SJG has gone full blown psychopath.....

avatar for mikeya02
This is a warning to anyone who converses with him. Go ahead, read his last ten comments. He's advocating the slaughter of Christians. He believes child abuse is HIGHLY prevalent among married couples with children and that he would murder them if he could. He thinks white women are evil. I emailed the San Jose City Council that they have a mad welfare worker ( or equivalent) on the loose People should be warned. Now we know what his country road trip will consist of. An RV filled with duct tape, rope, masks. handcuffs, chloroform, etc. He admires serial killers. Avoid him.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Mikeya02, settle down. You are the one who is being the nutcase.

I am not advocating anything against Christians. I know I can't really do that. Besides, the NFL is violent enough already.

But I do know that child abuse is **HIGHLY** prevalent in our society, and that the situation in which it is least likely to be dealt with is the middle class family where the parents are married. Religion is also an increased risk factor.

But please do contact the San Jose City Council, San Jose PD, the FBI, Homeland Security, and the CIA.

Tell them that they must enforce all child protection laws, particularly within the family, to the very fullest. Tell them that if they don't, there is a guy here in San Jose and on TUSCL who will start enforcing it himself, except that he won't do in the same way.

Our police and DA already know all about me, because on such issues I and they are in constant communication. I get their department newsletters, and they reply to my messages, and they take very seriously what I am saying about the perpetrator's church. They are glad that someone takes an interest in such things, because they need to have a public mandate. I discuss it with patrol officers every chance I get, to gauge their awareness. They are aware and the know the names and details of the case.

So at least where I live, some things are changing.

But there is still an entire industry of doctors which use various means of helping parents blacksheep their children. This also needs to be dealt with. That it hires its own doctors is one of the things which distinguishes the middle class. So a child in a middle class family is uniquely vulnerable to this abuse by doctors. The doctors serve the parents, because the parents are paying their bills.

It is not impossible that I could be involved in some non-violent civil disobedience. But it is also possible that I might go beyond this and place some of these people under citizen's arrest. I am also involved in trying to get some people to file law suits.

Here is one I want shut down and shut down hard, this Lynn Kern Koegel at UCSB. She is teaching parents how to abuse their children. She is giving them a way of having what they want, a blacksheep child. What she is promoting is the learning disabilities or "neurological difference" version of Munchausen's By Proxy.…

Go ahead, please do, tell all authorities that there is a guy in San Jose who wants this woman behind bars, and her lab closed forever. Tell that if they don't act it could come to a point where the guy in San Jose might decide to handle it himself.

avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
I see, you're just Who's going to win the Super Bowl?
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
My Christian Eating Lions, Of Course!

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
And when you talk to the authorities you don't need to tell them my position, you just need to remind them. Really it is just that you are reminding them that you now also know about me.

I did everything I could to promote interest in the Pentecostal molester case, and to let the DA's Office know what I was doing. They don't mind this at all. They depend on it.

And as far as being ready to act in such cases, like all the varieties of Munchausen's By Proxy, that is no fantasy. Nor is it any fantasy that I have tried to set would be litigants up with attorneys and make it happen.

avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Relax, I don' know anything but the words you post. which in your case is a tsunami of verbiage
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Well when the message the DA sent to me was no tsunami, it was mostly just "guilty verdict" and "remanded".

So I looked him up in the county jail and wrote back that he is probably sleeping soundly now for the first time since his case started.

But what I sent to the DA's Office, to newspaper journalists and other activists, and then have forwarded to the daughters in the years since, was a tsunami.

avatar for ime
9 years ago
He's off his meds and hitting that crack pipe hard.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Holy shit! Is it true sjg?
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
sjg is pyscho. He works for the CA government. It all makes sense. I thought a lot of the people out there were pyscho already. They vote for psychopaths too.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Sp when is sjg running for office?
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
crazyjoe don't believe these guys. I am not like them. I have zero dealings with Alcohol, Street Drugs, Born Again Christianity, or Psychiatric Medication.

I suspect that IME has partaken with most of these, and these are what make him like he is.

Not likely I'd be working for government or running for office. But I am working to be able to do some very big and visible things and I am already involved in large and public confrontations.

avatar for ime
9 years ago
You need all of those things, man did your parents fuck you up. Looney toons SJG.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Need Alcohol?

Need Drugs?

Need Born Again Christianity?

Need Psychiatric Medication?

The reason that I don't use any of these things is that I didn't let my parents fuck me up.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
P. D. Ouspensky, the most famous student of Gurdjieff.…

In some ways I am seeing now that what these guys promote is like what Aliester Crowley promotes, it is just that it is understood completely differently.

Talked about L. Ron Hubbard, a despicable individual.

Well there is another guy, E. J. Gold, coming out of the Hollywood and Sci-Fi venue, now spiritual and cult leader. His stuff, not totally dissimilar to Hubbard, is more based on Gurdjieff. He has been going not for a long time, interested in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and the Bardo, and Tantic Sex, and was living with 4 women at a time, hence practicing polygamy. He seems okay to me.

Minor Sci-Fi writer and artist, but a guy with some stuff to say, in his books. Also a video game version of the Bardo, and he connects this to Tantric Sex, and with Gurdjieff.…

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
9 years ago
Every time I read SJG's drivel ESPECIALLY the Rosecrucian bullshit and the straightedge (EVIL s of Substance Abuse including a moderate beer or glass of wine-fucking spare me!) I get to thinking this asshole is just the type to try and find true believers and start a cult around himself. Just my reaction- but for all his platitudes he's cut from the same cloth as Jim Jones, Marshall Applegate or Ron Hubbard. Fortunately for the world he has chosen this forum to try and recruit a following, and I think as unstable as people may or may not be around here they are more stable then being the types who would drink SJG's Kool-Aid.

I don't need his abstinence bullshit which is nothing more than glossed-over puritanism without the Christian component, I don't need the mind control. When I listen to SJG spew my knee-jerk reaction is to tell myself, Yes I'll have that damn beer- and to crank the volume on Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name" when they get to the line "Fuck You I won't do what you tell me!"
avatar for Missionary
9 years ago
Spread love and peace.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Los Angeles Swingers Club Joi , look really hot!…………
this footage seems to be from the Temple, in D. W. Griffith's Intolerance

avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago

I'm not calling for legal prohibition. Abstinence from chemicals is simply practicality, if a large group of people is working towards self-awareness instead of numb outs.


Los Angeles Swingers Club Joi , look really hot!…………
this footage seems to be from the Temple, in D. W. Griffith's Intolerance

Coffee Girls……


avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
What do you call a psychotherapist equipped with a lie detector?…

Of course psychotherapists and scientologists don't like each other. They are both running the same con.

And then of course both of these groups don't like psychiatrists and drugging either, because that also is based on a very similar con.

The idea is to convince the patient that all difficulties they are experiencing exist only within their own head, and then that they are therefore at fault.

