
Comments by tigerfan3

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Rant on DJs
    Because of the dress code at my club, the "thug" types leave before coming in. If they do try to come in, they don't feel comfortable and leave or get tossed. Honestly, early in the day it works best for us if the music is kept lower. Late at night, in a club full of younger folks it really needs to be loud.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Canada taking sex education to a new level.
    No gym shorts allowed in my club, no saggy pants, no hats either. Also no sweat pants. If they don't like it, they can go somewhere else.
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    12 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    Superdude, I plan on attending that convention for the first time this year. Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread. Now that I have more experience, I've gone back and reread some of your posts here and realize how spot on they were.
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    12 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Rant on DJs
    I hear what you guys are saying, and appreciate the counter points. That's why I visit this site. But here's some more candor for you George, lol...most of the people on this site are strip club vets that know all of our tricks that are designed to get customers to spend. You folks here see through all that. But the truth is, most people coming in are not people with that kind of experience.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Rant on DJs
    Speaking as a club operator, I can tell you that any DJ I employ has to speak in a way that the crowd can understand him. Its my number one priority, without a doubt. After that, it's can he keep the energy level up. While that may not be essential in many clubs, in mine it is. We don't get a lot of men coming in just looking to get their rocks off. Here, it's more of an entertainment destination. We get big groups of 5-15 young people coming in after work for a show. Having a good DJ is HUGE. He must be entertaining. Finding a DJ like that is exceptionally difficult. It's ten times easier to find hot dancers than it is to find a great DJ, at least in my market. As for the volume of the music, it's typically kept loud for many reasons. Energy level is one, for sure. The other is that it gives a sense of intimacy because you and your dancer have to talk into each others ears to hear each other. In other words, it makes you guys sit very close to each other!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do club mangers/owners read TUSCL?
    Do managers/owners read this site? Yes, at least a few of us do. I have found this site to be a very informative and usefull tool. I mostly just lurk in the background, but I usually log on here about two or three times a week. There's a lot of people here with exceptional knowledge about the business and how it works, even though they are customers and not in the industry.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip clup capital?
    I'd go with Motown or Portland.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Now I'm really going to hell
    Well, since you asked... You're a sucker. She's using you and since she's a whore you should get tested.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Jesus Made Him Shoot at Strip Clubs
    Funny this topic came up. Just last week, a man came into my club holding a double barreled shotgun and he also had a holstered pistol. It's legal to walk around that way in my state, but people don't normally try to gain access to a strip club that way. Anyway, when we denied him entry he said very calmly "don't worry, I would never harm any of God's children". He was so calm it was eerie. Then he said "but I just want to know if anything illegal is going on here". I'm convinced that it was a postal situation waiting to happen My doorman was able to defuse the situation.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    When did strippers become prostitues?
    The level of prostitution in strip clubs varies widely from to state to state. Some states such as Florida or some cities like Detroit are notorious for this (or cheered for this, depending on your point of view). In the state I operate in, the laws are much tighter and any prostitution that takes place presumably occurs off site. I have let several girls go for just implying sex acts for money.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    More Venting: Stripper Ignorance
    As some of you might know, I'm a strip club operator. Every now and then I'll ask my dancers a few simple questions...1) Who is the President? 2) Who was the President before him? 3)And finally, who was the President before him?? All of them know that Obama is the President now. More than half know that Bush was before him. But in the year that I've playfully asked this question to my girls, only ONE knew that Bill Clinton was the President before Bush!!!
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    ever wonder
    I would assume that most of the guys who fuck dancers without condoms probably aren't worried because they already have several STDs. What's one more?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Umm..news flash. It smelled like a dozen roses because after each guy she lets expose her to STDs she sprays herself with vagina spray. She could have fleas jumping out of that pussy but believe me, it's gonna smell good.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My Baby's daddy
    It's becomming more and more common, but it's still used mostly among trashy/ghetto girls. Oddly enough, it's often used with a sense of pride! Almost like they actually have a "baby daddy". Like saying hey, "I actually know the father." Or hey, "I actually found a man who knocked me up". I know it sounds stupid but it really is true. I doubt I ever met a girl with a high school diploma who used the term (I'm not counting GEDS).
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    13 years ago
    New York
    Detroit High-End Trip Report
    "It's always weird how they sit around and talk to eachother, send text messages or camp out with some guy who isn't spending anything on them. There's money to be made if they just try." There are reasons why they do this, usually it's just because they are young girls. It drives me nuts as a club operator. About a 3rd of them couldn't care less what they make. They are totally happy just hanging with a young hot guy who they might want to see outside the club. If you're not young and hot though, forget about it unless you're really ready to spend outside the club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My Baby's daddy
    The term "my baby's daddy" is a term used by ghetto type girls (of all races) to describe the father of their child. This father is almost always an ex.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Not no, but fuck no. At least not without a dam. Yeah, sure, it smells nice and fresh, but what does herpes or AIDS smell like?" Great post. If a girl is letting multiple guys do this each night, I'm going to go out on a limb and say there's a decent chance that the risk is high here, lol. Of course, judging by these posts I'm assumming most people who replied on this thread and said they'd be all over it have the same diseases---so what does it matter?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Many dancers will avoid foreigners of any race because in general they get more grabby. Perhaps that sort of poor behaviour is tolerated overseas.
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    13 years ago
    "It's posts like this that make me wonder about the other guys in the club." It's posts like the OP's that make me have a strict dress code when it comes to pants. Too many creeps trying to do too many creepy things.
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    13 years ago
    As an operator of a club, this is one of those things I watch each and every night. In general, Black customers are less likely to be good tippers in any area of the club. However, they are by far the most likely to make it rain.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just another day for Detroit.
    There's way too much crime, violence, prostitution, and human trafficking in the Detroit clubs. Better to just make the ten minute trip across the border to Windsor, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Most strip club managers don't care about competing with other strip clubs
    So tigerfan, what club do you own? shadowcat I'd rather not say, because it would limit my ability to speak freely here. I have found this site to be quite informative and useful.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Most strip club managers don't care about competing with other strip clubs
    I have never paid attention to what the other clubs in town do. In reality, the more competition the better it is for all of us. I do know my club is the most expensive one in the state, that's never hurt us. It keeps the quality of both the customers and the girls high. Couldn't care less about the other clubs. In reality, we are friends with them. We play cards and party all the time!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    It's that time of year again
    "Playing devil's advocate here, when the media uses the term "Child sex", the image that comes into mind for many is some frightened preteen white girl barely into development. What is the reality in these arrests is a 16-17 year old black girl who is either tall or well developed for her age and no one knows that she's underage until her I.D. is checked, or she says "I'm an underage runaway from Detroit". Dudester, her ID should be checked before they ever even let her in the door. While it's true that even the most vigilant club operator will get scammed by a girl every now and then, for the most part it's not hard to confirm the age of a girl. Background checks are very cheap, and usually accurate. Not sure why you used the "Black girl" term..in my experience girls of all races who dance will BS you equally. But my point is that 99% of the time, there is no excuse for having underage girls dancing in a club. The punishment for those who knowingly allow this should be steep. In addition to losing the right to ever operate a club again, a lengthy jail term would seem appropriate. As a customer, you should be able to assume that the girl you are seeing is of age, and not involved in a trafficking ring. If a customer had any doubts, they (hopefully) wouldn't be able to enjoy themselves.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Falling asleep in the Strip Club?
    In my club, falling asleep will get you evicted unless you have come with a large group of people--then we will put up with it. But this business is all an image thing...having people who look so bored that they are asleep does not help. So they have to GO.