
Comments by farmerart (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Financial: Is It Just Me?
    Yeah, it's just you.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Scared pussies....
    Fuckin' cats. Stupid vermin. Let me and my shotgun at 'em.
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    9 years ago
    OTC: McDonalds Delivers Self-Serving Kiosks
    Does this mean that the McDo's dreck sold via these kiosks will magically become edible food?
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Why is it?
    Cut back on the Vitamin V dosage.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Golden Age of TV
    @VeryBigDawg, I didn't know that there was a TV series based on Le Carre's work, I shall look for it. The three books that comprised the 'Karla' trilogy are: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy The Honourable Schoolboy Smiley's People
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Penthouse Detroit
    @JohnSmith69, Mississauga is to YYZ as Romulus/Inkster are to DTW. The Rig Pig club is very close to YEG, about 4,000km northwest of DTW. Loonie, please; definitely NOT looney. @motorhead, The Mississauga are a First Nations tribe, part of the greater Algonquian nation, I believe.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Penthouse Detroit
    Once you have your Detroit experience, JohnSmith69, you must then tour the Mississauga pus buckets. Those joints retain the wide open VIPs that are similar to what once reigned at Bogart's or the Henrys in Detroit. Are you a shy man?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wigs...like em or not?
    @motorhead, Priceless photo of Trump's ridiculous concoction. Satirists and comedians worldwide are praying that you Yanks elect that buffoon as your next President.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Golden Age of TV
    TV is information for me, not entertainment (apart from hockey). Of all the TV shows listed above the only one that I know is Breaking Bad. I bought the series DVD package and watched a bit of it. The black humour was moderately enjoyable but the bad acting and the silly preposterous plot soon lost me. Books do it for my entertainment needs. My current light fluffy reading is the Hieronymus Bosch series by Michael Connelly, The Inspector Banks series by Peter Robinson, and the Rebus series by Ian Rankin. Every couple of years I re-read the 'Karla' trilogy of John Le Carre.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wigs...like em or not?
    I want one of whatever Donald Trump wears.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Sex ITC (in the car)
    I've told my story before here on tuscl but here it is again. A few years ago I was waiting on a load of drill stem and pipe to be made up for me at a yard in Nisku. I drove the Kenworth over to the Rig Pig Club to have lunch and kill the time waiting for my load. One of the dancers gave an energetic erotic stage performance so I went stageside and gave her a hefty tip. She came over to my table after her set and we had pleasant sexy conversation. To my great surprise OTC was on the cards with this girl (first and only time in all my visits to the Rig Pig). I had nowhere to take the girl for the proposed assignation other than the sleeper of the Kenworth that I was driving. After much hemming and hawing on the girl's part, the generous farmerart exchequer finally convinced the girl to go for it. As we were walking back to the club the girl said to me, 'I have quite a story to tell when I get back to my regular Toronto club. You Alberta guys are wild.'
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    Its a garonte
    @motorhead, In Quebecois joual, 'gavotte' has a crude sexual meaning over and above its formal meaning as a stylistic dance. My suspicion is that lopaw may be a big fan of 'la gavotte', NOT the dance.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I know most of you hate lawyers but ....
    I will make a slight amendment to my oft voiced disgust for lawyers. I have led my life (so far) with no need for the services of a criminal lawyer so I must, in fairness, exclude criminal lawyers from all feelings that I have previously expressed about lawyers. However, I will not change a single word of anything that I have expressed about the lawyers that I have dealt with in my long business career. Taxation, contracts, wills, estates, property transactions, insurance, oil leases, employment, family matters, etc. In all instances of any civil matter where I have been involved with a lawyer I have been poorly served, leaving me dissatisfied and often aggrieved. I have said before that I am a big fan of the 'final offer' system of arbitration for settling disputes and I have used it whenever it has been available to me. I have had disputes settled by a single arbitrator and by a three-personal panel of arbitrators. Interestingly, only one of the arbitrators that I have faced has been a lawyer. The two most diligent arbitrators that I have ever faced were an interesting pair. One was an ex-shop steward from a postal workers union and the other was a retired university physics professor.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    There was a young woman from Calgary...
