
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 4)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Re-Branding and Grand Re-Opening
    I too was wondering if it was an entirely new club, or just a renaming of an existing Deja Vu club. It sounds like there was no closure of Little Darlings. If there was any remodeling done at all, the club likely would have been closed for a while. Although I have seen a strip club stay open during remodeling. Not fun at all. Can anyone confirm that the club has been open continuously since the announcement of the name change?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Decent night at club sinbad
    By the few numbers of your reviews, it appears that you may be new to strip clubs. Many of them do have the "wanna buy the lady a drink?" procedure. The money goes toward reducing the dancer's house fee. Of the clubs you've reviewed, Pandora's doesn't do that. Kittens doesn't routinely, either. However, I was asked once in my several visits the past two years at Kittens to "buy the lady a drink," but it may not be a constant practice. SinRock is definitely one. You'll get it every time a waitress sees a dancer sitting with a customer. The Deja Vu clubs are notorious for that, although in my experience with the Vu clubs, they're not enforcing their waitresses to fulfill that requirement in the past few years. Just decline when you're asked. I'd rather spend my money on dances, not drinks for the dancers. Also, cameras are in use at SinRock, and they are watched. No extras to be had at that club.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Expensively Average
    Sorry, correction: I meant to state that $40 dances at Sands are about equivalent to $60, timewise, at the other local clubs.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Expensively Average
    1. The day shift is known for mileage. Read some of the reviews here and on other websites. 2. The $40 dance price isn't so bad for one reason: One song at Sands is about the equivalent of two at other clubs. You're getting the same amount of time for $40 that you would for $30 at the other club. That's because Sands doesn't use a d.j. Dancers choose their stage music from a juke box. Hence full-length songs are played. 3. The downside of $40 dances is that you're spending money in $40 increments, as opposed to $30 at the other clubs.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    This ain't Atlanta, guys!
    It may just take you some time to find clubs and/or dancers that you like. I live in Seattle and I have plenty of favorite dancers. And they're from only three of the 12 clubs in the region. Keep trying: Different clubs, shifts, days. You'll find something(s) to you liking eventually. One suggestion: Avoid the three downtown clubs: Deja Vu--Seattle, Little Darlings, and Dreamgirls at Sodo. They're all "tourist trap" clubs. They pray upon walk-up traffic from out-of-town visitors, and won't give you good value. They don't care about making regulars.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Mixed visit Tuesday afternoon, mostly good
    Your TUSCL handle is appropriate. You are a stripper's friend. You let them rip you off. I have no trouble getting dancers at Kittens and the other local clubs to do $30 topless dances with two-way contact. And I don't encounter the ROB and GPS dancers that you do. You need to up your game.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sands early afternoon
    If the quantity of dancers on shift is important to you (it is to me), just call the club first to ask how many dancers are on shift at that moment. It sounds like from both of your reviews posted today, you could have saved yourself some grief by doing that. Pandora's and Kittens are the only clubs in the region that will have ten or more dancers on shift in the daytime.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Felt like a prince
    I'm terribly sorry. I meant for that to be a PM, not a review comment.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Felt like a prince
    MTC, If you have to wait for a Monday, until September 16th, that will probably be my last available Monday. After that I'll have Monday activities that will prevent me from doing anything else in the daytime. The same with Thursdays. Keep me posted about meeting on September 16th. That might be a good day of the week for you, but it's the worst day of the week for strip clubs. There's usually very little activity early in the week. It gets better as the week goes on. I would suggest we start at Pandora's. It'll have more dancers on shift than any other club on that street. Early afternoon, beginning no earlier than 1:00 is advised. By the time I saw your review of Dreamgirls at Ricks, it was posted already. You've got me tempted to see "Princess." 1. Would you be so kind as to give me her schedule? You saw her on a Friday, but mentioned that's not a normally scheduled day for her. 2. Any more about her description than you mentioned? Such as: a.) Figure type: Slim, medium/average, thick/chubby, etc. b.) Boob cup size? Natural or enhanced? 3. I really like how she conducted herself with you: 4 songs for $120, Waited for the current song to finish before starting. She went topless, allowed touching (two-way contact) lots of intimate actions, affection, etc. Any more about all that? Probably not, because you mentioned plenty! Looking forward to seeing "Princess." -- C_G
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Amateur Night
    Always interesting to hear a couples customer's point of view of a strip club. Hope you'll participate more!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    My Very First Visit - Will Be Back
    $30 topless dances with at least two-way contact are available from several dancers at other clubs in the area. I don't go to the downtown clubs because of the high prices for dances and the lack of on-street parking. The 3/$100 you got is pretty good. I get a straight $30/dance at Deja Vu-Lake Forest Park, Dreamgirls at Rick's, Pandora's, and Kittens.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Ruined Saturday afternoon
    For those who are not familiar with Pandora's, the "Playground" that the reviewer mentioned, is its V.I.P. room. A really stupid name. No one in the club refers to it by that name, except the d.j. He has to because of the big sign over the entrance to that area.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    On the couch
    Two times is too much
    Washington state law governing strip clubs requires dancers to keep tops and bottoms on while giving lap dances. That's mostly ignored at the other clubs. But SinRock is very strict about adherence to the law. It also has cameras that cover the lap dance areas. Should a male hand touch a female breast, a manager will be over to that customer quickly to say, "Sir, please don't touch the dancers." This club gets most of it's business from the airport, and as such is a tourist trap club. Being that it's now the only club near the airport (Deja Vu, Tukwila closed on 12/31/2018), and has all the airport customer-based traffic. That relationship keeps the dancers from developing regulars. Now that you know, check out Kittens, and Pandora's
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Not my favorite
    1. Ignore clubber's comment. He posts that same comment all too often. You provided a valuable piece of information, well-worthy of posting, that the dancers at this club don't attempt to cultivate regulars. 2. All three of the downtown Seattle clubs (others being Deja Vu, Seattle and Dreamgirls at Sodo), are all what I term "tourist trap" clubs. Or maybe "business traveler" clubs. They realize most of their clientele is walk-up business from the nearby hotels and tourist attractions. They attempt to get as much as they can from their customers, while delivering little value. The realize they'll probably not ever see the same customer twice, so they attempt to get as much as they can from one customer, in one visit to their club. 3. Yes, the Lake City Way/Bothell Way clubs are locals clubs. You're an experienced club-goer. Now you know the difference.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    2 pop friday.