So anxiety and depression, are now caused by yourself, rather than by the social situations you are experiencing. And then of course you should never try to do anything to remedy or redress any of these social situations, you should either lie on the couch and confess, and let yourself be subjected to further interrogation. or in the case of psychiatry, just ingest the provided drugs.

Hubbard's early Scientology writings denounced Freud and Psychoanalysis.

Anyone who is foolish enough to disclose their personal affairs to a Scientology Auditor, a Psychotherapist, or a Psychiatrist, will be abused. These people are NEVER your allies.

Hugh Urban, Scientology…

avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
If you can't trust a Scientology Auditor, a Psychotherapist, or a Psychiatrist, then who *can* you trust? I mean, are you suggesting it is better to tell a random stripper who might unbeknowst to you be an OT III?

Have you heard of Francis E. Dec?…
avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
Pardon,… is probably a better Francis E. Dec link for this site.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Psychotherapy, Psychology, and Scientology were all invented to further abuse victims. I think this should be obvious, as Capitalism requires that people be controlled, and that there be people to subject to ritual humiliations in order to maintain discipline.

These people used to be supplied from the ranks of immigrants, racial minorities, and by colonialism and slavery.

But today it does not work like this anymore, because labor is in gross surplus. So today Capitalism does not need cheap labor or slave labor. So it looks directly to the middle-class family and its designated scapegoats, to provide an untouchable caste, living on alcohol, street drugs, and psychiatric medications.

Even if you provided someone with a Rolls-Royce, a house in Bel Air, and wads and wads of pocket cash, that would not be justice, because it could never substitute for having had the chance to develop your abilities and apply them to social good.

Who can you trust? Well we all need to politically organize, so that we can trust our comrades, and then take action.

As far as strippers, most are not politically aware, especially the ones on alcohol, street drugs, born again christianity, or psychiatric medications. But there are some exceptions. These exceptional politically aware strippers are an essential component of any political organizing.


Lady Love (2007 Remastered Version)…

Nice Legs, why would anyone want to live anywhere else?…
avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
I just don't see how voluntaryism can be more abusive than statism.

I can get on board with the psychotherapy industrial complex and the DSM-V being developed as a method to drum up more business by ruining lives, though.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Well, Hubbard comes out of Naval Intelligence, plus the occult.

Psychotherapy, going back to Freud, is a way of turning someone's experience of injustice and abuse, into a medical problem.

And the Recovery Movement turns someone's experience of injustice and abuse into a self-improvement project.

Capitalism and the Middle-Class Family are Statism, how the State holds on to power.

avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
^ What about Zimbabwe and Venezuela?
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
I don't know the specifics of those places, but I am talking about the industrialized nations, and about the middle-class family. It is different in the developing world, and amongst immigrants and racial and religious minorities. They have a different type of experience because they see themselves as facing external challenges, so it is not directed back at the children.


Gurdjieff & The Fourth Way: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio…
avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
It sounds pretty rough where privileged kids are allowed self-determination. So rough. The worst.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Well, The Middle-Class Family was designed to exploit and abuse children. They have children in order to give the adults identity. So the children really do get harmed.

Kids in low income families actually get more protection. Those families regularly have contact with all manner of social services. And the doctors in public employment do comply with Mandatory Reporting.

Very different for well-off families. They believe that they are in charge of their own destiny. So the family is closed. Children are private property, and they hire their own doctors. These kinds of doctors do not comply with mandatory reporting, as they market their medical, therapy, and drugging skills to the parents. There are therapists who will put a child on drugs, and there are therapists who will take a child off drugs. But both are helping the parents use the child.

Outstanding Book:…

Extremely Interesting Video:…

They have these new amphetamines, very similar to the methamphetamine sold on the street. But these new prescription drugs are intended for children maybe age 4 to 8. They are made like gummy bears, because children that young have not learned to swallow hard pills. Hard pills are like swallowing a stone, so it is not initially that easy.

And then we have:

I feel that this goes way beyond anything US penal codes were designed to deal with.

I feel that this meets all the qualifications for Crimes Against Humanity.…

So these doctors should be prosecuted in International Court, and then executed.

avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
I'm not going to argue with executing doctors who give speed to kids.

Behind door #2, though, we have girls in Malawi who are forced by their families to get fucked by old guys with AIDS.

If it were me, I would rather deal with a meth addiction than that.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
We can't sit here and let kids be abused this way.

And yes, we do need to try and stop what you describe in Malawi. But we will be more effective if we can face the lies on which our country is based. And it is impossible to have a working democracy unless people are politically aware right here.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Right now, the pro-drug therapists and the anti-drug therapists are competing for market share.

Both are helping the parents who want to scapegoat their child. They used to all this Munchausen's By Proxy, but now it is just called Medical Child Abuse.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
So strange. This comes from Dark Lord by Peter Levenda

Georg Carl Tanzler…

Tanzler and Marie Elena…………………


Born in Germany 1877. Avoided WWI by going to India and then Australia. Became a British Citizen, and then he emigrated to the United States. He had dreams of this beautiful woman. Then in Key West Florida he meet a Cuban American beautiful young woman. He decided that she was that woman.

But she was dying of tuberculosis.

Tanzler was not medically trained, but he was employed as a radiologist.

He seems to have studied all manner of occult teachings, but is not known to have been part of any heavy occult groups. He was however part of one very light occult groups, San Jose's Rosicrucian Order AMORC.

Marie Elena did die. Then Tanzler built with his own hands an elaborate above ground mausoleum for her. Then he removed her corpse to is home. Seems like he was trying to resurrect her. He claims that she could open her eyes and move her arms and legs.

Always fighting against maggots, what he did amounted to mummifying her.

And he was sleeping with her in his own bed an having sex with her.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Lincoln Continentals…

This is actually a nice looking car. There is also a SWB two door version.

But are these the old live axel design? Well, the way they sometimes sit, some camber mismatch. They look to be IRS. But in fact I find out that they are FWD, and the second gen of FWD Continentals.…

The first FWD's were the 8th generation, 1988 to 1994. No V8 available, 140hp 3.8 L V6. Though quite big, made on the Taurus / Sable platform.

Very similar to the Cadillac Sedan de Ville of that era.

The one I have pictured though is 9th generation, 1995 - 2002

4.6L V8, 260hp ( it was detuned some for the fwd transverse layout )

The 2 door version really does look nice. They both look nice.

Lincoln LS ran 1999 to 2006, 4dr only…

rear wheel drive, IRS, V6 or 3.9 Liter V8, related to the small Thunderbirds and Jaguar type S ( Jaguar dealer emphatically denied this to me right in his show room, even though I showed him how similar the cars are. He insisted that the Jaguar cost $10k more, so it could not be the same. I told that the auto industry has always been based on such stuff. ) and was used as the basis for the new all IRS Mustangs.


They make a 2 seater, but no 2door 2+2. Fourseaters and stupid SUV./Crossover stuff.

For Jaguar to not have a 2+2 two door is beyond belief.

