Missouri teacher w/ an Only Fans
I support the naked hustle
If she is really making roughly 3x her normal salary from only fans, she should focus on that full time.
I have the below concerns:
1 - If having an OF account is so inappropriate, why were people looking at the site? We live in a hypocritical society, where it's okay to view such content, but not okay to produce the content.
2 - I would be concerned if teachers in my school district would be making only $42k. Perhaps the Board should use this as a wake-up call regarding their salaries being so low, so that teachers don't need to supplement their income in such a way. Would they have rather had her working a manual labor job until late at night, and then be tired at school the next day?
2. In most unionized school districts, any investigation would require 4 administrative employees (making twice that much) to conduct studies & investigations, likely resulting in hiring even more people and the need fire ever more govt $. It’s no wonder public education unions oppose charter schools: it threatens their business plan LOL.
Couple photos - WARNING - several pop ups on this site.
Also, nearly every single story like this is the result of a soft partnership deal between the news outlet (or their ad team) and the creator. The link at the top of this thread is basically an infomercial that quietly skirts the labeling requirements of an actual infomercial.
There is a pretty active subreddit for current teachers wanting to bail from the profession.
Also, r/teachers and r/teaching are both really depressing reads too.