Seattle Readers/Mongers
If you missed it big time drama in Seattle yesterday in a recent review. (Giirrrrl, you don’t even wanna know) Seattle is an isolated place, it’s has been said that’s how this made grunge back in the day and it seems they do TUSCL the Seattle way as one member there said. Should we allow them to designate their own safe space as they say where they can name drop banging strippers? Should be antagonize them in the comments on every review? Is Seattle one fucked up crazy place? Should I piss off and go to hell?
Maybe this is just how they do things in the CHOP (or is it CHAZ?) Anyway whatever the case as usual let’s drag this out and turn this into a telenovela.
Maybe this is just how they do things in the CHOP (or is it CHAZ?) Anyway whatever the case as usual let’s drag this out and turn this into a telenovela.
My opinion:
- seattle is a brothel. It has been for over 140 years, look up the seattle “seamstresses” of the gold rush era. Pretty much every club is an extras club. Locals don’t give a fuck, and the cops don’t give a fuck. Every time they do, the locals come down on them. Except if the girls are getting trafficked by the triads, then it’s smack down time and everyone is happy.
- several of the women the op in the review is talking about are very well known for extras for literally 20+ years, they will fuck you in the club. Bareback too if your t-cells can handle it. (Yuck)
- other sites have exhaustive lists of the girls, the extras, and the costs in seattle. This shit is well known in town. A ban on details here will change nothing in terms of information availability.
- I personally don’t name extras dancers for two reasons: 1. I cannot remember their names and enjoy making up funny nicknames for them, 2. I think the girls wouldn’t appreciate me naming them. I have considered several times suggesting to my seattle brethren to stop naming extras dancers. But I am not a censor so I hesitate. But if you want to do as DC does, don’t name them.
And finally I am going to say it bc I think a lot of us are thinking this but are nervous saying it: contacting PLs families is bullshit and should result in a consequence, probably a ban. I’m talking to you bubble yum and icee. Whatever the fuck founder had in mind starting this site it wasn’t people contacting users’ families with accusations and screenshots. So if you ask what is tuscl “for”? It certainly isn’t that.
Flame on my flamers….
Except that I don't think that's valid. I believe we shouldn't connect dancers by name to extras. All of the good reasons for this have been posted by many of the users here in numerous recent threads.
And the only reason I contacted thatxguy85's family is because he openly admitted to raping a dancer. If contacting families is considered too extreme, then why isn't rape? If it hadn't been for that, I would never have given a fuck about even looking him up. He dug his own grave with that.
"Don't out extras dancers and then the wittle PLs don't have to worry about their families finding out" So she basically threatens any and every user she may disagree with? One of the strengths and basic operating principle of TUSCL is that we can describe our socially unacceptable hobby in a free and open manner. Some PMSing, customer-hating dancer should not be openly threatening anyone. I said before, anyone doxing anyone on this site is wrong and should have consequences.
The bigger issue I have is that it can get the girl into a dangerous situation with a customer. If Customer A, Customer B and Customer C all write reviews saying that Dancer Z fucked them for $100. Customer X reads these reviews and goes to the club expecting to fuck Dancer Z for $100. He takes her back to VIP without discussing expectations or price and when he asks to fuck her for $100 like the reviews said she either completely turns him down or quotes him $250 to fuck. She may do this because Customer X has bad hygiene, a bad attitude or she just isn't attracted to him for whatever reason so she either isn't willing to have sex or wants to charge more to make it worth it to her. It may also have absolutely nothing to do with Customer X and she gave Customers A B and C a lower price because she was desperate for money at the time and now she isn't because business has been good, she may have given them a lower price because they are regulars who frequently drop hundreds of dollars with her or she may simply not be in the mood for sex at the time.
Customer X may take this as an insult and depending on his temper and his level of intoxication this could cause him to become violent and either assault her, rape her or go out to his car and get a gun and come back in shooting.
If a hot girl does you the favor of letting her fuck you why would you want to do anything to put her at risk as a result.
Theres debate over whether its considered rape when people do it intentionally to spread a disease or intentionally force a pregnancy.
In thatxguys case we dont know what sort of consent was involved, all we have is a vague comment from him where he mentioned he kept thrusting when the condom fell off. We dont know who wanted the condom initially, was it just thatxguy, just the dancer or both of them.
Exhibit A as to why I don't maintain a social media presence and never use my cell # with anything that may make its way online. Good luck finding me unless you follow me home from the club or go through some other extraordinary efforts, lol. 😉
Not that I'm ever worried about a retaliation outing because I'd never share details about a girl on a public website or anywhere else for that matter. "Don't kiss and tell" is simple Man Code embedded in my DNA, regardless of what she does for a living. But I've dealt with enough whack jobs over the years to know that all it takes is one butt hurt girl with a grudge. I'd say that easily 99.8% of the girls I deal with don't want drama any more than I do, but there is always that last .2%.
