
Comments by jerikson40 (page 81)

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    13 years ago
    Best Stage Show I Have Ever Seen
    I agree. With the bunny outfit, the hopping around, and the tats all over her legs, she truly exhibits an understated elegance and glamour. And she performs with a level of verve and panache seldom seen outside professional venues. Bravo, I say. Bravo. And to the person who PM'ed me and said "she looks like she's trying out for the Trailer Park Olympics", I think that's totally inappropriate and uncalled for.
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    13 years ago
    Best Stage Show I Have Ever Seen
    "Pantera is great!" I agree. She's awesome. And when she starts out with the bunny hop, and the goofy glasses and ski jacket, it totally gave me a boner. I'm serious. She would totally win an Olympic pole dancing competition. Her "vertical power hang with legs spread and crotch to audience" is brilliant.
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    13 years ago
    Best Stage Show I Have Ever Seen
    I very much appreciate women. Women doing gymnastics? Not as much. :)
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    13 years ago
    Best Stage Show I Have Ever Seen
    Umm, Art...I think we need to have a heart-to-heart here. The only purpose of a stage show is to show the customers who's there and who's hot. That's it. Whether she has good "pole work" or energetic dance moves is not something guys generally concern themselves with. And when I see guys mentioning that in their reviews I worry that maybe there's something not right. Do you find yourself having an inordinate interest in Broadway shows? I'm just sayin'. :)
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    13 years ago
    Pants for lap dances: What should guys wear for them-- and why?
    I also want to encourage you guys to be consistent, like I am. There's no difference between a dancer at a club and, say, the girl who waits on you at Denny's. In fact, the waitress probably works a lot harder, and might be getting paid much less. So I'll often ask the waitress to sit down and talk, so I can get to know her. And again, it's all about her ease and comfort. If she prefers a certain outfit, it's out to the car again, or maybe to Wal-Mart if I don't have the right thing "in stock". And if she's having a bad day, remember, it's not about your pleasure, it's about her. Listen to her, help her with her bills if necessary, offer to babysit. Whatever. Remember, a little consideration goes a long way.
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    13 years ago
    I'm a white guy. I tip well when a dancer does something extra to deserve it. Very well. I don't tip when she's just doing her job. Most dancers, like most service industry folks who work in jobs where tipping is done, EXPECT to get tipped for doing nothing, solely because the boss doesn't pay a decent wage. That's BS, and not my problem. And if blacks and hispanics are "cheap" because they feel the same way, then good for them. If you don't like it, get a decent job with a decent wage. And if something IS generally true, then it's ignorant to claim that anyone who believes it is racist. If it's true, it's true. This nonsense about "I thought we were beyond this in 2011 but I guess not" is just that. Nonsense.
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    13 years ago
    Pants for lap dances: What should guys wear for them-- and why?
    "This is a good point-- that its not just a question of our pleasure or the dancer's physical comfort, but of the dancer's mental comfort. Having more cloth betwen the girl and Mr. Happy may make the dancer feel more at ease, which may result in better attitude/better dance. That I understand." Absolutely true. The dancer's mental comfort is also very important. We want them to be not only physically comfortable, but also mentally comfortable. Personally, I like to spend some quality time with a dancer before a dance, finding out how she's doing, and developing an emotional bond. And when it comes to physical comfort, I want to make sure she is happy with my choice of clothing, so as to provide her maximum ease and comfort. I generally keep spare clothing in my car, and if I sense a dancer is not entirely comfortable with what I'm wearing, often I'll excuse myself and go out to the car and change. I figure that a little bit of consideration goes a long way. Once I even asked her what she'd prefer, excused myself, and drove over to Target and bought new pants and a nice polo shirt, then returned to the club. As jack_s said, it's not just about your physical pleasure, it's more about the dancer, and her ease and comfort. If she has a sad story to tell, I'll listen. For hours if need be. Because it's not about me having fun, it's about her. Are you guys freakin' insane?
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    13 years ago
    Phoenix Mileage?
    "I could care less about...her hand in my pants." Dude. Seriously. You need professional help. :)
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    13 years ago
    More Stripper Confusion (Or "Does She Really Like Me?," Part MCMX!!)
