Drew's OTC Maiden Voyage

I became a regular with a local dancer over the past few years and enjoyed lots of ITC fun with her. In general, if I was going to the club in question I was going to see her. A solid 8 in my book and very sensual, she made dances, VIPs, etc. sexy and not mechanical like some lesser practitioners do. Also, she was clearly bright, so it wasn’t a huge surprise when she hung up her heels to complete studies and work in her target field. It was a bummer though! When she announced her departure via IG, I DM’d her and left the door open to a OTC meetup. She seemed willing to consider it but did not take me up on the offer at the time. Fast forward a few months, and an IG plea for venmo/paypal cash caught my eye. I again proposed a meetup, and this is where the story begins.
She initially replied “maybe” and then before I could follow up, seemed to change her mind and wrote “yes”, and asked if I could host. I told her I would put together a plan and come back to her. Sort of reminds me of my day job, haha. I did a bit of research wrt pricing, and saw that outcall escorts in the area tend to fall into 3 buckets:
$150/hour low end girls: over 40, high volume, or very rough looking with face tattoos, etc.
$700+/hour status symbol girls: modelesque, fly-in, downtown, European, etc. This echelon seems to cater to dumbass software guys who don’t know what they’re doing but pay top dollar for whatever they’re buying.
$300-$500/hour girls: young, fit, attractive, more girl next door-ish, etc. This is the majority of the local market.
I decided to use #3 as my pricing basis and suggested $400 for one hour of "what we used to do in the club", and I would pay for a hotel. No specific acts were discussed, but our usual activity was lap dancing, a lot of heavy petting, and a CHJ (that’s my kink, I know it’s not for everyone). She said that sounded good, and then asked if I could do $500. Again she second-guessed herself before I could reply, writing that $400 would be fine. Having secured the cost and goods, I set about finding the location.
Based on a last minute booking site, I found a deal at a recently remodeled historic hotel, not opulent, but classic and well appointed. I didn’t want to bring her to a motor hotel for our first OTC, plus I like their old-fashioned bar, it would be a cool place for me to have a drink and dinner and reflect upon my activities. The damage after fees etc. would be ~$200. Downtown, it could easily have been 3 times that. Booking was done with browser in privacy mode, a credit card that only I have access to, and a dedicated use secure web based email account. Moscow Rules: watch your back, London Rules: cover your ass, Seattle OTC Rules: Moscow + London Rules!
On the night in question I arrived early, showered, stashed my wallet in the room safe, and laid out her cash on the bathroom sink. She let me know via IG messenger that she was on her way. I drank some water, and read the news… that 20 minutes was interminable! It was amazing how slowly time flowed, I think the multi-day build up added to the excitement. Finally, she messaged that she was downstairs, and I came down to get her. We hugged, and I quickly got us both back up to the room. Looking at her the most remarkable thing was the physical transformation from the context I was used to seeing her in. At the club, she was done up in “if looks could kill” makeup, 6” heels, a revealing and somewhat garish outfit, big nails, hair a bit wild from the pole, etc. ITC, these dancers have their game face and war paint on, they can be a little intimidating! Here in the hotel room, she looked like nothing so much as a cute indie girl out for the evening. Clunky shoes, skirt, winter cap, sweater, etc. Less intimidating for sure, but cute as hell. I was interested to sample this version of my previous ITC fave.
I let her know I had left something for her in the bathroom, and she went to see what it was. This “leave it in the bathroom” routine is typical among in-call escorts, but she seemed a little puzzled by it. She figured things out quickly enough. Coming out of the bathroom, she stepped out of her shoes and sat on the bed. I sat next to her and we chatted for a few minutes. I raised the question of “how exactly do we do this”, which is rather more obvious in the club with the precedence of lap dances and the song acting as the starting gun. We briefly discussed what I wanted and then got to work. What ensued was essentially a 30-minute version of our usual 15 minute activities in the VIP. She asked if she could kiss me, and this resulted in some delightful LFK. I did ask for an upgrade to CBJ during the session, and she said sure, but she also asked how much more I would pay her. I considered my options… say no and spoil the mood, or say yes and set a new baseline… I offered $50 to which she agreed. It was well worth the upgrade! WOW. Technique really is everything. It occurred to me that this would be the new baseline from now on, and that she had shrewdly let me move the goal posts for her. I have to respect that. Honestly, it seemed like I was still within the normal price range anyway, and the service was great, so I was OK with it. I’d like to try FS and MSOG at some point however, and this price escalation has me slightly worried that I’ll end up in a negotiation north of the $500 range. I won’t pay more than that, especially considering the $200 room fee. It’s just a bit much overall. So, we will see how the next session goes.
