
Why is it?

layin low but staying high
Saturday, July 25, 2015 3:33 AM
Within a couple of hours of a hot sex session after she's gone I have the desperate need to jerk of. Even if I'm not high. And I'm old. older I mean. The better the sex the more I need to jerk off. After last night's great car sex, I'm whacking off a couple hours later. After every amazing DS session, if she doesn't spend the night, it's me and Rosie before bed. You'd think I'd be fulfilled but instead I gotta do it again.


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    [view link] In short, the article says "you" (as the guy) probably hold out the orgasm as long as you can, and focus on your partner, instead of focusing on yourself. Therefore, later on you want to focus on yourself for your own pleasure. I never thought of it that way, but it's actually a pretty good point and makes sense to me.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Don't worry. It goes away with time. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I thought I was the only one. :) Next morning at the *latest*.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Through my 40s and much of my 50s, I would often bust a nut at the club and then jerk off when I got home, or, as gmd says, "next morning at the *latest*". Now that I'm past 60, orgasms are a more precious commodity that I seldom waste on mere masturbation. Sometimes I even used to whack off the day *before* a strip club visit so that I wouldn't cum too soon at the club. Does anyone else do that?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69, that certainly is nothing to complain about. I think you posted it because you are bragging. But it sounds like you need to be spending more time with some of your girls, and doing toda la noche's with them. My experience is that if you can learn to enter a girl without waking her, and probably then just holding on to her wrists to be ready for when she awakens startled, she will just love it. How it has effected her will be obvious the next morning. Now of course I don't talk about this with them when I am going to do it. I talk about it with them other places, like in Sunnyvale's strip clubs, where you can't do anything more than talk. About MSOG and 2x and Redbook AAMPs, I used to say that the issue is not really quantity, it is a qualitative difference. The first time the guy can just make it happen by his own aggression. But for the second time the girl has to play a bigger role. It has to be more GFE. So people really grow closer with that in-between time and with making it happen for the additional pops. SJG [view link] Montrose [view link]
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG, the DS is too tight to enter without waking her. I've gotta get her wet first. Nice thought though. I do prefer spending the night but only with the DS. I'm done with the others after I fuck them. This is the first post in a while that has made me feel young. I guess I'll know that I'm old when I have to "save" my orgasms for a big occasion.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, I agree. Remember, I've posted the view that declining of capabilities is mostly psychological in nature. To enter one of them without waking them, you just have to do it gently and without other unnecessary motions. And be sure to hold onto her wrists. SJG
  • ime
    9 years ago
    SJG so you don't talk to them next morning after you rape them?
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    John, first you get to live the dream, then after they leave, you get to re-live it in all its glory (at least as best as your memory serves).
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    Cut back on the Vitamin V dosage.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    SJG: *Of course* the causes of declining male potency are primarily physiological and not psychological in nature! As they age, men have increased difficulty attaining and maintaining an erection for reasons of reduced testosterone, obesity, circulatory problems, and other issues. I can *think* I'm a 20-year-old stud with a perma-boner, but my body knows otherwise. The situation is far from hopeless -- good diet, exercise, Viagra, and blowjobs can all work wonders for the wilting willy -- but the physical component is huge (so to speak)! At 20 I could easily cum several times in a day. At 40 I sometimes nutted twice in a few hours at the same club -- from lap dances! At 60 I still get off almost every time I'm at a strip club, but two pops in a day had better be several hours apart, and it helps if the second one is orally induced.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    It seems to me that these declines, though perfectly predictable and "normal", are still psychological in nature. Most of us are not obese and do not have circulatory problems. So if there are other physiological issues in play, how than can Viagra make any change? And then some of these guys insist that marijuana gives them a "boner you can hang two wet towels on." If this is true, then it must be primarily psychological. Also, most guys wake up in the morning with Mr. Stiffy. Well the mornings are when your thoughts are the clearest and when you haven't yet booted up your on going cares and concerns. If you have specific information to support the idea that it actually is physiological, I would like to see it. I'm not saying that the decline is not normal or that it can be easily reversed. But I do think reversal is possible. It would have to be done with something like Eastern Mindfulness Meditation, something like yoga, tantric yoga, sexual yoga. Capability Declines With Age? [view link] SJG [view link] New Adelitas Front Page Picture [view link] Robin Trower live [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Just so no one gets any strange ideas, by talking about entering the girl while she is asleep and holding on to her wrists, I'm talking about a girl who has already consented to sex before and is asleep spooning with me. The real issue is learning how to do it without first waking her. Holding on to her wrists is not a way of forcing her, it is just a way of steading her because she will awaken startled. She is not seriously restrained. Holding her wrists and speaking in soothing tones do wonders. I have found that girls love this. Sometimes though they will say, "Let me go to the bathroom first." In situations which are not overnighters, like AMP sessions or just talking in the Sunnyvale strip clubs, girls love to talk about such things too. SJG [view link] Alvin Lee, 10 Years After [view link]
