Tuscl wish list

avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me

Post your feature requests here

I have lots of ideas. Let me know yours


last comment
avatar for math14
2 yrs ago

Top 40 strip club list (Or am I just not seeing it anymore?)

avatar for math14
2 yrs ago

Sorry, found it again. Thank you for all you do!!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Show us your tits

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Well I said it on another thread but I would like to see a view count for how many folks viewed an article/review/thread kind of like on reddit. You don't have to out anyone specifically but sometimes you do wonder if anybody even reads this shit, some fucking rural ass Pennsylvania club, anybody at all or am I talking to myself. I'd be curious to see that number. Sometimes on reddit your like wow 60K people just read this bullshit thread I shit out.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

And I think we spoke on it before but I would like to see a tip jar option for some of the dancers on here. If they post a nice pic people could tip if they so choose and founder gets a small cut through a tax. Just a way to incentivize more dancers to maybe get in the game. And just like like nightclubs, you get the girls in there and everybody else will show up (hopefully some paying VIP members)

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

Hmmm. This one is kinda tough for me. You've done pretty much everything I've ever asked for, and while some of those features haven't carried over from the old version, I would guess that's a "yet" thing. Things like the "last Comment" link from the main forum thread list not working.

I guess I'll just reiterate my desire for a better ignore, even though I know you consider the idea anathema. I'm not gonna be butt-hurt when you don't do it, but I'm gonna keep asking every time you solicit these kind of suggestions. 🤣😏

But there was one thing that used to work, and then stopped, and as far as I can tell, doesn't in the new version either. I keep the main forum list sorted by "last comment", and unfortunately, if the last comment was made by someone I've ignored, that thread moves to the top. Note that I'm not talking about when an ignored thread is authored by an ignored person; as far as I can tell, those don't show. So if possible, I'd like my forum view to be sorted so that ignored people aren't considered in the sort.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

better ignore and post the winning lottery numbers in advance

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Kinda a cosmetic thing - someway of signaling an "ignored comment" occurred so it makes it a bit easier to follow certain threads - for example:

Comment A followed by

Ignored Comment (which is currently invisible)

Followed by Comment C (which is replying to the Ignored Comment but looks like it's replying to Comment A)

Easier if it's:

Comment A (followed by a generic text such as)

[Ignored Comment] followed by

Comment C

The latter lets the reader know Comment C was responding to an Ignored Text and not to Comment A

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Thanks Founder!

  • less clicks to find my old posts. Used to be Dashboard then View Public Profile then click on comments or reviews. A direct link to My Public Profile maybe?

  • ability to hide forums like TJ or Politics

  • good idea to limit the trolls, but I don’t think we need both the VIP and Verified Member forums. It just dilutes already quiet forums. Maybe combine them so VIPs or Verified Members can get into the same forum?

  • supermajority approvals for reviews and articles. Either 4-2 or 5-3. While review and article quality is way up, still too much crap getting through by a single vote

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

I realize having an edit feature apparently is no n-negotiatiable, and I can understand reasons why - but other forums have developed workarounds

-time limits -No edits after first comment -a note showing post has been edited

Just a thought

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I think we have too many forums diluting discussions - IMO we should just have a Discussions forum and an Off Topic forum and maybe make the Off Topic forum be something that needs to be enabled by the individual user in order to see it - threads in the Discussion forum should only be related to mongering and any particular thread one doesn't like (e.g. TJ threads) IMO the Hide function suffices

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

An Edit feature is gay - just sayin'

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

Not that there’s anything wrong with that 😊

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Performance is down. Getting that sorted out is key, I think it’s contributing to the reduced level of discussion. Or maybe just bc idea isn’t singing everyone up anymore.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Oh hell…. Let me try that again…..

Performance is down. Getting that sorted out is key, I think it’s contributing to the reduced level of discussion. Or maybe just bc icey isn’t winding everyone up anymore.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I can see the merits of a super-majority voting system but I think this will piss-off even more submitters and with time IMO this will further-deter review-submittals and total # of reviews which is the lifeblood of TUSCL - a simple-majority is not perfect but IMO it's the lesser of all evils - although there are people that write shitty/fake reviews just to get VIP, there are people that are just not good at writing but can write marginal/passable reviews and they can get better over time.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

If we implement a super majority voting system we may get accussed of white supremacy

avatar for gSteph
2 yrs ago

I'd like to see my reviews, even when my VIP is temporarily lapsed.

avatar for pscott47
2 yrs ago

I use the site in portrait orientation on a tablet. With the menus on both right and left, the center content area is only about 2.5 inches wide. Would love for the option of using the “phone” version with the hamburger menu(s).