NIssan Altima, they had made a nice 2dr. No more. All 4 doors……
370Z, hard top and roadster, and GT-R are 2drs. GT-R costs $110k!

Infinity G60 2dr, $39k…

( Reasonable pricing in my opinion, though a 370z hard top is cheaper, though just two seats ).

But Q60 starts at turbo 2 liters or 3 liters.

"Red Sport" 400hp 3.0 liter V6 costs $53k

They all seem to be using turbo charging to get the engine size down, for fuel economy.

But base model 370Z hard top, $30k, 3.7 liter V6, 332 hp at 7000 rpm.

Interesting, things change.

Hyundai Veloster…

1.6 liter 4 cylinders, turbo available, but still selling the 2016 model.

They do not offer those 2dr real neat looking Genesis models anymore. Genesis is 4dr big luxury now.

Mazda does not offer any Rx-7's, and they don't offer that RX-8 anymore.

THey do have MX-5 Miatas, roadsters

2 liters, 155hp for the sport, only 2300lbs too.

Then they also have a new MX-5 RF, a hard top coupe, 2 liters.


Lecture 3. Rhythm: Fundamentals…
avatar for ime
8 years ago
what a psycho
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago…

We have here in the San Jose Metro a list of alternative new years resolutions. These seem to be health oriented. And so we have this Naturopathic Doctor in Santa Cruz

Recommending this canabidiol, a kind of hemp derived oil. Says it manages stress responses by acting on the limbic system and that it is not psychoactive and that it helps people sleep with anxiety issues.

Given the opportunity I would relish the chance to fire this guy.

All he is doing is yet another way of telling people to use chemicals to face their feelings. This is bullshit.

So I would not outlaw it, but this sort of doctor I would never deal with and never allow to remain in any position I had authority over. I would purge them.

Now we also have this Manish Chadra and his Ayurvedic methods:


I think this is great!

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
So, still reading Gary Lachman…

So he talks about the initiation ritual of the Free Masons, the murder of Hiram Abiff.

Well, we have the late Manley Palmer Hall, known for founding Philosophical Research Intitute in Los Angeles, and for his many books, including, "Secret Teachings of all Ages".

He says in various books that the Masonic initiation ritual is actually a continuation of the Egyptian ritual which was based on the murder of Osiris, and then his travels through their version of an underworld, Duat, and then his resurrection.

The Masons may not know this, but it is still true.

And then we have Jeremy Naydler:…

I'd read some of his early stuff. He is good. Anyway, one of his main theses is that the Egyptian texts like, Coming Forth By Day ( Book of the Dead ), and the Coffin Texts, and Pyramid Texts, are not just for funerary purposes. They were also used for initiatic rituals, and even that this was their primary use. People were to practice dying, is how Lachman puts it.

And so putting this with M. P. Halls ideas, the Free Masons, know it or not, are continuing to practice these Ancient Egyptian initiation rituals.

There is a guy, Jeff Gold who talks the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and their idea of a Bardo, in much the same way.

So now it is commonly accepted that Pythagoras was initiated by the Egyptians.

Naydler is convinced that Plato also was, even talking about Plato spending many months in a secret initiation room beneath the Great Pyramid.

So Naydler sees Egyptian and Hermetic ideas infusing Greek philosophy, and in particular being found in the following works of Plato:

Cratylus, Phaedo, Phaedrus, and Republic


Wicked Lady - The Axeman Cometh, great album cover…
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Can't say enough about how good the writing of Gary Lachman is. I've read quite a number of his books, and I will continue.

avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Out of respect for Shadowcat, I'll keep it to this thread. But:…

Do you have fucking adult's Tourette’s Syndrome? Or are you just a belligerent dick?

SJG --> "If Shadow doesn't want to hear the range of opinion on a topic, then he should not post it. If he does and then he gets belligerent, then he should know what to expect."

^^^ Shadowcat does not deserve this disrespect. Rules Number 3 and 4 of The Eleven (LaVeyan) Satanic Rules of the Earth apply, at least they do from my P.O.V.:

3. When in another’s lair, show him or her respect or else do not go there.
4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him or her cruelly and without mercy.
11.When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him or her to stop. If he or she do not stop, destroy him or her.
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

And you deserve any cruelty unleashed towards you. According to Rule number 11, I will ask you to stop. (and yes, I understand the irony of me WRT to rule 1, which I am breaking.) Take it outside ...
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Dominic77, what the hell are you talking about?

Shadowcat started a thread, I gave an appropriate response, and he got belligerent.

So if you don't like how I replied to him, TOO BAD!

avatar for ime
8 years ago
No you made a response, not appropriate or on topic.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
still working with this Gary Lachman book. So much in it, hard for me to digest.…

So need to record his references. He has Joscelyn Goodwin, Athanasius Kircher, 1979

Jeremy Naydler, Plato, Shamanism, and Ancient Egypt, and then Clementine Salaman, and then serious talk about R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, and then Garth Fowder, The Egyptian Hermes, 1986, and then works by Gilles Quispel, and then Stephan Hoeller of Los Angeles, and then P. D. Ouspensky, and then Georg Feuerstein, Structures of Consciousness ( about Jean Gebser ), and of course Antoine Faivre.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
So continuing to try and list the references from Gary Lachman's fascinating book about Hermeticism.

Now this is a book Lachman does not list, but it is relevant.…

Lucie Lamy is the daughter of R. A. and Isha Schwaller de Lubicz.

She explains about the history of the earlier years of Ancient Egypt, and the various places used as the capitol, and the cult centers which operated there.

Overall, as Lower Egypt had been able to conquer Upper Egypt, the capitols were moving from the delta, further south.

So reading from Lachman, page 79:

So a major diety, Thoth. venerated in Egypt at least as far back as 3000 BC. Through his words the will of the Sun God Ra was made manifest. With Maat, Thoth stood on the barge of Ra. And Thoth recorded the weighing of the souls when the dead were judged in the Duat.

Main center of worship, Khemennu ( Greek Hermapolis ) in Upper Egypt, though to be the oldest city on earth. He was the head of a group of eight deities called the Ogdoad, rivaling the pantheons of Heliopolis and Memphis, where were ruled by Ra and Ptah.

So now lets try to find where these things were.

Sakkara was the site of the 3rd Dynasty King Djoser's Step Pyramid.


So Saqqara is the site of the Step Pyramid. Just a bit South of Giza, 4th dynasty largest pyramids. These are a bit to the West of the nile. But Memphis would be right on the Nile.

Then further South is Hermopolis, and then Luxor, Karnak, and Thebes are important, as also in their religion, Abydos.

And then today Aswan is where the dam is, and Philae was a major temple.

Heliopolis is just a big North of Cairo, in the Delta.

avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
The doubly funny ass thing about SJG is he never blinks from his psycho persona! It's like he is Mr. Consistent with his insane babble. I have to give credit where credit is due. He is genuine.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Continuing with references in Gary Lachman's Hermes book.

