
Comments by MrDeuce (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Too Timid to Negotiate
    Correction in Conclusion #2: change "sick" to "dick" twice :) Damn you, autocorrect!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Too Timid to Negotiate
    I used to think that a stripper would freak out, or get me kicked out, if I suggested extras or OTC. One thing I've learned from this board, and from *lots* of experience the past couple of years, is that they almost certainly *won't* freak out or even react negatively. Just ask -- they've heard it all before and won't be offended. Actually, at my favorite extras club I usually don't even ask for particular activities in the VIP room any more. I just take a new girl for a test drive -- a $20 dance or two -- and then, if she's promising, take potluck in the VIP room. It almost always ends well, but it's kind of fun not to nail down all the details. As for OTC, I almost never ask for it: it generally just lands in my lap -- and I am, to paraphrase gmd, old, fat, and balding (but charming). All 3 of my OTC girls since Dec 2015 broached the subject with me, either at the end of our first VIP (in the case of my ATF, whom I've now seen many *many* times OTC) or in a text after we've done a few lappers or a couple of VIPs -- when she needs money, of course. For example, just last Friday I did a VIP with a young but veteran stripper. When she had completed a very nice CBJ at the 26-minute mark of our half hour, she asked me matter-of-factly if I ever played outside the club. She offered a 6-hour dinner date with two CBJs for $450. I remained noncommittal but will probably counter with $350 plus a $50 tip for a (2nd) job well done once i get to know her better. Some conclusions: 1. Just ask, whether for extras or OTC -- she won't be offended. 2. Just because you have a sick doesn't mean you should be a sick. 3. Consider, at least sometimes, doing a VIP in an extras club with no particular services in mind. ONE she'll find a way to get you off, for a tip and for repeat business. 4. Once you've seen a girl from a given club OTC, and assuming that she lives to tell the tale (that sounded creepier than I intended), others at that club will make their availability for OTC known to you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Chicago clubs
    If you post no discussions, articles, or reviews in over 3 years, don't expect others to rush to your assistance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Best advice ever given on TUSCL?
    Liquor in the front Poker in the rear
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    7 years ago
    Girls, how did you end up as an exotic dancer?
    Thank you, Dr Evil (AKA a+digits), for that delightful trip down memory lane!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rising OTC prices
    I've only been doing OTC for about 18 months in the Midwest, so I don't have much of a basis of comparison. I know that my ATF wants $200-250 for a five-hour afternoon date and $400-500 for an overnight date lasting up to 16 hours. However, I've recently received two considerably higher offers for a 5-hour afternoon: * $600 + $150 to "buy out her shift" * $450 including brunch or lunch and two BJs. I rejected the first offer, countering with $350 + a $50 tip if I'm satisfied (no resolution yet), and am considering a similar counter-offer to the second. I also have a favorite at an extras club who will blow me uncovered for about $200 in the VIP room but insists on $500 for an afternoon and $1000 for overnight -- which isn't going to happen.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Best advice ever given on TUSCL?
    Two things: 1. Never lend or advance money to a stripper. 2. Never fall in love with a stripper. I've violated #2 once and #1 many times. I guess I'm a slow learner.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Getting over my shyness in the AMP
    You beat me to it, RossVa! I would be more embarrassed about writing "Their I said it" than about having a wee willy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Getting over my shyness in the AMP
    During a VIP recently the dancer started stroking Deuce Jr and complimented me on my great dick. He was actually quite flaccid at the moment, so I just laughed, thanked her, and said he would perk up in a minute. It was a charming bit of SS on her part, and we both knew it. Soon my covered member was in her mouth and it didn't take long at all for him to explode. More of the sexy but insincere dirty talk: "I think it's so *hot* when a guy fills up a condom in my mouth!" Once again, complete SS, but sometimes it's fun to listen to. I pointed out that it would be even hotter to cum directly in her mouth, but she won't do that with me -- yet. I've been playing with strippers long enough that I generally recognize stripper shit when I hear it. If your attitude is right, it's part of the fun.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    At what age is a stripper in her prime?
    18-24 is too young (in general) 36+ is too old (usually) 25-35 is just right. My faves are almost always in this age range. My ATF is 32. My previous ATF was 26.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How important is age when getting dances, etc.
    A dancer's age is not a big factor for me in getting lap dances. I've gotten dances from strippers aged 18 to about 50, I'm sure. Her looks have to appeal to me, but personality is more important. My ATF, who is 5 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds, is not really my preferred body type, but her personality is terrific. Though I will get dances with a stripper of almost age, my OTC girls have to be old enough and sufficiently interesting to hold a conversation. The ages of the three strippers that I've seen OTC have been 42, 38, and 32 (in that order).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money is an addiction..... back to dancing.
