
Comments by tigerfan3 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why It's so Difficult to Communicate with Them
    In my experience, which in this business is limited to one state, dancers aren't usually the smartest chicks around. For every girl that is doing it while going to college or raising a family, there are about 5 who couldn't hold a job flipping burgers at a Burger King. It doesn't mean they aren't good people, doesn't mean they don't deserve respect...but they are doing the only job that pays good money that they can get. That, I suppose, is smart. But whatever money they make is usually blown within hours of leaving work. What I find interesting is that most dancers can't even keep it together enough to even own their own cars.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Never freakin' fails
    I would just tell any dancer that sits next you that you're not interested in that you are there for a specific dancer. Believe, she won't want to waste her time and she will move on.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    It seems like all Detroit area strip clubs are full of prostitutes, scummy owners, and women who are the victims of human trafficking.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stripper trafficking suspect back in U.S.
    I'm originally from Detroit, and all I can say is what goes on in so many of the detroit area nightclubs is a human rights tragedy. I would never be able to go into a club in that area and fully enjoy myself. The human rights violations and all the prostitution would kill the fun for me. It's so sad to see what has happened to the Motor City.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    An Honest Mistake
    The remark jackslash made would have gotten him removed from my club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Different club experience
    I couldn't agree more Lopaw.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Different club experience
    Keeping dancers out on the floor is a constant battle. Sometimes they all just want out hang in the dressing room all night.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    New look
    I would like it if each time a thread is posted on it gets bumped to the top.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Popular Romulus Strip Club Raided
    I'm originally from the Detroit/Toledo area. It's sad that the area is so involved in this.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancers' Financial Acumen
    It's always been amazing to me how many dancers blow their money everyday. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a girl go home with big money at the end of her shift only to call me the next day and ask if she can borrow money for cab fare until she completes her first stage. Most dancers are broke, despite the fact that they make great money.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Popular Romulus Strip Club Raided
    I hope you're right, although a 14 year old drinking isn't good either. But the original post said something about them being dancers and the Detroit area has had a history of human trafficking with their strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Popular Romulus Strip Club Raided
    No, the crime is running a strip club with underage girls. No self respecting club operator would do that. It's a shame that clubs continue to get away with that around the country. There's no need for it. Girls over 18 bring in the business just as well.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    drink minimums
    $3/24 = 12.5 cents per bottled water. Likely much cheaper cost to the club than any other beverage. I suppose, since when I've often been at those chains I've spent $100 to $150 (plus cover and $10 VIP bracelet) on VIP dances on average, that I should make it known they're getting their money that way from me. The problem is, due to the dancers either being holed up in the lockerroom or busy with other customers, hanging out at the club occurs. Indeed, with the various TVs about it's encouraged. Great points, especially about dancers in the dressing room or busy with other customers. That dressing room thing is a constant battle. It drives me nuts.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    "tigerfan3: The challenge you seem to have is staffing. Strippers make this especially difficult. Suggestions: treat them right. Provide a clean safe place for them to work. Establish your rules keeping them simple and clear. Enforce said rules ruthlessly and equally. Treating dancers equally does not mean the same. A long time dancer who always shows up on time and produces should get preferential treatment (i.e. schedules). Dancers understand and accept this. A lazy, customer stealing whore who’s fucking the boss is another story. Don’t fuck the help. Content, reliable, sober dancers are what you want. Beware the transient dancer (usually travelling with a deadbeat BF/pimp). She will swoop in to make as much cash as fast as possible from customers, dancers and you. The mess left behind is never good. I was familiar with a place similar to what you describe (10 clubs in the state). All the clubs, though competitors, shared information on the troublemakers. This accomplished two things. Managers would not hire said dancers saving themselves problems and the dancers knew that they couldn’t just go down to the next club if they got into trouble. You might approach the competition to see if they’d be interested. I’d check with your lawyer before you start emailing photos/descriptions to be used later in court. As for a DJ, consider an aging or ex – dancer. I’ve seen good ones and bad ones but it might be an option. You’ve got your hands full – good luck." You've made some good points that deserve a good response. I'm taking the family out now, but will respond point by point when I return. Thank you for responding.