
Why would you go to a club that doesn't have a CF?

Most of you probably have a favorite that you like to see and go to that club more often than other clubs. Maybe there are several clubs you go to that have a similar situation. But what about a club or two or more that you've been to several times and still like to go there for various reasons? Let's say that club hasn't had any dancers that you specifically go there to see, so it's really going to be like a box of chocolates for you. You just don't know what you're going to get. It's going to be more of a crap shoot. You might not see anything you really like, or you do, but the dances just don't do it for you. They're almost certainly not going to be at the level as with your favorites. So there's a good chance you either waste your time or your money or both. Why would you keep going there?


  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    There are 2 reasons that I do this. 1st I am always looking for the next better CF and that takes scouting. 2nd there are a couple of clubs I can go to for a guaranteed ITC FS. If I have that itch that needs scratching I will go there. My CF gets the lions share of my cash but variety is the spice of life.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Yes, i do also like variety and don't want the well to go dry should my other CFs quit or stop being my CFs. There are also clubs i go to for different reasons and i may not look to spend as much money, but you just never know. A couple of the clubs i go to are largely just eye candy clubs. I know i can spend a few hours there and be out less than a hundred which is not happening at my favorite clubs. One of those clubs has such high turnover that it's hard to keep a favorite there, but they usually have good favorite potential. Another club has value dances with hotties, although not as fun are still enjoyable and usually worth it to me as long as i don't overspend on relative cheap dances (get too many). And the last club, i have had great times there, but haven't had a favorite there in years, and has even worse turnover than the other club i mentioned, so i literally see a new hot fun dancer only once before i can build anything further :(
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I doubt that I would go to a club where the offering isn’t what I want (in terms of extras).

    If the club offers a similar menu of extras - and the dancers haven’t been my type (on past visits) - I’ll try it a few times over the years. There can be changes in management - that can change the offerings significantly. Dancers change frequently too - and there can be some great additions.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ Well i'm a very visual person (as well as a sensual person), so i need to see a beautiful woman in all her naked glory to have the best experience. If a club doesn't have much in terms of extras or contact, i can still have an enjoyable experience, and if i'm not paying much for that, just a few stage dollars, why not? Of course, i would prefer the full experience, which i do with my favorites. But different strokes for different folks.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    ^ you make several good points. I’m more flexible with what I see (prior to deciding on vip). I’m in the northern NJ area, and the clubs (that serve alcohol) are bikini clubs. That limits the exposure.

    I’ve had good luck at a few clubs, as I’m an extras type, and it’s rare to get a “full Monty” view (outside of vip).

    There are a few nude (no alcohol) clubs - in about an hour radius of me, but I stick with the dives that I find consistent.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    I have a tough time picking a club every time I get the itch (like tonight). I have 4 SCs on rotation, and they're all different. The Lodge and Baby Dolls, I have to spend more on drinks but dances are $20 and the girls are higher end--can be very high mileage with the right girls. I don't do VIP at either place. The hustle factor can be high...

    Spearmint Rhino, semi-private dances are $25 and most of the girls are hot. Some are more inclined to sit with you and have a drink or 3, hustle is a little lower probably because VIP is ludicrous at $750 an hour. They have a great bar and good specials.

    The Cubhouse, more of a dive but I love the music there. BYOB and nude late nighter, girls are mid to lower tier but they are generally naughtier. VIP couch area is only $35 for the night, but not totally private unless you luck out. $30 nude dances but time can be negotiated in VIP.

    The tough thing is they are all within a few minutes of each other. I have girls that I tend to favor (some I rarely see) but I'm always up for new ones.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    @cashman, I understand your position on not going to non extras clubs, but my current CF works in a clean non-extras club. If I had not gone there I would not have found her. You might be surprised what you can do in a "clean" club with the right stripper. Also you can find an OTC in a non-extras club.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    To find one.

    Example 1) Small old run down club I hadn't visited in years. Closest to my home. I decide to stop in one afternoon for a quick beer as I was driving home. Sort of off my normal travel route. Beautiful Asian dancer comes out. To say I was shocked would be a LARGE understatement. Then she dances to Ramstein. I'm hooked. She became my ATF and still is. Never found any dancer since that could come close to being my new ATF.

    So that is why I "Would Go To A Club That Doesn't Have A CF".
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Obviously people do, as that is how they got their CF's. So the better question to ask is, why once you know a girl don't you just see her outside instead of continuing to see her at the club. And why don't you stop calling her CF, and just call her GF, or what a guy would in most countries call her, his mistress.

  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I went to clubs besides the one the CF works at because she is a clean dancer and does not do extras or OTC. If she was open to extras or OTC, she would be working at a club that allows it.

    With that said, you can't expect me to deprive myself of something that is a very basic human need.

    I experienced first hand that avoiding all this time I spent avoiding all those other clubs, I was missing out on ITC FS for a very reasonable price with girls that are just as hot at the CF, and in some cases they were even hotter than her.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Sometimes the fundamentals of the clubs with a CF are bad - expensive dances, overbearing management, lots of smoke, etc. Otherwise, it's usually looking for variety without losing perks such as discounts and table sitting with a potentially jealous CF.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    I don't have CF's really and prefer to rotate thru many clubs so that the dancers don't get too used to seeing me all the time. That way I can reduce the chances that any of them will decide that she is my CF and get too clingy.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Precisely because it doesn't have a CF. Some nights I just want to get a few dances and not have to worry about one of my regulars getting jealous over another regular. That shit is the #1 thing that makes me not want to step into a strip club. I don't know if you dancers realize this, or just don't care, but if you cause enough drama every time we walk into your club, pretty soon we're gonna find another club to walk into. Then you're all gonna lose.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    You always try out different clubs to see if you can find another dancer to fall into a fave or ATF category.

    I plan on going to a different club than I normally do this weekend to hopefully see a dancer I really liked and got dances with at a different club awhile back but lost contact with. Just found out what club she is at now and will see if the spark is still there.

    You just never know how things will play out in any visit.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    That's actually a good point. Sometimes i do want a little freedom from some CFs, even when i go to the club that they work at. I don't have to dance with them every time i see them. Now my ATF, no i want to see her every time i go to her club.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I guess if I was in your situation I might feel the same, but my current ATF hung up her heels a while back, and even when she was a dancer I never saw her much in the club. So right now I have an ATF who's retired, a CF who's retired, and a bunch of regulars who don't realize they're all third place finishers whose BS I'm just not gonna tolerate. Guess that's why I'm currently scouting for new talent.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    One word... prospecting.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ Yep. Ya gotta explore when panning for gold(en pussy).
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’ve been thinking about this question - as I’m the type who will research most purchases before going to a store. I’ll also check stock - to make sure a specific item is in. So, when shopping for most products, I want to know what’s in store before leaving the house.

    However, with certain clubs, I enjoy not knowing exactly what I might find. It’s contrary to the way I might shop for products. It’s also because I enjoy the atmosphere of the club, and not knowing.

    When I had a CF - I knew what I’d get. She was a sure thing, and it worked for several months. Now I enjoy a bit of variety.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    You have no choice if you are visiting a new club from out of town.

    I went to a club in Albuquerque last week without any CFs and it was nice to check out all new ladies. I had a great time with three new strippers. I found one that became a two day CF. LDKed twice with her too!
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