
Comments by MrDeuce (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    #1 reason strippers will say is why they didn't return your texts/calls.
    I feel ya, 25, but with this chick I've been a RIL since I day I met her in April 2016 -- and she knows it! No worries, though -- she always runs out of money at some point and comes back.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    #1 reason strippers will say is why they didn't return your texts/calls.
    Strippers' lousy texting is a pet peeve of mine. It's obvious, after over a year of exchanging texts (sporadically) with my ATF, that she'll text me if she needs money and is therefore ready for a date and otherwise she'll ignore me for weeks or months on end. After almost daily texts between mid-January and the end of March, during which time we had a lot of dates, she suddenly stopped communicating and I've heard nothing in over two months. Like a fool, I keep texting her every week or two, but in my heart of hearts I know that when she's ready (i.e., when she needs money), she'll get back in touch without explanation and will try to pick up where we left off -- and, PL that I am, that's just what we'll do :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Emotionally attached to ATF....Now what?
    Im not usually one to pile on, but here goes: * tl;dr -- Good Lord, man! Break this logorrhea into some paragraphs!! I can't imagine that anyone actually read all of that, Larry's claim to the contrary notwithstanding. * Oh yeah, and: Run, Forrest, run!
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    7 years ago
    The Best Sports Trivia Question Ever
    For the record: (1) Gary Johnson is indeed as dumb as a box of rocks. (2) Bill Weld is *not* a libertarian, he's an old-fashioned liberal Republican -- very different! (3) Getting back to Gary, he's not so much a libertarian as a liberal Republican who *really* likes weed!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Best Sports Trivia Question Ever
    Cingrats, 25! It's the kind of inspired answer that makes perfect sense once I see it, but I would *never* have come up with it, even though I've watched sports and read the sports page for close to 50 years. I'm feeling apolitical today, so I'm going to avoid the low-hanging fruit of your statement ". . . us Progressives aren't all stupid !" LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Kissing extras girls
    I like my ATF a *lot*, but I always arrange to VIP with her at the *beginning* of her shift, if you get my drift. Better yet, I see her OTC on a day that she hasn't worked.
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    7 years ago
    Chopping the Pot
    ^ What JS69 said. I'm impressed with all the hold-em knowledge on this board but have no idea what you're talking about. But Meat72's answer was classic!
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    7 years ago
    Unexpected BBBJ and FS
    Q: How is Larry's dream girl different from Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? A: Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Touch Policy in Memphis, TN
    I am so fucking BORED with everything SJG types! Actually, this amused me a little: ". . . in the Confederacy I don't plan on interacting with any whites at all." This must be an example of that tolerance and openmindedness that the Left is so famous for :) Now excuse me while I take my pants off in the front room with a born-again, drug-using white girl in Mississippi! Anything else would make me a chump. LMAO
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    7 years ago
    The well-proportioned Hayley-Marie Coppin stripping down to nuthin'
    Oops -- it's hard to type Ctrl-V with a dick in my hand :) Here she is: http://www.egoallstars.com/2017/05/hayley-marie-coppin-naked-run-up-in-run-down-house
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    Should I agree on an OTC at her house?
    Almost all of my OTC has been at my ATF's place. Her ex-con BF is on home detention in his mom's trailer (yes, really!), so I'm relatively safe from nocturnal intruders.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much to pay for OTC ? $200 to $300 fair enough ?
    Here in the Midwest, I pay $200-250 plus a nice lunch for an afternoon date, say noon to 5 or 2-7 p.m. For overnight (My preference) I've paid $350-525 plus fancy dinner about 8pm and nice brunch at 11 or noon the next day. I've done this 8-10 times with my ATF and *love* the 16-hour dates! At my age it's good to maximize the time between attempts :) A 16-hour date probably sounds abhorrent to a lot of guys, but I literally never get tired of this girl.
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    7 years ago
    Olga Alberti (part 3)
    Perhaps my taste is improving -- or I'm customizing my choices to suit my clientele :)
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    7 years ago
    In which part of Chicagoland will you be? Depending on the area, I like: * south suburbs: Club 390 and Jimmy's; Arnie's for extras * west side: surprising fun can be found at some bikini bars in Stone Park near Mannheim Rd and Lake St: Bobby's, Carl's, Louie's * NW suburbs: Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove Village; extras at Blackjack's in Elgin The Chicago area is not great for strip clubs, but almost all of my 60+ visits to SCs there over the last 10-11 years have ended happily. The only extras have been BJs: one at Blackjack's, two at Arnie's, and three OTC from a Jimmy's girl.
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    7 years ago
    Trailer Trash or Ghetto Girls ?
