
Comments by farmerart (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Age & sstripclubbing
    Happy birthday, Clubber........I guess? I wasn't particularly pleased when the same birthday rolled around for me 4 months ago. I wonder how many of the 65+ brigade exist here on tuscl? Off the top of my head I can think of 10 of us old wrinklies.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Age & sstripclubbing
    Aha, gawker, the romps with Sweetie are adventures? I guess we did have a couple of off-the-wall moments. It will be a long time before I forget our first encounter in Club Pro and Sweetie's wanton behaviour on the Ligurian coast was also rather 'memorable'. OK, I'll buy that.....but you have had so many more with your ATF. Some of the funky stuff you went through with her?..........nothing that I have done comes close to that. Now.....what were we talking about?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Age & sstripclubbing
    Uh, crazyjoe, the word Canadians is a plural in your usage, not a possessive, and does not require an apostrophe in English usage. Perhaps the gibberish spoken and written in USA is more tolerant of such howlers that pain my eyes.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: What crisis? US millionaire count hits all-time high
    @Tiredtraveler, Turn-over is not as bad as it was in earlier years for the general labour positions. Now, I very rarely hire guys off the street and let them learn on the job. I will make the odd exception for a kid whose work ethic and character I know. New employees don't even get a look-see from me without going through one of the industry training centres where they get a pretty realistic feel for rig jobs. As for the skilled jobs? I am pretty plugged in to the industry networks of skilled tradesmen and 'consultants'. It seems that the most experienced skilled guys call themselves 'consultants' these days and want to work on a contract basis rather than as employees. I am OK with that.....sign up a few of these valuable guys contractually and another vulture (like me) can't hire them away from you.
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    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Age & sstripclubbing
    But to gawker's post...... Farmerart's adventures? Really? Most of my time is now spent in Alberta and the Northwest Territories, the most barren spots for useful SCs on the North American continent. My adventures for this weekend will be dealing with the mess in my yard caused by the too-fast snow melt of the past week. Greenhouse work will consume another few hours. There is a particularly nasty chore to be done on my grain truck restoration project that I hope to complete on Sunday. These are adventures?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Age & sstripclubbing
    @steve229, What's a 'check'? Is there any possibility that you meant to write 'cheque', as those of us literate in the English are wont to do? Americans..............Sheesh!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    When we discover why we go to strip clubs
    @sharkhunter, Can't answer that question. Any beer that makes its way into my fridges never even approaches its expiration date.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: What crisis? US millionaire count hits all-time high
    To be blunt, a million bucks is peanuts. In my game an 18 year old rig pig will have earned $1,000,000 (or more) in salary by the age of 25. About 99% of them will have nothing but big-boy-toys to show for it. The rig pigs with a few brain cells will acquire a trade ticket and then they are set for life. My youngest brother followed me into the oil patch and did just that......started out as a roughneck then acquired a trade. He is now in his late 50s, works only when he wishes, charges a day rate of $2,000 (10 hour day). He raised a family and invested his money conservatively for about 30 years and now has a net worth probably pushing $10,000,000, mostly in real estate (farm land and rental houses) to my best guess. I envy my brother. He has all the financial security he needs and he enjoys the blessings of a fine family. My brother thinks I am an idiot to be continuing to bust my ass in business.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I will not criticize you for this, jack. I think that funerals are barbaric rituals and should be avoided by all right-thinking people. I attend only the funerals of immediate family members and I do that just to avoid the opprobrium of my sister. That woman can visit guilt upon my soul with more vengeance than could any wife. I delivered the eulogy at my father's funeral. My mind wandered all throughout the miserable service and aftermath. I wasn't thinking of a not stripper like you were, jack. My mind was alive instead with business schemes, one of which I later acted upon very profitably. I have done all that I can to ensure that my death will be unobserved by any funeral service. My cadaver is destined for a university medical school. Any beneficiary named in my will organizing a public funeral for me within two years of my death loses his or her bequest.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    O.T. - Back To My Roots
    I bought a Hereford bull at this sale. My brother wants to introduce a new bloodline into his herd of purebred Hereford cows and this particular bull should be perfect (if he performs well). If the bull's progeny are good animals my brother and I could be making some serious coin selling straws of the semen in a few years. After three years of calves' sales, I will be entitled to 25% of the calves' sales prices. If the bull's semen turns out to be marketable my brother and I will split that profit 50-50. Brother does all the work. This is an interesting business. Holstein bulls can be real moneymakers if their progeny are superior milkers. A straw of semen from such a bull can easily sell for $300. Consider that each ejaculation from a bull can produce enough semen for 1000 straws. Also consider that prime bulls can ejaculate many times each day. Further consider that these straws of semen are frozen and can be used long after the death of the bull providing the semen. Sadly for bulls such as these, the poor boys never get to experience the tight sweetness of a sexy heifer. All the semen is collected in artificial vaginas.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Major no-no