Also, there doesn’t seem like there’s a way to zoom photos. Perhaps this is an issue due to the above?

avatar for pscott47
2 yrs ago

I’m on chrome/iOS, btw. Didn’t have the issues using the new version until the final release happened.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

^ if u zoom in on the tablet enough doesn't the display turn into phone mode

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

I wish there will be a tuscl meet up room where like minded mongerers could meet up at a local club, verified via the website as an Authenticator for tuscl members. Then I can spout my brilliance face 2 face that resonates more than these keyboard cowboys who think they know it all from behind their QWERTY board.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Being able to message more than one user at a time.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Drew said "Performance is down. Getting that sorted out is key, I think it’s contributing to the reduced level of discussion. Or maybe just bc icey isn’t winding everyone up anymore."

Discussion volume has decreased since the San Jose Public Library updated its Wi-Fi firewall and Icee is on a sabbatical. But that's fine because a lot of that discussion was garbage.

To me, it feels like review submissions have gone up, but only founder would know for sure.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

How about this feature. If anyone threatens to leave over a dumb argument, they're locked out of the board a minimum of 3 months (i.e. forced to put their money where their mouth is).

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

Muddy's tip jar for dancers and view counts on discussions, articles, reviews and even clubs would be nice.

Maybe a way for users to choose which forums show up in the discussions main page would be nice. That way we could view the forums we want to see all together while ignoring the TJ or Politics forums if we aren't interested in them.

I would say a board like the club specific ones for an entire city or state would be nice to be able to discuss things like comparing clubs, recent crackdowns by law enforcement, etc would be nice but it may be more work for @founder than it is worth in the end.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

On second thought founder, I can see why you’d want to limit your liability with this site, however I think you were asking for ideas.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

If somebody puts together a region article (Big overview of a city/state/area, akin to a few reviews) They would click a box before they submit and it would get judged by more reiviewers, say like 15 or so. VIP would be worth 3 months in that instance. And it could be in it's own article region group so it would be easier to find them.

We got to start incentivizing those types of area run down's more. A lot of these guys know their neighborhoods well and for travelers it's great looking at those types of articles as a way to step back and see the big picture instead of going through 5 million reviews trying to figure out what is what.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Also I'm a big proponent of giving a club some sort of icon on the club page and on the map too whether it's a black club, hispanic club. Mixed club would just be neutral. But the former two are two really different kinds of vibes and some guys on here look for exactly that or they look for something else that is not their thing but it's huge trying to figure and breakdown what clubs you want to hit when in a new city.

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 yrs ago

I still don't understand the dancer directory, it seems to be just random girls from all over. How about a "Sort by location/strip club" option? Or is there already something like that and I'm too stupid to find it?

avatar for DrStab
2 yrs ago

I would return to free 4 reviews per day policy.

avatar for azdd
2 yrs ago

Thanks for asking!

  1. Would love the ability to put together small private message groups.
  2. On the profile page, it appears to only display reviews and discussions I’ve started, not all comments I’ve ever posted. Can this be restored, perhaps with a search function?
avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

There are few reviews for my local strip clubs getting published. I feel like the adjudicators may be too picky and are rejecting too many reviews. Some local clubs go almost a year without getting reviewed and then when they are finally reviewed, I see two or three rejects on it. That leads me to think a number of reviews are not getting published at all. I'd rather have mediocre reviews than no reviews at all.

I'm fine with the way the website is set up, but I can think of a few things to add that would be nice. I'd like to see my past comments together arranged by date. I could see that on the old website but not the new one, at least as far as I can tell. An ability to search your old comments would be nice. In addition to the thumbs up and thumbs down button on comments, a troll button would be nice. Someone I disagree with is not in the same category as a troll. A reply button would also be nice. That way you can directly reply to a previous comment and anyone seeing it knows who you are replying to.

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

I, and several other dancers I've spoken with online and in person, would love it if extras girls could NOT be named in reviews. This is, once again, due to safety, privacy, and job security.