    I concur with both of you, above.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Descent into a Dungeon
    @whodey: You may think it's an insufficient review, but I see great value in it because it alerts readers that this is likely a rip-off club. $40 for a minimum-effort lap dance, is all I need to know to stay away. Also, the parking advice is helpful because I've given up driving to that club for lack of parking. It's right across the street from Amazon in south Lake Union, where there is no public parking available on-street. It's all occupied during the hours the club is open. I appreciated that review very much.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    58 Year-old Cali Transplant
    Tuesday fun with Kira
    Ignore Clubber's and minnow's comments. The review tell a great story about the reviewer's experience with one dancer. That's all that's necessary.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Pandora early afternoon
    @ minnow: If even desertcrub approved this review, and not labeled it a "club ad," it must have some merit!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Fun time on Saturday night
    1. @Minnow: The key word in your constant criticisms is "GUIDELINES." That word is not a mandate. Reviewers are free to deviate, to best explain the story they want to tell. Maybe it's time for you and clubber to give up trying to reject reviews. It doesn't seem to be working. 2. @nofuglies: Excellent point!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Fun time on Saturday night
    1. I concur with Mrdragon. This website is all about sharing information on dancers and the clubs where they work. I'm far less concerned about law enforcement reading this. 2. @ Clubber: I'm getting tired of reading your comments, "7 lines of text is NOT a review! (I count 11 lines in this review), " and educating members on how to write a review. Most reviews tell a story of one event, maybe more, that occurred while at the club. It doesn't tell everything going on at that club at that time, just the reviewer's experiences. One good story is fine with me. Just because the review might not tell the story YOU want to hear, is no reason claim your usual, "Not Enough Details."
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Unique still has what it takes
    It's time to ask: Who is "AK?" Is that a dancer that goes by those initials or is that an abbreviation for a longer name?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The house dance "three dances for $60." is not a bargain. The three songs, have a combined length of two songs during the rest of the time. The special is usually held once an hour after 10:00 p.m., or earlier if the club feels there are sufficient customers to warrant the special. I take advantage of the special, differently. If I see a dancer I'd like when the special is announced, I offer to get dances with her after the special is over. Dancers appreciate that because they have to give $10 of the $60 to the club. Often they'll sit with me through the three dances, then we get up to go to the lap dance booths.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Northern Cal
    Still Waiting For A Great Visit
    The similarities between Kittens and the former Talents West clubs are no accident. Kittens is owned by a former stripper who was the wife of one of the former Talents West partners. She specifically incorporated some of the same décor as at the TW clubs. One example: The carpet is the same that Rick's and Honey's last had. While there are certainly dancers that ask $40 for topless as you found, I have found dancers at Kittens and other clubs that will do $30 topless dances and allow two-way contact. You may have to be patient in finding them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seattle-The Worst City for Strip Clubs
    @Papi: On stage it still varies. It seems that most dancers are too lazy to go full nude, even though the sign outside says, "NUDE," or the club is advertised as a nude club. Topless is the most that dancers get. The more intelligent dancers will go full nude because they realize they're being auditioned by the customers, and the more they show, the more the customers will go (for their wallets). In lap dancing, the adult entertainment laws that govern strip clubs in Washington state still limit the dancers to bikini lap dances. But, I wonder if the newer dancers (who started within the past five years) even know that. It seems that they all give topless dances. And many of them do that for $30. dances and include two-way contact. Many will go nude also, but will charge more than $30. for nude dances.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seattle-The Worst City for Strip Clubs
    I'm a Seattle area Club_Goer. and have been since 2006. To add to PeteBull19's comments, I've learned to enjoy and benefit from the local clubs given the limitations cited above. I make do very well, with the small selection of clubs. I have a long list of favorite dancers from the mostly four clubs I go to, out of 11 in the region. To set the record straight, there are 11 clubs in the Puget Sound Region. Seven of them are within the city limits of Seattle, the other four are in surrounding cities. Of the 11, six are Deja Vu properties. The Deja Vu clubs have become much more lenient in the past ten years, since the "big raid of 2008." Extras are available in the independent clubs and at least some of the Vu clubs. I'm able to avoid the expensive dancers and get what I want for $30. dances (pretty much the starting point for dances here.) Also, I can get OTC with several dancers I like, from the Deja Vu clubs and the independents. It's just a matter of adjusting to what's available.