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    san_jose_guy, It's a little odd but as long as you're talking about a woman that has consented I suppose it is OK! I'm not going to call it "brilliant!" because it seems like a dangerous game! If there was any misunderstanding and the woman didn't understand exactly what she was consenting to I could see the "enter her while she's sleeping" game go south really fast! That would be non-brilliant! :(
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    People do it all the time. Yes, judgment needs to be used, of course. SJG [view link]
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Backpeddling now SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Not really, I just see that some screwy people are reading this and so I wouldn't want any problems to ensue. SJG
  • ime
    9 years ago
    You realize no one is going to believe that right.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    What am I the only one who has ever entered a girl while she was asleep, I mean after we had already done it once? Hardly. The real issue is learning how to get in without waking her, and then being ready to sooth her, as she will awaken startled. SJG
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I might try it in the morning. Not the holding her hands down crap but penetrating her while she wakes up. She has never refused me anything yet. But I'm very high right now so I can't be sure if this is a good idea or not. Taking sex advice from SJG does seem high risk. But on the other hand, I inadvertently followed SJG's romancing a dancer system to get the DS. It's hard to make decisions high.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    SJG, admit it -- there are some screwy people posting here, too ; ) But, honestly, until I recently saw what you're describing on some internet porn, I have never thought about, let alone considered entering a woman while she's asleep. I really prefer my partners to be active and aware and participating, not as unaware and submissive as something like that seems.
  • IronFox22
    9 years ago
    As a side note: For me, if I have two orgasms kinda close together (within 1 to 2 hours), the second one always feels more powerful. Not sure why that is.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Wow SJG, kinda sounds like rape to me. If you have to grab their wrists and talk to them in soothing tones then there is something wrong. I might try the whole surprise sex thing with my wife or a live-in GF, but not some new chick just because she consented once. And never would I restrain them to "hold them steady" - lol. I suppose it's a lucky thing that few girls are at risk of sleeping with you in the first place. You're a little of center.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    " I might try the whole surprise sex thing with my wife or a live-in GF" Yes, those are the situations in which I've taken this surprise approach. And holding them steady when they will awaken startled is just steading them, it is not real restraint. We would have a fallen asleep spooning, and usually she would have indicated that she wanted more. I have also found that talking about this with women, goes over extremely well. They really like the idea of being entered without first being wakened. Smiling up real close to my face and giggling, "You like it that way." Where I first learned of this was in the novel "Cat's Eye", by Margaret Attwood. There a 50yo professor has started an affair with his 20yo student. He tells her not to wear anything when they go to sleep because, "Sometimes I might enter you without first waking you." In this largely autobiographical novel the protagonist goes for that. In mentioning it here I was responding to JS69 and his post sex hard ons, and him saying he regularly does over nighters with his 19yo Dream Stripper. I have also been with a short term girl friend who always wanted more, and said, "How long until you can do it again?" as we were going to sleep. Then when I did wake her and proceed again, afterwards she said really sweetly, "You woke me up." Then there was the one who brought me a box of ginseng tea packages, "So you can go more times." I was very young then and didn't need any chemical enhancement, but she was just giving me the message that I could be a little bit more assertive and drive her harder on our nights together, getting more rounds. This one was really something else. Loved makeup, high heels, stockings and garter belts. Loved just having long nights with as much sex as possible. Vietnamese and possibly 1/2 Afro American. Worked in the Calif State building in San Jose, but also moonlighted as a cocktail waitress in a Japanese bar. SJG [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Above girl would also come over bringing with her Cool Whip and strawberries. She wanted to create as much sexual intensity as possible. At that time I had another in play and I regret that I did not sufficiently appreciate this extreme girl. SJG Robin Trower [view link]
