
Help... Need Advice Securing OTC Sex.

Saturday, March 1, 2014 5:29 AM
I need advice from fellow members. I have established a meeting with an incredibly hot dancer for breakfast next week at a local restaurant. Hopefully it will provide a venue for us to get to know each other a little better without all the hustle and interruptions inherent with the club. How do I maximize my chances of turning this into a sexual relationship? Do I broach the subject or hang back and let her bring it up when she is ready? After all, it has to be obvious this is my ultimate goal. I will have only one opportunity to do this right the first time, so I was hoping to get help from others who are much more experienced with this sort of thing than I. So how would you handle it? I look forward to all the insightful, if not entertaining, responses.


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Sounds like you really need to read RickyBoy's The System.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Okay, assuming you are looking for a strict p4p relationship... Give her a present of a sexy dress and matching lingerie at breakfast. Make a big deal of how you selected the clothes (e.g. matches her hair, skin tone etc). They think about that shit all day long. It is irrelevant if they fit or even look good on her at this point. If the vibe is right, tell her you want her to model them for you. And, you want some private dances afterwards. Assure her you know her time is valuable and you will take very good care of her. Don't discuss it any further. If she's open to OTC she will make it obvious. If OTC doesn't happen after this, it probably never would have. Do not wait for her to broach the subject. She never will. The longer you wait to set expectations, the harder it will be to do so.
  • GCMan
    10 years ago
    Ask her way before breakfast if she wants to or not. Just be upfront with what you want so neither one of you waste time.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    How much are you willing to spend? I don't know any stripper who would not give you sex if offered $1000. Personally, I would offer $300 and if she's hot enough go up to $400. You don't need to worry about broaching the subject. She knows what you want.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    For starters, you may want to reconsider trying to plan breakfast meetings a week in advance. The odds that she's actually going to show are low, both because of how far out you are trying to plan and due to the time of day. Strippers are notoriously flaky and also tend not to be early risers. Beyond that, if you are already a good customer of hers ITC, then the next logical step is to simply ask her what it would take to talk her out of the club for p4p. Either she is going to be willing or she isn't and meeting her for breakfast (seriously now, breakfast?) isn't going to change her view on the topic. Meeting a dancer for a meal is a waste of time and, in my experience, is a tactic used by some dancers to string a PL along further without having to give him sex. I've lost count of the number of dancers that I've done p4p OTC with and I have never, not once, met one for a meal prior to establishing the p4p relationship. In any event though, good luck!
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    If she really does meet you for breakfast you are 95% of the way to having your best part entering her best part. All that will remain will be coming to agreement on the entrance fee.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "I don't know any stripper who would not give you sex if offered $1000." Jack, Let me introduce you.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    For breakfast you should wrap your dick in bacon and pit on a hot dog bun. Then, when it's time to eat, you bring her the main course. When she gasps with surprise, she will gasp in surprise, you calmly state that it ain't gonna suck itself. Works everytime. Plus, nobody can resist bacon. It's BACON!
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    @rickdugan, I am surprised at your observations. I don't have your experience, of course, but I have had good success overcoming dancer reluctance during a nice meal lubricated with cocktails. Granted, I don't make 'dinner dates' for a later time; I walk out of the club with the girl at shift end or at the close. And admittedly, any breakfast enjoyed with a stripper has been the morning after we had done the deed.
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    Offer the stripper $15,000 an hour always works.
  • carolynne
    10 years ago
    a guy in a club said to me once, "baby, you're so fucking hot. i'd love it if you came to my hotel room, so we can take our time enjoying each other. i'll make it worth your while..." needless to say, i made it worth his while.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    @farmer: That's a little different. I've done the club to bar to hotel thing before myself, sans the dinner (though sometimes I did buy them food at the club), so I can see how your gig would roll naturally. Rolling from the club and then adding lots of booze, dinner in a nice place and a greater understanding of the potential economic upside for her, all make for a potent combination. Oh, and for some clarity one of my earlier comments was inaccurate. There was one gorgeous Russian girl who was a tough nut to crack, in part because she lived far away from the club and traveled to and from in a shared van with other Russian girls, so same night OTC was impossible. She was also very savvy and held out for a big "date" (lol) if she was going to meet me OTC. I deemed it to be worth the investment and ended up taking her not only to dinner with lots of alcohol included, but even to a Broadway show. But she was a special case and we both knew the score going in. But breakfast, planned a week in advance, in the harsh light of morning, smacks of a PL trying to set up a romantic date (and a cheap date at that). Most guys who plan one-off meals, far in advance, without some pre-existing OTC relationship, are lucky if she shows at all. And, if she does, in my experience she could very well do so under the impression that he is a PL looking for romance and it is more likely that it will end with her hand entering his wallet (for "help" with bills, or a shopping trip, etc.) than it will with "his best part entering her best part." Anyway, experiences differ, but in my humble opinion he is just muddying the waters by planning a morning breakfast meetup. Better that he try to roll right out of the club with her and take it from there, at least in my experience.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If you are paying her, I'd just skip the eating part and go to a room. You aren't trying to date her. I wouldn't want to waste time. If you really wanted to eat breakfast with her, I'd ask her if she often eats breakfast and what time of day that is. Is it 12 pm? Is it 4 pm? Of course if she doesn't work a late shift or has kids or another job, maybe she eats breakfast in the morning like a regular person. I remember sleeping with one girl, we both fell asleep, then we both left before check out time without eating anything. All the girls who approached me wanting to have sex for money never said anything about going out to eat first. I think you are wasting time.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Oh, if you are already planning on meeting and she shows up, she may be interested in dating you. I would actually leave out any mention of money. See if you can get it for free. Just enjoy talking to her and if she doesn't suggest it first, try to meet up at her place for more fun or find out if she lives alone, has kids, etc so you know more.