While the majority of us use stage names instead of real names, we can't hide from managers, s.o., pimps, etc when explicit reviews for particular clubs name us. Some of those clubs may not allow extras and some prices quoted may go far below any minimum set by a pimp which, in turn, can create some serious issues for dancers who are named. These are women men seek out to service them and deserve, at a minimum, to not be named in reviews after risking their sexual health, safety, privacy, and job security just so someone can nut.

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

However, I highly doubt it would ever happen and it would probably take a murder of a dancer being linked back to a review from this site for any action to actually ever be taken in regards to naming extras dancers.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

“I, and several other dancers I've spoken with online and in person, would love it if extras girls could NOT be named in review“

Here’s a thought - the review gets kicked backed to the author for a re-write to remove said names before it gets published - oh, wait - that would mean implementing an edit feature

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

I wish for the My Feed button to be restored to proper working order.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

I'm not on board with an edit button.

I'd like to see TUSCL taking a stronger stance against connecting dancers by name to extras. Perhaps add that to one of the reasons why reviews can be rejected and/or allow reviews that do so to be flagged and looked at again.

It's a bad practice.

avatar for RolandKash
2 yrs ago

I would like to be able to click thumbs up or down on the original article or discussion not just on the comments.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

I’m in board with creating regional/local boards as a subsection of this website. Not every region would be represented in bumble fuck USA, but some areas that have a concentration of clubs it makes sense. Looks like some people use the club comments section, it’s just not utilized much.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

Wish in one hand and poop in the other, see which one fills up first.

avatar for himoverthere
2 yrs ago

So no more 3 free reviews if you're not VIP now?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

^ That's gone.

avatar for RiskA
2 yrs ago

I oppose an edit function, as well as rules prohibiting a link between extras & names in reviews. I understand that in some circumstances bad things can follow, but in some towns & clubs extras are no secret even to LE, and a review of such places with no actionable intel is pretty useless. You can do it subtly (see my reviews), but some clown reviewer will always be a white knight & freak over even the slightest tenuous connection to a name.

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

RiskA law enforcement and club management finding out aren't the only risk with talking about extras. Hell law enforcement cares more about which clubs do extras that which individual dancers do them because if they are looking to stop prostitution they want to shut down the entire club not just bust individual dancers.

The biggest risk is that if customer A posts a review about how Barbie offered a bj for $100 or sex for $200 and then customer B goes to the club expecting the same thing for the same price. Barbie may not want to do those same things with customer B or may want to charge him more to do them. This can cause customer B to become argumentative or even violent towards Barbie which no one wants to happen.

You also have to worry about the dancer's significant other reading about how she fucked a guy in vip when she has repeatedly told him she doesn't do that at work. This can also lead to violence or can be something that their baby daddy can use against them in a custody battle.

In the end, if it is a club where extras are not a secret it isn't hard to find out for yourself what is available and with who while you are at the club. I have no problem with reviews helping customers figure out which clubs offer extras or the prices that are typically charged for those services, but I think giving that info about specific dancers goes too far. After all the girls are free to set their limits and prices on an individual by individual basis without having to explain why they did more with someone else or charged someone else less.

avatar for founder
2 yrs ago

You guys are the judges. Reviews and articles have been switched to minimum 5 yes votes

avatar for Champphilly
2 yrs ago

One can have six fake accounts and approve with 5 yes votes.

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

The fact that some people will find a way around any restriction in no way means founder shouldn't try to stop it, or at least slow it down.

Do you lock your car when you park at the mall? Lock your house when you leave? Same principle. Most people won't bother to try when the bother gets to a certain level.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

With the taking-away of the free-daily-reviews I'm already noticing an uptick in made-up BS submittals - and some of these guys are not even trying to write a "good fake review" and are submitting BS such as:

"Gret club. Shill vibe. Girls are really friendly. Will definitely be back!"

And sadder even is that there are TUSCLers that still approve shit like this.

avatar for founder
2 yrs ago

One needs 5 fake accounts with VIP access to approve reviews

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

Some of my thoughts, in no particular order, and knowing full well some are kinda lame half baked at best.

  1. Like/hate on items like Threads (original post), Reviews, Photos, etc. This just seems natural.

  2. Flag option for reviews/articles. As mentioned, there is in uptick in AI/fake/bullshit reviews. If they get enough flags maybe they go back to vote again, or get an asterisk or something

  3. Limit Adjudications per day for member, make it so each person can only vote on 2-3 items per day. This could limit the sway of an individual member.

