
OT: Spring is coming

Saturday, March 1, 2014 9:07 AM
Supposed to be in the 70's Tommorrow here in South Carolina before cooling back down next week. It's already in the 60's and 70's in the gulf coast states right now. I'm looking forward to all the snow storms being a thing of the past. At least for several months. I even saw some young college girls in shorts at Walmart last week. It wasn't that warm. I think maybe they were part of a female sports team. I live near a mostly female college.


  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    I wish. Temperature at Rancho farmerart this morning is -38C with a brisk wind out of the north west. It is rare to have a blast like this out here in Alberta this late in the winter. Doesn't matter - I fired up the heat in my little greenhouse last evening when I got home. I shall start a bunch of my funky tomato seeds on Sunday afternoon for transplant outside in ten weeks.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    You must be freezing shark
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Spring means Spring Training. The World Champion Red Sox will be crowned(yack) and a new season of baseball will be upon us.
  • ididthisonce
    10 years ago
    One of the rights of Spring. Going to the Masters and hitting the clubs in Columbia. A Tradition Like None Other!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I have 2-1/2 feet of snow in my yard and I see below zero mornings in this week's forecast. Spring might not come this year til July.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Sorry Shark, storm is hitting Cali now. You will have more snow by Monday.
  • ididthisonce
    10 years ago
    Motor - Guess that's why you took the speed waiting course. LOL
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    It's warmed up the whole way to 30 F. But tomorrow it will go down to 5.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    It's supposed to hit fifty or sixty here this weekend, and then go back down to three or some shit next week. What the everlasting fuck, over?
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Saw at least two ladies in bikinis at the hotel pool last week in Tucson. Would have gladly joined either one of them for a romp. It's great to see the lovelies out sunning themselves again.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Actually I have only worn long pants to the club twice this year. I like spring because I stop getting those "He's a pervert" stares. :)
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Another winter storm hitting DC metro tonight, freezing rain, then 8" - 12" snow. The schools close here for 2", a foot of snow will basically paralyze the metro area. Sheesh!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    It is 70 degrees outside right now. If my house warms up much more, I might think about turning on my air conditioning. I think I will wear shorts outside and wash the salt brine off my car. It will be back in the 50's later this week though. Snow is over with here I believe. If it gets warmer, we might have to blow some heat up north. Trees are budding here and flowers coming out along with the pollen.
  • metrocard11
    10 years ago
    I live in the Midwest, so go fuck yourself.
  • metrocard11
    10 years ago
    J/K. Spring can't come fast enough!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I'm actually looking forward to cooler temps. I was sweating today. It gets hot as hell here come late spring and into the summer. I really did not want to turn on my air after paying for the heat.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    I have a 36" snowpack in my yard and it was 8 when I got up.
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