
Craziest thing a dancer has done to encourage you to get a dance?

Avatar for NJBalla
NJBallaNew York

I have had one give me a HOP HJ barside without breaking eye contact that broke me down. But what takes the cake in many years was a duo came up to me. I gave them the "maybe later" line. One tried to give me a jersey handshake to no avail. Seeing the challenge one pulled the others bra down and treated herself to a few licks. That woke mini me up to thier chagrin but I wasnt drunk enough to go for a double VIP.


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Avatar for HungryGiraffe

Visited a Rio de Janeiro termas (brothel) pre-pandemic, checked in and changed into a robe. Within 15 seconds of entering the main floor area, a tall, attractive, curvy lady with big boobs hugged me and aggressively thrust her tongue down my throat. This was her way of preventing me from checking out the lineup, and being first in line. I was startled, but recognizing there were about 15-20 people watching, mostly ladies and a few other guests, I was determined to take control of the situation.

I DFK’d Ms. Pouncer back twice as hard and bent her backwards, giving the audience a little show. Clapping ensued and I had a brief chat with the impatient vixen. I told her I wanted to meet other women. She pouted of course but moved on.

After meeting several girls, I decided to take Ms. Pouncer to a room. Of course, the sex was lousy, and I realized why she jumps people as they walk in. LOL! Fortunately, my next pick was an amazing provider that left me quite happy.

Avatar for RandomName111

There was a dancer in a certain city who developed an unhealthy interest in me (think she saw a meal ticket but who knows, she was not ok) who hopped from club to club so there was no guaranteed way to avoid her in the city I got dances in the most. Once, after turning her down 3 or 4 times one night and not getting dances from anyone, I finally was chatting with a very cute blonde and was working out details of the VIP tip when she came running up and screamed “He’s mine! He’s only getting dances from me! I told you…” blah blah blah and grabbed the girl by the hair and threw her to the ground, then turned to me as sweet as could be and said “you’re ready for that dance now?”

You asked for crazy, and she delivered. She practically chased me out onto the street (I left, quickly and with no dignity) but the manager intercepted her. I called in the next night and thankfully she was let go over it so I made that the only club I went to in that city… and years later it’s still the only club I go to. She had real “I want to wear your skin as a mask” vibes.

Avatar for CJKent_band

^ My guess is Hand Over Pants = HOP


Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Never gave them a chance. My only criteria for a dance is I find her attract and I'll approach her. Don't waste my time haggling or with girls I don't like. It's simple

Avatar for bigman226

Purple Orchid, Philly. A gorgeous girl that was new to the club was giving me bbbj 2 mins into our 1st dance. About 3 songs in, I HAD to take a phone call for business(go outside to the car, open laptop, setup spreadsheet). Come back in ,club is packed and I'm standing by the door to the ladies dressing room. She comes out, sees me, stands in front of me, reaches back for HJ, whenever I'm ready. We go back up and she finishes CIM for just the cost of dances.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

I had a dancer tell me she wanted to have my baby to get me in VIP.

Avatar for RiskA

Two stand out for me:

  1. A slightly schizo well-muscled ex-Marine dancer named “Cupcake” who on my third visit with her plopped down, grabbed little Risky up my shorts’ leg, and whispered “I can’t wait to drain your balls today.” Convincing sales pitch.

  2. A hot but LM young dancer at a crappy San Diego club who jumped beside me & said “You gotta help me out & get a dance, that creepy guy who just walked in is a friend of my dad and I used to babysit for him & his wife.” She rewarded me by covertly whipping me out and stroking to completion. A good deed unpunished, finally. But never saw here there again after that.

Avatar for rl27

This one dancer had been wanting to get me to go for extras. She was hot but I always hesitated since she seemed a bit aloof. One day during the two for one she promised me she would get me so horny that I would be "begging to jump her bones" before the two for one was over.

