Could you ever have a long term CF that works completely clean

avatar for Muddy
Or would you need extras/otc at some point?

I’d be good maybe once or twice. I’m perfectly fine with dancers that aren’t down with extras. But once you hit that ceiling with, alrighty I guess this is it, I just get bored and move on. No matter how hot they are, there’s just too many other willing participants.


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avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I guess it depends on the circumstance of the place the girl works at. In Phoenix, there are clubs where pretty much anything goes and other clubs where the girls are super hot but the mileage is a lot lower. I will continue to just to the non-extras club just because of the super hot girls. In one case, I have one I get dances from that allows me a lot more mileage than the place is know for but still nothing compared to other clubs.

Tampa is another place like that. In Tampa proper, mileage is very low but the girls are hot at some of the clubs. Go across the bay to Pasco and Pinellas and you can get a lot more but the girls are usually not as hot.
avatar for uniquename
2 years ago
Maybe once or twice, but at this point I’m not in there for scintillating conversation.
avatar for Manuellabore
2 years ago
Only if I think/delude myself into thinking I'm making progress toward eventually coaxing the dancer into an OTC date
avatar for gSteph
2 years ago
I'm fine with the hugging, titty squeezing, nipple play,and overall fondling you call 'clean', but long term I like the variety a club provides.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Usually the bar I've seen for extras is direct hand on bare penis contact to give an orgasm. I'm unclear if we are calling Lapgasm girls "clean"; in many places technically this is following the law and rules of the club but in some it does not.

Hypothetically if a girl checked every box: beautiful, sweet personality, fun dirty talker and good high contact lap dances she could be a favorite.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
Why pay to have a platonic friend?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
High mileage/two-way contact but no extras... rare but yes.

Air dances only... no.
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
High mileage/two-way contact but no extras... rare but yes.

Air dances only... no.

Air dances but fucking OTC, yes. And yes, it does happen.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Air dances but fucking OTC seems more common in places with extremely strict rules.
avatar for himalayabound
2 years ago
I'm going through this decision point right now with a dancer. I've had two PG-rated VIPs and would normally cut my losses right then and there. She intiates texting frequently with very endearing messages, and she is (to my tastes) a knockout with a beautiful face and smoking body. I pretty much told her (in a nice way) that I think she's amazing, but I don't need to spend my limited resources on a platonic friendship. I'll update the group if anything interesting results from that.....
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

Q: Could you ever have a long term CF that works completely clean

A: Yes, ITC, as long as she make me and like CJKent “happy” and the idea is to make her happy to transition to “make love” OTC.

Q: Or would you need extras/otc at some point?

A: That is the idea to go from ITC to OTC

My holy grail is:

OTC with a DS to have GFE and PSE, with NSA that we both walk away happy, believing it was a Fair Trade and a win win experience.

With Pics and Vids because it did happen.

avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
I don't think I've had a long term fave who wasn't open to extras. But I think that's cause I don't know of any girl who has been a dancer long term who wasn't open to extras. They often aren't when they start, but given the prevalence of it around here it seems they either come around to it or quit after a short time.

I think I could though. I've had a couple faves that aren't exactly completely clean, but I've never done anything extra with them. Mostly because they're expensive and I'm cheap. Or maybe more accurately, they don't represent good value to me. If I can get 99% of the hotness at 25% of the cost, I'm gonna take the 99% as hot girl 99% of the time. But, that girl who is 1% hotter might be fun to hang out with and give good dances. I'll still hang out and get dances with that girl when that's all I'm looking for. I wouldn't cut her off cause she doesn't want to fuck or cause I don't want to pay her rates.

The bulk of my clubbing is extra-centric, but it's not exclusively so. With extras so freely available, it's not like I have to worry about wasting time and money on a stripper who won't put out so I can use them to find one who will. I can enjoy what the clean dancer offers.

Most often the relationship ends because the non-extras stripper gets clingy & possessive and starts bad-mouthing all the dirty whores in the club who steal her customers. Not only do I not want the negativity, but its hard to not want to fuck the hot chick on stage dancing naked when the chick you're sitting with won't shut up about how she'd totally fuck you for a very reasonable price. You'd think they'd learn to stop pointing out how other girls are not only hotter than them, but also do more for less.
avatar for rockie
2 years ago
Hands down by my sides at all times - No. Some caressing with a beautiful dancer (without a deposit or insertion) - Yes.
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
As others have said, no to air dances. I think air dances are for non SC goers who are on a once every couple of years SC visit. A visual only show is enough of a kick. But I’d assume once you’re posting on tuscl, you have some SC experience and want a specific menu of interaction. In terms of what is on that menu, that’s going to vary some from tuscl pl to pl. Whatever you want is what you should try to achieve.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Yeah. There are some girls who are so good at clean lap dances that I go back. There’s a girl who is super honest about not doing extras that I’ve known since 2017 or so. I only go to see her every so often but I still look forward to seeing her despite her limits, which I respect.
avatar for RiskA
2 years ago
Full on make-out grope with HJ and no complaint about max $40 as tip, yes but rare.
Anything less, no.
I’ve told this tale before, but my two longest CF “relationships” (12+ years and 6+ years) were both HJ only girls. But they were fun, great convo, kept appointments with me, and always made my day (birthday cards, kind notes if I cancelled sick, etc.). About the only 2 strippers I ever dared to think of as friends (at least privately). But if it didn’t end with a HJ release, paying just for their time? No.
avatar for FLAP3000
2 years ago
We would have to have a “relationship” outside of the club. Not talking about OTC. But hanging out, going out for a drink, to the casino, lunch, to another club, etc is what would qualify. In other words, it would have to be an organic connection that does not revolve around money (MY money at least). God forbid she actually treat ME to some of the activities aforementioned….yes - can be a CF.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
I have a couple of current favorites that don't do extras, at least not with me. They're fun to talk to, and they let me grope pretty liberally. I don't give them very much on a visit, but they seem to be OK with that. I don't *need* much in the way of extras at the moment, so it's not really an issue.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I would say this goes to the other thread, you enjoy what you like and I won’t judge you or make assumptions about things that don’t concern me.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I had one regular I saw almost every week for five years with no sexual extras. We did have dinner together in a restaurant three times. I never spent large sums of money on her. I just wanted to see what the experience was like. I enjoyed it but when she retired, I had no interest in doing the same thing with another stripper. I have one girl I see once a month and the rest of my strip club visits involve different girls.
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