    I agree that Subraman hit the nail on the head, as usual. I suppose I prefer trailer trash over ghetto girls since they seem less belligerent. I certainly don't care that their political consciousness is at only 2% vs 50% or whatever the fuck SJG was droning on about.
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    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Is it racist?
    No, of course it's not racist to state that a strip club has mostly white or mostly black dancers (or whatever)! This reminds me of the time a few years ago when one of my best students, who was also a marathon runner, stayed after class and said "This may be racist, but it seems like almost all of the best long-distance runners in the world are from Kenya or Ethiopia". I told him "No, that's not racist at all. That's just a fact!" Young Americans are indoctrinated into thinking that any observation whatsoever about racial differences is automatically racist.
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    7 years ago
    ATF Leaving To Another State
    Dude, many of us feel your pain -- but she's moving away and it's not meant to be! Also, what Papi said: Don't *ever* fall in love with a stripper! Take it from someone who knows all too well . . .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thrown out of club
    These words from Subraman: ". . . the least trouble-causing guy on the planet, nice guy, even tempered, knows enough to walk away when he needs to . . ." apply to me, IMHO, and yet I have somehow managed to get kicked out of one strip club and banned from another. Here are the stories: 1. About 7 years ago I had just finished lap dances (!) with one young grinder on a mission and was headed to the john to remove the condom and clean up when an old favorite intercepted me right outside the bathroom door and gave me a big hug. The used condom slipped off and slid down my pants leg to the floor and I immediately picked it up, but another dancer saw it and ratted me out. A bouncer quietly asked me to leave. No big deal -- I was back within a couple of weeks. 2. In February of this year a former favorite at another Indy club, with whom I had done many lappers and VIPs last year, asked me to advance her $340 in exchange for a couple of hotel room BJ dates. On the first agreed date a week or so later, she texted me at 8am to say that she had to go to a funeral and would join me at 2. I pointed out that I was losing the room at noon, she got pissy, and eventually she went totally bat-shit crazy, even getting me banned from her club for two weeks! Needless to say, she is no longer a favorite -- and she got herself fired a couple of weeks ago. Too bad :) No one who knows me IRL would ever believe that I've been kicked out of one SC and banned from another.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    All Fucked Up
    I was having trouble with the site, using IE on a laptop. Founder suggested that I switch to Firefox or Chrome and it's been trouble-free ever since. In fact, I decided to switch to Firefox altogether!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "Do you come here often?"
    At certain clubs my answer is similar to flagooner's: Her: Do you come here often? Me: Almost every time!
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    7 years ago
    Questions about new format
    I am using Windows 8.1 and Internet Explorer 11 on a Toshiba PC laptop. Screen resolution is 1366 x 768. I have found it odd since Friday that the featured club of the day takes up the bottom half of the screen. On the upper half I see only: Top 40 Lists . . . . . . . .Discussions Strip Club Articles . . . Add a Club Glossary . . . . . . . . . . .FAQ Apparently tabs above these are covered up. I also can't use Search.
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    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Though I don't deny that hundreds of thousands of Japanese emigrated to Latin American, especially to Brazil and Peru, I must take issue with @osogrande's post stating that "There have been a number of mass migrations between Asia and Mexico/Central America/South America in the past 500 years (the era of ocean navigation). In the 18th Century, the economy was bad in Japan but good in Peru, and about a million people migrated--thus, it's no surprise that a 20th Century native born President of Peru is named after Mt. Fuji." According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Peruvians#Beginnings: "The Japanese Peruvian community began in 1899 when some 800 contract workers arrived in Callao Seaport in Lima. . . . A second ship, which brought over one thousand new Japanese immigrants, arrived four years later, and a third—with 774 Japanese immigrants—arrived in 1906. By 1941 some 16,300 Japanese were living in Peru." Currently there are about 160,000 Japanese living in Peru, constituting about 0.5% of its 31 million people. Former president Alberto Fujimori is probably one such Japanese-Peruvian, born to Japanese immigrant parents in 1938, though there have been recurring rumors that he was actually born in Japan before they got to Peru. He was no more named after Mt. Fuji than people named Rocky were named after the Rocky Mountains -- or than people who are eerie were named after Lake Erie :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Yes, I have met Mexican or Central American dancers who look somewhat Asian. Sometimes their East Asian features are caused by the American Indian admixture in their ancestry and sometimes they're actually Mexican/Japanese or Guatemalan/Chinese or whatever. What a delightful combination! It's trippy to see an Asian-looking stripper and then hear her speak with a Spanish accent! I always get dances from such exotic lovelies -- with excellent results.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    The unshaven and hairy trend
    Thanks, lopaw! I'd say that was JRAI (Just the Right Amount of Information). Mmm . . . Persian escort:)