
OMG, OMG, OMG, can you believe these guys!

The voice of truth and reason
Sunday, April 23, 2023 5:21 PM
A recent comment was added to a discussion on the playhouse lounge in Burlington, NJ. [view link] These guys stated a dancer's name, OMG! Don't they know that they are supposed to adhere to the position taken by that TUSCL's resident know it all, call me Ishmael, who believes that a dancer's name shouldn't be included? CIM, why haven't you barged into that thread telling them of the problems they're causing by doing this? Aren't you going to send them a private message and lecture them on the perils of the practice? You spend every waking moment on here, how'd this get past you? You can save everyone the dissertation regarding my dislike for you. For everyone's information, I don't think much of CIM. To the rest of you white knights, why didn't you charge in on your white horses and rescue these damsels in distress? Don't you know that according to CIM, these dancers now have a target on their backs? Every stalker out there has now been informed of these dancers and the club where they can be found. In all seriousness to the readership on here, in your opinion is there anything wrong with this type of content appearing in a discussion or a review? Reviews currently get passed with this content, should guidelines change to turn them down if they do? If I was a visitor to this club and limited time, I'd find this kind of content useful. Of course I am responsible for my own vetting and YMMV but if others have given the opinion that so and so has a bad attitude or has left them disappointed, I'd keep that in mind if she plopped down next to me. All I see are a few general positive statements and contributions where a visitor wasn't pleased with a dancer and shared his opinion. I believe that as the customer, you have the right to include a name if you choose when you share positive shout outs that do not include links to specific acts for specific dollar amounts as well as share experiences you believe were disappointing, underwhelming, etc.


  • nicespice
    a year ago
    Eeh, if you’re going to cherry pick some link where naming dancers happen, why not link to one of the discussions/reviews that gets into even more explicit detail about them? They do exist after all. And not even just details about their club mileage (which is problematic enough), but actual gossip about what car they drive. That’s not hyperbole, there was literally that type of gossip going on in some thread about an Arizona club. Or what days they work (that customers take upon themselves to broadcast instead of leaving it up to a dancer to announce that herself if she so chooses). Because that has happened. And that behavior makes it tougher to stick up for this site when dancers go trashing this site calling people on here creepy losers. (Not my words, and I’ve met plenty of individuals from this site on here, and it’s gone well. I’m just talking about the image problem this site has. Some of which is unfair, but in some cases can be pretty justified)
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    I'm not familiar with CMI's posts but generally there are some guys who discourage posting names connected to specific services, for valid reasons. The thread you linked only had names, not services.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    If you post a dancer’s name and your experience with them, there’s a pretty good chance they’ll figure out who you are. If so, good luck with your next visit. It’s my preference to treat dancers with respect. As a result, I get much better service and attention during future visits. That works in real life too. I was always friendly and respectful of the secretaries/assistants of executives I met with. That courtesy paid off 100 fold. A lot of my competitors never learned that lesson and never realized how much business it cost them.
  • RiskA
    a year ago
    I feel names & acts are the REAL intel worth sharing, but I acknowledge that bad shit can happen as a result. Sometimes it’s due to local govt/LE caring (in SoCal they don’t, but elsewhere is different), sometimes it’s creepy stalkers who don’t understand YM(& price)MV, sometimes it’s club management, etc. Better to be vague but helpful enough that savvy PLs can figure it out. (Except re: ROBs, there I’d name names & details.) But I feel your pain re: the “too explicit” worrywarts, I had one blast my reviews every time. My response? “Last review, 2020.” Who cares about “VIP” status if reviews share little to no real intel? I don’t care about club layouts, drink choices, or info available on the club website, which is apparently what some think is a “good” review.
  • RiskA
    a year ago
    Mark94, I had like 50 reviews here & 200 dancer reviews on a local website, and not one dancer ever linked me. Or if they did, it made no difference. It’s not like mine was the only dick they sucked LOL. I understand that may vary in other cases. I agree, treat them with respect in person; but share the details so fellow mongers can benefit.
  • Mike Rotch
    a year ago
    Who the hell is CIM? (Cum in mouth?)
  • rattdog
    a year ago
    just read through the thread. i like to thank all that commented there. it appears that one can conclude that jenna is one not worthy for mongers to fork over their hard earned cash for a belligerent performer. those commenters provided very value info for the tuscl public. there was no real detailed info regarding the subject regarding personal specifics, action(s) and activities if/did happened, etc. if one wants to inquire about actions/activities confidential pm's are highly encouraged. it's basic pervy common sense.
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    "Who the hell is CIM?" LOL. I guess you're just not an insider. Lol...
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    "it appears that one can conclude that jenna is one not worthy for mongers to fork over their hard earned cash for a belligerent performer." Here's the problem with the rumor mill. There's plenty of dancers named on here as problems I haven't had problems with. There's dancers on here named as prudes who I've railed. I'll give some attention to what other dudes say about a club or a dancer, but if I want to see what a girl is about because she does it for me that's what I'll do.
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    nicespice referenced dancers calling us "creepy losers". If it weren't for us creepy losers, dancers would have far fewer regulars and a smaller pool of customers to fund their shifts. Both dancers and PLs serve a purpose in this ecosystem, with each providing the other with desired outcomes. Neither should be overly criticizing the other.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    I think Cmi is more focused on not associating dancer names with specific extras acts. From the link you posted, it seem like Jenna is doing by-the-book dances. He and I differ a bit on this subject, but he is by no means the only person on here who feels strongly about this. Odd that you picked him out, others are a lot more militant about this subject… eg bubbleyum.
  • 623
    a year ago
    What’s available and what it costs is the main intel I come to this site for. I don’t need to know dancers names, I can sus that out when I get there. Without knowing which clubs have enough tolerance for extras this site has less value for me.
  • Wakawakamoo
    a year ago
    Don't connect extras or illegal activity in detail with names. Common sense. Should be a hard rule. Naming dancers is nothing. My club is 100% PG no extras, the dancers themselves are public about their IG and OF. It depends on the club too, since it's no extras the girls aren't ashamed and are quite public. They will go out to sporting events and hand out VIP cards for entry. Whereas at extras heavy clubs lots of girls won't even show their face on roll call. Complete opposite culture once your pussy is for sale for all comers!
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Why does the OP sound so butthurt about Ish's pet crusade?
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