
Comments by RiskA (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Dancers passing on PLs
    Haha trying to understand the thinking of a stripper is a recipe for futility. In general, the “best payoff” rationale is probably truest, but otherwise who knows could be anything, mercury in retrograde, you look like her creepy neighbor, the box needs a breather, etc.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    California Fantasy Booth (CFB)
    I think the California fantasy got transformed by our elected politicians’ example into using the payor’s money to give the dance to some “underserved” homeless dirtbag instead of to the payor. So no one would buy & the dances disappeared.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    Naming names in an all extras place
    In my heart I’m totally with OP 623: I live in an area with mostly brothel clubs and generic reviews are mostly worthless. Most of the posted objections are just pure speculation & pearl clutching. But I agree with that the world is filled with morons & bad things sometimes follow if you link names & acts & prices. So why risk it. If everyone knows it’s a brothel club, just say “Flopsie was a good time for a reasonable tip” & anyone who knows their shit can figure it out & negotiate their own reasonable tip. But hell yeah for ROBs & liars, name names & details.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    The ultimate strip club experience
    A free month of VIP for this generic dreck? Now I go day shifts; but I’ve never heard a 2-for-1 called, extras prices aren’t high (esp compared to other brothel clubs in COI), there’s no orange juice, there’s no LA 10’s (altho some classic stripper types). Seriously, this guy’s reviewed 4Play and says TL girls are anywhere near that level? LOL. I have the “club ad” posters blocked, but this is one they might be right about.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What would you rate yourself out of 10 on first impressions
    From a stripper’s view? Whatever she’d rate her grandfather if he was tall, lanky, relatively fit & relaxed/chatty. I’d never presume to know how a stripper thinks. I just try to look & act like a regular who spends $, and that’s the secret sauce.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Good first time visit to COI
    Nice report; but just an FYI, IME no real Californians ever say “Cali” that’s a dead giveaway you’re not from here. Not that it really matters, but if you want the really hot sauce on your taco you need to work on that haha.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Where did Alyssa go?
    Who the fuck cares, that girl had more mileage on her than the space shuttle. She was at HT around 2007, so at least 15 years and prob over 1 million dicks serviced. (Altho at her prices only dopes & simps were her regulars, so maybe the numbers were lower.) In any event, retirement was due; time to move on, guys. PS I hope the people at Costco charged her 3x market prices, as karmic retribution. LOL
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Good Luck with those green semi trucks California
    You really have to re-define “success” if you call the free market era a failure and non-industrial tribal socialism a success. Do more people live better lives now? Or in market economies vs North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.? Of course there’s issues created by increasing population & consumption, progress always raises new issues; the question is how to solve them, and whether the free market mechanism vs centralized planning by an “elite” works best. And on that I say look at the track record since the mid-16th century. I’m not a climate change denier, I just deny the efficacy of the solutions currently being urged by the true believers in this new religion of green wokeness whose unshakable belief in how things “should be” doesn’t pan out due to actual human nature & behavior (the things free markets take into account). Utopia is a journey, not a reward for purity in thought & deed.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    I'm from Clueless and I'm going to...
    I’d define “shitposts” as ones that don’t even try to respond to the OP’s raised issue, and just rag on another poster for sport. I don’t think one can reasonably argue there’s not a ton of that here, or that it’s discouraging to those seeking intel to use in strip club mongering. But it’s inevitable, assholes are everywhere (although apparently more concentrated in TX haha). I just think posting requests for info as discussions is legit & not as absurd as suggested by the OP, you just need to hope someone will share as opposed to attack.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    I'm from Clueless and I'm going to...
    The “too explicit” zeitgeist also robs reviews of significant value, as it makes reviewers afraid to put in details that make a difference between local clubs. It’s easier to answer “most girls give extras at club X” in an ephemeral discussion thread than in a review (unless you want to be scolded by evaluators). I agree with not linking dancer names to acts & prices, but many evaluators extend the concept way too far.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Good Luck with those green semi trucks California
    “Science” also would dictate mandating everyone eat tofu rather than meat. The issue isn’t the science it’s more the mandate & the mandate’s Imperial authority basis. Why do “you” (thatXguy, the current administration, social media, etc.) get to decide what’s best for everyone else? Just because you/they don’t see value in pulling a trailer? I’d rather trust the invisible hand of a free market of decentralized individuals, far far more than the dictates of a ruling class whose first & foremost focus is power over others.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    I'm from Clueless and I'm going to...
    Maybe they’re hoping to hear from the people here actually trying to share useful info, instead of those just flexing their egos by writing endless blowhard “witty” comments? LOL Muddy’s right: it’s a request for the big picture, without the burden of digesting the granular data of reviews (most of which are “club ads” according to frequent posters LOL).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Stripperweb is Dead
    All monger-related websites seem to go through the same cycles, often to the point of demise. What starts off as legit info sharing becomes blowhards pressing their own agendas & driving off the real contributors (who then move on to the next website until it craters). The survivors are those that reward people who share useful intel & crush the egos of blowhards (as with the Ignore or Mute functions).