    Kudos to metaldude. I was in Calgary for this year's Stampede but I wasn't one of the two guys that this young lady 'rode'. If you want to know the truth stories like that are very common in Calgary during Stampede. The city has a collective ten day brain freeze and thousands of young women lose their inhibitions. Good description of the action in the Rig Pig Club in Nisku also. Nobody calls the place Peelerz. That name came from a movie that was shot in the club a few years ago. Management of the Rig Pig was happy to keep the leavings of the film crew. The movie was Fubar2, lousy movie; don't bother with it. The loonie toss isn't normally as described in the article - tossing loonies into a beer jug. The real loonie (or toonie) toss involves the coins and a dancer's gaping vajayjay. It is absolutely bizarre. You American guys should visit an Alberta club just one time so that you can say that you have seen the loonie toss. To my knowledge the loonie toss is strictly an Alberta phenomenon.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Starting a venture
    Didn't work that way with me. The only help I received from my father was his signature on a loan guarantee for a water truck when I was starting out back in 1965. Even though I paid off the loan on my own the old man got 1/3 of my company for that signature. When I sold the seismic part of my company Pop got a hefty 7-figure cheque for his 1/3 share.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Discussing politics with a stripper
    Toronto sweetie taught me all that I know about trading crude oil and nat gas contracts........taught me excellent hedging strategies as well.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Gonna be a good night
    Not me. My excitement this evening is eating raspberries just picked from the patch in my fruit orchard. Yummmmmmmm. I wish I could find the hive of honey bees that work the blossoms on my raspberry canes. I bet that raspberry honey would be especially delightful.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What is it about tits ?
    I was breast fed as a baby. That's when my fascination with titties began.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Being a Canadian means that It is exceedingly difficult, nigh on impossible, for me to own a handgun legally. I have no wish to do so either. This does not mean that I am anti-gun. I own several long guns: rifles and shotguns, all licensed. I like the advice from bubba267. For home defense go with a shotgun. You don't need marksmanship training and the shotgun is a simple device that has minimal chance of failure. My grandpa's 100 year old shotgun continues to serve me well, ridding my yard of cats, skunks, porcupines, and similar useless critters. Should the need ever arise I am comfortable that the old gun would be similarly effective against a human.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    I need to take a break
    Not a good story, SuperDude. Time for some reflection.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lawyer bashing
    Why, JohnSmith69, are you a lawyer? Do you think happy thoughts about oilmen every time you fill up your vehicle with gas? Oilmen like me also take a pile of shit.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Bouncer Bully
    Don't you have a Glock, jack?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lawyer bashing
    Road kill on the highway - skunk corpse and lawyer corpse. What is the difference between the two? Heavy skid marks on the road before the skunk corpse. ******************************************************************************************************* Lawyer, priest, doctor, & cop are swimming at the beach. All are attacked by a shark except the lawyer. As the doctor tries bravely to fight off the beast, he asks the shark why it isn't going after the lawyer. 'Professional courtesy,' replies the shark
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Did I accidentally meet a call girl?
    This past week I have been in Calgary making the rounds of the corporate parties during the Stampede. The parties are not so extravagant this year what with the price of oil being in the dumpster. At one of the parties I saw a couple of pros working the crowd in a discreet manner. This was a surprise to me; security is usually pretty tight around these shindigs.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I really don't understand this hate for all politicians. Remember always that politicians attain their positions through our votes. We can always vote them out of office. I have no great love for politicians as a class but I have met several admirable individuals who have chosen politics as an avocation. As for strippers, they lie to us; we lie to them. What's the big fucking deal? In my long business career the most contemptible liars or portrayers of partial truths that I have dealt with have been lawyers. I have nothing but contempt for that profession. One time in your life you should try to engage a lawyer to sue another lawyer who has aggrieved you. Hah! Good luck with that. The so-called professional standards of Bar Associations are nothing more than restrictive union practices of a closed-shop industry. That politicians are reviled has more to do with the fact that many lawyers are elected than with the nature of politics itself. So much of society is needlessly entwined with unnecessary laws.......wills, real estate sales, pre-nups, divorces, commerce, families, taxes, etc. Law is necessary to deal with crime, of course but so much else in society can be dealt with common sense or arbitration. For example, whenever available I have taken advantage of 'final offer' arbitration to settle a business dispute and I have never been disappointed. Shakespeare figured this all out 400+ years ago: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."