
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Looks like you west coast guys are gonna have to drink your coffe without a view
    I live in Everett, WA. There are tons of those bikini coffee stands throughout the Puget Sound Region. One is across the street from my condo complex. But, I don't patronize them. Instead of the view of one or maybe two bikini-clad baristas working a shift, I'd rather put that money toward admission to a strip club and see lots of girls in bikinis, soon to be naked. Butt, for those "on the go" and can't get to a strip club that eaily, maybe they satisfy the "need." The coffee stands just aren't my thing. Lots of strippers have second jobs as bikini baristas. Or maybe they consider it vice versa (with emphasis on the "vice.")
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Seattle Is One of the Most Difficult and Least Lucrative Cities to Be a Stripper
    Lap dance prices in Seattle are too high. That's the problem, not lack of alcohol. I'm a Seattle club-goer. Have been since 2006. Even in several trips in 2004-06 before I moved here. The clubs here were thriving until the 2008 financial meltdown, even without alcohol sales. Then, you could still get $20. dances in most clubs. For $30, at least topless (even though only bikini dances are legal), with two-way contact. Extras with a tip. Now you'll mostly get only a bikini dance (lawful) for $30. Most dancers will charge $40 for topless and/or two-way contact. If the dancers would lower their prices, they'd do better. Alcohol isn't the main deficiency in dancers' success. It's the prices they're charging. For that matter, what about California clubs? I lived there and clubbed for many years before I moved to Seattle. Same thing there: No alcohol in the nude clubs, only in the topless clubs. The dancers in the clubs there were doing well also.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Ratchet Hoes!
    I don't believe this review one bit. If I had seen it in the "pre-approval stage," I would have disapproved it.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    2 visits in May.
    Kittens is in an industrial area because Seattle strip clubs are forced to look in those areas to find a location due to local zoning requirements for siting strip clubs. See my article on that subject: Strip Clubs in Industrial Areas
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    lap dance addict
    decent nightshift visit
    I wholeheartedly agree about not being able to understand the d.j. Like the reviewer indicated, it's an industry-wide problem. Instead of a d.j., I wish there changeable message boards over each stage that simply displayed the name of the dancer on stage at that moment. A step further would be to add the next 3 to 5 dancers to appear on that stage. Of the couple of clubs I've been to that don't use a d.j., I've never had difficulty understanding who the dancer is on stage.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Discuss this email I received
    I only read the reviews for the Washington state clubs, because that's where I do my clubbing. Occasionally I see a desertscrub "club ad" comment. But he seems to have a pattern. Nearly all of those are from a brand new member writing his/her first review. Maybe those new members haven't even read a review before they signed up. They're just taking their best guess as to how to write a review, then they get the scrub hammer. What a way to welcome new members to TUSCL!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Omg this chick that I am now following(I like her boobs) has the best boobs love
    I left too soon. Even fully clothed, she's beautiful. Apparently she's only a model, not a porn actress. If you like her, other similar girls are mentioned. See: http://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Olga_Katysheva
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Omg this chick that I am now following(I like her boobs) has the best boobs love
    Beautiful girl. Nice boobage too. Butt, as a skilled and seasoned boobologist, I know that the true indication would be seeing her fully topless, with her arms well to her sides, not touching her boobs at all. Let them hang free fall, then make an evaluation.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers want state to regulate clubs. Do you want more regulations?
    PSD, I'm sorry if I offended you, and anyone else. However, you are quite wrong, I haven't messaged you in years. I certainly haven't messaged anyone this morning. I only have this one TUSCL account, not a second as you alleged. I have no need to hide behind multiple accounts. My participation on TUSCL in recent years is much more limited than in my earlier years. Now, generally I only read the reviews of the Washington state clubs, and occasionally message with those that posted a review. You used to message me when you'd be working at a local club. I rarely responded. Also, I'm highly suspect when someone indicates that they can recognize an IP address and that two or more posts came from that address. It's a common false attack made on line. Furthermore, my intent to provide information on the dancers interviewed was just to give their stage names, clubs, and hours. Since they were shown on camera, some might be interested to go see them. That's nothing more than common information exchanged on strip club websites. I recognized one of them, and have heard a little about the other. I hope your meeting with Tina Orwall is productive.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers want state to regulate clubs. Do you want more regulations?