  4. If option 1 happens, add sort / filter options based on likes/hates for reviews. It would be nice to be able to sort reviews by the most useful/most liked.

  5. Maybe #topic in some way? We have a lot of topics come up over and over, if we cold tag a thread "southflorida" or "detroit" or "clothing" or "troll" or "tj" or whatever, then search/filter on that. This one is half baked at best for sure

  6. Bring back the top ignored, most unique/total reviews/etc, preferably all-time & recent, like maybe sort by recent but include the all time figure in ()

avatar for londonguy
2 yrs ago

Is the old ignore function now mute?

I’d like to see a return to no restrictions on the number of PM”s we can send each other, ir a sizeable increase on the current number?

Being able to search a club by name would be good instead of having to go through listings?

Being allowed to view a small number of full reviews daily would be nice, I know it’s an incentive to join VIP but being able to see a small number of reviews in full woul be great?

I’d get rid of the VIP only room, I just don’t see the point in it, it should be an open to all forum.

avatar for londonguy
2 yrs ago

How about a ‘Reviews of Distinction’ section within club listing or separately where particularly informative reviews cover many topics. Qualification could be your judgment, recommendations or votes?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

On each club profile, there should be a prominent button that reads "Report Club as Closed".

The "Update this Listing" button doesn't stand out and a lot of guys can't connect the dots anyway. They try to use a review to report that the club is closed (though some are probably looking for VIP status as well).

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

oh yeah and #6: If I bookmark a club, show me comments on reviews in my feed please. A decent amount of conversation happens in those

avatar for RiskA
2 yrs ago

@whodey : I understand your points & don’t really disagree (tho I could care less if a dancer lying to her husband about whoring gets caught; consequences of your own actions, girl). So I just say things like “FS can be had at reasonable prices, and I enjoyed dances with Flopsie, Sweatie & Slutti.” Some guys “too explicit” that every time, even though it isn’t: it conveys info without any real specifics and leaves it to the reading customer to negotiate his own deal (as one always must). Reviews that describe physical layout, decor, soft drinks available, etc.: useless. At least list dancers by shift, names & physical attributes; that (along with knowing the club’s rep) helps one decide whether to come for a visit. Refusing to name names is for white knights & fanboys, IMHO.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

w.r.t. reviews; it’s inefficient to have adjudicator comments, and review comments; separate – IMO there should only be one comment-section in a review:

  • for one – if the only comments in a review are in the adjudication-section then when one is scrolling/looking thru the list of reviews, it shows as if there are no-comments for that review – e.g. an adjudicator may be asking a question in the adjudication section but the only way for the review-writer to know would be to open the review and purposely look thru the adjudication section – i.e. there isn’t a head-up there is a comment (or pending question) there

  • just as bad, the adjudication comments are post-adjudication comments are separated by a comment box making them harder to read and miss

IMO – don’t post adjudication-comments in the adjudication section – any comments made during the adjudication-process should appear as regular review-comments which also show up in the review-count once the review is published.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

You had previously temporarily made the Unpublished Reviews view truncated like every other view (Published Reviews; Discussion threads; etc) – IMO the truncated-view is easier to read and more efficient to navigate.

I would assume most TUSCLers don’t read every single Unpublished review (and at the same time) one after the other and instead scroll thru the list of Unpublished reviews to see which ones to read/vote-on – having the Unpublished reviews only displayed in long-format makes it harder to scroll thru the reviews and pick out the-ones one wants to read/vote-on – it is especially more difficult/tedious when there are a lot of Unpublished-reviews to sift-thru and/or very-long-reviews (when reviews are very long it’s harder to detect the review-breaks especially when scrolling on a phone).

If there will only be one format for Unpublished Reviews then IMO it should be the truncated view (like it is for every other view) – when reading multiple Unpublished reviews in a truncated-view it onlty takes clicking view for a split-second to then spend multiple-minutes reading the actual review (i.e. having to click on an Unpublished review to read it is not that inefficient in terms of the time/effort to just click on it compared to the time one spends reading the review).

Perhaps there can a be a toggle-switch b/w compact and long view; but no other view has this so I don’t see the point of making the Unpublished Reviews view different (and IMO less-efficient).

