Using dogs to connect with strippers

You know I've noticed how much many strippers I've met absolutely love dogs. So it got me thinking, maybe I'll use a dog in order to sort of get my foot in the door with some of these dancers.

A strip club I'm near, there's a gas station right next to it. I borrowed a friends dog and decided to hang out at it while strippers would sometimes stop before or after to work to fill up. I'd be out there sometimes 21, 22, 23 hours at a clip. My approach would be a long with the dog on the leash, I would see a stripper pull up, and maybe knock on the window, say "Hey how you doin" and hand sign to roll down the window.

Most of them would not even get out of the car and just drive up (why even stop at the gas station then?) or if they did get out, they would hop right back in and drive off when I made eye contact and began my approach. For the non strippers that pulled up I would usually just ask for change.

I'm gonna keep at it, I'm out here right now I'll let y'all how it goes. So far no success whatsoever, none yet but I'll chime in on this thread if I get anyone that takes the bait.


  • Specialj
    a year ago
    Lol good luck. If that doesn't work you can always offer them money tried and true
  • mike710
    a year ago
    Maybe add a sign that say "will work for Alpo" or "one of us needs their anal glands expressed taking donations"
  • SquareCastle
    a year ago
    Forget about this imaginary endeavor and your endeavor at being funny as well. Instead, why don’t you try removing yourself from mommy’s basement and pick up a new hobby, like getting a part time job so you can stop posting asinine discussion threads.
  • Array
    a year ago
    Is the dog a pit bull? I think that’s the strippers’ dog of choice.
  • motorhead
    a year ago

    “You know I've noticed how much many strippers I've met absolutely love dogs”

    It’s almost as if strippers crave some affection they never got as kids. Wonder if anyone has everyone thought of that before?
  • Specialj
    a year ago
    So you are getting change from the civvies? How much have you gotten so far? Also 22 hours and Still at it....we all should admire your perseverance if nothing else
  • Lanechange
    a year ago
    Maybe go back to whatever tactic led you to believe strippers like dogs. Obviously getting far enough with a stripper to get words to come out their mouth is getting you farther than creeping them out by stalking them at a gas station.

    That or try adding your penis into the roll down the window hand gesture.

    Actually, bring a radar gun and see how fast you can get them to leave. See if theres a connection between speed and dog breed. For science.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    They love dogs because they hate men.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    Jfc muddy. You had me for a few lines there
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    serious now I went into a coffee shop and there was a guy sitting in the booth with one of those little tiny dogs with the long white hair...dust mop dog. literally every single waitress came up and sat beside the dog and petted it.
  • Meshuggah
    a year ago
    I use to joke to my friends I was starting a puppy rental service for guys who wanna pick up chicks.
    Rent the puppy for 3 hours, take it to the park, get digits, return puppy.
  • Specialj
    a year ago
    For the non homophobes you can befriend a gay man they are also chick magnets.

  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    10 Best dogs for picking up chicks.…
  • RiskA
    a year ago
    I’m trusting you don’t mean “connect” in the Lego or Daisy Chain meaning, right? I think FCM action (female-canine-male) is both deeply disturbing & likely criminal, so it should be posted only in the “Politics” forum.
  • Huntsman
    a year ago
    Dogs and weed. I can’t think of a stripper ive met that wasn’t into those two things. They vary in most other ways but I suspect a love of dogs and weed are requirements for admission into Stripper 101 class.
  • JamesSD
    a year ago
    Did you get the most aggressive looking dog possible?
  • mogul1985
    a year ago
    There was a movie out called Must Love Dogs w/Diane Lane.

    It’s gotta be hard to have a BF and be a stripper. They might finds having a dog to be a good companion.

    I show dogs as a hobby. My wife use to call my Australian Terrier a chick magnet, and he was. I even had a groupie that remembered him when I was showing at Westminster at The Garden; she was 12 and with her mom, nothing weird however she remembered my dog from the previous year.

    Dogs help break the ice with strangers. For strippers at home home a dog may be their only real relationship.
  • 59
    a year ago
    Is this even accurate? Most strippers I know are cat lovers. Some fall into the category of cat ladies.
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