Off topic: Windows 8

avatar for samsung1
Any TUSCLers try the new operating system windows 8?


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avatar for inno123
12 years ago
Been using it since the CTP, several months now.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Awsome bto
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
NO. Staying with 7.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Those fucking MS assholes.

I've been using computers for over 30 years, and I STILL can't figure out Windows networking. And instead of fixing important shit like that they keep coming out with this useless superficial crap (like all that useless fucking Aero shit). And just when you get used to how Windows works, some asshole product manager decides they need to make changes just so they can convince the mindless computer users of how new and awesome it is.

The other day I spent most of the day trying to get my wireless router and cable modem working. And of course you run their totally useless "Troubleshooter" and it ALWAYS comes back with "Hell, I have no clue what's wrong". Has anyone ONCE had that fucking thing find a problem? I haven't. Not once, in all these years.

And after trying everything 3 times, something I did fixed the DCHP stack problem or whatever the fuck was wrong. No way I could repeat that if my life depended on it.

So no, I wouldn't give those assholes another penny of my money. Until, of course, everything stops working because I don't have Windows 8 and they put a freakin' gun to my head.

Those assholes.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Sounds like you should use DIFFERENT operating system jerikson40. Why keep torturing yourself if you HATE Windows SO much.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Oh, and to set up the router you have to know to enter "" as the web address. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? It's 2012, and you have to work directly with IP addresses?? And to reset the DHCP stack you have to use the goddamned COMMAND LINE???

Absolutely insane. Using a fucking command line in 2012.

And it's all because most of the computer users love this shit. They love being smarter than the other guy in being able to figure out this insane crap. They'll play around for hours, days, with this ridiculous shit just so they can act smarter than everyone else in an online forum.
avatar for WetWilly
12 years ago
I just bought a new computer with Windows 7. I plan to stay with this OS for a long, long, time.
avatar for windowsidiot
12 years ago
I bought a new win 7 for my wife last year. It was such a PIA I had my old XP rebuilt. I hope it lasts forever.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Too bad you feel so inferior about working with the intricate aspects of computers jerikson40. Quit WHINING and learn how to do this stuff.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@alutard: must you always be such a cocksucker about everything?
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
My upgrade to Windows 8 on very new computer running Windows 7 was a complete fucking disaster. It is really geared toward toward tablets or PC's with a touch screen. I you don't have a touch screen there won't be much to get out of it.

I recommend waiting until the bugs are worked out of it to anyone considering upgrading. I don't think we have begun to hear what a fucking mess this release is going to be.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Microsoft and Apple realize that the future of computers is in entertainment. Computing is not about getting real work done, it's about Facebook and videos and Tweeting and music and selling iTunes from their online store and selling movies and a complete entertainment experience.

And that's what they design their OS's for, not for people who just want to do simple work. It's about being connected to the internet so they can sell you shit, not so you can do stuff. It's so they can sell you their iCloud and iTunes and all that iShit.

And Windows 8 is just Microsoft's way of saying "I don't give a fuck about what you want, you need to get a computer with a touch screen and put up with all our apps for selling you stuff online". You need to re-learn stuff you've been doing with Windows for the last decades because we said so. And if you don't put up with our shit and call it awesome, you're just afraid of change.

Well fuck you Microsoft. I don't give a fuck about iTunes and iCloud and all that iShit that you and Apple are trying to sell me. I just want to do a few simple things and then get off the computer and go out into the real world and do stuff.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Once you go Mac you never go back. I used Windows for 20-some years, and then I got a MacBook. I run Windows XP on the MacBook so I can still use Excel for financial modeling, and I use Apple OS for everything else.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Just upgraded to 6.22!
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"Once you go Mac you never go back"

No question. Apple has always designed stuff so that it's easy and intuitive for users. Microsoft throws shit together that's so freakin' counter-intuitive and difficult to use that it boggles the mind. But most of the geeks and no-life twits who use it just love figuring out all that complicated shit. So MS doesn't give a shit, they know they've got almost a freakin' monopoly and they can put out whatever they want and people will fall over themselves praising it.

So when Apple forces you to use all of their iShit, it's forgiveable. At least they design their OS's the right way.
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
Windows 8 is the new Vista and will tank on desktops and we will see Windows 9 within the next 18 months which will work like Windows 7 lol.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I'm weary of the supposed upgrades that are only ploys to force us to buy their shit. My new computer is no faster and does not do more than my old one but I had to buy upgrades for all my existing software for it to continue to work.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Will my WordPerfect 2.20 run on it?
avatar for jabthehut
12 years ago
I just switched to 7 last year after almost 10 years with XP. Before that I had NT for about 10 years that takes me back to my first Winders (3.1). The newest version doesn't do anything for me. Seven is a very stable OS as were XP and NT. IMNSHO XP was the best iteration of Winders. I switched to 7 because it came installed on the computer I bought.
As to the Apple fanbois, Apple isn't what it used to be and has had some hiccups a la MS. Mountain Lion pissed off a lot of Mac users as Apple tried to close the gap between Mac and iPhone UIs.
avatar for jabthehut
12 years ago
In regards to the router address, I wonder if the author types in each URL when he wants to go to a website or does he simply go to his bookmarks. It is 2012! In simple terms you can bookmark the IP address when you first access your router.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"It is 2012! In simple terms you can bookmark the IP address when you first access your router"

Awesome. Great information.

BTW jab, baby...Are you freakin' serious?

THIS IS 2012 !!! YOU SHOULD PLUG THE FUCKING THING IN AND IT SHOULD AUTO INSTALL AND SET IT ALL UP WHILE YOU DRINK YOUR COFFEE !!! We were doing this same insane shit back in the 80's when Windows first came out.

But people are so used to monkeying with this nonsense that they think it's normal, and they just enjoy finding novel ways to make stupid, counter-intuitive shit work.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Nope !!
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Believe it or not, I use an ancient Fortran-based system for the simple business needs of my company (income, expenses, payroll, etc). My computer weenie brother designed it for me in the early 1970s and taught me the language. This was before Mr.Softy even existed. I use it to this day. The big problem is keeping on hand a PC with a Fortran compiler. I have one of the old antiques in my office and two spares available in case of crap out by the one I am using.

The big advantage to remaining in the computing Stone Age is security. There is no internet connection to my old Fortran computer. The only other person in the entire world who understands the system is my brother.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
For years after I got my first computer running Windows 98 one of my buddies continually insisted I had to go to the next Windows op system. I told him no, 98 was running just fine and did everything I needed it to. Only after my hard drive eventually failed 6 years later did I get a new computer running Windows XP. I am in no hurry to get Windows 8, my Windows 7 is doing just fine.
avatar for jabthehut
12 years ago
Farm, Fortran IV was the first computer language that I learned back in '66.
avatar for txtittyfan
12 years ago
I learned Fortran on punchcards as a senior in high school in 1972.

IMO, there really is no need to upgrade Windows on a desktop until your computer crashes.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I'm still working on "Windows 7 for Dummies".
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