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Idk dude. I can't read that whole post, but it looks like you are tapdancing now. And one person's "steadying" is another person's restraint. Not that I actually believe that you ever had the balls to try this, but if you did you might find restraining them by the wrists to be difficult in the spoon position. I have done the whole surprise thing with close SOs, but I never had to hold them in place or sooth them, lmao. This whole thing just sounds fucking creepy tbh
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Your missing the whole point of it. One sets it up as best as possible before the girl falls asleep, because the game is to be able to get into her without waking her up, because that really surprises her and has a profound emotional effect upon her. If you can say something at some point to tip her off, to a point, or if she says something like, "I want more", then the stage is set. Then you get into her with a minimum of unnecessary bed bouncing. Try to have your down side hand under her waste before starting, and then use both hands to hold her wrists in front of her tummy. The initial positioning makes a big difference. Yes, there is an element of S and M play to this, but again it is just play. If you can do it without waking her, she will be startled and spooked a bit. So this is why holding on to her wrists is important. But you don't have to hold on very hard, as you will use your voice to sooth and calm her. Whether she gets woken up before or after penetration, the results have always been outstanding. If she wakes up with my cock in her, very soon she is helping to grind. Sometimes if she is positioned differently the surprise way won't work. So just by positioning her arms a bit for safety and taking hold of her knees I've rolled her own to her back and then climbed on to her. She will wake up before penetration and be just a bit startled by what she discerns to be ensuing. But always the results have been good. The most that has ever disrupted this is she will say, "Wait, wait, wait" as she needs to use the bathroom, or "Let me go to the bathroom first." But then after she is done she gives it up 100%. I would never consider such a thing if she were known to be angry at me, if there were obvious relationship tensions, or if she did not fully consent to sex just before we had fallen asleep together. The one who gave me the ginseng tea was telling me that I don't need to be such a gentleman with her when we are in bed together. The one who said she wants more was asking how soon I can go again and I told her she'd have to wait. In one case it was an AAMP girl from Singapore and I was Friend of the House. The girl and I had had a brief relationship, but then she had left and then come back, but she still wanted me to sleep with her. So I did. I did not do anything with her though. In the morning she said, "You are really a gentleman not trying to take me when I slept." Another relationship with a Chinese AAMP girl, asleep after our first round, I did gently start rolling her on to her back and she woke up and saw what was happening and she did want to use the bathroom first. But after that it was great. Always with these middle of the night rounds of sex, without asking first, whether the girl wakes up before the initial penetration or not, it is obvious that she is profoundly moved by the experience and this show immediately after and the next morning. What else can I say, they would never want to be forced against their will, and I would never ever even attempt such a thing. But on the other hand, often they really like it if they don't have to do anything to give explicit before hand consent. They want the guy to do it, as then he is the more responsible party and the more emotionally bound to her. In the film adaptation of Gone With The Wind there is what some call the Husbandly Rape Scene, where Rhete carries Scarlett up the grand stair case, over some objections from her. Thing is though, it is a long way up to the top of the stairs and into the bedroom. I'm sure she didn't continue to protest. This was a scene the Hayes Office was particularly concerned about. They insisted that Scarlett could not be shown as having enjoyed it too much, or too little. I feel that the way it is depicted is consistent with the original novel, and it is important for the continued development of the story. In my view, what he did was done too late for it too have mattered. He was consistently not aggressive enough with her, during the entire period of their knowing each other. I am certain that conveying this was the author's intent. Not everything about sex is always going to be hearts and flowers. Going back to my first TUSCL thread, in the books of Robin Baker, Sperm Wars and Baby Wars, he deals in great detail with some borderline rape scenarios. I'm not going to try and summarize his books here, but I do recommend them. I'll just say this one thing, about the only thing which angers women more than rape is the attempt of rape by someone too inept to complete it.. Baker describes one scene where a girl is scratching and biting, but at the same time she is moving her snatch to help her inexperienced partner achieve penetration. [view link] Remember too that I introduced this kind of a surprise sex while in bed in response to JS69's saying he always needs to jack off a few hours after sex, and that he does over nighters with his 19yo sugar baby. SJG [view link] Lady Love [view link]
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I learned a couple thing about some people here. Interesting.
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