What’s Really Going on in Clubs (A Different Take)

That said, exploitation exist in many labor markets, be it coal mining or the service and hospitality industry. Why strip clubs get singled out has more to do with our country’s preoccupation with the puritan view of sexuality than it does with actually preventing exploitation.
Here, I offer another perspective on what is also going on in clubs. I posit that today’s clubs are more than ever a part of the care and compassion industry, that so many women already work in - males too, but this site is mainly about clubs catering to heterosexual males.
Let me explain further, we live in a physically disconnected society. People in any occupation actually sitting in the same room together is less and less common. Phones, tablets, laptops are how we connect with our coworkers, friends and families everyday. As a society, we are starving for actual, real human connection. Strip clubs deliver this in the most direct way. Strip clubs are designed to create the feeling of intimacy. You are in the room with other people, many of whom are naked. Within minutes of entering a well run club, you are seen, spoken too and touched.
For many guys this is why we come back. The dancers at strip clubs are providing a compassion and care service, mostly to men, just like they do in so many other fields, be it health care, psychology, of the hospitality industry.
Men talk to strippers about problems, they seek touch and connection. They go to see and be seen by women. They are willing to pay for this experience, just like they pay for nursing care, a massage, or a counselor. Is you ATF stripper your friend or lover, nope!. Is she really good at her and providing care for you, yes! This is no different than your shrink or your massage therapist (I am not referring to happy endings). Can you be friendly with dancers and have good, meaningful conversations and experiences that benefit both parties for an agreed upon fee, you bet. And sometimes the fee is a lot less than you would pay in more “well respected” industries.
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So while strip clubs may be providing essential, legitimate services, it’s still a nasty business.
Please give your State & general location: I need to cross out off my tourism list.
But even in the brothel clubs I visit, what you say is often present. Some girls specialize in this service, draw regulars and make really good livings. I patronized one such for 10+ years, even tho I never got more than a HJ from her in a club with hot & cold running sex. As you say, it scratched my itch more than the transactional and often mechanical sex.
Loneliness and isolation are real issues for adult men in the US. Stripper may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those of us who enjoy the club experience, there are many mental health benefits.
"Actual therapists," as you call them, are still people, and they are in it to make money. Are you under the impression that receiving education from people and getting a license from a government entity erases their base human nature? They still bitch about going to work, they still get together at parties and talk about how they hate their jobs, they still talk about their patients to each other. I'm not comparing the efficacy of going to a therapist versus going to a stripper. But strippers and therapists are both in the business of *making money* and if you think medical providers across the board are any more noble than anyone else, you've been fully deluded. I could tell you some true stories about medical providers (which would include therapists) that would make your skin crawl. Multi-hundred-billion dollar (or maybe $1T+) industries like health care, including mental health care, aren't in the business of curing people.