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

^ Don't like the collapsed view

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

^ how come - everything else is collapsed

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Cosmetic improvement – it would be easier/more-efficient if there was an icon next to a TUSCLer’s name for messaging the TUSCLer – right-now one has to go into the TUSCLer’s profile to then click “Message” – not the end of the world but IMO kinda inefficient (not to mention it may not be obvious for newbies how to message another TUSCLer w/o going looking for it in the TUSCLer’s profile).

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

^ less clicking/changing pages. Easier to just scroll a bit.

avatar for BigJuan
2 yrs ago

One free review per day for those not in VIP. And being able to view your own prior reviews. Thanks!

avatar for devl_dawgg
2 yrs ago

I'd like to be able to sort clubs in a given city by most recent review.

avatar for EastCoaster
2 yrs ago

Glad some of the Top 40 lists came back, but I'd also like to see the return of the following:

  • TUSCL members with the greatest number of reviews posted (based on last 18 months)
  • TUSCL members with the greatest number of individual clubs reviewed (based on last 18 months)
  • TUSCL members with the most Ignores
avatar for TheElmerFudd
2 yrs ago

I think you used to be able to see the list of reviews submitted by a user (just the reviews). Now it's all of his submissions so you'll have scroll through a lot of other stuff e.g. photos, discussions, articles, etc to see their reviews. It's inconvenient when I want to check out someone's reviews if he posted a lot of photos

avatar for JJ405
2 yrs ago

Thanks for all you do.

I’d like a better search function so I can search on a dancer name or any keyword for that matter.

And my iPhone doesn’t respond very often when I pre “my feed” on the bottom left so make those buttons larger or different spot.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

I'd like a notice when a new post/review comes up on My Feed.

Just a red dot similar to the notice when you have a new message.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

To docs point above - maybe another one, show the last review date and similar stats to the old unpublished reviews view. I think a lot of people are much more lenient in approving reviews for clubs that haven't had a review in a long time, so that may help his issue.

avatar for Champphilly
2 yrs ago

Option for owner or manager's comments on each review

avatar for rockie
2 yrs ago

I choose to disagree with CMI's point about the report of an actual strip club's closing not being worth a months VIP. There is nothing worse than a visit to a strip club that is no longer open. How valid is this site if that's not a focus of TUSCL.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

^ If you're checking out the club on TUSCL before visiting it, and it has been reported as closed from the profile (not a review), then it's pretty hard to not see the big red "OUT OF BUSINESS" right alongside the clubs name and avatar.

For example: https://app.tuscl.net/listing/2993

It's actually more obvious (at least to me) if it's listed as closed at the profile level.

If you feel like doing double duty and reporting it's closed in a way that has the same visibility as a review, then post it as a discussion on the club profile. That shows up in "My Feed" just like a club review if I follow that club.

But what I have seen on some club profiles is three reviews in the row titled something like "club looks closed". Which tells me that reviews as a means to report a club closure isn't the best way.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"I choose to disagree with CMI's point about the report of an actual strip club's closing not being worth a months VIP."

In the past I've posted club closures as a review, but usually because I have something else to say about the club. If it's a club I've never been to now I'll just put in a club update.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Founder has already vested in the members the power to decide whether a club closure notice is worth a review. It’s not my four weeks of VIP so I spend it pretty freely. Whether the review needs to say more than ‘club is closed’ goes to a vote. No need for another decision by Founder, unless he wants to change it. I don’t lose any sleep over it as long as what is posted is accurate.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I like the idea of having a quick/easy/visible button to report a club-closure.

Not a must-have but:

  1. TUSCL can PM you if it detects you've reviewed the club in the past and the club has been reported closed

  2. Have a separate TUSCL page only listing the clubs that have been closed in the last 18 months (and sorted by city)

Not a must-have function but may add some value if it doesn't take a lot of work.

avatar for Richard_Head
2 yrs ago

I’d be happy if the My Feed tab worked faster. It is so slow. It is one of the features that I use most often.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Founder, I assume it’s a temporary under construction issue while you’re working on the jump to last comment button, but not being able to see who made the last comment impacts being able to scan threads to see if you’re current. Sont mean to pester if it’s down while you’re working on this exact thing.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

I noticed the ability to like threads/reviews and stuff, that's nice, thanks!

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Why can we no longer see who the last commenter on a thread was? Please put this back in.

avatar for rickmacrodong
1 yr ago

Cant view comments on profiles? Cant change profile name or profile picture etc?

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