Speaking of the next session, at the end we were chatting and hanging out in the room, and she asked when she could see me next. I suppose this is a good sign, like she feels comfortable enough with what we did to make it a regular thing. Frankly, that sounds pretty appealing, but $650 out the door cuts into my clubbing budget, and would be impractical more than monthly. There’s also a great of deal of logistics involved in finding a suitable hotel, getting a woman 1/2 my age into a hotel room without being obvious, making excuses at home, etc. So I let her know that I was interested but couldn’t make it a super regular thing, and would reach out soon.
All in all, this was a great experience. I had even more fun that I am accustomed to with a dancer that I like from a looks, intellect, and sensuality perspective. It did increase my expenditures a bit:
Normal club visit with this dancer: $5 condoms + $20 entrance, drink, tip + $80 for 2 warmup dances in LDA + $30 VIP room rental + $300 VIP = $435
Drew’s OTC 101 experience with this dancer: $5 condoms + $10 lube (well worth the investment) + $200 hotel + $450 OTC = $665
…this represents a 53% cost increase, for a ~100% time increase + several material upgrades: CBJ, kissing, all the time I need (~30 minutes apparently), and of course a 5 day proposal to closing timeframe. This event would have been impossible to arrange last minute like a trip to the club.
I should say that while I have had both civvies and call girls visit me in hotel rooms, I've never met a dancer ITC and then gotten her into a hotel OTC. So, this scenario was to a certain degree new to me.
I'd like to express my thanks to various TUSCLers for best practices, advice, encouragement, and even the very idea of pulling an OTC. I finally got around to next leveling the PL game, and while it won’t replace my clubbing hobby it was a very nice alternative experience. I guess in a few weeks I will get an IG DM asking to see me. I feel like I just stepped up from PL Tenderfoot to PL Second Class.
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last commentCongrats on the good time. Fair warning though. Your next badge might require more progress on the economics of these transactions.
Seventy percent of the time, The System (TM) works every time!
My first dancer OTC tracked this pretty closely, including the remorse over dangling a generous price to snag the first bite. Trying to reduce that offer on visit # 3 met with unhappiness & pouting (but she took it). I then moved on, and a couple weeks later she texted an offer at my lower price, and once even offered a 1/2 price special. But her attitude was never as good as at the higher price; however, her body & pussy were as good. For future OTCs, I started lower, and I found cheaper location options (dayuse hotel website, local hot tub club, etc.). Still a bit more expensive than ITC, but the longer time & relaxed setting was worth it to me. A couple girls got used to the cash flow & threw out time limits, etc.; one even brought along her friend for a threesome. OTC was a good alternative when strip club BS would begin weighing me down.
So you paid $650 for a CBJ? Congrats. Real humble brag material you got here.
@gamma are you still mad that I called you a white supremacist? You seem hurt.
I am just trying to understand what kind of cuck thinks $650 for a covered blow job is the experience of a lifetime.
Congrats drew, u gonna upgrade to a power PL soon enough!
The more relaxed atmosphere is so much better than itc, totally worth it!
Fun story. Maybe it's a newb question, but do you expect to keep things moving, knowing that you likely cannot do it more than once a month? I imagine that time in-between could lead maybe changed circumstances or priorities for your dancer, before it can become a regular thing. Like if I think of it in terms of dating (though likely an inapt analogy), you kind of have to keep the momentum going, especially if she was hesitant to begin with. So I wonder if/how this would apply if you were only meeting once a month or less (or maybe that's normal?).