Two for one starts and says, "here's a hint of what you'll get." She quickly unzips my pants asking if I mind, then pulls my cock out goes a quick HJ to get me hard and starts rubbing her bikini clad pussy on my exposed cock. For the next song and a half she grinds me and keeps putting up the pressure. DFK, rubbing my balls, hand job. Shortly before song one ends she asks, "you want to fuck me now don't you?" FS with her was 150 at the time so I hand her the extra $130 and she gets out the condom and puts it on and goes to town.

Avatar for Studme53

I got a surprise BBBJ fro a really hot dancer in the regular lap dance room at a well known club in Philly. She just whispered in my ear, “I want to suck it” and went down on me, without any discussion of price, with the bouncer and other customers and dancers feet away. She didn’t seem to care and gave me the best BJ I ever had. I was so surprised and happy I overreacted and gave her $120 tip. It was the first time I had met her and she was gorgeous and totally my type. I was head over heels in lust.

Went back few days later and she was onstage when I sat on the bar. She locked eyes on me and stared at me the entire time she was on stage like I was the only one there. After she was done her set she rushed right over to me and was all over me and my cock bar side - talking really dirty - whispering “I want to suck it” in my ear. How could I resist? We were back in the regular lap dance room with her sucking my cock within about a minute. Again no discussion of cost. This time I gave her $60 tip. That apparently wasn’t enough for her a she was a little pissed - oh well.

I did an OTC car date with her a couple days at the mall where she gave me a great BBBJ in my car in broad daylight. I found it exciting. Downside is I had asked her to dress a little sexy (high heels and shorts - she had 10 plus ass and legs) and she didn’t- and wanted me to drive her to her “friend’s” house in the hood afterwards for her to buy coke, which I refused. Our relationship fizzled after that but it was a fun week.

Avatar for mark94

In Phoenix, the over the pants HJ, known as the stripper hand shake, used to be pretty common as they introduced themselves. It was how high mileage dancers announced their willingness.

More recently, it’s very rare. Like, almost never. Maybe it’s just me ?

Avatar for shadowcat

Several times I have been offered "If you don't like it, you don't have to pay for it". I always pay whether it was good or not.

Avatar for NJBalla

@mark its become very rare here too. I take my current experiences with a grain of salt as I dont travel outside of my regular spot, but I dont see girls doing that to new clients NJ has become a hot spot for raids and law enforcement activity so girls are less inclined to do that stuff at least not in the open

Avatar for blahblahblah23

Some of these are pretty funny. I've totally had customers joke about us making babies in the LD area. I go along with it cuz these days I'm usually good about telling when a customer just likes it when we both talk crazy or he actually expects sex acts lmao. I've found a lot of dudes just love when we both talk crazy, which I personally have zero problem with when they're paying.

As far as craziest shit I've said/done to get dudes to buy dances? Let's see I've told them that I'll rape them LOLLL 😂 Yeah, I know that sounds bad, but like it's worked so many times lmfao!!!!

Avatar for skibum609

At V-Jah's a very hot Brunette sat down, looked me in the eye and said: "Let's be honest. Everyone comes here for the extras, not dances and I was wondering if you were busy now or interested." I was not busy.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

One of my very first regular favorites (not my ATF), with whom I'd had sex several times in an out of the club, sat down next to me at the bar, pushed my hand down her panties and said, "rub". After a few seconds, she shuddered and pulled my hand out. Then she said, "can we go in the back and have sex?" (Yes, that's how she talked, never "fuck" or "suck", but always "sex" or "head"

I told her that while I had enough to get the room, I didn't have enough with me to get back there AND tip her, and she said, "OK, can we go back and have sex?"

Me: "You heard the part about not having enough for a tip, right?"

Her: "Yes. Can we have sex."

So we went back and had sex.

Avatar for newmark

Walked into a club in Manhattan late one really cold winter evening, and a little spinner that I had seen a few times there jumped into my lap, observed that my hands were cold as ice, and proceeded to place them between her legs to warm them up. Lots of parts got warmed up, so we had a few dances. Topless club without a lot of touching, but she did flash her pussy a number of times, up close and personal.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

I've seen this a lot where clubs will be non-nude but a lot of chicks will still show the kitty for an extra tip. This is quite common imo.

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