Should I agree on an OTC at her house?

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I've been talking to a dancer at a club for a month or so now, and she offered OTC at her place. Yes or no? Just joined here, great site. Appreciate it.


last comment
8 years ago
Usually not a good idea to do it at her place whether it's her home or her hotel room - chances are nothing will happen but the chances are def increased - best if *you* rent a room and not give her the room # and tell her you'll meet her in the lobby and then use the deadbolt to lock the door - and if she makes an excuse that she needs to leave the room for a sec and she'll be right-back then your caution-flag should be raised.

After you've done a few OTCs w/ her then you can reassess.
8 years ago
You walk into her house and her boyfriend jumps out of the closet with a baseball bat. He beats you to daeth, takes your money and dumps your body in the swamp.
8 years ago
Thanks for the input, I think I'll just tell her thanks but no thanks at the club..risks are too great even if I did get some action. Nothing was agreed upon but she said no sex. I like staying in the club, just dances, then go home and beat off lol
8 years ago
OTC with her at a hotel first time and see how it goes. I don't usually keep the hotel room so I take a slightly different approach to getting the room. I meet her at the hotel and give her the money for the room. She might not have a bank card to secure the room so she may need to pay a deposit. I give her this money as well, as partial payment for the sex. Once to the room, I give her the balance.

To be honest, I've otced at a few stripper's places and had no problem. A girl that's going to rob you at her house makes little sense to me, although strippers aren't always the most thoughtful people. If you know her address, you could exact your revenge at any moment. You know name and her address, and you'll certainly see what she is driving. So tracking her down won't be an issue.

I just don't see it as much of an issue.
8 years ago
Definitely go to a hotel or don't do it
8 years ago
Hearing a baby crying in another room can be a big distraction. :)
8 years ago
i prefer it.
8 years ago
Almost all of my OTC has been at my ATF's place. Her ex-con BF is on home detention in his mom's trailer (yes, really!), so I'm relatively safe from nocturnal intruders.
8 years ago
Find one of the hotels you can rent per hour.
8 years ago
If you are near a major city, the app Recharge makes hourly rates available for a good number of hotels, including some fairly high-end ones you'd be surprised are there. In my area, where you can't get a remotely decent hotel for under $200, the ability to get a hotel room at a good hotel for $40/hour provides a nicer alternative to the hot tubs
8 years ago
Her dealer or landlord shows up looking for the money she owes. Her kids or room mate or loser BF are home.
As others have said, wait until you know her a bit better. Maybe pick her up or drop her off a few times.
8 years ago
"... I think I'll just tell her thanks but no thanks at the club..risks are too great even if I did get some action ..."

If you are a newbie and get scared-off so-easily perhaps you are biting a bit more than you can chew at the moment trying to go for OTC - you may need more time to get acclimiated to the SC environment.

Men and women have been engaged in P4P probably not too-long after Adam ate that damn apple - there are risks in everything one does including driving to the club; getting mugged in the club's parking lot; having your car stolen or broken into at the club; or being an innocent victim in a dispute b/w custies.

What has been mentioned in this thread are just basic precautions; not 50/50 chance you'll get robbed. If you were planning a cross-country car-trip then you'd be getting advice such as:

+ service your car b/f you leave
+ get new tires if you need to
+ don't drive too-long and find a place to rest overnight
+ etc

Doesn't mean don't do the damn trip.
8 years ago
You mentioned she said no-sex - then what would be the purpose of the OTC? 99% of the time you don't wanna be dating these girls unless it's just business (P4P) especially if you don't know everything that often comes w/ dating a stripper.
8 years ago
She pretty much said no sex, I didn't even have a chance to ask. She said it's because she has a BF, she made it come off as just being an erotic dance session for a hour or so...
8 years ago
Hmmm... I'm in the What's the Point club. And why would you consider paying sex-level OTC dollars, for a no-sex OTC, even if you do think no-sex OTCs have a point?
8 years ago
Her pimps gonna bop you over the head mid stroke
8 years ago
If one is gonna pay bigger-bucks for either ITC VIP or OTC, then step one is knowing what you want (what and & for how much) - it's your $$$ so it doesn't make sense to leave it up to the dancer to call all the shots b/c the dancers will always choose what's best for them and not what's best for you.

Dancers are all about getting paid, so it's up to you to make sure you get your money's worth o/w you will likely end up w/ full-balls and an empty-wallet.
8 years ago
Only "possible" reason for OTC dances is if one clubs in a no-contact air-dance area
8 years ago
I think I'll just wait and get to know her better and renegotiate someday later
8 years ago
Never had an issue with OTC at a dancer's place. Never had an issue with OTC at a local motel. Notice not one TUSCLer has ever stated he's been assaulted or mugged at a dancer's home, just maybe uncomfortable (I know seeing baby diapers, or a filthy apartment, or, just last month, her dad in the garage can be a bit of a turn off).

I think most of the people who cry wolf on this thread are the same ones who brag about lying to dancers about something as basic as their name or what they do for a living, and then come here and complain about so much dancer drama.

The basic precautions to take are minimal: the only things in you put in your pockets are the exact amount of money agreed to, your car key (detached from all other keys) and, of course, a party hat or two. Leave your wallet, your phone and your key ring in the car. Listen to your spidey-senses: if the place or the dancer seems uncertain, then move on. I don't select bottom-of-the-barrel dancers for my OTC entertainment, so I don't get bottom-of-the-barrel results. Been working for me for 28 years of clubbing and hundreds of encounters.

8 years ago
I thought about taking an Uber there, if I left all my stuff in my car, I'm thinking for sure it would be broken into when I was in her house
8 years ago
Chili Palmer
I have had some unpleasant situation but always got out of it unscathed. However, a few of them could have easily gone the bad fast. Without going into details one incident brought the police when the neighbors called to complain. A story for another time.

about two years ago my friend was attacked and beaten by a dancer and her boyfriend when my friend showed up at her hotel room. He refused to call the police but a few weeks later they were arrested for beating the wrong guy. This was discussed quite a bit a few months ago on another board.

Back in the mid 90's a woman in Asbury Park would offer to meet a customer around the block from the bar. When he pulled over she would either show a knife, hint at a gun or flash a badge and say he could buy his way out of the situation. She got picked up by an undercover cop that had heard of her scheme and she was arrested. You might be able to find the story in the archive of the Asbury Park Press.

It is rare but things do happen and if the police come they will want to know why you are there.
8 years ago
She (or he) are more likely to lift (steal) cash on your person than cash in your car. Your car is at more risk if you park it overnight in any bad neighborhood (or if people *see* you hide stuff before going in the house). I'd take Chili's advice but if it's a bad neighborhood, stash the stuff before you park. the 'ol dont-bump-it-where-u-park-it line of advice.

hood rats tend to break into cars that they *seen* you stash stuff into. Less likely to if they are unsure. just the probability of things and how hood rats think.
8 years ago
Don't do OTC at her house until you "KNOW" her!!
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