  • fastscrs
    10 years ago
    You must follow up and tell us how it went.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Going OTC without some kind of foreplay done ITC sounds like a scam to me. I suggest you do your assignment and take your finger or tongue behind the lines first ITC. Suck that clitoris ITC first. If she says 'let's get a room.' then it's a done deal.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    I agree with the others stating that it would be surprising if she even showed up for the breakfast, much less anything else.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Another is make sure your intentions are clear. No wishy-washy movements. Dancers hate that and will treat you like dirt at the first sign of wishy-washy-ness.
  • SMOG743
    10 years ago
    Thanks for the comments. This is why such an online community as this is so great - to get a diverse set of knowledgeable information from people more experienced at this that myself. You all have given me a lot to think about. @SlickSpic: your comment made me blow Mountain Dew through my nose. Hillarious! A few points I should have added in my original post: 1) she gave me her phone number (we have been trading text messages here recently) - I did not ask for it, 2) she originally mentioned meeting outside the club which of course agreed to, and 3) even though this meeting is defined as "breakfast" we will meet at 11:00 a.m. I guess that is breakfast for her since as a previous post mentioned dancers are not early risers. Also I let her set the day and time such that it easily fell within her schedule. I have no doubt this could be a play on her part to get me to visit ITC more frequently and spend more money on her (and her alone). Actually, in all honesty deciphering her game is part of the fun. But I will just have to let it play out and see where it goes. She is truly drop dead gorgeous and I would be a total idiot to pass an opportunity like this. Thanks again!
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Just one question, Smog743 - IHOP, Denny's or Waffle House?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    In the context of strip-clubs/strippers; OTC sex is as common a subject as g-strings are – so it’s not as if she is going to be floored by you being honest about what you want. It seems you may be trying to apply your logic of dealing w/ civilian chicks to dealing w/ dancers – they are 2 different animals and require 2 different approaches for the most part. I assume you are aware; but I’ll ask/mention it just in case – are you hoping to bang in exchange for $$$ or are you hoping she is into you and will date/bang you as a BF/guy-she-is-dating/seeing? If you were thinking the latter – watch out; you need to learn a few things first – if it’s the former (i.e. P4P); then it’s just business – do you have to convince your hair stylist to take your $$$ and cut your hair? If you don’t ask for what you want; you may easily end up getting played by her, and her sweat talking you out of $$$ and you ending up with nothing but a smaller bank account. Many of these women/dancers are experts at dealing with, and taking advantage of, PLs – is what they do for a living and many of them have been doing it for years. Most of them know the game and how is played much better than a newbie PL. Rick Dugan pretty much said like it is – OTC seems to be his niche and I would ask him if you don’t really know what you are doing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… she gave me her phone number (we have been trading text messages here recently) - I did not ask for it ...” How many hot ass girls give a guy they don’t know very well their #; especially if the guy did not ask for it. She sounds like the typical player – she is looking for side income from you and it’s up to you to get your $$$’s worth and not be played.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Is this already a sexual relationship *in* the club? If not, then I think your expectations might be a little high. Yes, I have met dancers OTC without first having sampled their charms ITC, but it's been much, much less common. I'd be wary of a "date" like this without prior activity. Of course, she might just be into you, and really *want* to see you outside the club for a real kind of date thing.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Glad to help you do the Dew.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    If she is into you, it also true she is into person A, person B, person C. C'mon man, stop thinking you are the only one she is into.
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