
Comments by RiskA (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: Cobra Kai
    I find it entertaining too. Good writing, especially how they skewer “Johnny Lawrence” for toxic masculinity (‘80’s style) while redeeming him as a dude trying to do the right thing. And yay Ralph Maccio, an exec producer who lets himself be portrayed as the nerdy douche foil a lot of the time. A little too much CW “teen drama” crap, but overall it’s fun.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Moment 'drunk' stripper Grace Spoonamore tries to SEDUCE an Ohio police officer
    ^As these cops did, relative to the stripper’s “friend”. And as they did to psycho Grace throughout the video. The unsubstantiated assumption “they” released the footage is just classic “oppressed victimized by authoritarian oppressors” worldview, as promoted by the Marxist school of thought to justify “revolution” (actually just redistributing the power to oppress unto themselves). Typical modern college “critical thinking” that starts and finishes with an assumption of fact.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Moment 'drunk' stripper Grace Spoonamore tries to SEDUCE an Ohio police officer
    Seriously? There’s only one person “humiliating” her, and it’s her own drunken ass. Personal responsibility, baby. You drink & drive and get busted, it’s on you. The cops should sell this funny shit, and fund hiring more cops & buying more body cams. If you don’t want to be mocked, don’t do stupid shit.
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    a year ago
    Wayfaring Stranger
    What is Wrong With People?
    @Babydoc: Sorry dude I was a bit harsh; my point was maybe you just need a break & something new to get out of the cycle. I get disgusted with strip club life & take hiatuses every year or two, and it helps me focus on the joys rather than the despair of the life.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    What is the biggest factor that would make you move from your current location?
    I am trying to abandon CA for all of the above reasons, but it’s hard due to friends, weather & strip clubs. So now I’m bi(coastal) with an intense legal construct to establish residence & tax liability in my new state, to avoid CA greed taxes despite regular physical presence in CA (on frequent & extended vacations). The other issues are tolerable short-term, and just make me appreciate my new state more (apart from it’s awful strip club & mongering scene).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Do Strip Clubs Visits Result in MORE (or less) Visits?
    One visit leads to another for me. The thrill of the hunt, the quest to repeat a good time, the hope it will be better than last time. But at some point I grow disgusted with myself or the club BS, and then it’s a cold turkey hiatus for as long as it takes for the hunger to return. Damn, sounding a bit like a serial killer here LOL.
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    But if a PL dared post about what Tik Tok Stripper does in the VIP room, the ladies of stripper-web & pearl clutching PLs would condemn & ban your ass. Double standard much? Someone in TN needs to ID this tattletale so she can be boycotted.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Moment 'drunk' stripper Grace Spoonamore tries to SEDUCE an Ohio police officer
    Hahaha that video is hilarious. I’ve had equally incoherent convo with strippers, but her stamina & energy level takes it to another level. The professionalism of the cops is outstanding. Although that had to be the most useless Miranda warning ever LOL.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Wayfaring Stranger
    What is Wrong With People?
    What is wrong with people who post half a dozen posts about what’s wrong with strip clubs in a week, and yet don’t realize that they need a hiatus from strip club life to do something completely unrelated? Posting on a strip club board is still seeking the fix that isn’t getting you there. Change things up and in 3 months you’ll be enjoying strip clubs again.
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    a year ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    Pros and cons of clubbing with friends
    Solo, always. My true friends are funny & sarcastic & harsh like brothers; I ain’t giving them the treasure trove of material that would be generated by my strip club life. Plus, loose lips sink ships. Maybe with a group to a topless bar to drink, where I can pretend “it’s my first time in a strip club” LOL.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Too detailed too specific
    ^ That would be the happy compromise. You can be vague in a way that any savvy PL gets enough info but that really says nothing. Two practical problems, tho: 1) the knight pearl clutchers, who need to protect “their girls” from imagined harms, will yell “too explicit!!”, and 2) many reviewers are too “direct” to pull it off, or many do WANT to brag or claim a trophy. Bottom line: hard & fast rules don’t work well. Try to hit a balance between actionable intel and discretion, and have a conscience.
  • article comment
    a year ago
    On Reputation and Increasing Your Chances for Takeout
    Solid advice, thanks. I never thought of it as “sharing experiences” but damn that is exactly the way I try to find the easiest glide path to OTC. A little respectful wide-ranging convo about non-routine strip club shit wakes up the more genuine girls, makes them feel like less of an object. And that can pay off (tho you have to walk the right rope, to not come off too creepy-personal-stalker). I talked to a porn-star dancer at SRCOI back in the day, and somehow ended up in this intense literary analysis of Moby Dick, and she was schooling my post-grad ass. Then she said “That was fun and now I really want to drain your balls.” And for a couple years after she remembered & we talked about all kinds of crazy stuff before nympho mode. The perfect storm. Had similar great experiences with other dancers a few other times, with the same sort of arc. With the right girl, it’s like catnip.
