
Common Occurrence?

Sunday, January 9, 2011 4:33 PM
From a recent review of a Portland, Oregon club: "When her set was done I caught her on her way back to the DJ Booth (turns out girls under 21 have to stay there between sets or in the dressing room)..." How often are under-21 dancers restricted in their in-club movements? Could this be a reason for so much lockerroom time (besides texting not allowed on the main floor)?


  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Not enough. Under 21 should be bound tightly for quick customer access.
  • TimboAtl
    13 years ago
    There are a few clubs in ATL where the dancers under 21 wear bright orange hospital type wristbands, so they don't get served drinks. But take one back to the VIP and the waitress will provide as many drinks as needed. So if you have a fetish for young girls, just look for the orange wristbands.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Interesting, I did not know this. I guess it makes sense though so the under 21s are not drinking. Landing strip got busted recently for having under 21 dancers drinking.
  • fesz
    13 years ago
    Safari show club here in Portland OR, about half of the dancers are under 21. Customer cant ask them to join them at the table. pretty much the only way to carry a long conversation with them is in the lap dance area, so you'll have to pay them $20 song to find out more about them.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Most clubs I've been to don't treat under 21 dancers different from over 21 dancers. I bought a 19 year old a gin and tonic right in front of the manager in Denver. She said she was 21, at the time but after we got intimate I learned she was actually two years younger. Oops. It's not like they carry their id in their g-string. Luckily the club manager was cool and pretended like he didn't see it.
  • dw.buck
    13 years ago
    damn we go to clubs for the young pussy, i dont want them hanging out in the back i want them grinding me between sets
  • basketball
    13 years ago
    Heard/seen clubs make them wear the orange wristbands, so they don't get served alcohol. Other than that, no restrictions.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I've never noticed any difference in treatment of under 21 dancers here in cbus. Shocking, considering all of the other restrictions placed on SCs here.
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