ok last night i went to a SC i visit often that ive written reviews about danced with a dancer i dance with all the time there and we were talking for awhile afterwords and she was telling me about a guy that randomly came up to her and said he wants a dance because of reviews from a strip club website.. she asked the name.. and of course the dummy says tuscl.. she comes on here and reads the reviews. she said she knew it was me because of the review and the name .. Rell is my actual name.. i was alittle uncomfortable talking about it it was almost like i got found out lol she said she doesnt mind because everything was positive and she just peeps in from time to time to see what people say
No. But on another board (Michigan TwoSheds) I did reveal myself to someone I thought I could trust (a customer not a dancer) and soon everyone from the DJ's, to the manager, to many of the dancers found out who I was and started commenting about my posts
Somewhat related: I try to be careful as to what I post on TUSCL, because I know two TUSCL dancer members in my city (Seattle). I've met them personally. I might be say some things differently if I didn't know them. However, the benefits of knowing them far outweigh the disadvantages.
actually thats another dancer that dances at that club theres awhol other story with her i dont even think she noticed the picture of the other dancer she never mentioned it now that i think of it im kind of suprised
i guess it does have benefits to it but like club goer says im going to be alittle more cautious on what i say in reviews when she said the name of the site i my head i was like "oh shit!!!"
Even though I will mention names when I remember them( acholol often has something to do with it), I have never had one figure out that I wrote something about them yet.
last commentIt's more fun to be anonymous.