Power Rank the States by Strip Club Experience
Hi all,
After reading a lot of content on this site and others along with my travels, I’ve become really curious as to popular opinion for the best strip club states in the country. Here’s my top 5 and curious what others think (weighing some combo of value, quality of dancers, quality of actual club, number of clubs, etc)
1. Florida
2. Texas
3. Georgia
4. Oregon
5. Louisiana
(I suppose FL and TX have an unfair advantage as they have multiple major cities within their borders but it is what it is)
After reading a lot of content on this site and others along with my travels, I’ve become really curious as to popular opinion for the best strip club states in the country. Here’s my top 5 and curious what others think (weighing some combo of value, quality of dancers, quality of actual club, number of clubs, etc)
1. Florida
2. Texas
3. Georgia
4. Oregon
5. Louisiana
(I suppose FL and TX have an unfair advantage as they have multiple major cities within their borders but it is what it is)
I haven't experienced enough different states to really comment, but I feel like based on what I've read here your 4 and 5 picks will get more debate than your top 3. Oregon in particular seems divisive. Some people like the variety of clubs in Portland, others feel it's poor value.
2. Florida
I don't get to Texas or Arizona enough to comment other than what I've read.
Not sure how Louisiana makes your list. But to each their own opinions
Number of clubs versus quality of clubs ? Price of dances ?
I have not been to Michigan so maybe that belongs in a Top 5!
1. California (but only because of it's proximity to TJ)
2. Florida
3. Michigan
4. Texas
5. Georgia
I've never been to clubs in Louisiana or Oregon. Are they any good? Which clubs should I read reviews on to learn more?
S Tier
1) Pompano Beach (the rest of Florida seems to be on some lower tier)
2) Detroit/Inkster/Suburbs/Airport (Does Ann Arbor compare? Flint? Kalamzoo?)
3) Phoenix, but I hear Tuscon is comparable
4) Texas (Dallas slightly over Houston, haven't been to San Antonio for a while, but when I was last there mileage was great) (Barely squeezes in)
A Tier
5) Rhode Island (I plan on visiting, so this is what I've read, same for the rest of this tier)
6) Georgia (really ATL)
7) Philly
8) NJ
9) Ontario, CA (extras abound, hot girls, US discount, but terribly all mechanics)
10) Washington
11) Oregon (reports for these last two seem conflicting and expensive)
B Tier
10) San Diego (super hot girls, extras are near non-existent and mileage is slightly above average)
11) Indiana (not as hot, mileage is good, extras take work)
12) Illinois (City of Chicago drives this listing way down, too many clubs where the LDAs are well-lit circle jerks, the clubs with proper LDAs have average girls, hard to find extras, and varying mileage)
C Tier
13) California (girls are often not as hot a civilians, high prices, little value, bunch of mechanics)
14) Vegas (maybe Reno has something better?) (except for Chicas Bonitas no value, high premium, mileage approaching Chicago)
15) Wisconsin (guaranteed half your dance is in the air, no/hard to find extras, no mileage, girls are weak)
2) (Southern) California (were Hollywood and the Porn Capital of the World provide a large supply of quality entertainers)
3) New York
I think there are a few good options in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Miami, saying I do agree that Pompano is probably the best of the best, but South East Florida as a whole is a pretty good entry as far as overall strip club quality, there’s at least a dozen clubs where pretty much anything you want is available easily.
Anyway, the tier system is from video games I've been catching up on lately, it's a Japanese ranking I believe S is the best and viewed as over-powered, C is worst than average (for context)
California, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, Ontario, Texas would be the big ones.
1. LA
2. Detroit
3. Miami
4. Toronto
We have nothing to compare in the US. It makes the “ which state is better” seem
Not sure how Louisiana ended up on OP’s list. I was just in New Orleans last week and hit three clubs - decent but not great.
I haven’t clubbed enough in CA to add though I suspect COI pulls the whole state up since San Diego is mediocre and the Bay Area is just so-so too.
Sacramento & Bakersfield & Ventura/Oxnard keep a tight lid on the extras; nude clubs in those towns are like topless bars but no alcohol. Pointless. I stopped going to SF in about 1995, just too much scummy street folk counterculture.
San Diego is a joke, IMO; hot girls, but they play the long con and work “emotional connection” to fleece you and rarely deliver the goods (& never ITC). They all say “if you want that, go to TJ”. Geisha bars more than strip clubs.
Greater LA/OC has its highlights, but spread out and can be hit & miss. The Upland club (not actually Ontario, but close) is great, but yes can seem mechanical since it’s so matter of fact, straight to business. Ecstasy in OC is good, but can get expensive & you are competing with real whales. COI and OC and the SF Valley have several solid high mileage, mid-range price clubs. West side and DT L.A. is expensive.
Unfortunately, most SoCal clubs end up being kind of a “fast food” experience: anonymous, impersonal, get what you need fast & for a decent price, but not really that pleasant of an experience. It’s somewhat routine & all about the extras available, so non-explicit reviews aren’t real helpful.
second would be Los Angeles metro area.
third (and only because of my stupid addiction to this area) would be Las Vegas. it was damned expensive.
2. CA. 3. NV. 4.FL. 5.AZ.
if I were to do it again with what I know now, I would avoid Nevada. (Even though I only live 100 mi from the LVstrip.)