
Comments by fesz

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Buying Panties from a Stripper?
    I have purchased panties,stockings and used stripper heels from dancers. most dancers are super open to this. who doesnt like to make money from thing they might throw away anyways. female Bartenders arent so much open to sale. price range $20-60 depending on the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Mileage system ranting
    thank you mjx01.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Have You Caught Anything from a Dancer?
    I think I caught a really bad cold from a stripper giving me a Stevie. I guess the customer b4 me had a cold.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    what is taxi dancing?
    @Club_goer , yep, google-ing 'taxi dancing' came up with a bunch of irrelevant crap about history of taxi dancing for me @Duster, yep thats me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Google Voice
    Many dancers and escorts are using google voice as well. texting works but no pic/video texts
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Foot fetishism
    I often buy a pair stockings of my fav after a PD. Only if they're sweaty and smelly. tried her panty once but it wasnt to my liking. I am considering buy my fav a pair of fuck-me boots for dancing. Hoping that the closed toe shoes, boots would get them even smellier.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Which states have the most strip clubs for their population?
    67+ clubs in the Portland OR area. the mileage seems to be getting better since the bad economy. but nothing close to what some of your are getting. maybe its b/c I dont have any ATF.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dryer sheets
    baby wipes makes more sense. Dryer sheets are very toxic
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer asked me to do PORN!
    Do like a POV style, then you wont have to show your face. you're the camera man.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Great Club Names
    how about 'Tortuga' like in privates of the Caribbean. not very clever but I thought it would be a good name for a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are you giving her anything for Valentines day?
    Smasung1, a couple of club here in Portland is having $10 dances for VD.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ethnicities and extras
    Small sample size with my experiences here in Portland OR. but I do agree w/ Mickeya02. Most customers like Asians and Blondes. fewer percentages of customers have "a thing" for black girls. So I guess Black girls have to work harder. Just my observations. I like all girls have an interest in me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    stevies and glasses
    I think I got a cold from a stevie last week. that stripper must of gave a stevie to a sick person b4 me. I do wear glasses but do not mind having boob prints on my lenses. please dont tell me I got a virus from a stripper. lol
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Why no stage tipping - or even stage watching?
    Last week at a local club here in Portland, OR. I was the only few customer at the rail all night long. Most of the time I Was the only tipping. Which is kinda nice cause the dancer were spending lots of time and attention on me. rail action rival some LDs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    so... someone stole my panties
    To: dw.buck , that post was from me! I had to purchase a pair after I found out her scent was incredible during a PD. after my initial purchase, I was hooked. Also bought a pair stockings & two fishnets from different clubs and dancers. to me, sexy scent is more arousing than sight of a naked woman or be touched by a hot girl. the sight and smell of sweat is very sexy. Dont get me wrong, there are lots of offensive odors. but a good musk can bring out the caveman in me. A pair of socks/footwear from a dancer dancing while wearing boots or closed toe shoes are GOLD!! Stealing panties is not cool.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    @ Safari show club, portland OR. a brunette Lindsy lohan
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Common Occurrence?
    Safari show club here in Portland OR, about half of the dancers are under 21. Customer cant ask them to join them at the table. pretty much the only way to carry a long conversation with them is in the lap dance area, so you'll have to pay them $20 song to find out more about them.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    First time at the strip club, appropriate clothing?
    Wear Snuggies
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    NEWBIE needs help: intimate items
    thank you MisterGuy, and all of you. just FYI, I got my first SC phone# thanks the posts on this site. soo exciting! I hope its her real number. lol we agreed upon a price of $20 for the panites. she wanted more at first but I gave a puzzled look (trying to do some math in my head) and said I dont know if I have enough cash on me( but I did have enough $). gave her a lame excuse of it wont be worth it for me to came back later w/more cash due to the cover charge and stuff. Seems like she didnt want to loose this opportunity of making extra cold hard cash. we made the transaction in the privater dance area. OMG her scent is just amazing. as anybody who went down on a girl knows, not all pussy scent is sexy. some just Stank, Stunk, stink infinity +1! of course we couldnt about their stinking pussy say anything till after we blow our load. so I am kinda reluctant to buy panties online. This way seems hotter to me cause the panties are fresh and still warm. lol thank you all again.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Going by yourself
    as long as you're there to have fun,spend money not just sit way in the back and watch the whole time.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    NEWBIE needs help: intimate items
    I like them scented but not heavily soiled panties. after a LD, I'd have a better idea if I like her scent or not. online actions could be a dude selling them w/generic stolen pix.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Escort 101
    What if you combine stripper and escorts? many dancers advertise themselves on backpages. Find where and when she works then test drive her during a private dance. This way you can see if the picture in the ad is real and current. if she's LE she wont let you have any mileage during the private dance. If you felt her up, she'll know that your not LE neither. The hard part is doing the search on backpages.