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Mongering out in the Mountain West
    You need a Rick Steves-like TV travel show. Seriously, dude. Monetize your passion! I’ve touristed heavily in these parts, but not the strip club scene. Guess I was unwittingly wise. For tourism hidden gems, I like Custer State Park in SD, Colorado National Monument near Grand Junction, and The Mint bar in Sheridan WY. And you are on point about some of those mountain roads: the builders must have been too nervous to try to build guard rails, so it’s pay attention or die.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Air Dance just standing
    ^It’s more like a Travis Bickle monologue. Everybody at Synn COI: keep a lookout for the guy with a Mohawk and a gleam in his eye, especially if you hear quarters jingling in his pocket. Code 5150.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Nudity on Stage Getting Rarer
    Not getting nude on stage when I’m up there tipping is a red flag to me re: buying dances from that girl. I get that sometimes they tease it to Song #2 (2-song stage sets being standard here), so I tip in increments to reward those who do and stuff those that don’t (it’s a “nude” club, so nude dances are required). If they later hit me up, I’ll ask them directly why they didn’t get nude in a nude dance club; it can be very revealing, actually. I’ve heard some legit excuses (tampon string, lace-up boots in the way, etc.), but mostly it’s just entitlement indicators. IMO, this issue isn’t new or recent; it’s a classic, tho the pendulum does swing. I think it’s more about whether customers enable it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Spearmint Rhino Online Roll Call. Every strip club should have that.
    ^They use fake names, they can obscure their faces, and clubs (at least here in SoCal) generally respect “under the radar” requests and leave girls off roll calls if requested. This isn’t North Korea compelling slaves to provide photos under penalty of force; these are independent contractors who choose to be strippers and to market themselves in this way. I find this concern a bit patriarchal, absent evidence of compulsion.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    High Mileage in LA
    Then I agree, Jet Strip. Bare Elegance is about a 5 minute Uber away from Jet Strip if you feel like a marathon. Everything else not worth the Uber charges to get there. PS Lots of HM massage parlors within 10-15 miles of Inglewood, mostly Latina & Asian. Torrance was Ground Zero, but city pressure is hurting the scene for last year or so. Need to use one of the specialized review sites to get the latest.
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    a year ago
    High Mileage in LA
    A geography class probably wasn’t your goal, but they’re right: LA is big & vague & a traffic nightmare. Where you are starting from matters. To answer on substance, I don’t know the downtown clubs: parking, homeless & vibe keep me away. But I’m sure they’d meet your fairly minimal thresholds. The Hollywood/Bev Hills tourist clubs are largely a waste; tourist traps and you’ll pay 3x normal. But you have a story for when you return to Podunkville. The Gentlemans Club north of downtown & Rio south of downtown would do the job, but they’re sorta ghetto & low-end. If in West LA, try Jet Strip; maybe Bare Elegance LAX but it’s pricier. In the San Fernando Valley, Synn North Hills, Rhino Van Nuys or Blue Zebra North Hollywood (in that order). But that 405 freeway drive is hell; COI is likely easier. Pretty much any nude club can supply the mileage you seek (not “high” for LA, just standard), but the more upscale & tourist oriented the more it will cost. And not every girl everywhere; just ask beforehand, they’ll answer (or be vague enough that it’s on you if you take the risk).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Air Dance just standing
    No names? It didn’t happen. I think Squarecastle has this one figured out, I’m surprised to say. I guess putting DH on mute & depriving him of attention is the only solution. I encourage you all to do the same.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Day Shift Vs Night Shift
    “You don’t pay hookers for sex, you pay them to go away after”, to misquote Charlie Sheen. One of the 10 Commandments of strip club life, like “She don’t love you” and “Your Experience Will Vary, Always.”
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    RIP: Jimmy Buffett
    Damn. Maybe “one hit song,” but a deep catalog and a true musical craftsman. Listen to “A Sailor’s Christmas,” it’s like a songwriting master course. Good storyteller & “novelist” too. Saw him many times live; great in a small venue with a small band, although his later years as a big band legacy act were meh. But he was all about the audience & entertaining them, and he earned that fortune. RIP.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Air Dance just standing
    Name the club and the dancer. If you paid for a nude lap dance, and that was not delivered, you have a legit complaint. If the club or dancer dismiss said complaint, take your business elsewhere and out them so your brother PLs can be warned. Throwing coins and getting pissy inside the club is just a bitch move that will get you nothing but future hurt.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    COI Clubs
    This is exactly how a chick explains wanting a Fendi purse, and how “nouvelle cuisine” works. A fine example of the range of human psychology. Good luck with your plan. I’ll stick with mine. 4Play’s all yours LOL.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Day Shift Vs Night Shift
    DH: “You can pick up these hoes for free if you really got game….” Maybe if one can fly her home on a unicorn that sweats cocaine; but I’m not holding my breath haha. Id be too worried I’d awaken in a bathtub of ice with fewer internal organs…..
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    COI Clubs
    “You get what you pay for” is a sucker’s (or whale’s) rationalization for money is no object. I’ve had plenty of “queen bees” and top girls take my rate; the circumstances just must align. And sure, you miss out on some, but so what there’s always the next one.