@t3mpo-: thanks! I'm not sure about regularity from my own perspective, much less hers. Its hard to see paying that amount or doing all the logistics on the regular. From her perspective, it seems like a crap shoot: she left dancing for a reason, but also came back to me for a reason, so it's unclear what will happen. I guess she's ok enough with me, and needs money enough, that she'll be open to meeting again in a month, but there's no way to know.
@drewcarepnw well done! You've scored a win for Stripper OTC.
Some thoughts on going forward:
If you can get her to accept, say $600-$650 a month (versus $450 now), split between 2 meets, she may see that as a big enough win to go for it. If she enjoys her time with you, it won't seem like twice the work, but twice the fun for more cash. A win-win.
If this sounds like I'm suggesting you treat her more like a sugar baby than a hooker, that's because I am. She may have been willing to provide extras in the club to trusted PL's (that's you!), but (in her mind) she never wanted to cross the line into full escorting. So make this about a FWB relationship and reap the rewards of hot friend who like to fuck for fun and profit, rather than a hooker trying to maximize pay while minimizing services delivered to random tricks.
@herb thanks so much for the advice! I need to think about this stuff, lots to learn and lots of fun to have here.
👍 Sounds like you had a fine hour of fun
You wrote in response to @herbcat comment, and I quote:
“I need to think about this stuff, lots to learn and lots of fun to have here.”
Questions: What are your thoughts? What have you learned? How much fun have you had?
I am of the opinion that you should make your relationship as a Sugar Baby relationship, I think she will be happy with a good reliable relationship, even if you only can afford to meet her a couple of times a month.
Since she appears to just be using the relationship to supplement her income a regular sugar baby type of relationship could be a win win for you both.
I don’t think you “will fall in love with her” or she “will fall in love with you”, so it could be a good sugar daddy-sugar baby relationship.
In any case just be careful out there and enjoy the Good Times, as much as possible.
And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
^ This seems like a good opportunity to point out that the primary reason why I'm not a fan of CJKent is the fixated creepy voyeurism that he inflicts on other users.
This was at its worst back when Gawker was posting about the horrible and sad stuff going on with his ATF, and CJKent made it obvious that he read these posts with only one hand on the keyboard.
You're a creepy little man, CJKent.
^^^^^ On March 12, 2018 LoverBoyPizza started a discussion with the following question; and I quote:
“Anyone ever done a shotgun kiss with a dancer?”
After a dozen of comments we see the following comment:
“One time I was driving my ATF and she was smoking crack and asked if I wanted a shotgun.
Not knowing what she was talking about I said sure.
Two minutes later she's got me in a lip lock while I'm doing 75 and she totally blocked my vision.
Well that was a rush!”
Then after a couple more comments we see these revealing comments:
“Fucking Gawker once again makes us all look like pussies.”
“If I looked like a pussy I'd jack off while looking in the mirror.”
“That Gawker story is impressive! Driving a crack smoking whore - and shotgunning her vapes! I’ve got nothing that compares to his level of manliness!”
Shaylyn’s and @Cashman1234 comments say it all.
^ That response didn't make you look less creepy. Actually, it went the other way.
Your normal ITC activity is a condom HJ and lapdance? Wow, that is something probably almost any dancer or escort would be willing to do. That level of service is worth no more than $200.
$350-$500 an hour is the standard rate for full service. Which includes not just CFS but also a CBJ and even BBBJ most of the time, and DATY and kissing as long as the girl isnt pimped out by a boyfriend. Whats the point of a CBJ or CHJ? It basically is the same as doing it yourself
The $700+ price point is actually what renowned famous women charge for an hour of full service. Olivia fox/tayler mercier, a former playboy model over in houston, charges $700 an hour. She also has incredible reviews online. The $700 an hour includes standard CFS, and BBBJ and DATY and kissing and she even allows fingering. Its all stuff your trashy, scamming, pimped out stripper or escort would never do. For those girls, fingering or DATY or kissing is considered cheating.
Brazzers pornstars charge $1000+ an hour. Spencer scott, jenna starr, julianna vega, numerous other brazzers stars do escorting and charge $1000 to $1200 an hour. Any regular stripper from a club asking for more than $500 an hour for full service is delusional and a scammer of some kind.
If you just want a HJ and petting that is standard massage girl stuff the online massage girls offer. And its $200 or $300 an hour.