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Next time, give myself more time
    Don’t sweat the “club ad” comments, certain members say it to everyone. Click on their names and compare their reviews to posts before you waste time responding. I go to TL (days) and your review seems legit & accurate to me. But your girl quoted above market rates, just bargain (best before you’re in the room) and you should be able to get FS much cheaper, like $250-300 including the room/dance cost. At least in the day & the few night shifts I’ve visited. Good luck.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    First SC, decent place to kill time
    I travel to VA for work & your experience matches mine in VA clubs. Come for the food not the pasties LOL, as a rule the clubs are pretty useless for mongers unless you can pull takeout (tough since they’ll often get fired if caught, and $ asks are often absurd). Thanks for confirming it isn’t just me haha.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Girls stripping out of regular clothes
    One day my regular girl came in late in a sun dress & came up to me to apologize for being late (impeccable manners, that one). She looked so f’n hot in it I said can we just go dance before you change? She agreed & it was like spontaneous sex with a hot civie! She later told me her next three customers (they were lined up waiting too haha) all requested the same, and the dress was trashed by 1 pm LOL. I don’t know why more dancers with regulars don’t use this strategy, I think it’s brilliant as a change of pace & fantasy real-life play (always remember, just because they tell you about their real life doesn’t mean you’re part of it LOL).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Los Angeles area lap dances?
    Spearmint Rhino in City of Industry or Ecstasy in Santa Ana (in Orange County) are your best bets for “looker” extras, in my experience. Some high price GPS girls, some more reasonable. If you negotiate down from FS (“how about just a CBJ for $X?”) you probably can get a decent rate. Other nude clubs are hit & miss but often have 1-2 you can find. I’ve never visited PHX clubs so I can’t competently compare. (Perhaps you can PM me any offering extras?; I think I’ll be there for business this year.) I don’t think extras can be had at 4Play (except for Oligarch Money maybe), but I’ve only been there 3-4 times as there’s just blue balls & regret for me there haha.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Los Angeles area lap dances?
    Most LA nude clubs are all about extras and everyone knows it, so the quality plus quality plus pricing you seek is sort of a unicorn. Maybe try 4Play or Bare Elegance, or a topless club (but I don’t know them well as I’m an extras hound). Quality is going to be expensive wherever you find it, welcome to the big city.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Diamonds in the desert
    Good & accurate summary of this place. Kendra delivers, but her hard sell is like being caught outdoors during a hurricane. Plus she added a few lbs during COVID. Dallas got grossly fat, haven’t seen her for a year so hopefully she’s thinner now, her skills had a lot of devoted fans on the defunct BI site. That last sentence is perfect advice LOL.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    Hot Tub Time Machine
    Trixie at the Jet Strip, left in maybe 2010. On my last visit she asked to trade numbers, but I only had a work-issued phone so I said I couldn’t (they reviewed my call log); she leapt to the conclusion I was married (I’m not) & walked/stomped away. That’s a sad ending to 4-5 years of excellent times with that all-star stripper LOL.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    The club offers a lot of service and I had a great time, but it's expensive even by club standards and can feel transactional. Classy atmosphere but a bit dark
    Thx for your further response; again you’re right, there’s a lot of hard sell girls there. I too like a little “talk time” since it smooths the transactional part, which is why I prefer the less busy day shifts and hit a lot of different clubs. So I understand your preference.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    The club offers a lot of service and I had a great time, but it's expensive even by club standards and can feel transactional. Classy atmosphere but a bit dark
    I’m curious as to the reviewer’s “home club”, and what he considers “expensive even by club standards.” Sounds like he’s used to topless clubs. SRCOI is pretty typical of SoCal nude extras clubs in all aspects, tho maybe higher asks and fewer FS girls but then they’re also generally thinner & better looking than other clubs’ girls. But the review does a good job capturing the club vibe & has good intel.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    When an opportunity for passionate debate devolves into useless feuding
    Yawn. Every mature monger website goes through this. Nature of the beast. If you’re not mature enough to just ignore & move on, you’re not “the solution” that’s just your ego manifesting. There’s always going to be A-holes. I stand with the solution that the website shouldn’t censor or dictate “safe spaces”, it’s up to each individual to decide what he wants to see or engage in.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Clubbing Hiatus
    Over 20+ years I’ve taken breaks of one month to 6 months. I tend to find new hobbies to fill my time. Eventually the memories of fun times block out those of low fun, greed, low quality, etc. And then repeat.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    What’s in a name?
    I don’t “need” to know anything personal, either; it’s ultimately just a commercial transaction. If they choose to share, I’ll listen & play along to be polite: plus, it can make them happy & more comfortable (& thus more accommodating). When I was first starting out & foolishly fell in PLuppy Love with my first “ATFs” (a term I soon learned was really “CF”), I was more interested. But over time I realized it leads nowhere, and especially nowhere good if they learn my personal info. I’m not looking for a GF in a strip club.