
Comments by RiskA (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Excellence Always Costs Money (Tampa)
    What Is The Hustle Red Line
    Some hustle is part of the game. They’re salesgirls; my cash is king. But when they ask for money for nothing (next time, “because you talked to me” or worse “because I asked you ‘wanna dance?’, etc.) - that’s the red line where I walk away without a word and seek new prey.
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    a year ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When you finally get what you wanted and it was just bad
    (Desperately trying to get this thread back on topic:) Years ago I wanted to get a dance from this Rhino COI girl named Bo: goddess in looks, highest possible reviews on BI, no GPS. I endure long waits, finally snag her early in her shift (fresh). Get in the VIP, get down to business, and then huh? It was truly like kissing my sister: No vibe, really awkward. Her face reflected the same. Force of will got me through, but afterwards I had to ask “did that seem weird to you?” She said “yeah, actually it did” with seeming relief that it wasn’t just her. We both laughed and speculated if we were related. It was the oddest thing, and I never experienced it again with anyone else.
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    a year ago
    Excellence Always Costs Money (Tampa)
    What Is The Hustle Red Line
    Any time they ask for extra $ and say “I’ll discount next time.” That’s the stripper equivalent of “I promise not to cum in your mouth.”
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    LDK for the Release, or the Reaction?
    If a dancer ripped open my pants and found a menstrual pad, Little Risky would shrink in shame. A condom is a better barrier IMO, for the reasons I stated above.
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    a year ago
    Help in Los Angeles (Blue Ball Emergency)
    I think post-COVID, COI (Synn especially) got a reputation among dancers for overpaying sucker customers (well-deserved, if you read the few reports of what’s being paid), and this is the consequence. It’s much like Ecstasy in OC or Bare Elegance near LAX; but most girls in COI aren’t as hot as the girls who pull that elsewhere, and the customers CERTAINLY are not Newport Beach whales or dazzled YOLO tourists. The good news is recent reports say the clubs aren’t busy. And that’s when cash is king.
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    a year ago
    Insults and Reviews
    +1 on don’t be a pussy ass bitch. Reviews are largely subjective opinions, we all know that. My “fat” is Ben Affleck’s “my wife’s ass is hot.” If you say “Flopsie has herpes” that’s entirely different, that’s an empirical fact. I agree don’t make it too personal; avoid names & generalize if too insulting (except re: ROBs, name them & give details). And if it’s your only club, discretion is probably wise. I could give a flying fuck about dancers’ reviews of me; I think I’m ok but I’m open to criticism, and I use a fake name too LOL.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I support the naked hustle
    Missouri teacher w/ an Only Fans
    ^ 1. The hypocrisy is largely just virtue signaling. 2. In most unionized school districts, any investigation would require 4 administrative employees (making twice that much) to conduct studies & investigations, likely resulting in hiring even more people and the need fire ever more govt $. It’s no wonder public education unions oppose charter schools: it threatens their business plan LOL.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    LDK for the Release, or the Reaction?
    After my first couple LDKs some 20 years ago, I started taking a condom to contain the mess. I would tell the girls I had it on & why. That usually led to either an aggressive LDK effort or whipping it out for a different & often higher level of fun. An early lesson in “respect to strippers can pay dividends.” Of course a condom can decrease sensation somewhat (if not a thin brand), but the extra efforts generally make that irrelevant.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TVs in the VIP room.
    Your favorite club and favorite dancer, and you are unfamiliar with the inside of the VIP room? LOL
  • article comment
    a year ago
    What’s Really Going on in Clubs (A Different Take)
    “I actually have never asked for or been offered extras at a club…”. Please give your State & general location: I need to cross out off my tourism list. But even in the brothel clubs I visit, what you say is often present. Some girls specialize in this service, draw regulars and make really good livings. I patronized one such for 10+ years, even tho I never got more than a HJ from her in a club with hot & cold running sex. As you say, it scratched my itch more than the transactional and often mechanical sex.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Stripping - Exploitation or Empowerment?
    CJKentTroll has at last revealed his true identity: Ibram X. Kendi!!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Only if you’re lucky
    ^^what you call being discreet, I call being selfish. Maybe being discreet makes sense if you’re a monogamist in strip clubs, but who goes to strip clubs to be a monogamist? Or maybe if there’s one good dancer in your town or state. But in a place with bevies of beauties where the game is to enjoy many, without wasting time & money, sharing intel is the only civil way to treat your fellow man. If you plan to be her only customer, it’s going to cost a lot and you’re going to be frustrated.
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    a year ago
    Wayfaring Stranger
    Cat Fights
    Welcome back, Dusty.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Only if you’re lucky
    Unfortunately the only “twin” I’ve encountered was a doppelgänger for my ex-wife, about 2 weeks after my divorce for her being the town Ho was finalized. “Only if you’re UNlucky…” No, I didn’t dance with her; I’d wasted enough money on her lookalike.
