Now I'm really going to hell
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
I know I should feel bad about it, but I just can't bring myself to do so.
Bareback. Her, me, both of us. Her argument for doing it? "You're clean, I'm clean, you can't get me knocked up, it's your birthday, and I'm tired of tasting and feeling rubbers. Besides, I'm going to give 'J' a chance to show me what he's got next weekend, so I'd rather do this for you before that, just in case."
How could I argue with that? So, the last two times, it's been raw, and it's been awesome.
On top of that, when I asked her if starting up with him meant she wasn't going to come see me anymore, she said "Unless it gets a lot more serious than I think it will, I'll still planning on taking your money any time you want to give it up."
Fuck me runnin'...
Go ahead, say it. I already have.
Bareback. Her, me, both of us. Her argument for doing it? "You're clean, I'm clean, you can't get me knocked up, it's your birthday, and I'm tired of tasting and feeling rubbers. Besides, I'm going to give 'J' a chance to show me what he's got next weekend, so I'd rather do this for you before that, just in case."
How could I argue with that? So, the last two times, it's been raw, and it's been awesome.
On top of that, when I asked her if starting up with him meant she wasn't going to come see me anymore, she said "Unless it gets a lot more serious than I think it will, I'll still planning on taking your money any time you want to give it up."
Fuck me runnin'...
Go ahead, say it. I already have.
You're a sucker. She's using you and since she's a whore you should get tested.
No, but really...COME ON MAN!!!
On the other hand, she's still a normal everyone else. So, there's a good chance you'll be fine. LOL! At least you got to enjoy sex the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Best of luck to you.
Is this "J" another customer? Is he someone MORE important to her than you? Is he a civilian male friend of hers that she may fall in love with?
If you nervous, get tested. If your pretty much 100% sure she is clean, you're OK.
As to her claim to be unable to conceive, is she on birth control of some sort or has she had a Hysterectomy or her tubes tied?
What happens between her & you & this "J" is the business of you three. I won't call you a sucker like tigerfan3 nor say your wrong to have had uncovered intercourse. That was & has been a decision made between you and this dancer. As to tigerfan3's claim that she is using you...Well only YOU know whether that is true or not.
Good luck with her. :)
...and just in time for bang69's "BBFS King compition"
@Alucard: Of course I don't know for a fact that she's clean. But, I have reason to believe she's been honest about her history, and the regular tests are indicative, if not absolute.
As for the pregnancy thing, I know she can't get pregnant from *me*. :) I've been shooting blanks for 15 years.
'J' is her current potential boyfriend. She's sweet on him and wants it to take up a notch.
Of *course* she's using me. Just like I'm using her.
Yeah, I'm a PL.
@pabloantonio: I'm still a little bedazzled by the whole thing. :) Of course, it's a bad idea, and if she goes through with her plans for J, we'll be going back to our usual safer routine. It just feels so much better.
@sinclair: Nah. He's right. I am a sucker, and she suckered me. We'll see what happens.
Of course, that is another way to avoid making Babies! :)
The SOs either don't know or don't care. Those that don't know are ignorant and those that don't care are pimps. Both of them are suckers.
But we TUSCL members know what dancers are and what they do. We're not suckers, just pathetic losers.
I got back in the saddle yesterday (fully covered) in Vancouver for my first 'oil change' since my 'slippage' event. Just isn't the same, is it, georg?
All the best, good tuscl buddy.
You may think of yourself as a pathetic loser pabloantonio. I DON't think of myself that way & I am NOT one!
"I've done this before, many years ago, and I'm still alive. Not that I recommend it. You make your choices and take your chances. Remember, a safe life is a boring life"
I'll bet there are a few persons here who identify with this statement.
WRT her new boyfriend, last week we were at a club where one of her dancer friends (who used to work at the club my ATF worked at) and the three of us were talking about him. My ATF revealed that she'd told J about me, that I was a friend that she'd met while dancing, and that I take her to dinner and sometimes a club, and "help her out" with some money when I do. At the very same instant, the dancer friend and I both said, "And he *believes* that?"
@Art: Well, the folks in hell are certainly going to be the more interesting group, eh?
The sinners are much more fun
In 50 years it won't matter
Go gmd
Being a long time "Sinner"(I'm NOT religious), I know that is very true! LMAO
Probably considerably less than that, for me. :)
Only one & a short one too VM.
Stay as safe as you can, get tested, and keep an eye on her. If you start to believe she's not playing by the same rules, then it's time to put the raincoat back on.
#2 all this talk about bbfs and I say hell the fuck yes ! George your fuckin kool ! I just creamed my stripper/girlfriend pussy good a few days ago and will be doing so in a few days
#3 all this talk about "J" and no one is going to toss out a juice joke ! Lol sorry george but it is funny !
The sinners are much more fun"
This^^just changed my life!
The sinners are much more fun"
You should be OK George,
You know that only the good die young!
@runrdude: If that's the case, then most of the posters on this forum are gonna live for freakin' ever. :)
@GMD - what, was there some doubt before?
Now I'm not saying that I could not have prevented these slip ups from happening, but with alcohol muddling the big head and a mouth stimulating the little head, the big head's efforts to intervene were token at best.
Anyway, good luck and let us know what the folks at the clinic have to say. ;)
The downside is that now I'm spoiled. I haven't gone as far as BBFS with anyone else, but the blowjobs, with only a couple of exceptions, have been raw.
How are you sure she can't get preggers?
Makes me think of a Law & Order SVU episode where a chick was blackmailing 10 guys claiming they were her kid's dad.
Did any of you hear about the PL who had unprotected sex with an Oriental stripper? A week later his penis started to hurt and he went to his doctor, who said, "You have contracted the Hong Kong Dong Disease, and if we don't amputate quickly, you will die."
Understandably, our PL was upset and told his doc that he needed a second opinion. Reasoning that he needed a Chinese doc, he found one and made an appointment. The doc examined him and said, "Ahhh, you have the HDK disease." The PL cringed and told the doc what his doctor had said. The Chinese doc laughed and said, "He doesn't know what he's talking about." "Whew," thought the PL. "No, in just one more week, it fall off by itself."