"Do you come here often?"

avatar for Kimi
If a stripper asks you this, what's the correct answer? What's she trying to find out by asking that (beyond the obvious)?

If you say yes, it means you're a regular who has money to spend? That you know the ropes? More likely to want extras?

I've been saying no, mostly because I don't go often. Partly because I didn't want to see like a PL but who cares. Thinking about changing that approach and saying that I do come often.


I've often wondered the same thing...of course the regular dancers already know me but a newbie will ask that.

I think in a tourist town club like Vegas they want the one off customer who will spend a lot on them, while in a neighborhood club they want regulars...maybe one of our resident dancers will chime in?
Partially, it's an opening for light banter.

But, more importantly, it's to qualify you as a customer. For example, many smart strippers:

- Are more aggressive with customers they think are newbies (who can be tricked easily) and with transient, one-time customers. For example, strippers all know we HATE being asked for tips, so it's always a risk to ask for tips. However, if you're a one-and-done customer, what's she got to lose? If you have potential to be a regular, she's less likely to ask you for tips, less likely to apply pressure, because she has potentially many visits and many hundreds of dollars to squeeze out of you yet.

- With regulars, as per above, the shiftier ones know there's certain scams they can't play on you, and if she's the type to cultivate regulars, she's switch modes to sales tactics that keep you spending but don't leave you irritated

At clubs I'm a regular at, I'll typically say so, absolutely no percentage in not. At clubs I'm not a regular at, I'll often say I go there "now and then", and then turn the conversation focus back onto her
You're right. It's a "catch 22!"
My response depends on the girl. I like to "feel'em out." By asking other questions. Get them to talk and reveal what their limitations and expectations are...
It's most often just an icebreaker, although there are certainly scripted sales pitches that this is the line used. I will generally size the girl up quickly before I decide how to answer.
-->"Partly because I didn't want to see like a PL"

I assure you, we all already seem like PLs :) I understand that when you first start SCing, you want to position yourself as "having game" and the like, it's just a natural response to being around beautiful women. Fact is, with few exceptions, the strippers don't give a fuck about this, it's in your head. If not feeling like a PL is part of a fantasy that you enjoy at the club, that's one thing. If just having a fun time with a hot stripper is more of the goal, and you would rather lower (not eliminate) your chances of getting solicited for tips, higher-pressure sales tactics, etc., you're far better off giving the impression that this isn't your first rodeo
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
I ask this if I do not recognize a customer. I don't want to assume that he's from out of town. I don't work nights and weekends. If he does come in regularly, I'll ask which girls he usually talks to. This gives me an idea of what he likes, and helps me to prevent stepping on toes. If he lives in town, but hasn't come in regularly, maybe something changed in his life and brought him in, or there's something ab clubs that he doesn't like, and I want to avoid this. He might not come to strip clubs much, or he might be a seasoned pro, which helps determine the sort of experience that might bring him back to see me again.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Don't overthink stuff like that.
It's just a conversation starter.

I get asked that a lot and my standard answer: "It's my first time..................today".
I just tell the truth. The dancers think everyone is a loser that comes into the club. It's part of their m.o. in order to protect their ego when they're rejected or else after you pay them to leave.

Why waste any extra energy making up a story about how many times you've been to the club? Just pay to play and that is all you should concern yourself with respects to having a good time.
I got asked this a lot also.

But in my area (where extras are prevelant) I usually take it to mean the girl is trying to feel you out for what kind of dances you might be looking for. I think it's also to see what they can start out with as a starting point for dances. If you know the going rates by not being a newbie you might be less inclined to get quoted a price that's more than a regular would get.

And, I also think it's a question to see if you are just a regular customer or someone who might be sniffing around to see what is happening for LEO. If they don't know you, or if you can't name some of the people at the club or nearby clubs, it's my thinking that they might be a bit hesitant to discuss particular dances with you.