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    a year ago
    To all the packs of Mexicans and South Asians taking over strip clubs today...
    I guess the sarcasm here is too subtle for these knuckleheads. Two more on the ignore list.
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    a year ago
    Recording / Photos
    WTF would I want to record myself fucking a stripper? In my mind’s eye, a guy with rippling muscles and chiseled features is banging her. On tape, jeez who’s that freak? And yeah, anything taped is just a recipe for disclosure disaster. PS I respectfully disagree about the value of the NL site; at least there useful info can be shared without a bunch of church ladies fainting LOL.
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    a year ago
    Stripping - Exploitation or Empowerment?
    Again, when volition and choice come in the door, “exploitation” goes out the window. A Marxist mindset/orthodoxy views everything from the perspective of who’s exploiting who. It has its place as an analytic tool, but ultimately it’s too limited & simplistic, and too easy to manipulate to reach a desired result. Slavery? No one chose it. Stripping? Maybe one in a thousand is coerced, but most simply choose it over the alternatives (as discussed by many above). Maybe some bleeding hearts can spin “I had no other choice that would allow me to buy this Fendi purse” into a tale of exploitation, but cmon man.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    No sex in the VIP room.
    Here’s an idea: while having a warm up dance, negotiate what will occur in VIP and what it will cost. Of course it’s not binding, but mostly they’ll perform as promised, and the ROBs who lie can be outed as frauds on websites like this so they’ll lose business. I like warmup dances with new meat. It previews their level of enthusiasm.
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    a year ago
    Stripping - Exploitation or Empowerment?
    And ilbb, are you saying society “owes” individuals “good choices”? Isn’t it the pursuit of happiness, not the achievement of happiness, that’s promised? Guaranteeing results for free will users is the ultimate slippery slope.
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    a year ago
    Stripping - Exploitation or Empowerment?
    As in everything, there’s a Bell Curve of strippers on the exploitation/empowerment continuum. I live in SoCal where there’s lots of job opportunities, but very high costs. And there’s lots of clubs. So most strippers have choices. Choice and volition are the antithesis of exploitation. Never mistake choices to grab for the brass ring as a sign of “exploitation” that’s personal choice (stupid as it may turn out). Now, massage girls imported from China with no English and no money, shuffled between the parlors where they live in the back room with no car? That curve skews toward exploitation, IMO.
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    a year ago
    Wayfaring Stranger
    The Higher You Fly the Further You Fall
    I couldn’t agree more about the stupidity & futility of trying to understand how strippers think. They live in an alternate reality. Always proceed with caution, esp when giving them money out of compassion.
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    a year ago
    Ticket Cameras
    On a German mountain road, I sped through a construction zone and got blinded by a flash as bright as 2 suns. I had no idea what happened until the rental car bill came and there was a photo ticket charge. $20 total LOL. Here in CA, I think the various fees charged for a moving violation start at around $175, plus the specific violation fine. Unless you qualify for “equity-based relief” of course….
  • article comment
    a year ago
    ATFs, Regular PLs, And The Enigmatic X-Factor That Surpasses Looks/Mileage
    I think this is an article, and makes some good points about “regulars” (I never use “ATF”; Current Favorite (“CF”) is more accurate since turnover is inevitable until you stop mongering). I’ve had a CF that lasted 12 years, and others between 2-5 years. The longest had many traits described above: a veteran dancer savvy to strip club life, “queen bee” at her club, a 9 in looks (I’m a tough grader), emotional connection, special privileges for her regulars, brought me gifts (more than I ever did her LOL), etc. Regular schedule, and kept appointments. A dependable and honest (as relevant to me) stripper. A more limited menu than I would have liked and no OTC, but made up for it with everything else. (I get FS from plenty of other girls at other clubs, so not an issue). Probably the only stripper I consider a friend, altho I know it’s situational; and closest I’ve come to the fundamental “I’m in PLuppy Love” error. She retired and we stay in touch, but no more action. Others have shared some of those traits, but regular FS takes the shine off eventually. At all times I have continued random dancer tryouts and sex ITC/OTC to the extent time & money allowed. Regulars are nice but variety and the thrill of the hunt are the real fun of strip clubbing to me.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Names or Explicitness
    My preference is dancer names with physical descriptions, and then an explicit services/price comment that is not tied to any particular name. This is simply not an issue relative to the SoCal clubs I frequent since 1) every LEO and local government already knows what goes on in every club, and 2) statements on this site are not admissible evidence. I acknowledge other parts of the country may have different standards. But there’s too many pearl-clutchers and people who can’t follow rules on this site, so abuses will always happen and agreement to a standard will never happen. So let’s just carry on and give this dead horse topic a rest.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The best dancers for extras and sugarbaby/otc activity where money is no concern
    This dude & Squarecastle need to do a “humble-brag”-off LOL.