Others Complain I'm Paying Too Much in VIP. Should I Listen? My Opinion.

avatar for hard2hold
There seem to be differing opinions about how much we should be spending in VIP. I recently received a comment on my review of a Michigan club that I could've paid less and I actually should have paid less. I figured rather than confine my response to the reply thread, I'd start a discussion so as to involve more of us and get more opinions. Specifically I'm talking about VIP trips
where the girls can use their discretion as to how friendly they're going to be.

One school of thought is that mongers are all brothers in arms. We owe it to each other to keep the girls in check with their expectations. It's "the rising tide floats all ships" mentality. I get it. Some guys want to go in, figure out how to not pay a cover, or parking, or valet, and pick a girl for VIP where they expect to go to the moon for $100 or less if they can. In their view, anyone who comes in and pays double that got pwned. In general, we need to be paying as little as possible. Naturally, if you do this, you'll be ahead financially at the start of your next stroll. It seems like a sound financial plan. I would, however, like to point out some other points of consideration. If everyone pays a lowball amount, what affect is that going to have on the average quality of women in the joint? Some guys don't really care about this. Some care about it a great deal. A good lowball VIP romp on the Ave seems to come in at about half what you might pay an advertised escort, but you might be glad the lights in the club are low.

The other school of thought is that you get what you pay for. A little more money does wonders for a girl's interest and enthusiasm. It can often lead to OTC experiences that you'd never have otherwise. Many girls are stupid and will try to take advantage of a guy who is willing to pay more. You have to identify and cut these hustler idiots loose immediately. Others will realize that they need to pamper you and take care of you a bit. Cause' if they do that, you'll probably return to the club soon, and guess what, they'll have you to sit with and go to VIP with instead of picking from the field of hard negotiators. "She never stops by to chat anymore. I have no idea why that is." I saw that comment on here somewhere. I've had a girl pick me up and give me a ride somewhere when I'm in from out of town and then stop for a nice dinner. Again, some guys don't care about this. They are only focused on the dollars per nut ratio.

Also, have you noticed that guys often lament that the girl they're interested in, not surprisingly the best looking one in the place, is sitting with someone else? Why do you think that is? It's probably not because he's better looking than you. You drove all the way over here, and now you're just going to spend that money on drinks. Yes, you are. You're going to spend that money while you wait for the girl who's not coming over. By the time she walks out the back you've totally wasted $60. Oh, but now here comes shift change, so let's check out who's here tonight. Nothing that great. (Another $5 plus tip for the drink special.) Ok, she's okay but not that great. Should you go over to Hank's and risk her sitting with someone else if you find nothing there and return? You take a chance. You don't know this one, so she'll have a get to know you drink. The bartender already knows what she likes. You'll have one with her, you know you will. Plus tipping the bar. (So there goes that Benjamin I'm accused me of "wasting.") Ok, so now you've committed to your nut so upstairs you go. You only have a little left, she'll take that of course, but you may not get much for it. As you leave, oh look, there goes your fave with that other guy to the booth on the end. This shit happens every day.

Let me break down how I see it. I'm not exactly sure how much responsibility I have toward the experiences of other patrons. We all live in the world. If someone buys a house, or a car, or a boat, what they pay for that affects what others pay. The guys flying around in private jets seem like their wives are on average a bit hotter than the ones who take the discount airlines. This is just how the world works. To be fair, I am actually paying less even when I pay more at the monger clubs because it means I didn't go to the Flight Club. I gave the dancers there less opportunity to charge way too much. I denied those women my dollars. So that alone, lowers the local tide. Also, if we pay a little more on the north side of the Ave, then the truly awful ones won't be making their tipout very often and will hopefully go away. Let's take this to the extreme. I know it's never going to happen - it's just theory, but if everyone stopped going to FC, then FC would go out of business and those girls would then go to the other clubs, taking less for their work and driving even more of the skull-dragging road whores out of the business. There's that rising tide again. That sounds pretty good, except it would also cause everyone to pay a bit more, even on the bottom end. However, the bottom end would be higher quality than it is now. So that's kind of like the macro analysis of things as I see them.

Even if you are on a lower or fixed income, you can still enjoy the fruits of Eden, maybe you just get to do it a little less often? Or you can stick with the skanks. It's your choice. I don't really see why I should be too concerned with how much others spend in the club. Not that I'm going to go crazy. I am by no means rich and my job only pays a little more than I used to make as a young buck. I'm still going to try to maximize my fun and minimize my funds, but if my funds allow for a little more fun a few times a year, why can't I have that? Do I need to deny the nice looking girls (and myself) so a bunch of other guys I don't know can afford 5 visits per month instead of 3? I don't get it.


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Negotiate however you want. If you end up paying more than the normal market rate you aren't hurting anyone other than yourself. Each person is free to negotiate the price and services received with each dancer.

If you are satisfied with the deal you make, the price you pay and the service you get that is all that matters. Just ignore anyone telling you that you are overspending other than to maybe keep it in mind for your next negotiation to see if you can save yourself a little bit of money.
avatar for K
New Jersey
2 years ago
have to agree with whodey.

your money. your choices.
It’s good we have a community to exchange information. Makes the market more efficient and what not, but yeah you don’t owe anyone anything. Do what you like.
I'm with the others, it's your money, spend it how you will. That's kinda how the market and averages work; some pay more, some pay less, some pay average.