Another brilliant line by lopaw that I'm planning to steal :)

Lopaw, I'm sure this varies totally by area and club, but I don't look at it as overthinking, it is worth not positioning yourself as a newbie if you can help it. There's clubs here where the difference in prices quoted to regulars or transients can be pretty high. Just ask JS69 the price he was quoted at Mitchell Bros, when he let the stripper know he was new to the club and from out of town (that club in particular is the worst in the area for this type of thing). Not all the girls are so cutthroat, but it's definitely the case that there's nonsense you may have to navigate otherwise.

'course, the last time I was at a totally brand-new club to me was a few months ago. I didn't know dance prices or what was available, or even where dances occurred, so no sense in pretending to be a regular. First girl I met took me on a "club tour", explained everything. From then on, I pretended to be a regular :)
One good thing about the Cuban invasion. I never hear it from them. :)
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
I don't think we see our customers as losers for going to SCs. In fact, I think we kinda forget that everyone doesn't go. We are the ones who are perfectly comfortable sitting around w our boobs hanging out.
"Do you come here often?"

I usually say, "Not here, but over there where it's a bit more private."
My reply is either yes or no followed by 'do you'.
I travel a good bit and find myself as a first-timer in lots of clubs around the country. I often get asked that question, and though you don't want to come off as a complete newbie, if you lie and say you've been there before, it's hard to carry on a conversation through the follow-up questions the dancer is likely to ask.

I always answer truthfully and say, "No, it's my first time here -- but *definitely* not my first visit to a strip club." The next question I get is usually, "How did you hear about us?" The answer is *never* TUSCL (lol); I usually say a friend recommended it or I found it on the internet, which seems to satisfy them.

After establishing that this is not my first SC rodeo but my first time *in this club*, I often ask "How do dances work here?" which generally leads to a pretty standard recitation of what the options are, i.e., prices for topless, nude, floor dance, lap dance room, VIP, etc. (though not necessarily a discussion of *her* full menu right off the bat).

I usually pose the general question about dances to the first three dancers I meet, even if they're not my type, as a way to get a good read on the accuracy of the info and to see if I'm getting played by any of them. If I tell them I've been to more than 100 strips clubs, I think they know better than to try to snow me.
I usually answer "once in a while" or "every now and then" since I don't hit the same club every time.
avatar for s88
New York
8 years ago
My ex-ATF said, that "do you come here often?", if you say "no", it means she can grab the guy as a $ regular/no $ BF/$ SD/no $ guy friend. If the guy says "yes" he is just another experienced john who you can't get through his wall, or ima add, wallet. Even a whore doesn't want a PL who fucked and did 100s or 1000s of other girls. Both the stripper and the PL want to believe the other isn't a fem/manwhore. I like to say its my 2nd or 3rd time here, even though I am a regular, saying I am a regular scares the shit of girls and makes them freeze up to doing extras and sometimes walk away without a word.
Flagooner won this thread. That's the funniest thing I've read on this site in a long time. Probably will borrow it at my clubs.

avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
At certain clubs my answer is similar to flagooner's:
Her: Do you come here often?
Me: Almost every time!
Every day and twice on Sunday !!
They ask so they know if they can lie to you and overcharge you. I get asked this at the Inner Room when they hear my Boston accent, and I just tell them to ask the bartenders my name.
I hear this all the time. When it was one of my former regular clubs, it was always a new dancer and I would always say I go there all the time. If it's not a regular club, I would always say I go there once in awhile. It's mostly just an icebreaker, but I am sure the better dancers have a plan.
My new favorite word in life... "Pathetic Loser" ...lol
^ uh, that would be words.
At places I used to visit weekly, I sometimes said: "I've been here a time or two..."

I assume part of it is icebreaker but they can also choose other questions as icebreakers so I assume there may be more to them asking this particular question as an icebreaker - IMO they wanna size you up not necessarily to rip you off although that does happen, but perhaps to see what kinda custy she's dealing w/ and thus tailor her interaction - i.e. take it easy on a newb or propose extras to a weekly visitor.