    I think it's pretty clear she's in love with you. And the cocaine...it's really easy to stop doing that stuff. So I'm sure she'll be really clean from now on. And I think it's totally wrong to suggest it's about money. I think she just wants to take you out and buy you a nice dinner. Y'know, because she likes you so much. And all the times you "lost touch" with her, I'm sure she just lost your number, and was looking all over trying to find it. And I'm sure when she seemed to be enjoying the make-out sessions as much as you were, that's when she really fell in love with you. So I'd say go for it. She's a keeper. Really. I'm serious.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    "I am not a whore."
    Tell someone who's an a-hole that they're an a-hole. What will they say? "Uh, yeah, I guess you're right, I'm a complete a-hole..", right? No. People generally don't let others say bad things about them. Even if it's true. And most women spend their lives thinking OTHER girls are sluts and whores, but will never call themselves a whore. And the "look my daughter in the eye..." thing is huge with women. Although it's incredible how some women can find ways to rationalize their whore-ishness. So no, there's no way you should even think about contradicting her. She'll never admit it. Out loud at least.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Spectacular article by an anon dancer...
    Entitlement. Exactly. Strippers seem to think that they're entitled. Just because they're dancing on stage, they're entitled to a tip. Why? Tipping is paying extra for extra performance. NOT paying money because the boss refuses to pay a decent wage. It's not my fault that the boss is an a-hole. And BTW, I'm not there to make a stripper have fun. I'm freakin' tired of dancers who expect customers to do this and that. Sit at the stage. Tip a lot. Pay attention when I'm on stage. Buy me a drink. Be fun, even if you've had a bad day and want to just chill for a bit. I'M PAYING YOU, not the other way around. Treat me well, and if you do a good job I'll empty my pockets. Over the years I've been going to clubs, I've only known a handful of girls who "get it". If you don't like your job, so something else. Otherwise, be the best you can be. Which means don't hate your customers, and talk about them behind their backs, and have a certain set of rules they need to follow for you to be happy. Spectacular article? Not even close. It's a angry stripper who doesn't like her customers and should probably be in another line of business.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    BaddJack is absolutely right. Man up. Who gives a damn if you have a stain? Do you honestly think any other guy is even gonna look at your crotch? Hell no. That's the last thing I'm looking at in a club. If anything, if some guy sees it he'll be jealous, or even get a tip that the girl he saw you go to the back with is a fun dancer.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The male mind can be interesting
    The fact is this... 99.99% of women, when totally nude, no makeup, just standing there, are unattractive. That also goes for most women "stars" who guys go nuts over. With all the makeup and crap they look good, but scrape off the warpaint, etc., and I'm guessing most are downright scary. Angelina is a perfect example. Pretty face with the right makeup, but her body is scarecrow scary. Most "stars" are at best average looking in real life, and if you saw them on the street with no makeup you wouldn't look twice. Same goes for most strippers. I live in SoCal, and I'm not sure what malls you guys go to, but the same thing goes for the girls at the mall. Most are too-young teeny boppers, or much older women, or Moms dragging kids around. Here they rarely dress to impress guys. Strippers in a club look hot because it's dark, they have lots of makeup, hot outfits and heels, and they smell good. Take away all that and you'd wonder what you saw in them inside the club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Who gives the best dances - and why?
    Nope. It's the facts, dude. I think University of Michigan or something did a study and concluded "black girls get their freak on with laps much more than white girls, who in general are low mileage". :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you think women should go topless at the beach?
    I agree that Rio is f-in insane. But the difference is that Brazilian chicks are in general incredible. I mean, go the damn mall in Rio and you'll pop a boner, guaranteed. Seeing those girls topless is wonderful. Seeing some old chick with tits sagging to her knees topless is something else all together. Topless beaches need some guy standing at the gate, and admitting only those girls with insane bodies. I've been to a nude beach in the US. It's not pretty.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Who gives the best dances - and why?
