As I rescued my Titleist from the bottom of the cup I heard a tearing sound and immediately thought: "ya tore your pants fatso", but no, my pants were fine, the sound was my knee, ending golf season prematurely. My brother took me to lunch and the 3 zombies mixed well with the five golf course beers, so off to Rhode Island Dolls I went. While getting a massage I spied a young lady and her magnificent double ds on the stage and set my sights on her. She came over, sat down suggested a dance, but then said let's have a drink first and get to know each other, with a seductive rub on my leg. Of course, this was the highlight of my time with her. She excused herself and went over to hug a customer who had just walked in. I have seen them together before, but with a small list of dancers I decided to just stay with the one I had. She comes back, now all business and says lets go do our dance. So much for getting to know each other and I am now 100% certain I am in for a shitty experience. Ordinarily at this point I bail and say no thanks, go back to your customer, but part of me is saying "you need this to be a shitty, lousy experience, because you need a clue". Downstairs we go. Pay the man, go in the room and now she has to use the ladies room. I will tell the bouncer to add time to the clock. I sit there vaping some weed thinking, just get up and leave, the money is gone anyway. This makes me laugh and by the time I stop she is back and starts her grind. Rubs the boobs on my face, rubs nipples across my mouth, so I pop one in and she says: "you're going to tip me right"? I look at her and simply say nope I won't do it again. Good dance but soon she says thank you for the dance. I picked up my phone, looked her in the eye and said you've been back 7 minutes. She says so sorry, sit back down and we'll start again. I have an epiphany and simply say: "no thanks this was not fun in the least", pick up my stuff and walk out. The bouncer sees me and says dude, os everything ok? Anything you need? Anything I can do? I say no worries, I would rather just have a drink alone than spend more time down here and I go upstairs. I finished my beer. I watched the dancer go through the same script with her regular, word for word to get him to order her a drink. I wonder why I went through with something I knew would suck with a ROB who isn't even my type. It then dawned on me: This isn't fun any longer. I do it for the same reason I stayed in my last job too long, my last relationship before I met my wife too long, living in my car for too long. Inertia is what my life consists of, right up until the point where I am done. It was that way with Tennis, my girlfriend in law school and my last job. I just stayed too long because inertia is my God. Bet $140.00 I have spent in my life I think. I wish you all well. Long lives, good health and much happiness for all you mutha fucking PLs lol.
Your best post ever ski! (imo) I may be right there with you after a wasted day at the one and only local club. I was there maybe 15 minutes and didn't even have a beer.
ROB’s will always prosper unfortunately because of male nature/tendencies. There are so many simps (definitely not saying OP is….not looking to start a war or argument) that ROB behavior from many dancers will probably get worse as the economy continues to get weaker. More PL’s should be assertive like OP and cut it off at the pass.
Generally, dancers that walk up and beg for drinks are ROB’s. I’ll buy a drink when I feel like it - on my terms - not because YOU asked me to. I had one tell me not long ago that she “didn’t get paid for showing up but gets paid by tips” as if I didn’t know that. This was her way to justify begging for drinks. I told her I wasn’t paid at all for being there, but that it costs me money - which abruptly ended the conversation.
Too many guys let these chicks dictate to them how they should spend their money. Cannot let that happen - beautiful women come a dime a dozen. We cannot fool ourselves into letting them get over on us. I get that some guys are cucks that get off on that whole “financial domination” kink - so if that’s your thing and you have the means to do it then I guess have at it.
Well ski you do you man, wish you well. Yeah I read stories about these girls thinking it’s totally cool to kill time and vacate VIP. The gall that takes, Jesus. But giving up strip clubs doesn’t mean you can’t still fuck around on here. 60% of the time we don’t even talk about strip clubs.
Wow ski if this is your end here i wish you well bud! Obviously I've slacked off here but will probably still come around every once in awhile, hope you do too.
I don’t label someone a ROB unless they promise an illegal act for a price and then don’t deliver. There you have no remedy, since the act’s illegal. Your “failure to dance for paid amount of time” is sorta that, but you can go to the club and say “she ended the dance early, I want a refund” and 90% of the time you’ll get something & she’ll get in trouble. If not, vote with your feet. Or pout, but what’s the point. Sounds to me more like pain meds & alcohol talking: another lesson in “don’t go to strip clubs or take drugs while in a bad mood.”
You mentioned a lot of past events that changed your life’s direction. That happens to us all, good and bad. Ongoing series of life events change our internal thought process. It is an absolute certainty — for example you’re now absolutely done with going to a SC vs 2022 when you loved going to SCs vs 2024 when you will (fill in the blank — such as a 2024 epiphany of seeing stellar eye candy on the street or on video). BOL.
Quitters have to go to meetings and drink a lot of coffee and smoke cigarettes. Then you have to stand up and say "I'm Skibum and I'm a pussyholic." Sounds more fun to chalk that one up as a loss and get back on that horse.
I needed to be done and if my last experience was good I couldn't be. I allowed it to happen the way it did because I knew it would suck. The money is meaningless, just like it's always been. My first strip club experience was 1975. It's time for new blood to take my barstool.
Well, Ski, you answered my question as to how you could have ended your PL career based on a trip to RI Dolls that I figured you had to know was doomed from the start. I can now understand that it was a form of "assisted SC suicide." Hope it wasn't too painful and that you're in a better place. May you enjoy all the other types of extras that life has to offer in your retirement!… Proof you need to take one at their word. Guess the word “last” visit only means until you forget what you say? Lmfao!!
last commentGenerally, dancers that walk up and beg for drinks are ROB’s. I’ll buy a drink when I feel like it - on my terms - not because YOU asked me to. I had one tell me not long ago that she “didn’t get paid for showing up but gets paid by tips” as if I didn’t know that. This was her way to justify begging for drinks. I told her I wasn’t paid at all for being there, but that it costs me money - which abruptly ended the conversation.
Too many guys let these chicks dictate to them how they should spend their money. Cannot let that happen - beautiful women come a dime a dozen. We cannot fool ourselves into letting them get over on us. I get that some guys are cucks that get off on that whole “financial domination” kink - so if that’s your thing and you have the means to do it then I guess have at it.
How's the knee?
Never had an epiphany with a nipple in my mouth.
Good luck with the knee and the golf game.
Obviously I've slacked off here but will probably still come around every once in awhile, hope you do too.
I’ve turned some pages in my day, but I’m still a few years away from PL retirement.
Proof you need to take one at their word. Guess the word “last” visit only means until you forget what you say? Lmfao!!