OTC: McDonalds Delivers Self-Serving Kiosks
I hear talk that due to the rising market of $15/hr minimum for employees, that Kiosks are heavily on the move. Here's an article that shows exactly that and the memes are HILARIOUS
Article: http://www.inquisitr.com/2135669/mcdonal…
Meme: http://weknowmemes.com/2013/12/15-an-hou…
What say you late night club pursuers. Think this is a good shift on many fronts or just a cheap way to say fuck the government and their minimum raises.
Article: http://www.inquisitr.com/2135669/mcdonal…
Meme: http://weknowmemes.com/2013/12/15-an-hou…
What say you late night club pursuers. Think this is a good shift on many fronts or just a cheap way to say fuck the government and their minimum raises.
Anything that *can* be automated, *will* be automated, the moment, or soon thereafter, it becomes economically feasible.
And another thing; why do lowes and home depot have 10 checkout lanes but they never have more than 1 or 2 open? I have NEVER seen either of them use more than 2 or 3 lines at any time.
English Major: You want fried with that?
Me: yes
EM: what size drink?
Me: small
EM: Is that for here or to go?
Me: here
Somehow I like the change. Fast food is competitive. Fast food will be faster, prices will go down, people will eat it more often. Register monkeys will become burger flippers, who now don't need my taxes to pay for their food stamps. My ass will get even bigger.