
Club comments feature

Too much of a good thing is never enough
Each club now has a "comments" section which is designed for brief comments and updates, not for more detailed reviews. I like the concept but very few people are posting comments. Any ideas on how to increase the number of people posting comments? Or is this just a "bad" idea?

One problem is that you have to go to the club's home page and click on the "comments" button to see if anyone has posted a comment. This is in contrast to the reviews button that lists the total number of reviews posted for that particular club. Would it be helpful to list the number of comment or to have a "new" icon that popped up when a comment had been posted? Alternatively, what if there was a home page icon (parallel to daily reviews) that accumulated the number of daily comments across all clubs?


  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I go to 2 places on this site specifically: the discussions, and the review page for my specific city. I'll click into any clubs that have new reviews on them. I haven't come across any comments sections other than what's below each review. I don't participate in club comments because I don't come across them.
  • 501traveler
    6 years ago
    I think the number of comments posted would be helpful, just like you see the number of reviews
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I knew from the start that this was NOT going to work. TUSCL previously had "club chat" and there were only less than 10 clubs that had and chat and they were mostly just flaming. Some members even wanted to expand the idea to cities or areas.

    Follies is one of the most talked about clubs on here and so far it has one meaningless post. What has worked is comments to club reviews. Reviews give a starting point for dialog. Reviews also encourage the use of PMs co cover things best said in private.

    I have no use for the club comments feature.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    "what if there was a home page icon (parallel to daily reviews) that accumulated the number of daily comments across all clubs?"

    I think this is the only sure way to put it to use. It hasn't gotten any traction in over a month. 99% of the clubs listed have no comment and the few that do only have 3 or 4 comments at the most. Its still easier to just post in the reviews.
  • Electronman
    6 years ago
    I do agree with Shadowcat that the opportunity to comment on a specific review is a nice feature, especially to endorse, elaborate or disagree with a published review.

    That said, the club comments might be redundant and unnecessary.

    For me, I scan the "daily reviews" for any recent reviews of my favorite clubs. I then scan the additions to the Discussion threads, hoping for something other than troll bait. I very seldom go directly to a club's home page where the comments are accumulated (or as others have noted, where zero comments are accumulated).
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Mice go where the cheese is. People get access when they post reviews, but nothing when they post comments, so it goes to figure that they are going to do their talking using the review feature.

    With that said, I am in no way advocating that founder abandon the current model. I just looked at the main competitor's site to see what's posted about the clubs that I frequent and while they indeed have more active comment sections, their review information is useless and ancient crap. When a strip club site decides to emulate Yelp, you get what you pay for.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    6 years ago
    I'm glad to see the return of the "Comments" feature for each club. As Shadow mentioned, it's a return of a feature that once existed. It was there when I joined TUSCL in December 2010. But, it went away within a year. Contrary to those who don't see it as a useful feature, I do. I'd like the opportunity to ask questions of certain clubs, and of specific dancers, or types of dancers before going to a club. THEN I'd likely write a review of that club if I found it interesting enough to go.

    Since it's new, give it some time to become known. Maybe Founder could highlight the comments button as "NEW," until the feature gets noticed and used more. There's another global strip club website that is set up so that you can only submit comments about a club, but that site doesn't require registration (handle and an email address), so it attracts a lot of trolls and other goons. The TUSCL comments feature has the chance to become very useful.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    1) put the # of comments in the comments tab in the club's page (similar to # of reviews)

    2) when there's a new comment, highlight it for that that day - i.e. put some kinda eye-catching graphic on the club's page that anyone that goes to look at the club's page (to post a review, etc) will see it - also in the list of daily reviews put a noticeable comment about the # of comments for the club so one can see there are comments for that club

    3) organize the club comment section better - right now it's just random posts w/ the newer ones on top - i.e. if someone posts a question, the answer appears b/f the question - it should be organized into individual threads like the discussion section
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Good ideas chulo
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