Attempts at price fixing in this sort of situation are unlikely to be effective. There's too many players and too many alternatives on both the supply and demand sides.

Don't get me wrong, when I see reviews about prices that are higher than typical I'll often make a comment noting that typical prices are lower. But if a customer chooses to pay more, that's fine with me. I'm a bit of a cheap bastard sometimes, lingering from childhood, but I've been known to pay over market for tip tier girls or tip significantly for one who goes above and beyond. I doubt my cheapness nor my generosity influences the overall market one bit.

If you had fun and you can afford it, then it's fine.
A few guys here have pointed out “you probably could have paid less” wrt my reviews. Fair enough. The only ones that have made a stink already had some other bone to pick with me, or with everybody. For example a wanna be pimp that used to haunt these threads.

Anyone who is worried that you are “Pushing the price up for the rest of us” should probably find a lower cost hobby.

I was chatting with a guy at my regular club. He stated that his "system" for getting priority access to the hottest dancers was offering *FAR* above average for the fun he wanted because he could easily afford it.

I asked him if he ever thought about how he was making it harder for other customers because he was inflating the dancers' expectations. He looked me dead in the eye and said flatly "I don't care about you."

It was a fair and honest answer. I had no counter argument.
avatar for 3131
2 years ago

I have appreciated seeing comments wrt typical rates in a club. Keep in mind, many of the guys haven't personally been to the club in question in years if ever. They are just relaying what they've learned here. That said , I do like to have the info. Helps make an informed decision.

I HAVE found that enthusiasm is sometimes better when I don't bargain. I've had similar discussions with SA girls.

I also don't buy the "driving the price up for everyone else" argument from PLs. My transaction is mine. I'm happy to give honest reports here, but otherwise I don't care.
This is a lot of writing because someone bitched on a strip club website about how you spent your money lol

Also you went to a super budget place and over paid, so wtf did you expect the guys on a tighter budget to say?
Who gives a fuck what any other clown thinks regarding your payouts? If you're satisfied with the service, then the agreed upon amount is satisfactory.

Pound king is gonna pound his left hand because she wouldn't do 3 for $10.
Barking up the wrong tree buddy
As always "your money, your choice" ( on how to spend it.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
I've had dancers tell me "I usually get $xx per dance". I've countered with, "well, I've been paying $yy and was happy with my experiences." When they know you will divert to other girls, you will ultimately get the same service....and, if you don't, then you know not to get back with her.

On the other hand, there are times when higher payout results in higher priority for her when in a club where there are multiple guys chasing the same girl.

As I see it, it's a case-by-case basis which varies by every club/customer/dancer/shift combination. it's a market rate system where the girl ultimately determines her worth and the guy determines how much he will spend for a certain experience.

If a girl demands more money due to being able to get more from other guys, and I'm not willing to pay thay premium for x level of experience, I move on.

On the other hand, I do reward my preferred girls with premium pricing, as I pay based on each specific experience. There are times when I deliberately song-count and don't pay a dollar more, and other times when I'm more liberal with my spending.

Afterall, aren't we just simply establishing a Pavlovian dog response to certain actions/rewards? If she performs well, and such performance is rewarded with higher payout, then she may likely continue with superior performance in the future.

I like the point CMI made, I've made the same point, myself, numerous times, I go for my enjoyment, I really don't care about you.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
I don't think what another person pays affects my price that much. Girls already have ranges they ask for from different sets of customers. What has more of a bearing is what the girls say to each other about what they should charge.
Fuck 'em all. As long as you feel like you got your money's worth, that's all that matters.

I've never bought this who Brothers-In-Arms nonsense spouted in some places, where some guys are supposedly ruining it for others. Like a handful of dipshits on a discussion forum who band together are going to somehow alter market supply and demand forces. LOL.

My market is an ideal example. There's a lot of new money flooding in and it has driven up the prices of a number of things, including hotter stripper ass. It is what it is. We ain't in Kansas anymore - Jacksonville is no longer just a flyover city. A lot of tech and finance jobs have moved here in the last five years and, by the look of things, the inflow is only going to continue.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
I would guess that the typical FS sex worker can entertain an average of 15 PLs per month without being totally miserable. So 180 per year. At $500 per, that's a gross of $90K, maybe $70K net. Not bad money for somebody in their 20s. But it's a stressful job, and comes with a life-long stigma.

I don't think putting down someone's product is a good way to negotiate. Better to just plead poor. Cast them as being generous if they come down, rather than losing. The best deals are almost always ones that feel like a win for both parties. Sex worker or not, it's a blow to someone's self esteem, particularly a woman's, to assert that their attractiveness is not that great.
Comments that you paid more than market are fair just so review readers know what to expect in a club. Comments critical that your price increases the cost for others? That’s some major bull shit.
avatar for RiskA
2 years ago
If you post your payment on a public board like this, you can’t be “upset” about any comment you get. When I read about someone paying more than I do, I say so. Then maybe they’ll know & can negotiate better next time.
It’s the clowns who get defensive or fall back to “you get what you pay for” rationalizations that deserve to get blasted. You get what you can get, and part of that is your willingness to walk away & try with the next girl.
Ultimately “it’s your money” but one shouldn’t be afraid to face the fact if they’re overspending. It happens, esp when you don’t know better. But if you’re overspending for the wrong reasons (simp, can’t say no, too thirsty, etc.) I have to disagree with posters above: that’s on you, and free speech is gonna come your way.
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