    A favorite a couple of years ago quit stripping for a few weeks and took a job at Buffalo Wild Wings, When she came back to the club, she said "Fuck that! I make more in an afternoon of stripping than I did in a week at BW3's!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money is an addiction..... back to dancing.
    What we think of as "pirate talk" (e.g. "Arrr!") results from copying English actor Robert Newton, who specialized in portraying pirates, especially Long John Silver in the 1950 Disney film "Treasure Island" and the 1954 Australian film "Long John Silver" and the title character in the 1952 film "Blackbeard the Pirate". Newton was born in Dorset and educated in Cornwall in England's Southwest, so that "talking like a pirate" is really talking with a West Country accent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Talk_Like_a_Pirate_Day
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    It has gotten rediculous
    It's always a pleasure to see a misspelling in the subject line 5 times in a row :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Dances on Credit?
    Papi's answer is my favorite: "I've been in that situation a couple of times and the dancers have told me that being with me is payment enough" LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Dances on Credit?
    In 1000+ SC visits, I *once* did six $15 dances with a regular, intending to give her $100 -- and discovered, to my embarrassment, that I was down to $50 or so! Since she and the bouncer knew me well, they trusted me to drive 2 miles to my motel, where I had intentionally left my wallet, and get some cash. Otherwise I've never spent money that I didn't have, so to speak. If you're a regular, I would think that some dancers would trust you to settle up next time if you're short that night, but I would never do that on purpose.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    No worries -- he's just Satan's Junior Guide -- but he is in training to be the new Anton LaVey. GoV, with all due respect, you and I have dramatically different understandings of the term "interesting". Weird, yes; interesting, hardly. I find them both intensely boring, though SJG (ironically, given his apparent Satanic leanings) doesn't spew vitriol at others on this board.
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    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Do you care?... Doug vs. Dugan & Vince
    ^ Ace advice from the Godfather: When in doubt, go to Follies!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Pregnant Stripper thats really showing.....would u or would u not ?????
    I enjoy the swelling breasts of a pregnant woman, but once she starts showing, I'm no longer interested. I will say that a favorite of mine blew me a few times in the VIP room in July-August 2014 and gave birth (to a heroin-addicted baby, I'm sorry to say) in October, so when I knew her, she had to be 6-7 months pregnant. I remember her as being voluptuous and a bit of a belly but not what I would have called a baby bump.
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    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Do you care?... Doug vs. Dugan & Vince
    I have no problems with Vince whatsoever and find both him and Rick to be interesting contributors, unlike Dougster, who (I'm told) frequently attacks both of them in a boring and repetitive manner. My advice: the ignore feature is your friend.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SJG has gone full blown psychopath.....
    Oh no -- *I* like Matt Groening, too! Oh wait, it's OK: he pisses off liberals, too :) Though I watch "The Simpsons" much more often than "South Park", I guess I prefer Parker & Stone to Groening because they are true equal-opportunity offenders with a strong libertarian streak (like me).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are strippers' boyfriends really that stupid?
    @rh48hr: "Yes" -- nice succinct answer! @justme: Oh, I don't care about his feelings in the matter. I also don't get any special thrill from "nailing the ex-con's stripper", as @Subra so colorfully put it. I'm just mystified by this degree of cuckoldry. @rane man: No doubt many strippers are pimped out, but I'm pretty sure that's not what's going on here. I think he knows what she does but she makes so much more money than him that he suppresses that knowledge.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    First ATF Confusion
    She likes you, but does she "like like" you? I think not.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are strippers' boyfriends really that stupid?
    Interesting responses. I'll take some of them in order of appearance: @25: Of *course* you're picking a fight -- it's what you do! And I know she has other regulars, including a few that she sees OTC, but I'm the only overnighter. @a+digits: "swingers and cucks" -- I love it! @jackslash: Yes, I'm increasingly aware of her questionable veracity. She no longer fools me, but she may still be fooling him. @papi: She has a weird attraction to bad boys, as I've indicated before. Besides money, I represent the upper-middle-class values with which she was raised and which she has been rejecting since she was a kid. @Book Guy: Yes, it's quite possible that he is totally in the know and that they have a good guffaw when she gets home from blowing me a couple of times. What I pay her, BTW, is only about $450 (ranging from $350 to $525) for a 16-hour overnight date. Oh, and she's one of the cutest girls in the club and has a bachelor's degree. She just makes horrible choices in terms of boyfriends and drugs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever get a dance from a shot-girl or waitress?
    Fun story: Almost four years ago, when I was just starting to feel my way in Washington Park (by ESL), I visited Cheeks on a slow weekday afternoon. The club was so understaffed that my waitress was also my bartender and also took an occasional turn on stage. When she brought my beer, she asked if I ever did VIPs, I said I had once (there), she volunteered that she didn't have a gag reflex, and the next thing I knew, she was blowing me bareback for $150 total! Does that count as getting a lap dance from a waitress?