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    "tigerfan3: So what do *you* want in a DJ?" Well what my club needs might be different than other clubs. My club is more of an entertainment destination. Not too many people just coming in on their own to get their rocks off. We get groups of 8-12 people who come in, often times with women, and they are looking for a show. So I need a DJ who provides energy and pumps them up while at the same time allows the women to be the star. In my state, people under 21 are not allowed into any establishment that serves liquor, so the the fact that we don't means that over half of our crowd are 18-21, mostly GI's looking to unwind.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    drink minimums
    "Okay, so why then do neighborhood bars continue to go on decade after decade without high-priced drinks or cover charges? Yet strip clubs are well-known for cover charges, high-priced drinks, sometimes a VIP entry bracelet charge, etc.? And then some Detroit clubs order their waitresses to hound a customer to "buy the lady a drink" whenever a dancer sits with a customer (dancer doesn't get a share (fyi) but is required to sell so many drinks per shift.) And a favorite pet peeve is being charged $6.75 for a bottled water when a store will sell it for $3 for a case of 24. $6.75 is the charge for a bottle of domestic beer at the clubs I'm thinking of." If you want a cheap bottle of water, I'd go to Wal-Mart, or even a gas station. That would make more sense. And yes, I have to admit, in my club when a dancer sits with a customer, we're likely to have a waitress there within minutes to sell the dancer a drink. That's how clubs make their money.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    You ever notice that in brighter light, most dancers in a club don't look nearly
    When I'm in the dressing room with the girls and the lighting is normal I see what a good job the club has with the stage lights.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    You ever notice that in brighter light, most dancers in a club don't look nearly
    The lighting in my club is what it is for very specific reasons. Most dancers have blemishes, and that's a fact. Also, if your club has a pole, the bruises it leads to can be huge especially on new girls. Lights are set up to hide these marks.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    BTW, you'd be surprised how hard it is to find a DJ who can handle this business. In the strip club business the dancers are the stars. Most DJ's fancy themselves the star...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    "One thing you said about your problems stands out to me. "Well in my city, which has a small workforce to draw upon, finding a good DJ is almost impossible." That implies that you are in a rather small town, not a city. I can not imagine ANY cities these days that doesn't have many many looking for work. It doesn't take a mental genius to be a DJ. That said, and assuming I am correct about your local, I would say your major problem is location! I thought you made some good points about the music volume. I do, however, wish there was a way to lower the volume at tables with guys talking with friends as opposed to those with guys and dancers." Hey, the volume get's to me as well. Drives me nuts at times. Doubt you know my locale though.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    Lol, when we told told the bankers we didn't plan on selling liquor they rejected our loans. Guess we're having we're having the last laugh now.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    Thanks for welcoming me. I have already found this site to be informative.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    drink minimums
    "Well, tigerfan if you are a club owner, which club do you own so we "deadbeats" who prefer to spend our money on dancers who you make a lucrative cash flow when you charge them "tip outs" or per dance fees know which club not to go to? I'll spend my money, which I have a considerable amount of on what I like, not what you unfortunately stupid owners think we should. LMAO" If you're spending money on dancers you're not a deadbeat. I'm talking about people who come in and don't want to spend one single dime but get a free show. Those people to me are deadbeats, and on them I'm more than happy to enforce a drink minimum.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Would you push to do stripper you seeing on reg basis bareback?
    The rate of STDs in dancers has to be high, that's all I have to say.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    "Anytime, tigerfan3 we welcome well thought out discussions. Welcome to our group. Stay anonymous if you wish. What I posted about "drink minimums" still stands. I can appreciate the theories behind them, I was in the restaurant business for over 12 years, but forcing people to drink, just plain alienates people. Good luck in your venture, we have a retired oil man in our group, if you run your place right, who knows, he may buy your place. LOL" Vince, my club doesn't serve any liquor. But we still have a one drink minimum. And yes, those drinks are expensive, lol. But those drinks are 50% of the clubs revenue, without those $6 red bulls I wouldn't be here.