Cosimo de' Medici…

Influenced by the lectures of…
opened his own Platonic Academy, in Florence, wanted return to Olympian Gods.…
Translated Corpus Hermetica and Plato for de' Medici

The above two had ideas almost like an anti-psychotherapy, according to James Hillman, according to Gary Lachman.…

Re-visioning psychology / James Hillman.
A very highly acclaimed and radical Jungian Analyst.……

Yates, Frances Amelia…
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic tradition / Frances A. Yates , and also his Art of Memory.

Gnosis and hermeticism from antiquity to modern times / edited by Roelof van den Broek and Wouter J. Hanegraaff

And besides Renaissance, talk about the Emerald Tablet, not in the Corpus Hermeticism, and the first 400 years AD, and Alchemy. Talk of bowl shaped altars, in Corpus, and also having been seen. What were these? Baptismal fonts?

Talk about G. R. S. Mead. Stephen Hoeller introduction to book about him. Lachman and Hoeller seem to think there was an actual Hermetic Religion. But actual religion is always about Health, Wealth, and Progeny. They contrast this to Gnosticism. Difference between religion and esoteric groups, mystery schools.

Talk about Walter Scott, commentary on Hermetica, Shambala Books.

Talk about Hermetic books found with Gnostic books at Nag Hammadi, suggesting connection.

Talk about how all this Renaissance stuff helped Eliphas Levi do his works, and about Kabbalah path work.

I need to know much more before I can really assimilate all of this.

Now reading "Strange Angel", the second book about AeroJet, JPL Founder, and Aleister Crowley follower Jack Parsons.


James Hillman…
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Also talk about Harran…

Today, Southern Turkey, 20 miles from Syrian border. Has old University. Temple remains as old as 9500 BC. Other artifacts too 11,500 BC. If true, these predate other records of civilization.

Group which operated there, considered pagan. Believed to be practicing a Hermetic religion.

During Islamic expansion, commanders left them alone because Profit Mohamed had given them a protected status.

Known as Sabians.…

Later on in Baghdad. Known as Pagans of Badhdad.

Cosimo de' Medici's copy of Corpus Hermeticum may have come from Harran and these 'pagans'.

Again, Lachman and some others favoring the view that there was a Heremetic religion.

In Egypt, the real theology was held in mystery schools. Popular religion was something entirely different.

It was with Judaism that they tried to make the inner teaching public. Not convinced about this Hermetic religion.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Churton, Tobias. The Golden Builders: Alchemists, Rosicrucians, and the First Freemasons. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2002.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Note, some talk of Sabians claiming to follow John the Baptist. Even today, some Gnostic groups make John the Baptist the central figure, instead of Jesus.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Reading "Strange Angle", by George Pendel, 2005.

This is the second book about rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons. Up to page 102 now.

This book is better than the earlier "Love and Rockets". Gives me more of a feeling about what they guy is about and what was going on.

But both are worth reading, in the order written.

This book gives a better understanding, that most people considered rockets to be nonsense, and the idea that they could be used for space travel to be absurd.

So this is one reason it is compatible with occult exercises and trying to work magic.

Lots of accounts of people having mystical experiences, and some including giant rockets and space ships. As I see it, these should be considered akin to Ezekiel's vision of the Chariot.

But consider this:

In 1906 over 50 percent of Los Angeles' population may have been Protestant, reflecting the number of transplants from the Midwestern states, but a whole ne breed of radical metaphysical religions, such as Christian Science, New Thought, and Theosophy, had begun to take root alongside the mainstream beliefs, Confuscianism, which had arrived via Chinese immigrants, began to seep its way into the sermons of some of the more liberal Protestant churches. Spiritualism found proponents of its creed of mystical development and séances, especially in the Hollywood firm community where it was now becoming something of a craze.

Hollywood Krotona, 1912…


So now I want to add, they talk about 1906. Well that was the year of the San Francisco Earth Quake. But something else was already going on, the Azusa St. Revival, the beginnings of Pentecostalism. Both Assemblies of God and COGIC claim this as their origins.

Well, this was happening in the middle of a surge of Eastern teachings. So I want to emphasize what others have. Though some forms more than others, Pentecostalism is based on Eastern Metaphysics, really a kind of superstitious fatalism, one rooted in Eastern teachings of things like Karma, or Quid Pro Quo, but put out using a reification of the language of the Bible.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago

In 1906 over 50 percent of Los Angeles' population may have been Protestant, reflecting the number of transplants from the Midwestern states, but a whole ne breed of radical metaphysical religions, such as Christian Science, New Thought, and Theosophy, had begun to take root alongside the mainstream beliefs, Confuscianism, which had arrived via Chinese immigrants, began to seep its way into the sermons of some of the more liberal Protestant churches. Spiritualism found proponents of its creed of mystical development and séances, especially in the Hollywood firm community where it was now becoming something of a craze.

Hollywood Krotona, 1912…


So now I want to add, they talk about 1906. Well that was the year of the San Francisco Earth Quake. But something else was already going on, the Azusa St. Revival, the beginnings of Pentecostalism. Both Assemblies of God and COGIC claim this as their origins.

Well, this was happening in the middle of a surge of Eastern teachings. So I want to emphasize what others have. Though some forms more than others, Pentecostalism is based on Eastern Metaphysics, really a kind of superstitious fatalism, one rooted in Eastern teachings of things like Karma, or Quid Pro Quo, but put out using a reification of the language of the Bible.

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8 years ago


In 1906 over 50 percent of Los Angeles' population may have been Protestant, reflecting the number of transplants from the Midwestern states, but a whole ne breed of radical metaphysical religions, such as Christian Science, New Thought, and Theosophy, had begun to take root alongside the mainstream beliefs, Confuscianism, which had arrived via Chinese immigrants, began to seep its way into the sermons of some of the more liberal Protestant churches. Spiritualism found proponents of its creed of mystical development and séances, especially in the Hollywood firm community where it was now becoming something of a craze.

Hollywood Krotona, 1912…


So now I want to add, they talk about 1906. Well that was the year of the San Francisco Earth Quake. But something else was already going on, the Azusa St. Revival, the beginnings of Pentecostalism. Both Assemblies of God and COGIC claim this as their origins.

Well, this was happening in the middle of a surge of Eastern teachings. So I want to emphasize what others have. Though some forms more than others, Pentecostalism is based on Eastern Metaphysics, really a kind of superstitious fatalism, one rooted in Eastern teachings of things like Karma, or Quid Pro Quo, but put out using a reification of the language of the Bible.

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8 years ago
I want to follow up here with any available material for the Radical Jungian Analyst, James Hillman…, passed away in 2011.

Spring Publications

and then Marillyn Ferguson…
passed away in 2008

So we have this posthumous 2009 new edition.…

I'm getting a copy of this.

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8 years ago
So, "Aquarian Conspiracy" by Marilyn Ferguson, originally 1980, is interesting.