    I know some folks freak at the thought that you can generalize about different races, but there is some truth to it. In my case, black dancers (which I tend to prefer) are generally more likely to be higher mileage. However, they are also generally worse lap dancers, cuz they often seem to think a lap dance is pounding your crotch with their butts, or are all about gettin' down to bidness and doin the deed. I've had the best and the worst lap dances from black girls. White girls are generally low mileage. That's a fact. And Mexican/Hispanic girls are a bit in-between. I also prefer Asians, but they seem to run the gamut, depending on what variety of Asian. But no matter what the nationality, in general the hotter the lower the mileage, which we all know.
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    13 years ago
    When She No Longer Touches The Pee-Pee
    Keep in mind that for the vast majority of girls/women on the planet, even the thought of doing dirty stuff with strangers in a strip club is "like, EEEWWWWW !!!!". Guys who go to strip clubs are pervs, and strippers are prostitutes. And the thought of what other people would think, or their kids/future kids would think, is a really huge deal. So anytime a stripper goes from nasty to nice, don't be surprised.
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    13 years ago
    New York
    The Grind
    There's a huge difference between relentless pounding of your crotch, and erotic grinding with the sole intent of making you splooge. A huge difference. Maybe some folks like the relentless pounding, but I'll stick with the erotic grinding.
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    13 years ago
    New York
    The Grind
    Not sure if the lubricated underwear poster was a jerk or not, but it seems like a fairly brilliant idea to me. I'm all for folks innovating in the lapdance dept... Anyway, I agree about the dancers who somehow think that turning around, lowering their butts into our laps, and pounding away is something we like. I've noticed it's a lot more prevalent with black dancers. Yeah, black guys, as well as many of us, like a nice booty, and some really get into the booty slappin stuff. But geesh, how clueless do you have to be to think someone likes getting his dick pounded. I'd say just end the dance in mid-dance and say thanks but no thanks.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer Asking Me For A Character Reference
    Personally, I think you're nuts to even consider getting involved in any way with her outside the club. Why feel guilty that she got blackballed? It takes two, and she obviously decided to do whatever she did that was against the rules. Giving her money, or anything else, is a mistake. Like someone mentioned, where's the upside for you? Do you think she's going to suddenly fall in love with you because you're such a nice guy? Ain't gonna happen. It's honorable to feel bad for her, but don't go overboard. You owe her nothing, and as we all know, the most likely outcome is that you keep helping her and she keeps taking advantage of you.
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    13 years ago
    When She No Longer Touches The Pee-Pee
    As SuperDude says, the list of possible reasons is a mile long. You said she's a single mom...well, maybe one day she looked at her kid and decided that she didn't want her kid's friends to find out that Mom jacks strangers off in a strip club. Or maybe she felt she was getting a bad rep with other dancers and they were making catty comments behind her back. Or maybe what did it was that time when she thought she saw you possibly look at another dancer walking by, for 1.3 seconds longer than she thinks you should have, while the two of you were having a really nice, heartfelt conversation. Bottom line, it doesn't matter. She's a stripper, and you're a customer, and it's best that the relationship stays that way. So don't get involved, and move on to the next dancer. There's a lot of great HJ's out there....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Girls dating each other in the club
    I'm extremely wary of two dancers coming by together. Once it ended up being an experienced girl walking a new girl around (because she was scared...) and showing her how to ask for dances. But they acted like they were both regulars. Like an idiot I got a dance thinking it would be hot. Turned out to be a long, boring 3 minutes of the pro telling the newbie "No, you're doing fine..." and motioning to her to "do it like this...". Talk about a useless dual airdance....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The 50 Best Strip Clubs in America
    Well, just the fact that Jumbo's Clown Room in LA/Hollywood is ANYWHERE on the list is proof that they just tossed a bunch of club names in bowl and drew 100 of them. Just insane.
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    13 years ago
    The 50 Best Strip Clubs in America
    Of course it's ridiculous to make a list of "the best" of anything without first defining what "best" means. Of course there will be 25,000 different opinions on their results. Kinda like the Rolling Stone "100 Best Guitar Players" list, which had folks arguing for years only because nobody defined what "best" means.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New York
    Dancers who spend their shifts in the dressing room....
    "Seems that it'd make more sense..." Maybe that's the problem. Sense. Maybe we're expecting too much... :)