First OTC
As I have said previously, I am new to thiss game but I have already had some really memorably experiences. I am about to embark on my first OTC in a few days. Would anyone care to share any helpful tips, dos and donts, or anything for that matter that I should consider. I am a bit nervous about it but I already had itc with this dancer so I guess that helps. Thanks.
Second, if she is already giving it up ITC, then don't meet up with her at the end of her shift. After all, do you want to be the last guy to have her after every other guy does? As a general policy, I do not take girls that provide FS ITC out of a club, for this exact reason, though I have made a couple of exceptions over the years.
Third, do not pay her in advance. If she asks for payment upfront, tell her that you pay when the deed is done. Hold firm on this if she starts to give you grief and show her the money if it helps. If she is serious about performing, then she will relent. If she gets ready to leave because you won't pay her upfront, then she was likely planning on scamming you to begin with.
Fourth, do not hesitate to get yourself some liquid courage if you need it. Shit, there is a better than 50% chance that she will be on something herself. ;)
Finally, have fun!
He damn sure better give me a reach around
Stay safe and enjoy your OTC cherry.
Got a rub off at our table at dinner, a bj in the car on the way to the hotel, then some wild fs at the hotel multiple times. She never me