    I live in Seattle and I'm a local club-goer. So, this thread caught my attention. I was made aware of the KOMO-TV story by a local TUSCL member before it was posted on TUSCL. The article and the two dancers' comments are typical of this story. Not much new here, even in Seattle. It surprises me that the two dancers would give their full names and be willing to be shown on camera. Usually, dancers will only give a first name in interviews like this. I wonder if they'll still be employed by their current club after this story. I'm pretty sure that both dancers mentioned work at Little Darling in Seattle. Although the reporter, Joel Moreno, is standing in front of Deja Vu Seattle, throughout the video, the front of Little Darlings is shown briefly at 0:43. PM me if you'd like to know more about the dancers interviewed. I have some knowledge of them. Seattle hasn't had a big strip club story since the 2008 "Big Raid" of four strip clubs, simultaneously, which lead to all four being closed two years later. As new clubs opened since then, most have made the news, but just over the public dislike for strip clubs in their neighborhoods. That's typical in Seattle. Maybe it's time for another raid. @PinkSugar: I hope you will post a summary of your visit with Tina Orwall.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Has anyone received tusl emails: “holly6m693 has sent you a private message.”?
    Forgot to mention that I have email notification, but that one circumvented the email. I only happened to notice it because I accidentally opened my PM screen instead of another one I intended to look at.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Has anyone received tusl emails: “holly6m693 has sent you a private message.”?
    I got one too. Mine was from: jenniferqx271
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I Travel Around
    Is it ok if i do a review ?
    To add to what Samsung said: State first that you're a dancer, in any club that you review. Then mention if your review is as a dancer working there, or as a customer. Very much looking forward to your first review!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Id like to know.
    For some, it may not be so much at which age they started going to clubs regularly, but at which point in life they had the income to do so. Marital status also factors into the equation. For me it was both. I went occasionally until my income supported my "habit." I was an occasional customer from age 18. Then became a frequent customer in my early 40's (much improved income level then). More frequent after my marital status changed 12 years later.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Club comments feature
    I'm glad to see the return of the "Comments" feature for each club. As Shadow mentioned, it's a return of a feature that once existed. It was there when I joined TUSCL in December 2010. But, it went away within a year. Contrary to those who don't see it as a useful feature, I do. I'd like the opportunity to ask questions of certain clubs, and of specific dancers, or types of dancers before going to a club. THEN I'd likely write a review of that club if I found it interesting enough to go. Since it's new, give it some time to become known. Maybe Founder could highlight the comments button as "NEW," until the feature gets noticed and used more. There's another global strip club website that is set up so that you can only submit comments about a club, but that site doesn't require registration (handle and an email address), so it attracts a lot of trolls and other goons. The TUSCL comments feature has the chance to become very useful.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    FKk trip reviews.
    Who else on TUSCL could generate more interest than Londonguy in simply announcing upcoming reviews? I don't know of anyone better! Great reviews !!!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Will the demise of Backpage lead to Increased Traffic in Clubs??
    I've been wondering the same. It's only been ten days since BP was seized by the feds. It may be too early to notice an effect. An easy way to judge any potential increased interest would be to see if the amateur contests at any of my local clubs are getting more contestants than usual. Here in Seattle, there seemed to be a high number of escorts that advertised on BP. Some were past or present dancers. But there is a low number of strip clubs. Only 13 in the local area (Puget Sound Region). I'm friendly with either the owners or managers of a few of my local clubs. I'll plan to ask them if they've either had increased interest in the amateur contests or a higher number of hirings, than usual. If anyone else can do the same, there may be some relevant data to talk about in the next month.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Upon conclusion of a lap dance session, I can just see asking my favorite dancers, "Do you accept payment in titcoin?" (As I prepare to get slapped.)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When you see a TUSCL acronym in a real life setting
    Not exactly on topic: En route to a favorite strip club of mine (now closed), I would pass by a "Babies R Us" store. Knowing what was on my mind at the moment, I often misread the sign as "Boobies R Us." Then I thought, "Wouldn't that make a good name for a strip club?" Especially if it were right across the street.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What would you do with this?
    Fake boobs (right one, anyway). Grossly misshapen. I'd stay away.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    strip club anthem
    Nah, I like the original anthem, much better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gQ0hYGY5F8
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Away from TUSCL for a bit
    By all means, get well soon!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF SC Management
    @ Subra: I'm still not convinced all those clubs are actually MANAGED by one company. My impression still is that BSC only hires dancers and employees for the S.F. clubs. Your response to my post doesn't change my impression. If you can explain how you feel that BSC genuinely MANAGES those S.F. clubs, I'll be glad to consider your explanation.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF SC Management
    Oops. Sorry. I didn't do enough research before pressing the "post" button. I see by TUSCL's reviews of San Francisco clubs that the other Deja Vu-owned clubs I mentioned (Little Darlings, Garden of Eden, and Hustler, do have recent, 2017 reviews). So it appears that they're still open. In Deja Vu's own website, it only lists those clubs actually named "Deja Vu," among it's San Francisco clubs. It has another button to push for it's Hustler line of clubs. There may be more for it's other "brands." See: http://dejavu.com/locations/ California is at the top of the list.