I don't engage dancers in convo too-much but at times I too ask things like "how long have you danced here" or "how long have you been dancing" to sorta gauge what she would be like giving dances and if she might be down w/ the particular club's program.
avatar for Timbuck12
8 years ago
I like Flaggoner's response and will probably steal it. Props!

If I'm at a club I frequent often when asked I let them know I come a lot. It gives them incentive to make a good connection with me in hopes of making me a regular. It also lets them know I am not naive as to how the club works. For newer dancers I often end up giving them pointers and guidance on the club. Don't worry about looking like a PL--if that's their mindset they will think that about you no matter if you're a regular or first-timer.
avatar for Mainster
8 years ago
"Every chance I get" seems like a good response, especially if the girl had any upper brain function or sense of humor. I once got this question from a girl that let me go FIV on her about four nights previous. I guess she just wasn't paying attention.
I generally answer honestly. If its a club I've never been too, I'll say its my first time. If its one I visit regularly, I'll say that. I've used most of the lines mentioned here or a variation. "Its my first time ... since the last time/today" "I come every now and again" 'from time to time" or "whenever I can"

I don't really put much thought into it, or care what she's trying to do. If she's trying to get the drop on me, good for her. I ain't scared. If that's how she is I'd rather catch her in the low level shit than waste my time and figure out her game later. I figure 99.9% of the time, its just bullshit small talk. When I ask them how long they been working there, its just mindless bullshit to chat about.
My view is always that I want the girl to know me, who I am, where I come from, why I am in town, and why at that strip club, and what she can expect. I anticipate her questions, and answer them before she asks. I want her to think of me as an approachable and accessible guy, definitely not just a guy looking for pro services.

I want the girl to see that anything is potentially possible, waking up with me the next morning, knowing each other a long time, no real limits. I don't divide women into two categories.

I don't come out and say this, I just let her see that by how I am talking to her.

Most of the time they really go for me, and in a totally civilian but fast action manner.

Goes back to my first strip club experiences. The girl said, "*I* don't go out with customers."

But then once she saw that I did not mean P4P and was not talking to her like a prostitute, there she was getting apologetic and calling me on the telephone.

Same with AMP girls, once they see that I like them and treat them like an ordinary girl, they shift into GFA ( Girl Friend Audition ) mode. Doesn't get any better than that, mind blowing session and girl who wants to be with me, starting immediately.

There is a dancer that I have had FS with in VIP 3-4 times over the years. She still does not recognize me the next time and asks if I have ever been there before.

On the other hand, I went to an extras club on an out of town trip. It was first time there. A solid 9 dancer sat down on my lap and said she knew I was a regular and continued

"I get the usual 150 for a blowjob, 250 for full service, or 400 in my ass."

Without missing a beat I told her that was a lot more than I paid her last time. She asked what we did last time and I told her we fucked for 150. Off to VIP we went "just like last time" LOL
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
I've had several over the years tell me I am a regular or we did ITC or OTC before. I think some of it is they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed but much of it is their way of breaking the ice and cutting to the chase. She could spend 15 minutes or more waiting for a customer to ask. With this approach she knows in less than a minute if you are going to spend on her.
Here in NY, the typical go to line is "Hello! Vanna dance?" These strippers don't beat around the bush. At least most of them. The few who do unfortunately are the far less desirable ones. Or it could just be because I'm young, fit and black. Wish some of these babes would take the time to have a conversation these days.
If a dancer immediately asks me if I want a dance, I usually say "Yes." Then I point to one of the girls I know and say "From her."
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
^ perfect lol.
From years of being in that hell known as marriage, I have learned how to appear to be open with girls without really being open.

But today with them I am open, and that is how I want it to stay. I want the girl to see me right off as an ordinary person and as someone who sees her as an ordinary person, not specifically as a "stripper".


Belly Dance


@flagooner lol, that's funny. I'm going to use that.
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