I know far more about the people and things of which she speaks, than when I read it back in the 80's.

It is also of note that when this book was coming out, it really was the end of the 1970's, as Reagan was campaigning and would be elected, and our country would be changed forever as a result.

One thing which turned me off about Marilyn Ferguson way way back was I think it was in the 1987 second edition, that John Naisbitt wrote a forward. Well I had read Naisbitt's original book, "Mega Trends", and I found it interesting. But as time when on, and especially because someone challenged him on a local radio call in show, Naisbitt revealed himself as a right winger, someone who supported yuppieism and Reagan and all of it.

I should have seen that but I did not.

Now about Ferguson, she could be looked at that way, because she is promoting higher consciousness, and this can be the old tune out, nirvana seeking, opiate of the masses. Though she seems not to be a New Age Lint Head, she is saying that problems are going to be solved without political and class conflict. So this is a problem with her.

So I am getting her second book, Aquarius Now, which took her another 25 years to write, just before she passed away.

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8 years ago
Swami Rama

According to Marilyn Ferguson he convinced the Menninger Clinic that he could almost completely stop his heart.…

For myself I find such near heart stoppage to be impossible, unless it was just for a minute or two. No circulation, no oxygen going to the brain -> death.

As a child though I did learn how to slow down my heart. I had attended a science demo where they asked people to try. And with most people, their heart rate goes up. I had actually anticipated this. So I learned how to raise it and then let it drop. Not very difficult, but I was only changing it a little bit.…


about stopping his heart:…

The example below is an EKG of Swami Rama recorded while he was sitting motionless, and caused his heart to stop pumping blood at will. This was done by voluntarily speeding up his heart rate to over 300 beats per minute, causing atrial flutter. This demonstration and others were performed at the Menninger Foundation, in Topeka, Kansas in 1970. The research was recorded for the public, in part, in the book Beyond Biofeedback, by Elmer and Alyce Green.

I would not recommend trying the above. Please do not try it.


Clapton, Layla…
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8 years ago
Jean Varda ( Janko ) Had read about this guy in the autobiography of zen teacher Alan Watts, "In My Own Way". Looked some years ago, not much info.


Begins working on his last sailboat, the Cythera. Tim Rose, one of the artists involved in building the boat, later reports that Varda’s only specifications were that the boat must be large enough o hold a grand piano and five dancers. Varda often takes as many as 40 people out on the Cythera on his regular Sunday sails.…


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8 years ago
So again, I know about Jean Varda from the autobiography of Zen teacher Alan Watts. Some say that Varda embodied the kind of breezy open persona which Watts could only envy.

Watts wrote that Varda used to go out sailing, from their shared ferry boat residence in Sausalito, every Sunday. Varda's boat had an eye painted on the prow. Watts said that his boat was always crewed by women. Looks to be young beautiful women.

So this is a video about Jean Varda, and it shows the boat.…

You know, these kinds of people, they seem to attract the patronage of rich people with bohemian sentiments. I'm sure I could never do that because I am way to mean spirited.

But anyway, Watts wrote that some of the matrons would bring their daughters around for Varda to de-virginate.

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8 years ago
Prostitution at 5-year high despite crackdown on hotels , Oakland, some of them look pretty good, dressed to please. :)…

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8 years ago
Strangers In Their Own Land

Strangers in their own land : anger and mourning on the American right / Arlie Russell Hochschild…

Getting more circulation, and looks very interesting!


Gutting Internet Privacy…
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8 years ago
Donald Michael Kraig (March 28, 1951 – March 17, 2014) was an American occult author and practitioner of ceremonial magic.………

Modern tantra : living one of the world's oldest, continuously practiced forms of pagan spirituality in the new millennium / Donald Michael Kraig ; foreword by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke. 2015

Modern magick : twelve lessons in the high magickal arts / Donald Michael Kraig. 2010

Tarot & magic / Donald Michael Kraig ; foreword by Mark K. Greer. 2002…


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8 years ago
More interesting books:………

And this is better than the earlier Jack Parson's book, Love and Rockets. This one give a better idea of what he is like.…

Has this picture:…

When Parsons first met followers of Crowley's OTO, at an old large house in Hollywood. This was Jan 1939. Event, Gnostic Mass, might have included the man and woman presiding having sex in front of the audience. But certainly after couples were talking to various areas in the large house for sex.…

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8 years ago
Eugen Grosche, German Occultist, influenced Kenneth Grant and many others…

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8 years ago
Some more material about Jack Parsons, Marjorie Cameron, and The Babalon Working

The Babalon Working, Paul Weston…

The Babalon Working IS NOW:The Scarlet Woman, Mass Destruction, Science/Magick and Jack Parsons…

Thunder Perfect Mind is most highly regarded of Nag Hammadi material.

Jack Parsons by Dr John Bluth, JPLOral Historian and Archivist…

Babalon Act One…

Creating Babalon, Crowley, Parsons, Hubbard, Sex Rituals, Occult Connections - Paul Green…

Resident at Jack Parsons' house with L Ron Hubbard - Secret Lives - Scientology - Dianetics…

AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA…

Jack Parsons Biographical Compilation [Crowley, O.T.O, L. Ron Hubbard]…

Satanic NASA Occult Babylon Working ft. Jack Parsons, L Ron Hubbard & Aleister Crowley…………………

The Goddess Sekhmet: Psycho-Spiritual Exercises of the Fifth Way…

has forward by Kenneth Grant

Robert Masters, husband of Jean Houston, has passed away.

This is not the same guy

Gail Corrington Streete, The Strange Woman: Power and Sex in the Bible, 1997.…

The Babalon Working IS NOW:The Scarlet Woman, Mass Destruction, Science/Magick and Jack Parsons…

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8 years ago
Babalon, Edward Mason……

This is real good:…

Better than the earlier Jack Parsons book, Love and Rockets. Makes what Parsons was doing and his interest in the occult and Crowley, and finally the Babalon Working, much more understandable.

Parsons was a founder of AeroJet, which has made solid fuel rockets for every manned NASA flight. And they refused to make the sorts of rockets that Morton Thiokol Morton Thiokol did, which blew up the Space Shuttle Challenger.

So AeroJet was well known as a company saturated with swingers.

What I am looking for is written accounts saying that this swingers culture originated with the occult followers of Crowley. Not finding it yet.

Jack Parsons, having read some Crowley, was introduced to his followers by chance, attending one of their rituals at a large house on Winona Boulevard in Hollywood.…

They had the attic made into their temple. But then couples would venture off to more secluded spots though out the 3 story structure.

So Parsons would be doing something very similar in an old mansion he purchased.

It is all so similar to how it works in swingers clubs, in that they want to use houses, the places people actually live, because that way they are much less likely to have trouble with LE.

And then their thinking is so similar:

The law of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.".…

This sounds a great deal like Libertarianism. And most of the members of swing clubs are white, well off, conservative, Republican, and often attending mainstream churches.

