Also, rather than a copyright issue, I wonder if the name Monarch's, is just an attempt to convince the public that a new strip club is truly opening at the former Hawaii Theater location, after the failed attempt under the name, Pink's. Apparently, as of last October, the then potential name of Monarch's was known. See: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=20426 I wasn't aware of that at the time. If you'll notice my comments, I was only aware of Pink's back then.
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    11 years ago
    First OTC
    To add to Otto's advice: Instead of an *empty* envelope, cut up some pieces of paper, equivalent to the number of bills you would place in the envelope. Make the pieces the same size as currency. That way there will be some thickness to the envelope.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    washington dc
    dancers gaining too much weight
    I concur with the first three posters. At one club I go to there are two dancers who have weight problems: 1. Age 31. Has steadily gained weight since I first met her when she started dancing five years ago. She's very chubby now, and she does seem to be working more hours than a few years ago. Some people are more prone to weight gain that others. She's probably in that category. 2. Age 42. (I've described her before in other posts.) She's been dancing nearly all of her adult life. Still has a couple of regulars from her early years. But, in the last two years, she too, has gained weight. After her current regulars die off, I wonder if she'll be able to continue making a living as a dancer. That I'm aware of, neither the above has an exit strategy for the day when they can't dance any longer.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Law changes requiring dancers to be paid minimum wage at strip clubs?
    It's not just a Maryland issue. Like Gawker mentioned, it's an issue that pops up around the country. Strip clubs operate with their dancers as independent contractors. But more so, clubs treat their dancers more like employees. (Meaning the use of rules, schedules, pricing, etc.) They will do whichever when it's to the clubs' economic advantage to do so. In Las Vegas, Sapphire came under fire a few years ago. This 2010 article from the Las Vegas Sun, explains the issues: http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/oct/02/gentlemens-club-files-counterclaim-against-dancers/ Within the article, an L.A. area law firm is mentioned that specializes in strippers' rights. Some interesting reading there: exoticdancerrights.com I can just imagine what working for that law firm is like!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    1st time going to strip club. Lots of questions.
    You're right. Your list is too many questions. You said you're going with your older brothers, so it sounds like they've been to strip clubs before. Just enjoy whatever happens. Your time would have been better served by your writing a review of the club that you do go to. It would be interesting to read one from a customer who just turned 21 and just went to his/her (we do have female customer members on TUSCL) strip club. You will get varied answers to all of the questions you asked. So, just let it be a surprise, and we hope you do write a review of your trip. As you go to more clubs, you'll be able to answer your own questions.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    washington dc
    "Thank you for the props and the good things you said about me on that strip clu
    Somewhat related: I try to be careful as to what I post on TUSCL, because I know two TUSCL dancer members in my city (Seattle). I've met them personally. I might be say some things differently if I didn't know them. However, the benefits of knowing them far outweigh the disadvantages.
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    12 years ago
    Austin, TX
    If a stripper calls u for money
    @ berge: Again, listen to Papi. Not's not just two cents worth. It's $2,000. worth. It's always beneficial to have more than one dancer at a time that you like to spend time with. I have done that most of my clubbing career. It helps a lot. The dancer you mentioned is definitely leading up to something. You probably won't like it when she gets to her point.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Austin, TX
    If a stripper calls u for money
    @ ironcat: Good for you! I've done that before too. If a dancer suddenly upsells, or underperforms, I'll just say, "Sorry, but I've changed my mind on further dances. Here's $20. for the one dance we did." In your case the $20. you paid her was probably the base cost of the dance, but you didn't want to pay the extra amount for the extra "amenities," that you though were included in the $20./dance price. I have done what you did too. I wouldn't have just walked out, thus stiffing her. I don't feel it's stiffing the dancer to quit early on a multiple dance agreement. I definitely disappointed her, but I paid her for the one dance I got. Don't feel bad about having to do that. It's not likely to happen very often.