
Will the demise of Backpage lead to Increased Traffic in Clubs??

Avatar for Leonard313

I noticed today that Backpage has been seized. I haven't used it for non-pornographic reasons since like June of last year...and I don't want to get into whether it was a "good" or "bad" thing that they shut it down. I've used it, I'm not holier than thou by any means, and I can honestly say I have mixed feelings on the issue. That aside...WILL the end of Backpage and other sites before it (Craigslist, MyRedbook, RubMaps, etc...) lead to more traffic for strip clubs?

It may in fact lead to street walking becoming more prevalent...but thats a tough and dangerous way to make a buck. Strip Clubs are essentially more entertaining and expensive versions of massage parlors (depending on the area). Will those that used to seek out extras from an escort or masseuse now just go to a club and drop some extra coin?

For me, it's always depending on what exactly I was looking for and how much coin I wanted to part with. Escorts were a cheaper option; but usually the time was short and it was a more "risky" environment. Massage parlors were cool if you liked Asians and didn't mind spending an extra $45-$85 for a very bad back massage as foreplay. Strip clubs were always the choice if I had a good deal of extra coin ($400) and wanted a place where I could sit down and chill...maybe have a $10 diet coke or two.

But nowadays, it looks like the choices are going to be limited. Guys may need to go back to clubbing for extras or trying to recruit strippers who moonlight as escorts. What do you guys think will happen??


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Avatar for realDougster

"I noticed today that Backpage has been seized."

I guess news travels slow in Iowa.

Avatar for Pox

IMO, your typical Backpage girl would not make it in the Club. You need to be able to have a semi intelligent conversation and most can't do that.

Avatar for flagooner

I hope the BP customers don't use the clubs as a substitute

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

I've been wondering the same. It's only been ten days since BP was seized by the feds. It may be too early to notice an effect. An easy way to judge any potential increased interest would be to see if the amateur contests at any of my local clubs are getting more contestants than usual. Here in Seattle, there seemed to be a high number of escorts that advertised on BP. Some were past or present dancers. But there is a low number of strip clubs. Only 13 in the local area (Puget Sound Region). I'm friendly with either the owners or managers of a few of my local clubs. I'll plan to ask them if they've either had increased interest in the amateur contests or a higher number of hirings, than usual. If anyone else can do the same, there may be some relevant data to talk about in the next month.

Avatar for ppwh

I discussed this with my cat's pet iguana a few days ago. The iguana said that the dancers he is acquainted with had described a marked uptick of creepy as hell guys at the club recently.

Avatar for Digitech

Too soon to say if it's because of the Backpage debacle, but I heard the same as PPWH.

Avatar for shailynn

LDK82 says he can still find his hand job trannys with or without Backpage.

Avatar for rockstar666

Lots of older dancers have been my regulars...should work for cheerleaders too.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Well, I hope that the slam pigs who advertised on Backpage locally don't wind up in any strip club I like to visit. I love the cantina scene in "Star Wars", but I don't want to live in it.

Avatar for lotsoffun201

I’m of the belief there will be more escorts turning to dancing to set up OTC and get a circle of regulars UTR.

Avatar for flagooner

"a marked uptick of creepy as hell guys at the club recently."

Has SJG started going to clubs?

Avatar for Leonard313

"I noticed today that Backpage has been seized."

"I guess news travels slow in Iowa."- realDougster

No, I just tend to have porn as a hobby...not a lifestyle.

"You need to be able to have a semi intelligent conversation and most can't do that."- Pox

You must have smarter strippers in Ohio.

"I discussed this with my cat's pet iguana a few days ago. The iguana said that the dancers he is acquainted with had described a marked uptick of creepy as hell guys at the club recently." - ppwh

That relies on two false assumptions (not counting talking animals):

  1. There are non-creepy guys at the club.

  2. Strippers are good at math.

"I’m of the belief there will be more escorts turning to dancing to set up OTC and get a circle of regulars UTR." - lotsoffun201

Yeah. I'm kind've amused that the comments seem to differentiate strippers from escorts. I realize there are some true "dancers" out there just working their way through college, supporting a kid, or supporting a drug habit...and that some of these strippers wouldn't cross "that line". But outside of clubs in college towns that mainly employ college gals...I've seen FAR FAR more strippers that were essentially escorts working in a safe environment.