So I have not read this anywhere, but Crowley and his followers must have been a key force in the development of swingers clubs.


Grahame Bond - Love Is the Law, an obvious follower of Crowley.…
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8 years ago
About James Hillman:…

Of course I immediately recognized the name of Dick Russell, political researcher. But this book about James Hillman is far bigger than what I expected, and it also looks like it is to be the first of three. But none of the other books are yet written.

I want to know about Hillman. Don't know what I will find.

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8 years ago
To Perfect This Feast - The Gnostic Mass…

Swirling Star OTO Lodge ( Florida? )

Aleister Crowley wrote the Gnostic Mass in 1913. He described it as the central ritual—public and private—of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). Today it is being performed on a regular basis throughout the world.


What is shown in the above video must be very close to what Rocket Scientist, JPL Founder, and AeroJet Founder Jack Parsons must have seen when he went in the late 1930's to a meeting in a three story house on Winona Blvd Hollywood.

They had a temple in the attic, and the pictures certainly match with this.

This James Wasserman presiding, has decades of experience and scholarship here.…

My two main interests in reading about this are first to understand its scope and the nature of its appeal, and second about Parsons in particular, to see if the SoCal Swinger's Clubs actually had their genesis with these occult rituals.

Cited as the start of Swinging are the practices of US fighter pilots sent to England, with their wives. They set up a mutual support network, and well things just went further.

But it is also cited that Aerojet was a nucleation site for Swingers, after the war.

James Ellroy, his mother worked for AeroJet, and she was a Swinger, and she was murdered around 1958 when James was 10yo. Still unsolved.…

Now of what is written in Strange Angel, it took about 18 months until Jack Parsons became accustomed to attending the Gnostic Mass regularly. Wilfred T. Smith was the leader, and he and Aleister Crowley in England wanted to expand the group. In large measure this was to better be able to pay its bills, and also as Crowley was hard up for money and needed more to pay his bills and publish his books. They saw in Jack Parsons the sort who would be able to do this.

As far as sex, it sounds like there was lots of sex after the Gnostic Mass.

They describe it as "swapping". And in fact it sounds like husbands were grateful to be able to unload their wives onto others.

Parsons was married to Helen, and she ended up taking up with the leader Wilfred T. Smith. Parsons had already taken up with Helen's half sister Betty, much younger, then only 17yo.

Now later, L. Ron Hubbard would run off with Betty and scam Parsons out of some money.

But what I am reading now is in early 1942, and going through the summer and Midway.

AeroJet was busy producing these JATO's ( Jet Assisted Takeoff Units ) and Parsons had shown phenomenal ability in developing that technology, and that would be used in all of our solid fuel rockets.

So Parsons started bringing AeroJet people to the OTO meetings on Winona Blvd. Perhaps increasing the attendance by as much as 40 persons.

Some of the older OTO members started to object as there was so much sex. People were not waiting for Mass for their sex. They seemed only interested in sex, and not in Crowley's Thelema theology or the ritual.

So yes, this does start now to sound like a Swinger's Club already.

It ended up that Parsons rented a 3 story craftsman style wooden mansion in Pasadena, having been built by a Canadian lumber magnate, who had been the primary benefactor for Cal Tech.

Parsons set this up as the new site for the OTO, and he was made the leader. He installed Wilfred T. Smith with Helen in the master bedroom, and himself and Betty in adjoining bedrooms. He set up a temple and he made the mansion into something of an artists commune. This was around summer 1942.

This video was made for youtube. I speculate that it might involve more nudity on the part of the priestess when it is done without cameras. This is merely my speculation. I believe there are lots of different ways one might do such.


More Swirling Star OTO…
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8 years ago
Sammy Hagar - Standing Hampton…

James Wasserman, O.T.O. Gnostic Mass Workshop, Dove and Serpent Oasis, Atlanta Georgia……

This Dove and Serpent Lodge is making their own building. The facility shown in the videos was their previous facility.

Listening to their presentation, it is true that the Priestess usually is to be naked. From when she is lifted up onto the altar, and then after the curtains are reopened. But it is left up to the Priestess. Here Nancy Wasserman says that she will void the nudity if she feels any negative vibes.

Crowley wrote this in 1913 visiting Moscow. It is said that it is influenced by the Eastern Orthodox Church. I know that in their church there is a screen or curtain, which is sometimes opened and sometimes it conceals the presider, for parts of the consecration. Seeing this Crowley Mass immediately made me think of that.

This James Wasserman is very different from Jack Parsons or Aleister Crowley. But the people involved in the California Agape Lodge in the 1940's were the same people Wasserman would encounter in the 1970's when he was working to revive the OTO.

Crowley was not a good builder of a group. Parsons was, but his events were mostly drunken parties, not serious at all. More about sex.

About AeroJet, Parsons sold his stock and separated in 1944. Not clear that he and his leadership of the O.T.O. had much to do with the development of the Swinger's culture. But I do see that Crowley's Thelema could be taken as an endorsement of Libertarianism. Though I don't think that is the right way to take it. Swingers clubs have usually involved alcohol, and what Parsons had going does seem very similar.

L. Ron Hubbard would run off with Jack Parsons's girl, Betty, and some money too. Hubbard would be saturated in Crowley's doctrines and rituals.

Not expecting to learn more about AeroJet, but I still want to learn more about Parsons and Marjorie Cameron, and the Babalon Working.

avatar for ime
8 years ago
Good example of a garbage thread that should be locked and deleted.
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8 years ago
Reading Dion Fortune's Kabbalah book, 1935. Most interesting.

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8 years ago
Why during the 1980's, did the Chaos Magik movement get going in North London, instead of South London, or somewhere else entirely?…

Kenneth Grant, bridge between Aleister Crowley and Chaos Magik. Shown here in Golders Green home

Here it says Golders Green is in Barnet and has a large Jewish community. Sounds all rather bohemian.…

Here it shows Barnet as being on the central Northern perimeter of London.…

Suburban London borough…

Shows Golder Green…

Sounds like rich and conservative bohemians, to me.


Ginger Baker's Air Force (Jazz and Rock, 1970) Full Show…
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8 years ago
Chaos Magik?

One issue is that many of the books are not in libraries. And then the Kenneth Grant books are a bit hard to come by in any event.

So Grant is not considered Chaos Magik, but he was getting into some similar territory, as it looks to me, and he was also drawing on the work of Austin Osman Spare, who they also do.

Grant lived in Golders Green in the North London borough of Barnet, and people say Chaos Magik started in North London, and I'd like to have some feel for why this was.

Grant is their bridge back to Aleister Crowley. Don't know where Crowley operated, and then where the 19th Century Golden Dawn Temple was.

Grant was a successor to Crowley and ran this Nu-Isis London Lodge. But then the members revolted against him, and then a lawsuit in the US displaced him from being able to use the O.T.O. name or to be able to claim to be successors to Crowley.

