Flight Club
29709 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141

The best dancers for extras and sugarbaby/otc activity where money is no concern

Avatar for everythingonred

I am curious as to which of the 10's anyone here has had the best experience with, whenever you had ample extra cash to blow for a while. This would include both inside and outside the club. I know all of the dancers, and am considering different outside arrangements with a few, with a goal of having a regular sugar baby.

I know that some of the 10's in this club will go $500 to $1000 for VIP, but when you go forward without flinching they are always happy to see you when you come in, happy to text and meet outside the club. In that respect FC is amazing. When I was budgeting and saving I often ended up at Silver Criket, or FC day shift, to stay in my budget.

There are a few 10's I have taken to FC for top price, and have no complaints about about any of it, but the effort and enthusiasm was over the chart. One or two I found surreal, like reaching into your favorite porn and pulling out the actor. There are a couple that still start hustling the price while you are "mid-way" and I find that a turn off. I always disengage but am very polite.

I guess the TL/DR here is "Who are the high priced 10's in the club that you feel really give you your moneys worth"?


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Avatar for shailynn

You’re such a stud.

Avatar for Jascoi

and I thought I was bad over paying.

Avatar for RiskA

This dude & Squarecastle need to do a “humble-brag”-off LOL.

Avatar for everythingonred

@riska lol - not much of a flex to say I have to spend a bunch of money to fold up a hottie.

My pay grade usually dictates ratchet women. Every once and a while I think it’s good to blow the back of a 10 out when you have the extra cash. I am here trying to make sure I put my money on the right horse.

I’ll have to google squarecastle.

Avatar for CJKent_band


I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your question.

You wrote and I quote:

“The best dancers for extras and sugarbaby/otc activity where money is no concern”

In my humble opinion and limited experience, the best dancers are the ones I find attractive and see me a a fun, funny, discreet, respectable professional/businessman gentleman and happily accept my invitation to eliminate the middleman (the club) and get a better deal for the two of us.

Q: Who are the high priced 10's in the club that you feel really give you your moneys worthwhile?

A: The girls that YOU want and give YOU the service YOU need/want. The only way to find out is to discreetly sample all the ones you find attractive and make your selection as who is your ATF, since “money is no concern”.

Let’s be careful out there.

And remember; Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


Avatar for everythingonred

@CJKent_band I will give you that the title and question was poorly written. I was hoping to connect with other members who have spent outside time with some of the higher women, to learn which ones are reliable and which might cause drama in my lfie.

I am single, but not looking to deal with someone vindictive who tries to affect my work or career in retribution. It may be the wrong place for this question.

Avatar for dirtyburt

You need to realize, If I give you three names like Abby, Bambi and Cici, what works for me may be a train wreck for you. If money is no object I suggest that you bring about $1000-$2000 into the club, get a booth near the stage and start throwing some money around… You will need to interview the girls, to see if they are what you are looking for. After about three trips like that you should have some rapport with the dancers. Once they know you have money, you should not have too much of a problem…… unless you have been labeled a “Perv” by the dancers. Then you are done at this club.

Avatar for Longball300

Burt's first sentence says it all; different strokers for different folks.

Avatar for aham5

"Labeled as a perv" ?

Aren't most PLs perverted? Especially at UHM clubs?

Avatar for PoundKing

^^The straight up extras isn't the problem. It's shit like when the PL is abusive or needy or creepy, or has kinks that the girls aren't down with

Avatar for dirtyburt

I agree….. 95% of us PL’s are slightly twisted in one way or another. My point was, the PL needs to watch his actions, because IF the FC Girls become uncomfortable with him, he is as good as Burnt Toast at the FC. The news travels fast in the back room.
I have even seen the bouncers tip off girls to watch a certain PL.

Avatar for 3131

New profile. One half ass review.

Then you ask for names of extras girls openly on the forum?

What red flags?

I understand your reasoning for the question. You probably won't get the help you requested openly here. A few guys might PM you privately if you're a long time poster or reviewer.

More likely you might find the girls to AVOID. Guys are much more likely..... and encouraged.... to point out the ROBs or GPS girls or the otherwise bad experience girls to avoid. Use your free VIPstatus to read a few reviews. You'll see a few to avoid.

Avatar for everythingonred

@3131 that's fair lol.

I had a TUSCL account many years ago, no idea how to access it. I will be buying a membership here as soon as I figure out how to buy a damn bitcoin. I have been on USASG since the late 90's. Happy to verify myself via DM over there if anyone has any private feedback to share.

To the other comments, I am definitely not about the PL life with these girls. Reasonable girls realize the 2 way value of an outside arrangement. I am trying to avoid a repeat of a recent disaster I had with an ongoing arrangement. Fortunately my life is such that I have nothing to hide, but I don't like drama.

The "if money is no object" comment was not a flex. Sometimes you get more when you pay more. It's rare, though.

Avatar for BubbleYum

I worked there most of 2021. From what I remember from then, almost none of the girls on night shift met people outside. FC is a lot of "groups" who both arrive and leave together. SO many different variables are at play as well, so it's almost impossible for someone to give you a straight line answer.

And this isn't USASG. A lot of us regular posters (especially myself) don't like when a dancer is named openly - even in reviews. If B finds out A is selling for x, A gets jumped by B or her safety is put at risk within her private life at home. A girl getting fired for being named alongside extras is unlikely in regards to suburban Detroit clubs, but it could still be a possibility depending on other factors.

Just leave it to private messages and let's just leave dancer names out of this thread. We are, at least, owed the respect to not have what we do and for how much aired out in a public forum for the whole world to see. If we can be discreet, why can't you?

Avatar for everythingonred

@BubbleYum If I could delete this post I would.

I have met outside the club with 2 different girls that work FC weekend/night shifts. Meeting for dinner and going to my hotel versus bringing someone to work events or taking them on vacation is the step I am considering taking.

I honestly did not think this was a large community with high visibility. I appreciate everyone's feedback.

Avatar for BubbleYum

Thank you for understanding. And I appreciate and respect your reply. This site is definitely more known than USASG. I've met a lot of girls who read this site from various clubs in three different states. And some of the girls I work with also comment on here on occasion. If you get bored, search r/SexWorkersOnly on Reddit for girls who have expressed safety and privacy concerns for being named in reviews for dancing and escorting. A customer's experience with a dancer will always be subjective to what someone else will experience. My friends and I loathe the mindset of shamelessly and openly naming sex workers on USASG especially. Thankfully, it's mostly mongers on there. This site is a little of every party - first timers, dancers, veteran mongers, junior newb mongers, and even female customers. The only time it's truly acceptable to name a sex worker in a review is if they are a ROB, but even then there are two sides to every story and many reviewers skirt around their own actions that may have contributed or set off the ROB behavior.

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