    Somebody please give this guy a copy of Strip Clubs For Dummies. shadowcat, don't you have some sort of responsibility for the wide-eyed rookies at Follies?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    O.T. - Back To My Roots
    @motorhead, Neither pronunciation is correct. Universal pronunciation of the city's name by its inhabitants makes it a two syllable word with accent on the first syllable: CAL-gree
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Sometimes I get tired of all the sad stories
    I get some of this, rick, but nowhere near as much as you do. I deal with it just as lopaw does. The one stripper life drama that enmeshed me was partly caused by my own actions with that particular stripper but that is the only time that I have been affected by this sort of stuff. I have been hardened to sob stories by a career of dealing with loser rig pig employees and their particular dramas. More than once the horsemen have paid a visit to a well site to haul off an employee in handcuffs. I know of two former employees serving life sentences for murder (no parole before 25 years) in Canada's penitentiary system.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Guy Who Fucked a Hot Pocket Tells All
    Oh no, georg. The massage parlour that I visited most recently was most assuredly a brothel. It is just that I stupidly chose a 'therapist' as energetic and lively as a dishrag.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Viagra & Cialis Questions
    Slick, I am a Cialis guy. My doc gives me both the low-dose daily Cialis and the larger use-as-needed amounts (keeps me going for a weekend). My preference is the use-as-needed dosage. My opportunities for 'activity' are much less than two years ago. Time with Toronto sweetie is Cialis-free (that vixen could raise the dead) but for any other encounters I require chemical assistance. I have paid for only one prescription. My doc has a practice that is mostly women and small children. I am her only 'old man troubles' patient and, in addition, Doc Joanne really likes me. She thrusts her free samples on me very liberally. Never hurts to give your doc bushels of garden fresh veggies and fruits. The occasional good stock tip also helps.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT Question
    Very interesting question; very interesting. I have thought about Canada's Prime Ministers since Confederation in 1867. Our first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald was a glorious drunk who gleefully accepted backhanders from railway promoters but ol' John regularly courted the Orange Lodge for political support so he had, at least, to pay lip service to Protestantism. Prime Minister through much of the 1930s and 1940s was certifiably weird. William Lyon Mackenzie King started his career as a labour lawyer for the Rockefellers when the delightful Rockefeller family was murdering striking Colorado miners. King was a lifelong bachelor who regularly frequented the Ottawa/Hull prostitutes. King was also a goofy spiritualist who used mediums to help him make contact with his long-dead mother and even more freakily, with his beloved dead dog, Paddy. He used Ouija boards to help with making political decisions. Very hard to call this character a church-going Christian. Another bachelor Prime Minister, R. B. Bennett, died in mysterious circumstances in his bath. Some form of auto-erotic practice was always suspected in his death. He may have been a Christian in name but many of his actions as Prime Minister were the actions of the devil. I always liked Pierre Trudeau for one of his most famous quotes: "The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation." Trudeau was a genuinely devout Catholic.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT Question
    Tom Jefferson?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT:I'm Going Back To Pork
    @Papi_Chulo, Those two bad boys turned out mighty tasty; mighty tasty, indeed. Leftovers made for some wicked sammies for the mini-fridge of the F-150. No small town cafe crap food for me for the next two days.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Guy Who Fucked a Hot Pocket Tells All
    Compared to my most recent massage parlour excursion a Hot Pocket would probably have been much more entrancing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT:I'm Going Back To Pork
    The talk here has my saliva glands working overtime. I slipped into town and bought 2 pork tenderloins. I have them marinating in a mixture of olive oil, sour cherry vinegar, chopped onions and garlic, and lots of fresh cracked black pepper. Roast them in the oven and finish them off under the broiler; make a sauce out of the marinade. Take that......you tasty pig.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Phone Numbers
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT:I'm Going Back To Pork
    Yeah, I did, motorhead. The pics of those voluptuous tenderloins were very.....um......uh....disturbing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Spring is coming
    I wish. Temperature at Rancho farmerart this morning is -38C with a brisk wind out of the north west. It is rare to have a blast like this out here in Alberta this late in the winter. Doesn't matter - I fired up the heat in my little greenhouse last evening when I got home. I shall start a bunch of my funky tomato seeds on Sunday afternoon for transplant outside in ten weeks.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    city limits
    @motorhead, What do urbanites do with all that chicken shit? Those little birds produce buckets of the foul stuff.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Help... Need Advice Securing OTC Sex.
    @rickdugan, I am surprised at your observations. I don't have your experience, of course, but I have had good success overcoming dancer reluctance during a nice meal lubricated with cocktails. Granted, I don't make 'dinner dates' for a later time; I walk out of the club with the girl at shift end or at the close. And admittedly, any breakfast enjoyed with a stripper has been the morning after we had done the deed.