They trace Chaos Magik to Peter James Carroll, 1987, Liber Null. And before that he had copy machine versions of it in circulation.…

He worked with a Ray Sherwin, but there don't seem to be any Sherwin books.

Now there is also this Phil Hine, who has published with Peter Carroll. But again, not in libraries.………

This is interesting and in libraries, but it could be bullshit:…

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8 years ago
Very interesting Tree of Life, courtesy of Dove and Serpent Oasis, O.T.O., Atlanta Georgia…

Notice the oroburos and the pentacle near the bottom. Notice the four Cherubim in the corners. Coming out of Ezekiel, there has to be some relation of these Cherubim to Kabbalah.

I wonder if they would be better on the 4 edges of the page, the cardinal compass points. Or maybe they should be the four compass points, but associated entirely with the invisible sephiroth Daath?

When you see the Chariot, you are in Daath.

Here, this has the 4 Cherubim around the inside of the dome. And on this, the ritual compass points would be very close to real directions.


here, notice the entrance doors, that would be West:…

Can't figure it out from online.

avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
SJG is psychotic? Ok I'll remember.
I noticed he seems to like posting here as well.
Msybe we're all crazy or been drinking too much.

Actually it may be a follies deficit problem. Not enough follies clubs around the nation. Makes people post like they are psycho.
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8 years ago
^^^^^^^ sharkhunter has an excellent point!

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8 years ago
Cherubim, a subject always of great interest to me, as I think the real origins are poorly understood.

A cherub cherubim; Hebrew כְּרוּב, pl. כְּרוּבִים, English trans kərūv, pl. kərūvîm, dual kərūvāyim; Latin cherub, pl. cherubin, cherubim; Syriac ܟܪܘܒܐ), is a winged angelic being who is considered to attend on the Abrahamic God in biblical tradition.……

The word has been brought into connection with the Egyptian Xefer by metathesis from Xeref=K-r-bh.) A similar metathesis and play upon sound undoubtedly exists between Kerub and Rakab, "to ride", and Merkeba, "chariot".

•According to Ezechiel, xli, 18 sqq., in his visionary description of the Temple, the wall-space of the Sanctuary was ornamented with cherubim and palm-trees, and each cherub had two faces, that of a man and that of a lion, the faces respectively turned to the palm tree to the right and left. But there is no ground whatever to suppose that the actual cherubim of the Solomonic Temple or pre-Solomonic Sanctuary were double-faced; the contrary seems certain, but from the Scripture text we cannot with certainty conclude what sort of faces these Temple cherubim had, whether animal or human. It is sometimes concluded from Ezekiel 10:14, "the first face was the face of a cherub and the second that of a man, the third the face of a lion and the fourth the face of an eagle", that a cherub's face cannot have been a human one, and the face of an ox has naturally been suggested, but the argument is not conclusive.…

How about in art and architechture, is there as standard arrangement?……


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8 years ago
Matthew = Human/Angel,
Mark = Lion,
Luke = Ox,
John = Eagle

But various patristic era theologians did it different ways.

And in visual representations it looks like, on compass point:


Eagle top, Bull left, Lion right, Angel/Man bottom

But this is not totally standardized, except maybe for the Eagle.

But then in corners:…

St. Peter Rome has them at the base of the dome, and in corners.

This image from Chartes is often used, and it is on corners…

I like this:

like Chartres, and showing the curious Chariot…



To Perfect This Feast, Gnostic Mass, O.T.O.…
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8 years ago
How about the two columns, Boaz and Jaichin? Which is black, which is white? Which is left, which is right? Does it matter if you are to be looking at it, or turned the other way looking forward from between them? Outside the building, against the East, or something people walk through in the middle? Black is negative and has a triangle pointing downwards, and white the opposite? Seems to be that all conventions are sometimes reversed.

Load bearing columns, or air columns? Sphere on top?

Center column too? Obelisks? Egyptian pylons? Lions or Sphinxes?

Following the Tarot High Priestess 2? Tarot Pope 5?

So unclear to me, yet so interesting.

real neat tarot deck……

real neat tarot deck…

another tarot deck…

photographs to make tarot card…

another tarot…

more tarot, two more priestesses……………………


more tarot…

More Columns, Jachin and Boaz…


real neat BOTA graphic


many versions…



Whore of Babylon


many graphics built around Crowley…

adaptation of BOTO graphic


All the Kabbalah You Really Need To Know, Blazing Star O.T.O., Oakland CA…
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8 years ago
J. K. Huysmans

His book, "Down there (L bas) a study in Satanism", may be the origins of the naked woman on the altar, which Anton LaVey is so known for.…

Huysmans, 1848 - 1907 Paris…

Yes, indeed, talks about celebrating mass on her abdomen.…………


Huysmans talked about in this, looks very good:…


Susan Atkins, San Francisco stripper, naked woman altar for Anton LaVey.

Sharon Tate was a practitioner of the light occult. Atkins practiced a much darker occult and would become a follower of Charles Manson.

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8 years ago
Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune : the logos of the Aeon and the Shakti of the age / Alan Richardson, 2009

Read about Crowley enough. Good bio on Dion Fortune would be interesting.

Also, Women of the Golden Dawn : rebels and priestesses / Mary K. Greer, 1995

Wise, strange and holy : the strange woman and the making of the Bible / Claudia V. Camp, 2000

recommended: The strange woman : power and sex in the Bible / Gail Corrington Streete 1997

And of course: Eliphas Lévi and the French occult revival, by Christopher McIntosh, 1972


White Rage, by Carol Anderson…
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8 years ago
I fight on in some very touchy political battles. People turn against me and organize against me, but I still fight on.

I am finding out now that I am the target of someone, an administrator. I see that I am actually being targeted with a psychic attack.

Some people, they just feel threatened by me. For them, everyone must submit to authority. And of course you find this idea in conservative religion. But you find it other places too. Mostly I think it is just the environment they grew up in. And as adults they look for ways to have power over others. And especially over children.

So I am going to read:…

This is considered the classic text on the matter. Written before WWII. Fortune was an occultist. I've read her stuff and she is not crazy, she is extremely sane and reasonable.

I know that she had some bad experiences with someone running a school as a teenager, and then later there was someone she felt was subjecting her to psychic attacks.

I feel now that this sort of thing, attacks never openly admitted to, have been a big part of my life.


The Fifth Dimension - Aquarius - Let The Sunshine In…
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Yes, I am being subjected to a psychic attack, led be a woman administrator.

I believe that these clandestine type of attacks have shaped much of my life, and usually coming from women.

So I will be reading:…

I know enough about the biography of Aleister Crowley. But Dion Fortune is considered the expert in defending against all forms of psychic and para-normal attacks. Before I read more of her own books, which as I have seen so far, are quite good, I want to better understand her.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I am convinced now that I am under psychic attack from a female administrator. And this is the first time in my life that I have said this. Meaning before I have always seen such things as just the results of someone talking against me behind me, and trying to circle the wagons. I never went along with the idea that any of these things had any reality in and of themselves, but rather the feelings that they did were just an epiphenomenon. But now I say, I am being subjected to magical attack, in some sort of astral, etheric, or psychic realm.