I'm not trying to slam dancers...like I said, some are out there that will kindly refuse extras and/or recommend another dancer...but lets not be nieve. If you're willing to take off your top in front of a bunch of men who throw dollar bills at you...it's not a huge leap from that to bottomless...and from bottomless to touching...and then from touching to mutual touching...to extras with certain clients...to extras with any guy that has showered and has at least $120 to spend. It's a very slippery slope that very few dancers can keep from sliding down.

Think of it monetarily, the dancer works 4-6 hours and is lucky to clear $15 per stage dance while having to pay about $200 a night to have the privledge of dancing there. In addition, there may be a drink hustle where she has to push a certain number of drinks or she has to pay the bartender. Maybe she does one lap dance an hour...maybe more...makes another $60/hr. Most strippers I've talked to...the few with answers remotely close to honest...are barely breaking even on slow nights. BUT...if she provides a couple extras in the VIP room (which she usually has to pay rent to the house for)...she might clear another $300 a night even on a slow night.

Avatar for docsavage

I think there will be more escorts trying to move into the clubs but there will be resistance from both the club owners and current non-extras types of dancers. The owners don't want to lose their investment by having their club shut down for being a center of prostitution by local law enforcement. You have to realize that the shutting down of these websites is part of a larger societal trend of not tolerating this type of thing and the same forces who successfully got the websites shut down are now turning their sights to shutting down clubs. It's going to be harder for clubs to keep their licenses and zoning from here on out and owners will crack down on anything illegal they see. Many of the current dancers do not want to be around anything illegal and don't want to compete with extras girls and will squeal to management on girls who engage in sex inside or outside the club. It's true just selling dances is a hard way to make money but it's also the case that girls don't want to risk getting fired, don't want to risk an std, don't want to put themselves in a dangerous situation outside the club and don't want to have a prostitution arrest on their record following them around the rest of their life.

Avatar for Leonard313

If there isn't a significant uptick in strip club traffic, or even if there is, the next most likely spot escorts will try is Ashley Madison. I tried the site back in 2013 and I'd say over 30% of the female profiles were escorts. Not sure if that site is still up or not. Tinder is another one. I've never been on Tinder...but it seems like it would be a viable avenue. Adultfriendfinder (the original Tinder) is another avenue. And there's always dating sites like PlentyofFish. I don't think escorts will flood into more legitimate dating sites like Match or EHarmony....it's just too expensive and too time consuming to manage. But adult/sex oriented dating sites and free dating sites are definitely an avenue. Anyone on Facebook has probably gotten friend requests from super hot gals...out of the blue...with profiles barely started. So, Facebook could also be a route...although inefficient because you're essentially trying to "fish" instead of waiting for the fisherman to drop a line.

It's disappointing to me. I have mixed feelings about it(as I said before)...but there was some legitimacy to Backpage. Think of the serial killers like Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer). Had the internet been around and he'd have used it to find some of his victims...he'd have been caught relatively quickly. The internet leaves a record...cell phones leave a record. If women are forced back onto the street...they become very vulnerable and the police will have harder times tracking down the truly deranged among us.

And it's like prohibition (or weed)...at some point we have to ask ourselves if this is something we can really stop. Men are going to want sex. Relationships are time consuming and not available to everyone. Even if they are, women in relationships may not meet the man's needs or might hold back sex as a weapon. And, there are going to women that have very little means to make money other than using their God given gifts. If there are women willing to provide it...there will be men willing to buy it. Just like drugs and alcohol...attempting to change behavior by cracking down on end-users...has never really worked.

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