At its best tuscl helps clubs (and therefore girls) by helping people like me know what to expect when they go. If I want extras and the girl is willing and LE doesn't care, I'm glad I have a site to help me know which girls are willing and how much I can expect to pay. I don't like these hypotheticals about what a drunk guy might do. Of course bad things have happened, but unfortunately that's been the nature of the industry since forever. I don't think tuscl is making things worse.
Pulp Fiction reference - Marcellus throwing Tony Rocky Horror out a 4 story window for giving his wife a foot massage was excessive, but Tony had to expect a reaction.
Again. Its the worst elements here supporting naming girls
1. You know the club is known for extras.
2. You talked about boundaries, and extras are in bounds.
3. You know she hasn't been outed as a ROB.
Is there really that much risk? I'm sure there are extras dancers who WANT their dancer name to be in positive reviews. But if you don't know that, is it really justified to name her when it may cause her trouble or embarrassment? There are probably many dancers who dislike extras, but do them occasionally for $ reasons. So knowing she did it once is no guarantee anyway.
I'm down with any bad thing that happens to a rapist.
On the flip side, there are lots of non-extras dancers in "extras" clubs who seem to do just fine even though some dudes expect them to do more based on the club's reputation. As a customer, I like knowing who's who and I'll get dances from both depending on what I'm looking for.
I mean, that's Yoda-grade patronizing.
That's a bullshit and mentally deficient rationalization. There is quite a big difference between a girl holding her boundaries with a guy who she meets by chance vs. one who specifically seeks her out because two guys online talked about fucking her - bareback of course. The guy who seeks her out walks in with built up expectations and is more likely to react poorly when he doesn't get what he believes others are getting.
Have a conversation with the girl to find out if she does extras or not. If it is a club where management and local law enforcement don't care the girl will gladly discuss what she is willing to do and for what price before you go for dances.
And rick you probably know better than anyone else regarding extras girls who dont provide the same level of service to each customer. With your examples of still being muscular, built like a big truck at almost 60 years old, and your stories of multiple otc dancers getting jealous and possessive over you, the sites readers need to understand the very simple idea that different people can be liked differently by different people. Plus there are numerous possibilities why a dancer may not provide the same level of service, not all of them involve how much she likes the guy. It could also be whether she thinks the guy is a cop
Stormy - hj $100, cbj $200, fiv to the first knuckle $250, 2nd knuckle $350, trip to Greece $1000 + babywipes at $5 a sheet.
How much surety do we really need once we are in the door of a known whorehouse?
I will toss in that even if you censor names, basic physical descriptions often identify a dancer, especially day shift. By race, hair color, tit and ass size you can play Guess Who pretty easily.
"There is one Pandora's story I'll share, though. One time I was there (think it was 2018) there was a very pretty blonde I noticed. When she said her name I recognized it from reviews as a girl who put out, so I took her for a spin. It was the most listless, depressing VIP I've ever had. Her technique was fine and got the job done, but for fuck's sake you could just tell that she thought the whole fucking world had heard she was a whore."
Point being we're not talking about snacks at the supermarket. I'm not going down the whole dehumanizing path because we don't need to have another debate over "woke" culture. Back when I still posted a lot of reviews I could see names spike and repeat after I would drop them in a review for the first time. Or girls that were new and great that ended up all used up way to fast because they became an "it" girl too soon.
But back on message, there are two girls I've run into who were fucking depressing like this. Probably more, but these two came to mind first. The blonde from Pandora's and a brunette from Platinum Plus in Columbia, SC. Some of you guys here will know who it is, because guys used to talk about how much of a slut she was (by what I'm assuming is her IRL name) and kidded that TUSCLer vincemichaels had knocked her up.
First time I ran into her she was actually pretty great (and not unattractive, funny how people talked about her like she was fugly) but it was a lil surprising how she literally tried to jump on with no warning. It might've been song two lol. And I almost let her. Almost. The second time she was a lot more subdued, and made some comment about she knew what all the guys were looking for so let's just get to it.
Anyhow, this isn't a lecture it's just a couple of examples of the other side of putting these girls out there like that. It's not like they can't read. The escort sites are a different deal. They're advertising themselves for those services openly. We shouldn't assume the dancers are, even if we think any rando with a wallet can get in their goods ITC.
The dancers here advertise on Instagram with links to their listcrawler page or their page or their escort monkey page etc…It’s not frowned upon like perhaps some other places may be. We have naked coffee stands where dudes pay $30 for coffee, a hot barista naked or damn near naked to finger herself, and she watches them jerk off in the car. Weed is legal and super cheap. There are rub and tug Asian massage spots right next to fast food restaurants. It’s like a haven of any kind debauchery you want to experience.
With that said, I don’t specifically mention any particular sex act with any particular dancer here (not that I engage in that at all) but if I do mention explicit sex acts I don’t connect those with a specific dancer. Just because she let me put it in her booty doesn’t mean she’ll let you. Or maybe not for the same price. Or hell, maybe you would get it cheaper than me. Prices are all subjective. The prices are whatever you can negotiate. Timing is everything sometimes. I’ve spent hours in VIP with dancers and had them only ask for $150-200 or so.