I'll have the book about the expert in defending, Dion Fortune, soon. But the Donald Michael Kraig book also has some protection info, something drawn from the 1973 movie, "The Exorcist".

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Yes, I did a little protective ritual last night, while lying down waiting to fall asleep.

Basic idea from the Donald Michael Kraig "Modern Tantra" book.

I am convinced that I am presently under psychic attack. It is not just what some people do when they are around me, or behind me. They really are sucking energy out of me on a continual basis.

Now, the way physicists define energy is very narrowly. Whereas the way the concept is used in metaphysical circles is entirely different. Confusing these two causes no shortage of trouble. New Age people talk all the time about "energy". And then people get conned by these perpetual motion machine claims, now taking the form of "Unity Plus". It is all nonsense.

But energy as used by physicists, is derived from the metaphysical and psychic usage. It is just a specialization.

So I am convinced that I am under psychic attack because of the energy which is being drained away from me, and because also of the unfounded ill will this Administrator has towards me.

I have always resisted these sorts of psychic or ethereal interpretations, out of a concern that they give rise to superstition. I encounter New Age people all the time who are firmly committed to psychic energy, and actually are very superstitious, afraid to engage in any conflicts.

Nevertheless, as of last night I have started defending myself. Defense only, no offense. If I wanted offense, I would do it out in the open so that I could have bragging rights. Psychic methods are for defense only.

And I have the book about Dion Fortune in hand now.

These attacks, I am sure they are being made as she and people from her church are praying, and I am sure they believe they are praying for me. Always be on guard if Christians tell you that they are praying for you.


Do you folks like this kind of house? I believe it is a kit. I remember seeing an advertisement about these. But I say that buildings have to be designed to a site, not in the abstract. And I for one prefer slab floor designs and patios instead of decks. But I do like the clerestory windows, they maintain privacy while letting in light and allowing circulation.…

How about these?………

These kinds of houses tend to be for moderate climates with low humidity and low flying insect density.
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8 years ago
Reading this now:…

most interesting!

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8 years ago
For his Thoth Deck, Aleister Crowley changed some of the Tarot cards:……

Guy had some real ideas.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
In most Tarot decks, care 8 is Justice, and card 11 is Stength / Force / The Virgin.

But in the Waite - Ridder deck, these two are reversed.

But Crowley replaces 8 Strength / Force with Lust. I think it insightful.

extensive disussion:

Its really Babylon, his Babalon.

And he replaces 14 Temperance with Art.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Crowley replaced the Judgement, next to last card, 20, with Aeon.…

And then look at this Hierophant ( Pope #5 )…

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Modern Magick,, by Donald Michael Kraig…

A quite remarkable book. In this new 3rd edition he talks about Chaos Magick, and also something I had not heard of, Postmodern Magick.

He recommends Patrick Dunn, he has 4x books…

Yes, in libraries

Kraig says, "This system relates the very essence of magick to language (linguistics) and symbol (semiotics).

So I plan to be reading some of Dunn's works very soon. Start with his first, Postmodern Magick, 2005.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Reading Donald Michael Kraig…

Much of this is very new to me, still deciding what I think of it.

He talks about 'sigils', coming in part from Austin Osman Spare, and big in Chaos Magick.…

And of course if you think about this some, you realize that this was what Hitler was doing with the swastika.

And Kraig discusses this.

But anyway, it is supposed to become unconscious to you what the sigil means, as this is how such magick works, by the unconscious mind.

Now when Kraig talks about sex magick, he talks about making the sigil together and then having to have enlargements of it pasted up all around the room and on the ceiling. And then about bathing separately, etc.

To much futzing around and not enough pumping out loads, if you ask me.

So back when it was Jack Parsons and Marjorie Cameron in Pasadena 1946, sounded like their Babalon Working amounted to about 2 weeks of going at it around the clock and rarely leaving the large bedroom.

Sounds right to me, as by then she will have gone over her hormonal peak. So that's about all you can do before waiting for the next moon.

Okay, but how about another idea:

How About Musical Sigals?

So say you write something like a coda, and some variations too.…

So maybe you and she look at some visual sigal in the very start. But after that you let a program play music. It can use pseudo random numbers to make variations on your coda, and play as long as you want. The program can make small expression and timing variations so that it does not sound like machine music.

Would it work? Well it might sound like:…

It stays interesting, and though it changes and is never the same, you still recognize it for what it is. And just like with the visual sigal, your unconscious mind knows what it is really about.

Georges Delerue wrote something for a movie which was similar to the above Erik Satie, but Delerue added violin on top of the piano. You could really do it however you want.

And the music program could also drive a colored light show, so you have visual stimulus, but don't have to actually look at anything. The light reflects off of walls, and off of everything else too. Fill light.

And I have even more extreme ideas about how to take this even further.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Music can be long and repetitive:


avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
@SJG @JohnSmith69. Cool. Here's another one:


Dominic \m/ \m/
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago

I like the guy who draws the Simpsons, Matt Groening, from Eugene Oregon and UO. And I like him all the more because I know he pisses conservatives off.

avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Oh no -- *I* like Matt Groening, too! Oh wait, it's OK: he pisses off liberals, too :)

Though I watch "The Simpsons" much more often than "South Park", I guess I prefer Parker & Stone to Groening because they are true equal-opportunity offenders with a strong libertarian streak (like me).
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I like them both, though probably I don't agree with all of their views. But I know Groening has long pissed people off, like that Men's Movement guy Robert Bly, and like G. H. W. Bush and William Bennett. And then there's Michael Moore, whom I like just as much. I wish I knew how to piss off conservatives as well as they do. I try my best.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Matt Stone, at his BEST!…

I've listened to him talk to, especially about the Columbine HS incident. He is very interesting.

avatar for a21985
8 years ago
Difference between modern day satirists like Groening and Parker/Stone and a rogue activist/documentarian like Moore is the former creates commentary that sheds light on a topic with enteraining, while the latter leaves a path of destruction in it's wake in order to make a point.

Long story short, one of my cousins is now dead thanks to the events that occured after being misled and public shamed in a documentary by Moore. I'm a liberal, but I despise Michael Moore more than more than even the most anal of conservatives.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
How did something Moore did cause the death of your cousin?

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Two occult writers

A. E. Waite, former Golden Dawn. Some find his books dry. Some available in libraries, including his translations of Eliphas Levi…

Francis X. King, involved in Golden Dawn offshoots, not in libraries…

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Good Book:…

Talks about…

Also looks good:…

Also looks interesting…

Wasserman has other stuff in libraries, but not the above.

James Henry Breasted, books always good:……

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Cupertino Adopts Zero Waste Policy…


Clapton - Layla…
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