dancers gaining too much weight
washington dc
is it just me or is it that alot of these dancers dont keep themselves up physically after a few years
a former atf/otc of mine had the perfect body no stomach ass and tits. i dont see her for a year next time i see she put on at least 20-30 pounds all fat. seen a dancer i used to get lapdances with real cute and she was thick but not fat i seen her about 3 weeks ago and barely recognized her thats how big she got.
i figured these girls get exercise dancing or they would workout to keep themselevs up since thats how they make money but i have noticed more and more alot of weight gain in these dancers .
a former atf/otc of mine had the perfect body no stomach ass and tits. i dont see her for a year next time i see she put on at least 20-30 pounds all fat. seen a dancer i used to get lapdances with real cute and she was thick but not fat i seen her about 3 weeks ago and barely recognized her thats how big she got.
i figured these girls get exercise dancing or they would workout to keep themselevs up since thats how they make money but i have noticed more and more alot of weight gain in these dancers .
But we know that God loves us, because slender young women turn 18 every day and become strippers.
home of the fat people
IME the biggest weight gainers have been those that have quit hard drugs. Once they relapse to the drugs again, the weight comes off again.
We should all face the fact that many strippers have bad habits and they don't always get the optimal amount of exercise, or eat optimally, or whatever. I'm certain caffeine consumption is through the roof amongst strippers, not to mention other things consumed.
OTOH, I never let a little belly fat get in the way of a good time if I like the girl.
1. Age 31. Has steadily gained weight since I first met her when she started dancing five years ago. She's very chubby now, and she does seem to be working more hours than a few years ago. Some people are more prone to weight gain that others. She's probably in that category.
2. Age 42. (I've described her before in other posts.) She's been dancing nearly all of her adult life. Still has a couple of regulars from her early years. But, in the last two years, she too, has gained weight. After her current regulars die off, I wonder if she'll be able to continue making a living as a dancer.
That I'm aware of, neither the above has an exit strategy for the day when they can't dance any longer.
Also, many dancers are dancing during their peak baby making years. I’ve known many dancers to put on weight post squeezing out multiples puppies over the course of a few years.
And after having kids – it is harder for many women to focus, and take care of, themselves .
Also the good ole American diet and the supersize amount of food available to Americans can cause many of us to put on the pounds w/o really trying too hard.
I have found short girls carry excess weight worse than tall girls.
Many strippers if they are fertile myrtle will get pg and have a bunch of kids by different men.
My observations of dancers at same club anywhere from 1 year to 10 plus years cover the spectrum. At 1 extreme is an Indy dancer "Kat"- a 20 something in the 90's with a smoking bod who danced in a Budweiser one piece suit. After a ~ 12 year absence from club, she returned as a 40 something with a smoking bod, fitting nicely into the same tight Bud suit of the 90's. I've also seen some dancers put on 20- 30 lbs. in a few months. In one case, dancer had recently quit smoking. The other 2, not sure.
Like SC said though, the big gainers are usually the quitters. Their weight fluctuates as the go on/off the diet.
but i was speaking on the fast gainers where they put on alot of weight in a short amount of time.. i do get alot of them have bad habbits but there bodies are there money..its not like dating a hot chick and then she gets fat you still have to support her a stripper that puts on too much weight you just move on to the next
Another dancer I've seen a bit is 5 months pregnant and still dancing and you might not know she was pregnant if she didn't tell you. Her tits have grown but she doesn't look any fatter. I can notice a slight change in her stomach area, not real noticeable unless you compared her to a fitness model in tip top slim shape.