Spearmint Rhino Online Roll Call. Every strip club should have that.

avatar for Muddy
Just a great feature all around if you haven't seen it. Basically every SR location has profiles of each dancers, photos (some don't show their face but most do), even stupid shit like their hobbies listed and shows who's working at the club right now and who's not. We need this in every strip club in America.


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avatar for Dustyhawkins
a year ago
Right??? I love that too so you can the pictures but more importantly who's there at the moment and so you know when to go and save time and get to your dancer right away. It would be a lot easier than to just go to a strip club and hope your dancers you like are there. Cause you can't call the club and ask the roll call or if this person is there first of all that looks sketchy AF plus they won't tell you anyone they'll say it's against our companies policy

But yeah I love Spearmint Rhino how it has the roll call, also Onegcapp if you Google that, it's only for a select number of clubs in California they have a roll call similar to spearmint rhino it's like 12 clubs from the same brand sister club they show who's working at the moment also and pictures.

I just love the roll call you go on see you find your dancer working your like F yeah you immediately head down to the club waste no time immediately wait for her and everything is perfect
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
I don't know about other locations, but here it's total bullshit. If you look at it on Friday night, you'll see like 3 dancers on there. If you go in, they'll be around 20-30. Also, I'd venture a guess that around 75% of the girls on there haven't worked a single shift in more than 3 months.

Prior to the version with pictures, they had a simple list of names. That was generally up to date. Even if you didn't know what the girls looked like, knowing that there was 5 or 50 girls was great. And if you did know the specific girl you were interested in, that much better.

I'm not sure if the issue is a reluctance from girls to be featured there with their picture, or incompetence/laziness from management to set it up, or what. The one for the Palm Beach Rhino is worse than useless.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
Three of the Baltimore clubs post their dancer schedules for the week to their websites on mondays. It’s not 100% accurate because strippers, but it’s most of the way there. I check them all the time and it’s super helpful when planning where or when to go. I wish more clubs did it.

Other clubs including the RIP Players Club post rosters intermittently to their social media. I suspect it’s intermittent because of some combination of not having set dancer schedules and a lackluster social media person. It’s almost more frustrating than never doing it because you feel like it wastes your time to go check and find nothing. This topic could go in the “if I ran the perfect club this is how I’d do it” threads that we discuss every so often.
avatar for RiskA
a year ago
The Rhino & Kim (Synn, Paradise, Imperial, others) have been doing it in SoCal about a year. They’re generally accurate & useful, as more real-time geared to “who’s in” rather than “scheduled” (“because, strippers” LOL a perfect summary).
To pick nits, some photos are fake, old or so filtered they could be the Loch Ness monster; and some clubs lie to bait & switch (Synn North Hills routinely, most Kim clubs occasionally). But it’s better than the alternative of going in blind.
avatar for boomer79
a year ago
Some girls would probably rather not have their pictures online associated with a club.
avatar for TheeOSU
a year ago
I agree I would love to see all clubs do that but most club owners/managers are too stupid or lazy to think of or consider giving potential customers a perk like that.

Also dreg clubs that offer nothing would probably be afraid to list the dancers for fear that it would have the opposite result of generating business. Lol

avatar for whodey
a year ago
It would be nice, but I can see why a lot of girls wouldn't want their pic (even without their face) on a club's website or social media. None of the clubs I frequent go that far, but several of them do either type up a list of who is working or post a quick pic of the marker board showing the current lineup each shift. That gives the regulars a good idea of who is there and for those that don't know the names at least they can see if there are a couple of dozen girls working or just 3 girls there to help decide if it is worth going.
avatar for caseyx
a year ago
On the SR roll calls some of the dancers have pictures that don't show much. One dancer at CoI just has a picture of her ass. I think encouraging dancers to post real pictures but allowing them to put up something that isn't identifiable is a fair compromise. (The funny thing is the girl I'm thinking of with just her ass on her profile has her face all over social media, including on the club's IG. But strippers...)
avatar for Nobodygtyu
a year ago
Never knew about this feature, thanks for the heads up. However I checked out the Vegas Spearmint Rhino roll call a couple days in a row and it looks like it's not updating, seeing the exact same list of girls each day.
avatar for Cunnbunn
a year ago
Ehhh...this is dangerous. Cool feature as a customer, sure, but the women don't need their names and schedules posted online for family, stalkers, or other undesirables to find.
avatar for RiskA
a year ago
^They use fake names, they can obscure their faces, and clubs (at least here in SoCal) generally respect “under the radar” requests and leave girls off roll calls if requested. This isn’t North Korea compelling slaves to provide photos under penalty of force; these are independent contractors who choose to be strippers and to market themselves in this way. I find this concern a bit patriarchal, absent evidence of compulsion.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
when i was going frequently... synn and the so cal rhinos were pretty reliable with rollcalls before covid.
avatar for SneakySecret2
a year ago
I’m a big fan of the roll call feature - agree clubs should all have that, and the girls can decide if they want to put their pics on it. Usually the girls with pics get me more excited to go in and see them.
avatar for stripperlover777
a year ago
Agreed--------- LOL ✔️
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